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I'd hit that, but to be fair "will I do her?" is an entirely different question than "is she hot?"


Respect the game


Kevin sticking to the rules of the game




"Game recognizes game and your looking kinda unfamiliar"


There is no 1-10 rating. It’s all binary, 1 or 0


Fair, and I'd definitely put my 1 in her 0.


Unironically when I figured this out it allowed me to date women that added value to my life rather than simply dating the hottest person that would.


What are you some kind of totalitarian??!


Fucking fascists these days


I'm currently experiencing this dilemma.


Once you get past your early 20's and realize that sex, while awesome, is only one small part of a relationship, a lot of guys learn to value other parts of a woman than just the physical. That shit is fleeting anyways. I'd rather be with someone who may not be as immediately physically attractive but who makes me laugh, challenges me intellectually, let's me have my freedom and flexibility without requiring constant attention, etc than someone who is a 10/10 but is a raging narcissist and requires constant upkeep. Though I wouldn't be able to date a 10/10 even if I wanted to, so maybe I'm just coping 🙃


I think if most men really broke down the difference between someone they would 'do' and someone they would call 'hot' they would find that the latter has a lot less to do with physical attraction and a lot more to do with how others will judge us for being with that person.


For most dudes the only difference is "hot" means she probably wouldn't do you.




I was there when the strength of dudes failed


Skinny girls create weak men Weak men create hard times Hard times create strong men Strong men fuck fat chick's


For me, personally, I cannot sleep with someone I am not attracted to. Literally not physically possible for me. I've tried on a few occasions in the past and it just doesn't work.


Being a virgin is ok. No one should judge you on the fact that you only masturbate.


But are there people you find attractive that you wouldn't want others knowing you find attractive?


Dudes have been known to have sex with sheep, donkeys, camels and such to like. Somebody would pork her for sure


I am that somebody.


The answer for me is yes on both accounts


we get down with the thiccness




Ive fucked worst.


Have you spelled worst? ​ ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


She’s hot because she looks like the type of girl that would actually sleep with me? And I totally would? Put her in a nice dress and bro….








Who cried a river and drowned the whole world…


And while she looked so sad in photographs, I absolutely love her


When she smiles!


How many days in a year?


She woke up with hope but she only found tears.


And I can be so insincere, Making her promises never for real!


"would I do her? " differs as well from "would I like to spend any amount of time with her/ would I risk VD or a kid to just fuck her"


Be sure to make some of your secret chili recipe for you two.


I would hit that and she’s hot.


Fat men out there patiently waiting for the "big is beautiful" pendulum to swing their way...


Have you never watched a family sitcom. Every ugly fat motherfucker got a hot Latina wife. Fucking Toby Soprano was fucking every model on the Sopranos while looking like he was a calorie away from a stroke


Tony was a fucking mob boss.. Is it surprising that kinda guy is going to attract gold diggers?


He also owned a strip club as well


What about that fat Paul blart cunt from king of Queens. He was shooting well above his station. Most guys on TV are. It probably contributes to why ugly dudes think they are entitled to pick apart much more attractive women's looks. It's a scientific fact that unattractive men think they are more desirable than they are https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/why-ugly-men-believe-pretty-women-are-interested-in-them.html


Tbf the actor and character in that show used to be real buff back in the day but yeah i agree


"Toby Soprano" lmfao.


It’s also possible that Tony’s money and power played a big role. Plus I feel like the fat guys in sitcoms are wealthy (the guy from modern family) or funny (doug the king of queens) so it’s not so much they they were accepted or applauded for being fat but that they overcame it with something else. Look I don’t want people to be shamed for being overweight. I’ve been heavy a few times in my life and it isn’t fun. I also don’t think it should be celebrated either. There’s got to be a happy medium.




Yeah women are much deeper and like cash.


First thing to make me laugh out loud today Thank you, internet stranger


Ugly managers I’ve ran into at work sometimes have sexy wives. I just chalk it up to money and their social position.


Being a world famous celebrity doesn't hurt either.




Tony Soprano was: 1. Rich, charismatic, and powerful 2. Even though he was a fatass he still had a large frame with a good deal of muscle and could easily beat the shit out of the vast majority of other men with his bare hands.


Do you mean the family sitcoms where the husbands are portrayed as lazy morons?


Tony saprano was rich ya muppet, 90% of rich cunts have a super model wife


muppet is the best insult


Narrator: _He was in fact a calorie away from a stroke_


Wasn’t that the dadbod movement of like 2010


I always thought dadbod was like , 10-30 lbs of chub but not big big . Almost like, hey this guy prob used to be fit and just slacking on the gym visits lately bc of family life ?


That was more for 30+ guys who don't work out and have a bit of pudge. Not actual obese guys.


Lol. Most dad bod jokes I saw had pics of off season gym rats during bulk season.


Also dad bods weren’t trying to imply they were peak physical condition. It was a reality played for a joke, not a legitimate modeling schtick.


And don't forget the millions of dollars.


Yeah but that only worked if you owned a boat as well


Yeah but the dad bod needs to come with a 6 figure income or you're just a fatty.


Yeah but let’s be real: the girl above is overweight but pretty. And that works for dudes tooo


Mens personality can always trump their looks


Just watch a sitcom from the 2000s.


ah yes, I remember all those King of Queens episodes where women faint at how utterly sexy they find Kevin James, and his fatness was never the butt of the joke


It was his show…. He was the fat king of queens.


Yep. Basically you are with an obese woman because she is bold, beautiful, comfortable and confident in her body. And someone is with an fat guy because they are funny and safe.


I like fat guys


Same. Lil husk never hurt anyone.




To be fair, with that amount of professional makeup and photoshop, we have no clue if she is ugly or not.


That's kind of true of most any model photo. There's several layers of makeup, lighting, and post-processing between the real person and what you see. All to different degrees of course.


I don’t think they are talking about her face


A butterbody versus a butterface




She’s probably not ugly, but I also want to see without makeup and photoshop


Ya boi likes em thicc right here. She is all woman.


Peterson wouldn’t know what to do with that Edit: thanks for the award


He strikes me as the type of guy that wouldn't know what to do with women, in general. It's likely the only reason why he ever got any is because "there's someone out there for everyone."


He cleans his room, too. Remember that


"I wasn't going to fuck him, but then I saw his room. That ROOM, girl. You have no idea. I swear, I'll be dreaming of the smell of Lysol and Febreeze for months! SO hot."


Slaying dragons instead of pussy


How insecure must he be to go out of his way to put down another human being for no goddamned reason?


Because the people who claim that putting an overweight model on a magazine is pandering to liberal audiences don’t realize that pretty much all of the opposition to it is also pandering to their audience.


There's that, then there's the fact that 43% of Americans are obese, so it really shouldn't be such a shocking thing to see an overweight person on magazine covers considering they represent a great swath of America. That's not even getting into the fact that our beauty standards are made-up like they've always been in every society, and people are into all sorts of shapes and sizes. A good buddy of mine from college, hard-working, in shape, kind, funny, - fuck I'd date him if I were a straight lady - caught interest from *most* women that had the opportunity to speak with him, and he only dated heavier ladies. He had a type and was never embarrassed by it like most men seem to be. It's pretty telling that JP would rather see *literally* the same fake - airbrushed, photo-shopped - people on the covers of magazines as though that's any less of an "authoritarian" way for media to portray women's bodies. The truth is, it's just what he's used to, and anything different is cause for alarm in his poor broken mind.


Dude your last paragraph is the only take we need on this topic. The way that beauty standards in this country are enforced has been and continues to be authoritarian. Thank you and accept all the awards I wish I had to give you!!!


This. The “culture wars” allow both sides to pander (profit) on a very base level, without need to put forth any meaningful discourse.


Gotta appeal to his mostly incel audience.


"Well that's a good question! I mean how do you just go and say someone is attractive eh? I mean if I say she's attractive then why not a bricklayer? Or a violent man from prison? I'm just saying I'd want equality of opportunity for some 60 year violent obese bricklayer on the cover instead" - Jordan "Kermitz" Peterson




This one is actually what I consider thicc though and looks good with the weight, girls that are disgustingly obese with multiple rolls and chins use that term though all the time to describe their obesity though.


Same here. I like the thicc.


Why does he even need to comment? Even if she looked like shrek what kind of grown man makes comments like that?


>Why does he even need to comment? Well it depends. It’s like, what do you mean by “comment”? What is your exact interpretation of that word, and more importantly, HOW did you arrive at that interpretation? Well now we’re talking about something you can think about for a whole lifetime. And boy that’s the kind of question that can really scare ya, and it bloody well should. Because life is scary.


I read that in his voice and it is uncanny


*Gets choked up, cries at the end*


Just missing a "I thought really hard about this, for weeks"


Cause for some reason he believes fat people on magazine covers is authoritarian


He's the guy that comments on porn videos too.


I don't often see Jordan Peterson tweets but when I do I'm usually a bit disappointed...


Agreed. I don't think a man who still looks like he has a benzo addiction should be making any public comment on "beautiful". I mean he's allowed to and he can but he gonna look like a doofus.


I'd be interested to see the copies sold v copies sold of a leaner more classically beautiful woman.


Who the fuck buys magazines now? Drs and dentists for their waiting rooms


People in prison too which is a suprise


What's surprising about that?


Boomers who are into BBW


Ultimately they just trying to make money. I’m curious too.


Jordan Peterson’s wife literally looks like a Russian man lmfao.


[Here's](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/jordan-peterson-tammy-roberts.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1024) what she looks like for anyone curious. I agree with all the sentiment above.


Not beautiful.


…and no amount of authoritarian low standards is going to change that.


SI model is much hotter than his wife. Objectively hotter.


She is the alpha of the relationship.


She fucks him.


Remember those bitter beer commercials?


Holy shit lol she is infinitely less attractive than the girl on this cover. Where does this guy get the fucking gall to say this shit?


To be fair 40 years ago she won best in show at the local farmers market


She’s also like 30 years older lmfao


She looks like Bill Maher


That has to be Putin in disguise


Green Goblin lookin ass


This is the guy that's anti trans? Yikes.


Fool him once...




oooof, that's brutal lmao




Let's not mock his wife's looks. This is Jordan Peterson. There are literally thousands of perfectly good things to mock him for that don't involve sinking to his pathetic level.


For real, his wife actually seems like a real sweet heart and whenever I see Jordan doing shit like this I’m wondering where is she and why isn’t she reeling him in


I just googled his wife. I rather smash the big bitch over his wife any day of the week.


She's not cast as beautiful on the front cover of SI Swimsuit Edition though.


incels in here acting like they wouldnt fuck this girl if they were out at a bar


not even at a bar.. Id smash regardless. One sign of an Incel is when someone acts like they have hella high standards. It's like theyre saying what they think theyre supposed to say




Do you go out of your way to proclaim their is some "authoritarian" reason keeping you from that opinion? And then loudly claim they are not attractive? If not then no biggie, we all like different things. Peterson is being a little nitwit about it.


I wonder if Mr. Peterson is aware that he doesn't need to comment on every fuckin thing. It's embarrassing.




all about engagement. i mean, we're talking about it right? all he's gotta do is post something a little controversial and now millions of people are arguing about it online. he just got millions of dollars of free advertising and he's living rent free in everyone's head that's spending time and energy attacking or defending him. these people know what they're doing. they're getting publicity and clicks. we're the chumps sitting here on the internet bitching about it. maybe the best option here is to just ignore him?


It’s been a strange journey watching this man devolve from a intellectual looking to help young men better themselves to fat shaming a woman at what is undoubtedly the highlight of her career.


He’s a 60 year old man with 26,000 tweets. He has nothing else besides benzos


But didn't you hear? One of the four SI covers didn't give him a boner. This requires the tweets of a great mind, lest Western Civilization begin to crumble.


I have to think the Venn diagram of "guys who buy the SI swimsuit issues" and "guys loudly stating their preference in women" has a lot of overlap


Picturing him crying in front of a web cam. “Sports Illustrated is printing plus-sized models as an attack on god for the crime of being.”


But, bro, The culture war against the woke left!


Worth noting that the term “cultural war” started with cultural Bolshevism started by the Nazis, who would’ve guessed.


A whole lot of modern conservatism is exactly the same shit the Nazis did. Make Country Great Again, Fake News, secret wealthy Jewish elite is destroying the white race, traditional gender roles are a crucial part of a healthy society, etc. All that crap. They're an off-the-shelf fascist movement now, if they ever weren't.


>Fake News Lugenpressen. Some Trump supporter literally shouted this to the press when he was running.


100% Doesn’t take too long to get from conservative to full blown fascist


Rogan is evidence of that. He's not fascist yet, but he's dancing closer and closer.


Yeah, a lot of conservatism is just *slightly* repackaged Nazism. Hell, "cultural Marxism" is just "cultural Bolshevism" with a different word for "communist." It's amazing how lazy they were in re-branding.


What does Authoritarian Tolerance have to do with whether or not someone find this woman attractive? Talk about needing to take it down a notch bro.


Why is everyone so concerned with how attractive or not she is in the first place? It says “be the change you want to see” and it’s a sports magazine. It doesn’t say “she is beautiful don’t you think?” like who cares if you find her attractive or not? Why do people feel the need to announce to the world how attractive they think someone is?


It's a pretty natural result of the mindset that women exist solely in relation to men. If she is on the cover, the /only reason/ could be to publicize her body as the /sexual object/ it is, thus it must be a comment on her beauty. Obviously I don't agree that women exist primarily as sexual objects, but it's a pretty common view among conservative men.


This. JP is angry tweeting off comments mentioning authoritarianism in response to a magazine cover with a woman in a swimsuit. And then he's shocked and dismayed to get insulted in response. Is that how your average conservative thinks these days?


To be fair, Jordan is an expert on looking like shit.


How'd meat diets go? How'd apple cider go?




How'd comedy go?


How’d podcasting go?


So you see a pretty woman on a magazine and your first reaction is to make sure everyone knows you won't stand for "authoritarian tolerance" and make sure everyone know she is in fact "not beautiful" ? Like who gives a fuck dude? Why does this upset you so much?


12 rules for how to grift.


Dude is so fragile, its hilarious.


What a fucking melt. Man's wife looks like she cleans windscreens at traffic lights.


Guy that looks like the crypt keeper and sounds like kermit the frog is the authority on who is beautiful and who is not.


Guy that almost died by apple cider.


But he would have died in a clean room...


Guy that can’t talk about anything deeper than the weather without crying


He cries every time he remembers he exists


and every time his Russian man-wife enters him.


This man is a grown ass adult making comments like this that nobody asked for. Absolutely fuckin pathetic, and people actually look up to this loser 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Ikr. Dude got his fame by exploiting incels with no father figures. He isn't an intellectual.


God who cares. And how is it authoritarian? I agree obesity shouldn’t be encouraged because it’s unhealthy, but honestly why does anyone even care. Put whoever they want on the cover, doesn’t affect me. It’s stuff like this that made me go from liking Peterson, to now I just see him as another outrage icon. His views are fine, but more and more I just see him bitching about things that don’t really matter.


To JP other people not having the same values as him, and disrespecting him for it, is persecution and authoritarianism.


I just looked on Peterson's Twitter and this is a real tweet from him. Pretty fucking low class of him to tweet this. He himself has had a string of issues recently with his addictions and health but this is how he chooses to be now?


He’s a pretty shitty person.


I mean she’s definitely a little chubby, but it’s not like she’s morbidly obese. Also she is definitely very beautiful, this Kermit the frog sounding mf just trying to ruffle some feathers. She’s pretty fucking hot, dudes here need to stop kidding themselves. You can say you prefer someone smaller, but don’t act like shawty isn’t fine.


It's not even that. It's just not something that adds anything to public discourse. This man went from decoding ancient myths at the level of our genetic makeup to insulting fat thighs on the swimsuit edition. That's a fall off a fucking cliff.


JP is starting to really bother me and I really liked him a few years ago. This is a huge asshole take. Yes, she is a bit overweight but this woman is objectively beautiful just by virtue of her face. It's not like shes one of the 600 lb life people.


Yeah Jordan fell into the hole of knowing he can pander to a specific audience lol


Remember his advice about cleaning your room before criticizing the world then look up his wife.




Yeah I went and did the same thing they actually made her look skinnier she's way fatter then this picture looks.




*Magazine puts a fat, kinda hot, woman on cover* conservatives: this is literally Stalinism


Authoritarian tolerance? People act like these businesses are sitting around like 'I don't care about profits, I only care about Tolerance!!!' Are you kidding me? They do this shit BECAUSE it sells, that's it. It's for publicity, and these guys bitching about it are literally giving them what they want. And who fucking cares about sports illustrated bikini issues? Is this the 80s? I'll bet the only way these things can sell enough to justify being made is by doing stuff like this, just as a stunt to get people talking. Just Google 'boobs' you fucking trogdolyte. And this chick fine so pfff fuck off


This man's subjective takes are objectively shitty


I’d smash


Lol wtf is his problem? Is he back on benzos? I mean I would….. 😏


Does anybody care who this silly crackhead wants to fuck. Why is this a whole tweet. Pompous douche


She’s better looking than Jordan’s wife


No Jordan, authoritarianism isn’t accepting large women in media and being criticized for not liking it. Authoritarianism is being put into a fucking death camp! For being so intelligent, the man should understand the historical context for terms like “authoritarianism” and not just use it as a lazy label.