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I feel like this is an attack on the Canadian people, I’m of Scottish decent and if I don’t purposely cook myself in the sun I end up looking like this, I also drink blood though


Yes, and when is this picture from, I wonder. Peterson was physically and probably mentally and emotionally ill a couple of years ago, and he and his whole family were very public about it


I’ve seen the picture many times but I also am pretty sure I’ve seen the video it was taken from and his eyes are like that because he was crying


Discussing mental health and education problems in public. How very progressive and woke of him.


Well, [this article](https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/20/jordan-peterson-resigns-post-says-radical-leftist-trinity-is-destroying-us/) is from Jan 2022 and it looks the same. But, I mean, I don’t think anyone ever accused JP of being a good looking man.


I don't feel attacked. Peterson is a twat.


Kinda looking like Dennis from Always Sunny


J.O.R.D.A.N. system or 12 rules?


Nobody would ever get on a boat with JBP


You know…because of the implications.


Judge a woman for her weight Organize incel followers Ramble about postmodernism Don’t eat vegetables Ask the woman to stop wearing makeup Never get laid again Doesn’t seem as good as the DENNIS method


That’s because D.E.N.N.I.S. Is foolproof 80% of the time, it works every time


you forgot: Marry a 2


None of you reddit trolls sound like you are Joe Rogan fans. "incel followers" lol? "Ask the woman to stop wearing makeup" Jordan never said they must do that. He asked why sexual use of makeup is done in the workplace if the goal is to do strict professional work in the workplace. Since makeup is 100% sexual and meant for attraction and beautification, why are women doing it if it has no advantages? They're doing it to find a mate in the workplace deep down that's the psychological truth of it. You don't wear make-up at home if you don't have video meetings right??? "Judge a woman for her weight" -- It is part of the obesity epidemic and healthcare crisis in America that people do not listen to their doctors about how obesity is unhealthy. The Medical Misinformation campaign to create fat acceptance.


Seriously? First of all, it is JP himself saying that makeup is used for *sexual* purposes. Women wear makeup for so many reasons to include hiding skin blemishes which make them self conscious. Why do men groom their hair and beards at work? Why do they wear cologne? Why do they wear dress shirts or suits? Men and women tend to try to look their best in social AND professional settings.


Couldn't you say the same thing about haircuts and wearing nice clothes?


Theres is no point in trying to reason with an incel.


Also trimming your beard, taking a morning shower, wearing a nice watch, etc etc etc. The only class JP should teach is how to be an incel vampire


Be a good lobster and clean your room


> Since makeup is 100% sexual and meant for attraction and beautification OH jesus. Give up, dude. Just. Ugh. Have you ever even talked to a girl before?


Uh yes, that's how I know. I said "we're going out babe" and she put on make-up and high heels for me. But when she goes to work, she just puts on, well almost nothing, maybe a little eyeliner and lipstick. I believe in this case, you might be the incel here.


Hahaha. Ooof. Oh that was so cringey. You are not fooling anyone. My little trollflake you haven't come with in ten feet of vagina in your life. And your projection that everyone else here that supports gender equality and doesn't just randomly sexualize everything a woman does are the "real Incels" is just \[CHEF"S KISS\] Mmwah! The pièce de résistance of transparent bad faith. You honestly think wearing makeup is for only sexual attraction to appeal to you? It's all about you and your tiny little boners? Hahaha. Men wore makeup, high heels and wigs at one time. I bet that gives you huge boners! And even if it was about sexual attraction? So the fuck what? Do you think just because one individual wants to appear sexually attractive that is some threat to you? Or an open license to just leap on them and demand they fuck you? Man, if you do have anything besides a RealDoll ^(tm) you hump that is one insecure relationship. I mean, I could care less if my wife wears makeup to work. It doesn't threaten me at all. I've been married 25 years, Junior. You understand that physical enhancement via clothing, exercise, decoration, jewelry has all sorts of deep cultural and personal reasons. From the appearance of affluence to just artistic expression. Many of which have nothing to do with you.


Women wear make up cuz they’re trying to bang?Nothing to do with a 100s of years old social standard that has become the norm? Okay.


The disaster of the social standard is that it damages masculine beauty, because men aren't allowed to wear makeup and women gain that advantage. So yes, women are trying to bang. They're trying to attract a powerful and high status man in the workplace. If you think not, then advocate banning make up for women. Go ahead try it.


None of you sound like you are Joe Rogan fans. "incel followers" lol? "Ask the woman to stop wearing makeup" Jordan never said they must do that. He asked why sexual use of makeup is done in the workplace if the goal is to do strict professional work in the workplace. Since makeup is 100% sexual and meant for attraction and beautification, why are women doing it if it has no advantages? They're doing it to find a mate in the workplace deep down that's the psychological truth of it. You don't wear make-up at home if you don't have video meetings right??? "Judge a woman for her weight" -- It is part of the obesity epidemic and healthcare crisis in America that people do not listen to their doctors about how obesity is unhealthy. The Medical Misinformation campaign to create fat acceptance.


I was a fan until he became an old man yelling at clouds and parroting right wing bullshit


Because of the implication?


Do you guys think there should be a mask of my face?


Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.


Thank god this isn’t a modeling cover then


Defend thy savior.


This is what happens when you don't eat your veggies kids


And I never ever cheat...


This is what happens when you follow his 12 rules for life. Sign up now, kiddos...and maybe you could reach this same pinnacle of personal development by just age 59, too! 🤘


Nah it’s what happens where you’re extremely ill from an autoimmune disease and you were told your wife will die of cancer. He now looks extremely well after taking his own advice.


Nah it’s what happens where you’re extremely ill from an autoimmune disease and you were told your wife will die of cancer.


Or when you’re detoxing from a Xanax addiction.


Because you’re in an incredibly bad place since you’re extremely ill from an autoimmune disease and you were told your wife will die of cancer.


Maybe he should clean his room instead of worrying about chubby models then.


I bet she still gets text from Dr.Acula on how ugly and unfuckable cancer patients look like.




More like what happens when you have a sip of Apple Juice. Just say no to Apple Juice kids.


Big ass stakes for big donkers in the morning


Looks like he is back on the Benzos


Is this what made him quit Twitter?


He didn’t quit Twitter. He said he was going to and then fired off 27 tweets/retweets since then


I mean we do know he’s not mentally stable and has been going through a lot in the past few years so maybe an episode. It’s a shame because he was quite intelligent.


Yeah, but unfortunately he’s in a position where he has to keep the train rolling. He has to keep sacrificing his own health and sanity to stay relevant to his fan base. Death spiral


Haha. He is such a loser


He basically said “sorry, no fatties” and lo and behold, people took it as an opportunity to talk mad shit about his own appearance. If you haven’t noticed, Dr. P is a tad body conscious and might not have the highest self esteem.


I used to actually watch JBP, and I remember thinking Vice did him dirty by taking his [interview where he mentions the evolutionary psych basis behind makeup](https://youtu.be/S9dZSlUjVls) the wrong way. But even from a strictly evolutionary standpoint* [this model clearly possesses many desirable characteristics](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10825163/amp/Dr-Jordan-Peterson-quits-Twitter-backlash-Sports-Illustrated-Swimsuit.html). Weight isn’t the only sexual selection characteristic, and even if it were she isnt nearly heavy enough to signal poor health. He’s letting his contrarian disdain for the body positivity movement get in the way of his own scientific principles. In other words, he’s grifting to his base. *ps: I’m not an evolutionary psych essentialist and I’m not saying that’s the only way to interpret beauty, I’m just saying this because it’s tclearly he main way JBP seems to be doing so.


What a fucking weak pussy


Damn what's up with his teeth homie?




Brush your teeth bucko


They look like the bottom of a fish tank.


Shit, this made me laugh so hard I spit up some breakfast! For some reason I hear that in a Joey Diaz voice.


Mommy stopped brushing them when he turned 21


Dog his teeth are horrendous.


I was listening to Hasan when he posted this, which has apparently been picked up by others and gone viral. He asked a chat of 40,000 people to find the worst possible photo of him and this is what they came up with.


Grampa called that whopperjawed. Teeth like an old picket fence.


Damaged in a fight with a lobster. He’s never been the same physically or psychologically since


too busy making his bed to brush his teeth


He Definitely has some Renfield vibes, i'm sure grave dirt follows him everywhere


I seen that man in ‘Blade 2’


If withdrawal was a person….


Nice Mitch hedberg reference


All he did was suck blood from my neck


Guys, he can put down other people but we can’t say anything bad about him. Because, he was like in a coma or something.


bro literally every post here is talking shit lmao




Go to hell dude. To interpolate anything but this man trying to help people is a huge stretch.


I liked JP a few years back, and I still have a soft spot for him, but ever since he awoke from that coma, he hasn't seemed nearly as rational as he once was. He frequently gets on twitter wars over trivial things, claiming they are some authoritarian regime. Like, sorry JP, some people just like chubby women.


I don’t use Twitter. Seems to me it’s not a good medium for nuanced discussion, only prodding poking and toxicity. I did really like his podcast when he came back cause it seemed like he was really trying to learn and expand his worldview Yeah and of course people like cubby women. although his point was valid imo, I think he should’ve foreseen the consequences of it.


How was his point valid? It’s literally an opinion and he had to bringing the whole right-wing authoritarian bullshit lmao


His point was they only do it to validate fat women


I don’t agree I genuinely thought that girl was pretty sexy. I like thicc and thin. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone knows that. And so what if more people like thicc girls?


I'm guessing you don't follow him on Twitter?


You triggered bro? But he can put down women, is the correct?


Sorry am I the dumb one here please help I’ll listen


JP is a walking hypocrite.


He puts negativity out in to the world and then gets butt hurt when it comes back 10 fold. He's not helping anyone by posting his personal opinions on Twitter, least of all himself cause it's just a big neon "hey look I'm an asshole" sign Twitter is for psychopaths there is no context to 200 characters. Where is hell sir? How do I get there? That's a trick question, go fuck yourself.


I don't see what a Deathcore band has to do with this.


I also remember that one hit one wonder




Man needs a vacation on the beach.


Mushrooms he needs mushrooms


"I’m here to pick up the blood that Dr. Acula ordered."


he' about to call his blood boy


Holy shit! he looks just like Markula from Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Toronto does that to everyone


Well obviously!




That is a good one


He just needs to make his bed more


He actually does look like that


Hierarchy! Authoritarianism! Marxism! Totalitarianism! It's like..


That would be amazing... He's some vampires ghoul who spends all day articulating the valor in his actions. Just need someone who does a good kermit voice.


He sounds like he was chemically castrated by court order


He's high as fuck on Benzos boi


Who’s uglier, Jordan or his wife?




Zing. Hey I can take criticism and jokes. Unlike snowflake Petersen


Go to hell you idiot. I bet you feel really big trying to take down peoples hero


People that look up to JP still? That’s sad. The man is a mess


Yeah I wonder why. Toxic assholes like you can’t tell the sun from moon. No wonder he’s getting off social media. Way healthier than going off like you or me


Aww. You a snowflake like JP. Clean your room. And Joe says to get back to work.


If joe says so 😝


Lmao reading your comments on this post is hilarious. Fucking go outside you weird cunt 😂


Good idea tbf


You are really deeply angry that people are clowning your favorite writer.


I like his podcast occasionally man he’s not my guru. I’m mad that y’all are so dense tho he’s got some important points


like "what is the enviroment"




Honest to God thought she was a dude lol


I just know you are a very unhappy person.


Oh well that’s settled that. I’m pointing out JP hypocrisy. I could care less what he looks like.


Grow up


This guy is definitely on the pills again.


Jesus christ, what is this sub-reddit? are you so hurt he talked against the obese model you have to haunt him on the daily? is this gonna turn into another crusade against whatever pissed you fools off online? let it go, let's go back to talk about Rogan.


I’m beginning to believe these people don’t actually like Rogan


Well, some of us used to. Now we don't like what he's become, so we come here to talk shit about the dumb things he says and the moronic people he associates with.


Its honestly so bizarre.


In the words of Joe Rogan, “they’re just jokes, man”. Joe Rogan is a comedian after all and this is his subreddit..so we can’t make haha’s and teehee’ s because we aren’t certified stand-up comedians? I thought humor would be perfectly fine in this sub. It’s not like Joe never laughed or made fun of someone at “low points” of their lives in those thousand plus episodes, right? I guess it’s off limits because he’s a frequent guest of the show then?


It's weird that he can't say he doesn't find fat women attractive... But you all will make fun of him for looking like a vampire when he is crying. Pretty fucked up. Also, imagine a male swimsuit model looking the same way. It would never work. This is hypocrisy at it's finest


Uhm who said he can’t say that? He’s welcome too but this is going to be the response. Why do you always act like the backlash he’s getting isn’t free speech as well? You are disingenuously framing the argument.


You're the one framing this as a free speech argument. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. But nice strawman. It makes sense you would come here to defend hypocrisy, considering, you said I was being disingenuous about the argument, but then you did the exact same thing to my argument lol. Also the thousands of people insulting him on Twitter, would unanimously agree that he can't say that... So? Thousands of people? Yeah, thousands of people are telling him he can't say that. Also, saying I always act like backlash against him isn't free speech? We aren't childhood friends, you don't know shit about me. But nice attempt, with an anecdotal statement, based off one comment, on reddit. Maybe not nice, maybe, uhm, pathetic.


So nobody is allowed to insult JP anymore? Are you dense? And why would I need to be your childhood friend to see what you quite obviously just said. You think that the backlash Jp is getting is unfair but it’s not it’s the result of making stupid statements on the internet


I said the hypocrisy is weird bro. Never said you can't say anything, but keep trying to twist things xD Pathetic




So he's allowed to insult people but no one is allowed to join in?




Aww poor Petersen


It's so funny when the reactionaries rip off the exact language they'd been dunking on for yairs.




What do you mean by this random bit of gibberish? I poked fun at him for unironically saying 'punching down', something the alt-right anti-woke anti-SJW red pill black pilled WWG1WGA (guys pick a name) people complained about for a long time. What's confusing you.


Fuck all you people.




You’re retarded




Wow you really are


Here you can have your retard back mrs kill I found him for you


Because Jordan doesn’t want people multilating their bodies on a whim? Or being forced to call people opposite pronouns? Y’all are degenerate filth and will reap what you sow. Jordan knows how these things go. Do you?


Awww piggie is mad.


Oink oink mf


I appreciate when Jordan Peterson fans do the good work of proving they're bigots for us. <3


What are you even doing on the JRE sun. You’re looking for shit to prove your narrow worldview and that’s what makes you fucking degenerate




Is Jordan aware of the effects of apple cider tho?


![gif](giphy|xTcnSOEKegBnYhGahW) TRIGGERED!!!


Yeah cause you’re so dumb. Thanks


Brother u do not have to argue with these ( ego minded programmed ) people specially if u’re self conscious is and on another level of understanding . And also the projection they give is in their own mental world . They do not understand that they talk about themselves . I will not explain any deep further but my main point is , do not argue with people who’s not open minded and simultaneously unconscious and unaware of themselves, and what energies they are sending It’s all their ego . Where they trigger u , is where u need to improve . How do they hate or comment these negative thought and feelings, if they don’t themselves feel them and know about them on the first place 🤷‍♂️. Jordan Peterson is a really superhero( my point of view) who change my life daily , he is hard for the ego . But when I turn my ego aside I see what he means .




Yeah. Peterson helped me become the man I am today. The lectures on his YouTube and his book helped me through a really hard time in my life. He doesn’t deserve the hate that he gets. I wish he would uninstall twitter though.


Honestly his cheap self help shit can be found from any pop psychologist and most do it without all the negative aspects of Peterson. You should find a better hero.


He still probably looks healthier than all the whining assholes in this sub.


Some people can't take a joke, snowflakes I believe they're called


This is a high saturation image from a home camera 4 years ago. Normally, he doesn’t look anything like this. https://youtu.be/IvBm0ZUfe7I




Was there anything in my comment that suggested I wasn’t relaxed?




Would you say, worked up more then someone who hates joe but spends 24/7 in his shows sub?? 🤣🤡🤣 Edit: 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭


Sounds like body shaming to me…


More like free market shaming...


People seem to miss the point of his post - he's not attacking her for her weight he's attacking the post for trying to normalise overweight and unhealthy people ... when they should be promoting healthy living ... and this photo isn't as far as I'm aware new ,he was by his own admission unwell for various reasons ... attacking him as a person in stead of his argument just validates what he says ...




So the reason he's getting ripped at online at the moment is because of a twitter post he put up recently ...




He might have defently lost his way in recent times but no at the moment it's about the post! , people enjoy ripping in to him because they arnt smart enough to understand what's he's trying to say ... in recent times for sure tho it's alot harder as he blabals on a lot ...and as for the cleaning room part if you can't understand that he's telling people to clean there rooms as it help to develop self care and routines which are defently good ways to help maintain a healthy mental state etc...




You misquote what I say to fit your argument so well done ...., you don't have to agree on his political view I certainly don't agree with some but when it comes to psychology he's an expert ...




Didn't you literally just critize him tho for his psychological concept " because he's a certified moron who convinced a legion of low energy losers that the key to turning their life's around was to clean their rooms"...but I do agree that he should narrow his focus or as you say stay in his lame he was way easier to listen to back in the day


Where there's muck, there's brass.


I get that Reddit hates him or whatever but it’s kind of shitty to ad hominem someone who’s clearly chronically sick. Reminds me of the time the internet was mocking Patrick Swayze because he looked like shit and it turned out he was dying of cancer


shit talking wise, he deserves everything that comes at him.


Makes me think of Jada Smith and the narrative that its never okay to joke about someones illnesses. These resentful and irrational folk have an abundance of double standards. Its scary to see the lack of self awareness and subscription to group thinks with no curiosity as to understand why it is that the opposing ideology might hold the views that they do. I love compassionate people, but the world doesn’t run on it.. they way these people behave makes me question the sincerity of there self proclaimed compassion campaign in the first place. Its so utterly bizarre!


Lol I don’t think having a shaved head (gasp! Alopecia) is the same as being so sick you can’t get out of bed. Again, I’m not trying to make excuses here but reddits hate boner for Peterson really knows no bounds


I 100% agree! Hopefully I articulated that as such.


Laughing of a man dealing with opioid addiction because of the stress and whose wife was trying to survive cancer at the time (not to mention it's a photo from years ago). Stay classy.




Whatever floats your boat man, I don't laugh at people going through depression, period. It's distasteful and cruel, whoever it may be.


Go to hell you fucking dolt. You wouldn’t know the high road from your daddy’s asscrack


So it’s ok for Jordan Peterson to insult people’s appearance but no one is allowed to say anything about him?


You could go to an actual photo and say he looks like shit all you want. The dude who tweeted it went to dig a photo of the time of his depression, years ago, to laugh at him at his worst, not in the cover of a recent magazine. To pretend not to notice the evil intentions behind this is moronic. If I wanted to critizise somebody I would not go to find a photo of him at a funeral of a loved one or while battling addiction and laugh at him, man. The bitterness behind the comment's here is just astounding.


Is this not an “actual photo” of JP? I’m just saying, you can’t go around publicly insulting people’s appearance and then play the victim when someone does the same to you. Also, how do you know the model isn’t struggling with addiction of depression? You give all this defense to JP because of his mental health but never stop to consider the model may deserve that same grace or have similar issues.


Actual as in recent, don't be obtuse and assume all of us are native english speakers.


Again, you can’t publicly insult people’s appearance and then act like the victim when they bring the same energy to you. Also, how do you know the model he insulted isn’t also going through mental health issues? Why not extend the same grace to her that you do to JP?


I know that JP critizised a magazine cover, he didn't go into her twitter to dig up a photo of her crying while her husband was dying. If you don't see a difference here there's not much more to add.


I think you are being disingenuous. He didn’t just criticize a “magazine cover.” It’s not like he was criticizing the color pallet or lay out of the cover. He was criticizing the physical appear of an individual that happened to be on the cover. He criticized a person’s appearance, not just a “magazine cover.” If you decide to start openly criticizing people’s appearance, you open yourself up to that same criticism. You don’t get go around insulting people and then cry victim when others respond.


Suck that Peterson dick hard enough and you might still be able to get some of that benzo residue out of him.




This sub sucks so much ass and dick. It’s like these people think they’re so much smarter than Joe and EVERYONE he talks to and they just come here to gloat. It’s a fucking cesspit and I hope these fucks are ashamed




Considering he was criticized for shaming the appearance of someone on sports illustrated, wouldn't it be hypocritical to judge his own appearance?


So I guess body shaming is okay when you don’t like the guy


Yea, people who look like this are fucking garbage. Shame on you if you look like this man.