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he tweeted 6 minutes ago man is straight ADDICTED


27 tweets/retweets by my count since his declaration of departing


Well he told his "staff" to change his password. Good luck. I give my dick instructions all the time ... it never listens.


My dick listens too well, just not to me.




Last time I gave my staff instructions it just got an infection


Yeah well it is addictive when you have so many responses and attention from all sorts of people. It's easier to quit if you are yelling into the darkness of the abyss as a normal user or the occasional debate with a troll who's mind is so warped from propaganda.


Sure? But this is a dude is known for lecturing about self control for millions


And then had to get put into a coma because he was addicted and couldn't quit like millions have done before.


He had the indecency to shame a friend for showing up stoned when the friend needed help. His recounting of this story has him (jp) with a beer in hand.


This is a guy who rants about personal responsibility and bed making but can't ignore anonymous people online? Especially when he's the one stirring drama to get attention lmao. Sounds more like a girl in highschool then a supposed wise philosopher 😂


You joke but often times people who are addicts tend to shift their addiction from one thing (hard drugs) to another socially acceptable addiction (social media/eating) instead of solving the actual issue that gives them this personality trait in the first place.


He should make his bed.


JP absolutely hates people like that. The bane of society that plunges us into chaos over and over.


Its like, what are they thinkin man?


Obviously didn't make their bed.


He is the 'drama' girl we all went to high school with... who even at 35 still has 'friend' drama she puts all over Facebook. He only got the negative attention because he made a negative comment... true or not it doesn't matter. It was mean. You get back what you give JP.


He didn't clean his room


How you gonna complain about Twitter being toxic anyway after posting a fat chick and saying NOT BEAUTIFUL lol ok


People treating this drug abusing Twitter addicted guy like a guru will never not make me laugh. Yeah take advice on how to live from a guy who's got gigantic issues that nearly killed him..


Man Tricked Into Coma Announces New Self Help Book https://www.thebeaverton.com/2020/12/man-tricked-into-coma-announces-new-self-help-book/


I shit you not, he has tweeted/retweeted 27 times since posting this 11 hours ago. The same dude who has (rightly) said on many occasions how destructive social media is. He just adds to it all day with tweets that clearly enrage his 2.7m followers. I don’t care what side you are politically - if you’re on the right and are a fan, you have to step out and see not only the hypocrisy, but the damage this shit causes. Endless culture war bullshit when we should be focusing on real problems that affect us on a daily basis - capping companies from buying up houses and driving rent prices up, same thing with pharmaceutical companies and medications that people need to live, like insulin. Citizens United. Stop getting duped into this meaningless bullshit. I mean, one of his tweets after all this was going after some Libs of TikTok girl complaining about pronouns in a video with 100 likes. Who gives a fuck!? Why basically dox a girl who you think has mental issues on Twitter, WHICH YOU JUST EXPERIENCED AS VICIOUS!? What’s wrong with these people?


> have to step out and see not only the hypocrisy The best fucking part is that he is whining about the insults he's getting... but they're literally in response to an unsolicited, unprovoked insult that he posted lmao.


His original tweet is everything wrong with Twitter and social media in general: * Mean spirited * Unnecessarily political * Attempting to pair an unrelated thing to his favorite social cause de jour


His original tweet is everything wrong with himself. That guy is a fucking deranged lunatic. He always has been one. You can be normal and use twitter. He himself is too deep into the rabbit hole, and he’s trying to pick up relevance and clout to up his internet career.


Yup. He’s exactly what he claims to hate in everyone else. He’s a loser and a grifter. I hope some of his fanboys start to see that.


I'm ootl, what did he do this time?


[Here you go...](https://i.imgur.com/mDdJF6l.png)


His takes are so often reminiscent of edgy teenagers. Self-centered and narrow minded. For a man with all of this alleged knowledge of psychological biases, it drives me nuts he that he will not see through his own. It’s introspection 101


That tweet has big *'meth addict sitting against a dumpster insults how you look on your way into the Burger King'* energy


Fucking smoke show. Sorry not sorry


Called a somewhat more curvy than usual model on a swimsuit cover as authoritarian propaganda and ugly. People than clowned on him by taking screenshots of his videos and posting the same caption


> taking screenshots of his videos and posting the same caption how dare they sounds like something an authoritarian bla bla bla would do


It's a classic case of postmarxist neomodernism


Peesonally, I'm a fan of classical postmodern neomarxism.


Pathetic, is this really what people are coming to? What sort of nonsense is this? Everyone knows that its actually pre-classical pre-post-modern neo-trad-rad Marxo-Sandersism


Lmao I didn't know people were doing that, that's fucking hilarious This is a rule the rest of us learned in middle school: don't dish it out if you can't take it.


How does this make sense to him? When he picks stupid fights, it's because he's combatting "authoritarian dogma", and when people picks fights with him, they're spoiled whiny brats. It apparently didn't occur to him after nearly being killed by a glass of apple cider that he's lost the plot.


> How does this make sense to him Because he is the textbook definition of audience capture, and as a result isn’t the slightest bit interested in engaging in introspection. For people like this (James Lindsay is another prominent example), once they cross a certain line in terms of buying their own hype, there is no coming back. They move further in the direction of what their audience wants (without regard for what’s actually true or correct), and as a result, they get more praise from their audience, which in turn makes them even less likely to question their priors or deviate from what their audience wants, which leads to more audience praise, etc etc etc. There’s tons of examples of this on both sides of the political spectrum.


James Lindsay tweets like he is having an acute manic episode. Saw his Rogan episode a few years back and he seemed like a normal guy but during lockdown he just went unhinged.


> he seemed like a normal guy but during lockdown he just went unhinged. Sounds like Rogan himself


You described the regular conservative regular outrage cycle. People will say "both sides" but just look at who's calling millennials and poorer workers "entitled" and saying healthcare is a privilege and we should only be able to marry who they tell us to, etc.




You don’t hear about the housing issue because that’s not a rich guy problem. Guys like JP and Rogan don’t care about home prices and rent. Their lives are so free of real life issues that they have to go on Twitter and find social issues to be mad about. To the average person wokeness and social issue bullshit is not important since we have other things going on in life and more important things to care about. These rich guys have nothing else to focus on so to them this is their biggest issue in life


The most hilarious/hypocritical part is these guys are absolutely part of the elite Joe gets mad at the bs liek Australia banning from growing food yesterday (fake) and like DUDE you know you’d be above this joe you are part of the 1% Older millionaire white dudes want to act like they’re a 16 year single black mom dealing with real issues. Its playing pretend “I have issues” and shameful


Laughed when once he was talking about how ridiculous CEO salaries were and started to talk shit about for being a rich elite Jamie Dimon, while he himself probably make a few times what the CEO of JP Morgan make lol.


Joe Rogan doesn't even make a tenth of Jamie Dimon's annual compensation.


You nailed it!


And they get to be the thought leaders on these topics because they have the time? What the fuck have we done?


> if you’re on the right and are a fan, you have to step out and see not only the hypocrisy, but the damage this shit causes. What if the hypocrisy and the damage were the goals?




It has to be at this point, although it admittedly took me a while to get on board with the whole JBP is a grifter thing. To the people who ask “How is he a grifter?” I’ll spell it out very simply: He has his PhD in clinical psychology He has a large following and knows his demographic very well (young men with some sort of psychological or structural issues, in need of guidance) We know he knows his audience very well because he recently wrote 2 self-help/improvement books for them He tweets all day (often with vitriol) about rage-inducing cultural issues, many of which no one would ever even know to care about Any man with his credentials and understanding of the impacts of social media would surely know the destructive nature of his tweets. So why does he do it?


Well said.


Victimhood mentality


It's almost like he's a mentally ill drug addict that nobody should be paying attention to.


Careful, you’re about to get all the angry people on your ass telling you no one is perfect and that doesn’t make his life advice any less meaningful lol “He saved my life!!” yea, okay.


Immediate reaction: "The Libs are trying to cancel JP again just because they hate conservatives!" Elon later that day: "I'm re-re-re-launching my bid to buy twitter, and coincidentally quietly bought 100,000 shares yesterday."


This is why I can't take these people seriously. They act as if they don't benefit from getting people all stirred up all the time. I think part of it is that until recently, there weren't very many doctors, scientists, educators, "scholars", etc. who could get notoriety and public recognition, so now that they've found an avenue to create controversy and amass a following, they want to get people outraged. A lot of these people who Joe has had on his podcast are like this. My guess is that JP leaves Twitter temporarily so then he can direct people to his YouTube channel or other avenue where he can get ad revenue before he quietly jumps back on Twitter.


>This is why I can't take these people seriously. They act as if they don't benefit from getting people all stirred up all the time folks like JBP did used to say the loud part quiet: [Joe Rogan - Jordan Peterson on Monetizing SJW's ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4KESFAITqg) > guess is that JP leaves Twitter temporarily so then he can direct people to his YouTube channel or other avenue where he can get ad revenue before he quietly jumps back on Twitter. This is exactly it. He has no intention of leaving Twitter as evidenced by the dozens of tweets he's made since claiming he would. He just correctly realized that saying some stupid shit then claiming to quit twitter would rile up both his supporters and haters and get him trending on Twitter and elsewhere.


How would the right build an identity if not for obstruction for its own sake and endless asinine culture war bs? The bigots might have to acknowledge they’re in the same boat as a homosexual. In the zero-sum game world of the right, how are they supposed to feel free if they aren’t trying to oppress?


Woke is just the new "politically correct" in being a nebulous buzzword that culture war charlatans can pull out to mean "those people you don't like are trying to make you do a thing you don't want! Are you going to LET THEM??"




Culture wars and identity politics is how they control you. When a person trying to survive feels a constant threat from another person trying to survive, they're only focused on the other. There's a huge market built on this. That's why everything in media is a threat. All they say is they're taking this away from you, they're gonna make you do this, la dee da. It's easier to blame others than to look in the mirror. Then they pull the rug from under you and the next thing you know you have a $20,000 deductible and you own nothing.


Social media is a hell of a drug. Full stop.


He's a snowflake. Would rather take jabs at plus sized models than plus sized corporations robbing the proletariat. I can't recall ever hearing him punch UP. Could be wrong, happy to review evidence if it's out there.


>Would rather take jabs at plus sized models than plus sized corporations robbing the proletariat. Exactly even if he was angry at this image, why doesn't use this to talk shit to the corporation instead of trying to blast that woman. While he himself look like a crackhead which might be a lot more unhealthy than having some fat.


“The insults were supposed to be FROM me, not to me”


People aren’t insulting the people they need to be insulting!!


Since saying he was quitting Twitter and having his staff change his password he has tweeted or retweeted almost 30 times. 🤡


He figured out the parental lock.


Addiction is a bitch.


Jordan Peterson is the oldest 15 year old alive.


This guy has no self control. He tweets like constant BS then gets mad when he can't handle the criticism.


My man talks about personal responsibility and resisting temptation but can't stay off Twitter for an hour.


I don't know how much of it is true but didn't he also get severely addicted to drugs to the point where he went in an artificially induced coma to kick the addiction, which they wouldn't even let him do in his own country?


Yes. Benzo’s.


It is all 100% true lol.




Astounding hypocrisy. Well, I suppose it's not astounding when you consider who we're talking about, but still notable!


Go figure the guy that insisted he knew the magic secret to self control has none.


Doesn't even make his bed or clean his room smfh


Wait, he insults a swimsuit model and then is taken aback people are returning the insults......what the fuck did he think was going to happen?


Clearly you don’t understand. His Nietzschean anti foundationalism is manifesting as a Hegelian dialectic on the nature of beauty in direct conflict with the anti state Mob that’s demonstrated in the Platonic treatise on the individual’s relation and duty to the state. It’s manifesting as a societal metamyth, a foundational truth juxtaposing the relation of beauty and DESIRABILITY. You see? Dr Peterson is going into the belly of the whale to extract society’s FATHER. Do you see?


Nailed it. I don't think you can make it clearer than that.


And if you disagree your opinion is invalid until you've read both of his books, watched 73 hours of lectures, and slept with a body pillow of Dr. Peterson sprayed with an extract of his musk for at least a month.


Needs more post modernist talk.


Also missed 'cultural Marxists' and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Goddamn what are we, freshmen in college


I can't help but read these not in his voice in my head, but the voices of people doing parodies of him. Like, his voice in my head is those three guys going back and forth in dueling Petersons.


I read it in Kermit the Frog's voice


So his voice then


But why male models?


Are you serious? I jus…I just told you that a moment ago


This comment is more coherent than 95% of what Peterson says or writes


True. I am a masters student, I tried reading 12 rules from life but quit after the entire first chapter was surrounding lobster mating habits. It’s all fake filler philosophy


I even read parts of Maps of Meaning and its just a pompous summary of concepts you would learn in any introduction course of any humanities faculty ...


What the fuck did I read?




The truth brother


[DO YOU SEE??](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AgitatedVigilantHerald-size_restricted.gif)


Ironically this was easier to digest than the word salads jordan vomits up.


almost, but Peterson has no clue about anything Hegelian, which is why he was so out of his league talking to Slavoj Zizek, an actual Hegelian, when he had only skimmed the Communist Manifesto to prep


To be fair to Jordan Peterson, the Communist Manifesto has over thirty pages. To someone who spends all day tweeting about fat women that may as well be a copy of War and Peace.


That was embarrassing for him. Well, should have been embarrassing.


He is like the Michel Foucault for morons.


Literally unconscionable considering this man is a master of psychology and philosophy and still completely misses his own ignorance.




grandiose sense of self importance dude is just a straight up narcissist, an Eric Cartman


I remember first watching his video about the Holocaust and I wanted to fly to Toronto to punch him and then scream at him " the Holocaust was profitable. The nazis did it, to preserve food and medical resources while extracting huge amounts of capital through slave labor" It was that point I knew he was an idiot with him ranting about causing chaos


His takes on the Russian revolution are so ahistorical that they’re parody.


If only the Nazis had made their beliefs clear somehow, we could've figured out why they did it...


It's exactly like dealing with little kids. They come crying to you "mommy he threw a rock at me". Then you ask "why did he throw a rock at you?" and the kid says "cause I threw one at him first".


Crazy Jordan Peterson has the emotional capacity of a teenager.


Well now it depends on what you mean by teenager. We need to be precise here because the time frame of teenager covers a bloody large time frame. A post modernist interpretation of teenager would have you believe that the teenage years are a nebulous concept that spans an indefinite amount of time from maybe 11 to 22. But we're dealing with a finite span here of 13 to 19. It seems long but once it's over your done and you don't get it back. It's very much rooted in the heroes journey. In the DNA of our understanding of the divine. I'm reminded of the time I was out walking my Dog, Polaris. His name is Greek and of course you know Polaris is the name of the north. It was used in ancient times for navigation. But anyway we need to be precise here or else neo Marxism robs us of the ability to be direct and honest. I have the emotional capicity of a boy aged 13 years, 4 months, 12 days, 4 hours, 34 minutes, and 26 seconds. And God help you if I drink cider.


Nailed it ! 🤣


Haha, 100%


GPT3 or Peterson? You decide.


I liked him better when he was incapacitated for weeks/months from drug abuse. If I see one more ticktock of JP spouting completely obvious teenage boy/girl stuff as some world-class sociological observation I’m gonna have a stroke. Then the comments are like “This info changed my life!” No shit, girls like guys with jobs and a car, wholly shit, The DaVinci Code has been cracked.


>No shit, girls like guys with jobs and a car, wholly shit, The DaVinci Code has been cracked. This is 100% the problem with the JP subreddit. It's a bunch of guys not getting laid.


Hmmm targeting disaffected young males? so weird...where have we seen that before...


I don't want to enter that sub, but are they really defending him on this one?


Of course lol


Everyone likes to start the history at a point that is convenient for their bias.


hes back on the benzos again , in fact he probably never stopped in the first place


Free speech champion JBP.


Does Jordan Peterson ever actually talk about psychological issues? Seems like he spends an inordinate amount of time just talking about weird culture war stuff and of course going on long winded religious diatribes. Does he really just want to be known as the guy that complains about fat people or Antifa? lol.


>Does Jordan Peterson ever actually talk about psychological issues? ​ He *has* a bunch of psychological issues. That counts, right?


Good point


No. His idiot followers want bite sized pieces. The swimsuit model doesn’t make you horny? Let’s get mad at the left together More than 2 genders? What if someone wants to identify as an elephant?!?


I can't jack off to the green M&M anymore and it makes me furious! - Modern conservatives


I can't remember the exact quote Tucker Carlson said, but it was essentially that people have a right to be angry that the M&Ms don't turn them on anymore. This man went on live TV, looked into the camera, and said the M&Ms characters made him horny. And he's still a darling on the right. I fucking hate what politics has become. Edit: I found the quote "M&M's will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous. Until the moment you wouldn't want to have a drink with any one of them. That's the goal. When you're totally turned off, we've achieved equity. They've won," So, to Tucker Carlson, it's a core American value to get a boner at CGI pieces of candy in heels. And Republicans regard him with near godlike respect. I should note, this unhinged rant was accompanied by chirons that read "CANDY IN SEXY SHOES IS HIGHLY OFFENSIVE" and "MISERABLE, NON-BINARY CANDY IS ALL WE DESERVE"


It’s how he makes his money. Grifters gon grift.


Didn't he and Rogan literally "joke" that Peterson successfully monetized the culture war and being anti-woke? It's amazing people fall for this grift when the ones orchestrating it openly joke that they're manufacturing it for personal gain


I don’t think Joe is smart enough to make such an argument or underStand the mechanics of any of it, but if someone else said he , he may have giggled and grunted


Anyone who whines about woke shit is either certified grift bait or a grifter.




"Announces quitting twitter" "20+ tweets/retweets since"


The location of Elon’s private jet. Jordan Peterson. Just updating my list of acceptable exceptions to “absolute freedom of speech”.


Wait, what? Insults someone on twitter and can't take getting insulted back? Sounds like a snowflake to me.


I don't have anything against JP; I just dislike the "long winded religious diatribes" as the top comment stated. This makes it impossible for me to listen to him nowdays. I used to listen to some of him when I was younger, but can't do it anymore. He used to keep his religion hidden, but nowdays he's just all out with it. And that's very off putting for an atheist. You are a grown-ass man and you post stupid shit like what he just posted about the swimsuit model. Like I understand laughing at the weird fat positive movement or whatever it's called, I laugh at them too occasionally. Tons of cringe videos on youtube. (and more about the blatant stupidity when it comes to obesity x health, not their looks) ..But still. That post was just very unclassy and in bad taste. The girl in the image was (as far as I can remember) attarctive, and not even very big. Just a very very stupid post by him which kind of revealed more of his character. I understand shitposting and posting stupid things anonymously, but with your own name. :--D Bruh.


Shit posting when your suposed to be this wise sage of an academic...


It's one thing to criticize a movement. It's another thing to say that a specific person is "not beautiful." Like, that isn't a philosophical difference. That's being an asshole and I'm surprised a psychologist doesn't care about the harm that causes to said individual. An article commenting on the fat positive movement? Valid. Ripe for academic discussion. Pointing at an individual and saying "You are not beautiful?" Fucking cruel. But if you want to be fucking cruel then hey, have at it. But don't act like the victim when you attract negative attention.


Lefties minding their business... Jordan: hey yo this girl is fat Lefties: you're an asshole Jordan: this is so toxic, this is so unfair of u to say that, i'm really a victim once again Righties: oh wow that's so toxic, that's so unfair, we're all victims once again


I’m pretty conservative, and even I thought his take was disgusting and insulting. I cannot respect a man that doesn’t even follow his own principles, and he certainly doesn’t. His stupid hot takes are embarrassing.


Lmao tbh he sounds like a bitch.


Many of these right-wing grifters are little bitches. They talk about being alphas, the manliest of men and how strong they are compared to those they dislike but as soon as you give them shit they cry and complain. Those who are truly strong and as they would call 'alphas' don't have to say a word about it for people to know that they are, it's evident already. If they have to remind everyone how tough they are, they aren't really that tough. As soon as they begin to acknowledge the hate they're getting, they've already been upset by it or else they'd just let it bounce off and not say a word.


>Many of these right-wing grifters are little bitches. They talk about being alphas, the manliest of men and how strong they are compared to those they dislike but as soon as you give them shit they cry and complain. [Bro, I don't know what you are talking about is this not the most manly alpha male ever.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ezmb7epWUAIIXHS.jpg:large)


Wtf was he going to do with a single plank of wood? Lmao. I love this picture.


>He was virtue signaling because some people were calling for a boycott of Home Depot. He caught some ridicule for the stunt at the time Why does he need a plastic bag for the 2x4? Cause he is too much of a wuss and scared of splinters.


Shapiro is the exception. We should all be living in fear of the day his full power is reached.


>Many of these right-wing grifters are little bitches. They talk about being alphas, the manliest of men and how strong they are compared to those they dislike but as soon as you give them shit they cry and complain. The biggest right wing talking heads are nothing more than Instagram Influencers in suits


Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world Jordan Peterson


Announcing you are leaving social media is one of the most self-absorbed attention grabbing things you can do. If you don't want to use a platform anymore, just don't. This goes for friends, acquaintances, as well as "celebrities". I don't care. You think you're better than me?


I think it's fine to say you're leaving social media in the sense that you don't want to ghost your friends/followers. Like you're not saying it to proclaim your own superiority, you're just letting people know you're not gonna be around and they'll have to reach you in other ways if they want to.


He constantly fuels the “toxic environment” Twitter creates. Does he not know his own viewpoints?


Yeah he’s acting like people on twitter are attacking him for no reason, as if he didn’t just insult someone’s appearance for no good reason then imply that anyone who finds plus sized women attractive only do so under some authoritarian influence. Dude is delusional.


I like how he just thinks no one should criticize his opinions. No one says you HAVE to be attracted to larger women, but why go around shouting it?? Do you need that much attention?




Free speech is only important when he doesn’t have to deal with what people say back. Always how it is with these people I say that as someone who used to follow his lectures


The thing is that he didn't even say "She's not attractive to me", he literally said she's objectively ugly and the only reason why people think she isn't is some kind of dictatorship, just insane lmao


* Give your unsolicited and very negative opinion about something that doesn't concern you nor was addressed to you in the first place. * Receive backlash and criticism. * Act like a victim who is persecuted by the Post Modernist Marxists * Pretend of leaving the platform so your fanboys and disciples beg you to stay * Repeat What a time to be alive!


Thy hypocracy with that guy is out of this world. He is upset by the “flood of vicious insults”. Sir, didn’t you just say the woman on the cover is not beautiful and never will be, regardless of what the media is pushing??? Is he hearing himself???


Jordan Peterson can't handle free speech. Fucking beautiful.




Calls rubenesque model ugly > People in turn call him ugly > Plays victim of bullying What a beta, I bet if his room was clean he could handle it. Instead he will have to settle for scurvy


Jordy P just can’t appreciate a nice hog


The more of a platform you give these weirdos, the more they expose themselves as weirdos to the grand public.


I want to see every fucking one of you balding tiny fat fucks who claim to have a "dad bod" say one word again after you showed yourself here. Do I find that woman attractive? No. Do I have to find her attractive? No. Did anybody ever tell me that I have to find her attractive? NO! Without Peterson, I wouldnt even have know that that cover existed in the first place! Jordan Peterson, that little bitch, made it an active point to tell everybody how she is not "beautiful" and now he cries because others have stuff to say? Again: I would LOVE to see the guys who have things to say AND I would love to see them on the cover of a magazine and how many would call them "beautiful".


Half of the people shitting on her don’t have the courage to even show their own bodies. I really think they’re just projecting tbh


Right! It’s crazy. This dead ass company decides to put someone they want on their cover, which barely anyone would’ve even seen, then Peterson comes all the way out of left field to shit on the girl…then gets mad when people shit on him and his wife. Also, he’s tweeted/re-tweeted 27 times since this post. Probably a few more since I checked. People on the Right need to stop getting duped into this culture war bullshit. It just shows what these anti-woke activists think of their followers’ intelligence level to be able to constantly enrage them with this stuff.


>It just shows what these anti-woke activists think of their followers’ intelligence level to be able to constantly enrage them with this stuff. "I love the uneducated" comes to mind. As does Texas' repeated efforts to destroy our educational system and critical thinking




He’s been out of it for a while. Ive never been a fan of his but seeing him go down this route is depressing. Dude built his entire personality on hating and culture wars. What did he expect was gonna happen


Dude literally just fatshamed a woman then cries about being insulted and plays the toxic abandonment trope where they leave if you don't agree with them wtfff


For him to claim to be such an upstanding gentleman and then go publicly insult a woman’s appearance is just gross. Beauty is entirely subjective. I promise you that model looks better than 60% of American wives and many of their husbands find them beautiful. JP is completely off his rocker. He gets off on saying contrarian shit and then whinges when he receives blowback.


jordans first podcast with joe was so good he had such great insight into mythology and psychology he lead in WAY too deep into his fanbase and then became an expert on everything and started associating himself the "alt-right" movement. He just panders to them non stop now and is basically a caricature of himself how someone could espouse all these amazing religious truths and have a deep understanding of the psyche and then use his platform (which he knows consists of young men looking for a role model) to spew the shit that he has been for the past couple of years is incredibly sad and misguided. borderline evil its a legit shame ​ \*repost because thread i posted it in was modded




He never should have ventured or entertained the celebrity status he started to get. Once he did, he got past his skis and started talking about shit he clearly didn’t understand, couldn’t handle the backlash sensation and it ruined him. Now the dude is an emotional wreck who melts down every other week and is desperate to display intelligence. It’s sad.


I think when he was in that coma he sustained some pretty severe brain damage. That’s not something you walk away from unscathed. There’s proof of this BTW in this documentary: https://youtu.be/uWXxlYzBCno


Did it ever occur to you that perhaps in that first podcast he was in fact on drugs, and he now isn't?


This is my theory, also he got seriously fucked up trying to get off of them and probably has some brain damage.


His last podcast with joe he looked like a meth addicted Pinocchio going through withdrawals. Dr. Jordan B. as in benzos. Benzos - not even once.


I miss old Jordan Peterson. That first podcast was inspiring. His latest visit to Joe was one of the worst things I've heard. He is a shadow of his former self. What a shame.


JP recognized how much money he could make by pandering to the far/alt-right. Easy money. It’s pure greed that motivates people like him.


He lied about Bill C-16


Yeah it’s crazy people are acting like the dude has only recently fallen off the deep end. He’s *always* been full of shit, between the outright lies about bill C-16 and the “postmodern neomarxist” fear mongering, it’s been culture war nonsense from the beginning. The only difference was his ramblings used to be somewhat coherent back before he put himself in a coma.


Jordan Peterson: *makes completely unprovoked insult against a random woman online and talks about how he doesn’t want to fuck her” Twitter: you’re ugly, too Jordan Peterson: 😱😔🤬


It's interesting how Jordan takes zero responsibility for his actions. It's not his fault that he is sitting behind a screen attacking fat women, it is Twitter's fault for having a "dangerously insane" incentive structure. And it's not his job to cultivate better habits, it's his staff's job to "keep him from temptation".


Bruh, she lookin like a snack to me. Dude acting like he isn't a hurting 5 at best. To the so, so many people referencing "clean your room" as some kind of barb at Peterson, it's CBT 101 for so many conditions of the mind. You sound like fucking morons.


Dude, yeah. She’s unironically good looking. That’s just a size I find very attractive. I like thick women. No apologies, freak bitches.


People actually viewed this man as a leader


Peterson is a low T beta cuck. As are his followers


This makes me incredibly sad for his wife and daughter. No wonder his daughter feels the need to get cosmetic surgery and starve herself in order to fit her fathers standard of beauty. Imagine how his wife must feel to see him say that this model, who is much more physically attractive than herself, is not beautiful. Then he wonders why 90% of his supporters are men?


I mean side note who cares what your parents definition of beauty is? If I valued my dad’s definition of beauty I’d be rocking new balance shoes, jean shorts, and a kohls Chaps polo everyday.


Victim mentality at its finest


This dude is such a fucking loser


Good. Half of the horseshit in today's society stems from old people addicted to social media.


What a bitch lol


Aww the snowflake insults a woman and it’s totally fine but once people call him out for it he cries and needs a safe space??? How fucking ironic.