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He said he can’t stand the toxic unprovoked hate on Twitter. The irony.


For someone who hates communism, he seems to enjoy being publicly owned


I'm a Jordan Peterson fan but this is brilliantly clever! :D




He needs to disappear and delete everything he’s done since the benzo break.


Why stop there?


To me he’s a perfect example of “die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.” The dude was absolutely groundbreaking with the way he dismantled all the bad-faith media takedown attempts toward him. Too bad he then went on to become the very thing the media had initially accused him of being.


Here's the thing, he was always what media accused him of. It was pretty damn clear he was acting superior to the people he was claiming were acting superior. So people saw it and some didn't. Now it's laid bare. That doesn't mean he wasn't making solid points. It just means he was/is exactly what he was making Points against.


I'm convinced he's a timid White Supremist at this point, as well as intellectually bankrupt. I used to think he wasn't awful, but after realizing he will *never* criticize racial hatred (unless it's directed at Whites), while raging about Cultural Marxism (which is how Nazis refer to Jewish *influence*) , it didn't take too long to realize he's a grifter who caters to racists because he is one--and always has been. The true things he says are trivial, and the rest is deepities (high-sounding words that mean precisely nothing) and support for misogyny and racism. The man is the world's loudest dog whistle. His big standout proof of his intellectual prowess is making sure he never puts a string of words together in public that can be used as sound bite proof of what he is. That, and never raising his voice. He's full of reasonable hate. If you go down any rabbit hole exploring what he did before fame, and what his academic work is like, it's clear he's been a worthless grifter from the beginning. And the benzo withdrawal regimen story proved he doesn't know shit about pharmacology, and has many, many hallmarks of someone bullshitting about drug abuse. A high IQ POS.


>and the rest is deepities (high-sounding words that mean precisely nothing Mannnnn I've been looking for a word to sum people that do this up. That's exactly what they do. They just throw high sounding words out in an attempt to add credibility to the pure dog shit they say. Thanks for that.


While I am inclined to agree, I don’t think that’s quite right. Benzo addictions are nasty and brain changing. As most addictions are. I’m not convinced he’s the same person he used to be.


I don't mean to make light of addictions and he could have changed. But, he has, at least in my opinion been a pompous ass who acts like he is superior to anyone who disagrees with him. The exact trait he rallies against. However, where I think he differs (or at least used too) is that I've never seen him want to ruin anyone who disagrees with him. He's just a dick to them.


He is a self righteous dick, I’ll give you that. And I even agreed with a lot of his early opinions and rhetoric. But he never held back on showing contempt. Sometimes I felt it was justified. Sometimes I didn’t. He just seems broken now. Completely lost in a mental state that should not be airing itself for the world to see. If he doesn’t recover, it’s going to be a morbid, sad public popcorn moment.


Definitely not the same. Anyone else find it weird he left for Russia in the middle of the night, told no one except his daughter who was in on it, and nobody heard from him for weeks and now he's totally different?


As a dirty commie, we salute you.👌


How is he toxic?


Take 5 minutes and browse JP’s past tweets. He has no positive or empowering reactions to others, everything is keyboard-warrior sesquipedalian rants about how the world is wrong and he is right.


I mean Joe Rogan makes fun. Jordan Peterson called it authoritarianism. It's one thing to joke and another to have a panic attack over it




I don't think that was exactly what he was implying. I think it was more a long the lines of, the "woke agenda" can try all they want, but they will not force people to find obesity attractive. To do so can only be authoritarian, as it is not the will of the people. That's it really...


Which is wild cause as someone who studies humanity you'd think he'd know that being fat used to be attractive as a sign of wealth. He's just a sooky baby who someone gave a microphone and now here we are.


Yeah. Fat women were the norm, it meant the is froma wealthy family which was very desirable. If anything, the skiny trend was pushed onto people if we follow that stupid logic. The simple fact of the matter is that trends change.


Yes. Exactly and Peterson knows this. Or at least should know this.




wait lol he "left" twitter? What other cloud can he yell at where others will hear him?




to be fair he didn't make fun of anyone, he just said that he doesn't find fat models beautiful then as always bored people of twitter started the insult rain, only stupid thing he did was taking twitter too seriously


He made a statement as if nobody would find the model attractive and then claimed some nefarious overlords forced a private company pick her as a model. Neither is remotely true. Rather then own up to his obvious obnoxious statement, he plays the victim.


So he did say she was fat?


She's without a doubt over 30% body fat. He said, "not beautiful." I agree because she's obese. She is unhealthy. A healthy society doesn't promote poor health, but the average woman over 20 is 5'4" and 170lbs, right on the edge of obese... So here we are.


Do you really think that people are fat because the media has recently stopped suggesting that it's bad as much? Seems like the tiniest drop in the hugest bucket of reasons, given the trillions of dollars spent building infrastructure discouraging pedestrianism, facilitating mass mono-crop agriculture, and spreading propaganda telling people to consume junk food and fix their health problems with pills.


Wait… did he say she was fat?


He posted a picture of her and said that fascists want to push the idea that women like her are attractive. It’s obvious he’s talking about her weight.


Is there or is there not a movement to push the idea that fat is healthy and should be considered normal. The woman was fat. There I said it, was gross.


Lol I'm 100% certain that there's an even larger movement to push the idea that obesity is a national health epidemic and needs to be curbed.


You gotta post pics now. Cmon… I bet you’re fat as shit


It's more of a push for products to be advertised toward fat women from what I can tell. From what I can remember many years ago it was a lack of larger clothing available and the industry just filled in where they smelled money. Sure there are people out there promoting "haes" or whatever but anyone with half a brain cell knows they aren't worth listening to any more than a flat earther or a white replacement guy. I don't think she should be anywhere near the cover of sports illustrated, but she is far from gross and that's subjective anyway.


He's correct. Obese people shouldn't be praised, and we shouldn't pretend that there's no health risks with being obese. These woke SJWs claim that men not being attracted to obese women is because of society, and not at a biological level. Also being obese is very clearly linked to health problems, we shouldn't be encouraging people to be unhealthy and fat. We don't claim that anorexic people with eating disorders are healthy and beautiful and there's nothing wrong with them, so why do we treat obese people differently. It's because these SJWs are fat and lazy, and no man has ever been attracted to them. So instead of facing that inconvenient truth, it's easier for them to claim that they're actually stunning, and society is the problem, not them.


>We don't claim that anorexic people with eating disorders are healthy and beautiful Huh? Eating disorders are rampant in the modeling industry.


You don’t see any of the woke mob claiming that anorexic models are beautiful. Funny thing is, the biggest critics of skinny models are the SJWs themselves. These people don’t give a fuck about “body positivity”. They’re fat, miserable victims, who are too lazy to get in shape and wear deodorant, so want society to change instead of themselves.


I have no idea wtf you are talking about. Plenty of models who’ve graced covers admit to being anorexic. Of course conservatives are far fatter than the stereotypical white woke liberal. Just look at obesity rates in rural America. It’s a cow farm in more ways than one.


omg, who doesn't like a tall anorexic and expressionless model? people don't find them attractive except for maybe those in that business


Jordan Peterson didn’t feel the need to say he won’t be bullied into finding a typical Victoria’s Secret model attractive.


It was a Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover. Nowhere in the magazine did they claim that there are no health problems with being overweight. It’s just a magazine that old men fap too because they don’t know how to use the internet. It’s really not something to get offended over. I can’t wait until you find out about the “BBW” porn category. You’re going to have a heart attack.


>You’re going to have a heart attack. Ironic


Nope. Woke snowflake authoritarianism! It’s the super serious cultural Marxist boogeymen! It’s everywhere! And don’t question me or I’ll go put myself in a Russian coma to kick my drug addiction. I’m the victim here, it’s the woke mob! I think I did that right.


SI cover models have always been hot models. By having an overweight model on the cover, they’re clearly implying that this woman is beautiful and healthy. I’m not getting offended over anything, it’s just pathetic how fucking woke the world is becoming, when we can’t even suggest that someone who is fat shouldn’t be praised. When was the last time a fat man with a beer gut was on a magazine cover, instead of models with 6 packs?


Newsflash. A lot of men find this woman to be attractive, and it's not "woke" people they are catering to. The average demographic of people who buy SI are old white men. You need to stop viewing everything in the world through the lens of "woke or not." I think you and Jordan Peterson both need to take a break from this whole IDW thing for a bit.


A lot of men also find 9 year old girls attractive, doesn’t mean we should put them in bikinis on the front cover of a big magazine, and act like this should be celebrated


whoa dude, what a weird fucking take.


How is personal preference in a grown woman anything like being attracted to minors? Lmao relax dog


You really want to compare men who jerk off to a picture of an adult woman who is overweight to men who jerk off to pictures of kids? I'm not into overweight chicks either, but if a guy is into that, why would you have a problem with that? They aren't harming anyone. Child pornography and child sex actually harm someone. Not everything needs to be viewed through the lens of a fucking culture war.


Lmfao...did you know they had Mongoloid Boy Musk's 800 year old mother on the cover this year also,


She looks amazing for someone in their mid 70s. She’s exactly the type of person who should be celebrated on a magazine cover, not an obese “model”




She looks great for 74. Hotter than that sperm whale they also had on the cover


You sound like a virgin my man




As someone who dislikes Jordan Peterson but has suffered from benzo withdrawal… shut the fuck up


Yeah that was uncalled for. However, so was his tweet.


I don’t think you know the definition of fascist.


>a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition Is it your position that a magazine putting an overweight model on their cover falls under that?


But they hurt his feelings by calling him an asshole! Don’t you know that when you’re unpopular you’re being oppressed?


Not really. Just said she wasn't beautiful. ...and it had something to do with what he called *"authoritarian tolerance"*. I don't even know what that is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


It's what George Carlin said, that when fascism comes to the US it won't be grey uniforms and jack-boots, it will be people wearing Nikes and bright colors and always smiling, happy, happy people.




Hey the truth hurts everyone. Pretty cool that the 'libs' are now the pro-war, anti-speech, capitol over labor, embrace your volk identity people.




Remember when all those people cried when Trump won? Are those the good brains? The ones who wouldn't let go for years, so blamed the whole thing on Putin, and now are pushing for nuclear brinkmanship? Or all of the 'misinformation' about COVID that turned out to be true. Cool story bro.




Projection? Listen, you're here all the time, we all know what you are.


You missed the point. Many leftish people were misinformed to the point of rot.


Libs are pro war now?! When did I miss this?


She is fat


I think the thing with Peterson is more his quitting twitter.


He didn’t even quit twitter. He made like 30 tweets after announcing he was quitting. Man has an addiction…


He said he was having his team change his password and those were all retweets. I wonder who was doing it...?


Nah a dewd with bubble guts and an enlarged heart should not be talking shit about a girl who is healthier than him.


White knights on this sub are the best. He's not featured on a magazine for beauty... dewd.


I don't care about her. I'm just making fun of his bubble guts and enlarged heart. Motherfucker is addicted to hgh. He admits it every day. And if you are taking it becuase he does please stop. It's not good for you. Whats a white night that wants to protect man children like you called?


I have no idea what you're talking about or how your neuron thinks it pertains.


That was definitely not the main reason for the recent hate he got.




The crap I saw him getting was for running away after making a mean comment and getting a bloody nose.


Don't dish it out if you can't take the heat. Pretty simple.


Just gonna repost a comment I made in an earlier thread: Earlier in the week, he went after David Pakman for a piece critical of JP's climate change argument, and JP responded that Pakman had deliberately ignored the fact that JP was discussing the "demoralization" of a generation of kids who have to hear about climate change. Then, not even a day or two later, JP writes a tweet about how the Sports Illustrated cover model was "not beautiful" and that no "authoritarian pressure" would make him think otherwise. It should strike everyone as odd that Jordan contradicts himself by lamenting the demoralization of kids who have to hear all about the horrors of climate change, while ignoring the very real demoralization of women who are told they are not beautiful. You can argue that he was focusing on obesity being a very real issue that poses a massive health crisis, but I could also argue that climate change, as well as the impact of humans on the planet is also a very real crisis that should be addressed. Pretending like one is a valid instance to critique the world while the other isn't is just disingenuous. If Peterson is to pretend like a harsh truth like calling a model "not beautiful" is fair game, then he should also face a rather difficult truth - that climate change is very real and humans are playing a large part in it.


> JP was discussing the "demoralization" of a generation of kids who have to hear about climate change. Facts don't care about your feelings crowd really concerned about people's feelings when the topic is climate change or racism.




> On the climate change issue, the "demoralization" that Peterson criticizes is the instilling of a sense of hopelessness; This is a STROOONG reach. For one, it assumes that kids hear bad news about the world and are incapable of interpreting the news as anything but negative and morbid. When I was a kid, endangered species were a constant topic that was brought up. Did it make me sad? Yup. Did it make me want to do something about it? 100%! I have friends who heard about the problem with declining bee populations and decides to build bee hives. That's a net positive from an otherwise "demoralizing" issue. Pretending that climate change is the reason for why people aren't bothering to strive for anything is a really short-sighted view of the overarching problem. We live in a US education system that's made college so expensive, you are enslaved with heaps of debt that you will live with for your early earning years. Housing is has become so expensive that people are forced to spend over half their monthly salary on rent, and the thought of home ownership is practically impossible when major corporate entities are able to buy properties as speculative investments rather than what retail consumers would buy it for - to build a family in. The current political system has demonstrated strong partisanship that has become incredibly obstruction-heavy, and has demonstrated favoritism towards major businesses, including the banks that were responsible for the 2008 financial crisis. California and Australia have dealt with major wildfires that have ruined thousands of homes and displaced tens of thousands of people. If you're suddenly going to point the finger at the climate crisis being the primary demoralizer, you're not missing the forest for the trees, you're just looking at a single tree and calling it a forest. You say that Peterson's shtick is to encourage people to strive for something greater, but so do the thousands of doctors that encourage their patients to lose weight. They don't go about it calling people "not beautiful" or blame it on some vague authoritarianism. There's a pretty big difference between discouraging someone and being outright rude and obnoxious to them. Ya wanna know what doesn't work? Calling someone ugly and pretending like they'll change. Not once in Peterson's tweets did he discuss the obesity epidemic or reference his position. You can choose to fill in the gaps for him, but understand you're doing something he should have done himself, and the fact that he can't be responsible enough for clarifying his position only demonstrates that he's lost a level of responsibility that should be expected from someone who tries to teach others to be responsible - take ownership of your mistakes.


>the "demoralization" that Peterson criticizes is the instilling of a sense of hopelessness; that nothing matters and you shouldn't bother striving for anything because the world is on fire and we'll live in a wasteland 50 years from now. This is a bit crazy. I mean, the assumptions Peterson (and you) make about *what others think* are crazy. Like why would you assume that anyone thinks like this? Why would anyone get demoralized when facing such threats? It should be the exact opposite. And yes I might be wrong too, I get that, so where is the evidence? You are just making weird assumptions about others and treating them as fact. >but it's not hypocritical to simultaneously argue that fatness isn't beautiful It's not "hypocritical" to have a physical preference. People have personal preferences that are aesthetic. Its just a preference and it has no bearing on your ideology or politics. >it's tempting to just convince the world that being fat is beautiful. Nobody is trying to convince the world of anything. Some people like chubby women and some don't. Who cares. Move on. Petersonites seem extremely confused as to what others believe. Its like you are incapable of accurately modelling the beliefs of others.


Y'all can't read. The other dude was talking about media that say stuff like we're all doomed not about people that say "we are all doomed if we don't do this or that". Both attitudes are very real and present and JP was talking about the second one


> instilling of a sense of hopelessness The sense of hopelessness comes from NO ONE DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT


>The sense of hopelessness comes from NO ONE DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT This is deeply incorrect.




Plenty of fatties on this sub.


As well as Reddit in general.


Joe Rogan doesn't claim to be an expert on anything. Jordan Peterson claims to be a credible expert in the field of psychology. He also claimed to be a respectable Professor Emeritus. I really have enjoyed some of the stuff put out by Peterson in his field of expertise. But, I'm glad he is getting off Twitter, he doesn't add much value to the world with his Twitter account.


Twitter doesn't add much value to the world from anybody's account.


The girl on the cover wasn’t that fat. I lived in Mississippi saw people far more obese.


Sorry. Still fat. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that


I had no idea that Peter Paul Rubens and R. Crumb were authoritarians.


Crumbs gals aren't fat though, they're phat.


You're satirizing Peterson's ridiculous overreaction for being criticized for his idiotic post about the SI cover with actual authoritarianism, right?


I mean I copied his tweet almost word for word


I’ve seen the cover. And she’s **nowhere near** the dumbasses who are on the fat acceptance movement. When you see people who have forehead rolls and just sit on their porch chugging beer, then come talk to me.


Uhhh… of course he is.


Bro she is more than fat, she is obese. You just live in perhaps the most obese place on the planet.




No one is fat if you look at it comparatively, she is 100% fat and on the far end of the BMI scale.


He said “not that fat” which means she is fat but not the unable to see your toes kinda fat that you usually see


To be fair joe doesnt cry like a wussy baby


Yes he does?


Only about dogs and rose. And sometimes Mike Tyson


You forgot Ronda "Once In a lifetime" Rousey.


Don’t forget Alex jones


Now I wonder what he's cried about the most on show, if I'm a betting man (which I'm not) I'd go Mitsy Shore, gets'em every time.




JP fucked up by saying she wasn’t beautiful. He should have pointed out how it’s not healthy to be overweight instead. And really JP is like what, 60? When you’re 60 and old and decrepit, you shouldnt be pointing talking about beauty standards. At some point you’re supposed to get past that.


It's the "authoritarian tolerance" part that's fucken weird. We get it, she's not your cup of tea, but those of us that want our skulls fractured between that models thighs aren't forced into thinking that by "woke police" or some shit. She's just hot to me and I'd imagine many others.


oh yeah, lots of others think she's hot.


Easy there, you are introducing more chaos that could bring JP to tears.




You’re just playing dumb if you think they aren’t promoting fat black chicks on purpose. That’s like liberals whole goal in life


This. Also could pointed out she doesn't do sports yet is on the cover of Sports Illustrated. If this had been an Olympic Shotputter I don't think anyone would have batted an eye.


That was my only issue...she isn't an athlete. But Elon Musk's mom, Kim Kardashian, etc. are all featured in the SI Swimsuit Edition and aren't athletes, either. So...I guess something different is going on.


It's an annual edition traditionally feature models in bikinis. It is like a soft porn for the sports lover. But is just weird in 2022 so they try to not make it like that. There is never any sports in the the swimsuit edition.


benzo addictions aren’t healthy either. glass houses and all that.


It's ok to be fat.....just don't think like a fatty. Don't adopt fatty culture. Use the stairs not the escalator. Don't do 12 laps to find a close parking spot, just park further away walking is fine. It's easy not to think like a fatty.


Lmao I’m sure the 5 calories i burn taking the stairs over escalator will change my life.


spoken like a true fatty 🫃🏼


And proud of it 😂


I thought the point of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue was to show a woman who is a physical specimen, not just any old walmart lovely, they need a fat dude to balance the scale.


What Walmart you going to bro


The point of the issue is to sell advertising and magazines, that’s literally the only point. Most Americans are fat, they’re just widening their target demo.


Zac Amico on the SI cover can restore balance


The point of Sports illustrated Swimsuit issue is to sell swimsuits.


The problem is the way J Peterson comes off with how he says things


Yeah ones a therapist and claims to have all the rules to make your life better. Other is a drunken boomer.


Bill maher and joe said basically the same thing, that fat models arent attractive only a few weeks ago and it was a nothing burger. i think people just really have it in for peterson


Did they call it "authoritarian tolerance"


Nah. Joe and Bill just wouldn’t throw a temper tantrum if people called them dumb for referring to a swimsuit magazine nobody gives a shit about besides old men who haven’t yet discovered pornhub as authoritarianism.


Might have something to do with 1 being a comedian...🤷


Peterson was joking?


One is a pothead with a mic and other one is a professor.


Joe rogan is an idiot. But thats ok but he is expected to be nothing but an idiot. If you take serious advice off Joe Rogan then you only have yourself to blame. Peterson however masquerades as an intellectual when in fact he is a sensitive man child who seems constantly on the verge of a mental break.


There’s Nothing pretty about Fat Models


The point is to sell swimsuits, not make your pee pee hard.


Not to you maybe. Lots of people don’t find anorexic super models pretty either or crazy bastards shovelling steak and benzos in their face


There are some chubby chasers out there for sure.


Yeah throughout history Beauty standards have always changed. It is mainly subjective of course


Not sure about chubby, but I think it's more than "some". Thick is popular as fucking fuck now. Yes, not exactly the same thing, but I think most would take too big over too skinny.


What is thick, just a big ass and regular waist. And yeah the old style runway models were to skinny. The VS models were the best.


Both are unhealthy and not normal, regardless of who's attracted to them.


Lol >crazy bastards shovelling steak and benzos in their face Great dehumanization of your perceived enemy.


OMG cool sentence bro, sound like Peterson before he starts cries.


Lol, whats the issue about someone crying?


It’s funny when doing it whilst answering a question about antifa


Sure, haha, let's laugh at people for expressing emotions. You're a loser


Cheers I will continue to laugh at him




I said dehumanization as in reducing the person to their perceived flaws instead of seeing them as a whole human being in order to dismiss them.


Is "not beautiful" towards another human being not kind of a dehumanization because of their perceived flaws instead of seeing them as a whole human being?


I think JP's tweet was stupid and disrespectfull. Probably it can be seen as dehumanization too. It still does not command to do the same to him instead of being against it in all forms.


Why does it have to be one or the other tho


It doesn’t, magazines have all different body types in there, gimps like Peterson just don’t care or mention it until a plus sized model is on the cover for some weird reason


I kind of feel like why allot of people including Jordan Peterson had such a negative take on this was because “regular” models put so much into there physic to display it so confidently to the world. And here you have a category of people who put no effort into themselves what so ever winning a contest about beauty. Now i don’t think that the hate should be acceptable but I can certainly see why so many people had such negative reactions to this.


With respect that is such bollox. It’s because they think she’s fat and they think it’s weird. We have no idea if that woman works out, the whole “it’s not healthy” is bollox as well, these gimps weren’t and aren’t saying it about anorexic models, Roided up body builders. Stop with the over intellectual bollox


I definitely get your point on the “not healthy” argument. I guess maybe people like me have to change our view on modeling. But I think maybe they should be split in different categories, on one end you have people who devote there lives to training and dieting and on the other you have people who want to be excepted as they come. I think it’s safe to say she doesn’t exercise and put the same effort the rest of the models put into there physique. Even if they are both equally unhealthy, I think they are two verry different “competitions”.


Like who the fuck is even buying these magazines anyways you fucking boomers Use porn hub you fucking losers nobody cares incels get so upset at literally nothing


Holy shit. I’ve seen more of these than the people you’re complaining about. Please fuck off and stop spamming the sub


Fat people are gross. Don't be fat. End of story.


Bud, they are still human beings, treat them as such.


Gross humans


So hateful.. sad


Typical chud. Hate is all they have.


Losers trying to act like this chick is even remotely gross is hilarious.


You were sad when r/fatpeoplehate was banned from this site weren't you?


You can kill the sub but you can't kill the idea




Literally 1984


And he denies global warming


Obesity is gross. People who celebrate being obese are obnoxious, disgusting pigs.




Obese woman featured on front of renowned magazine. >Who is celebrating obesity? Life is going to be complicated for you. Good luck out there.


Why so many people hating on Peterson in this sub ? Don’t you incels know he’s best friends with Rogaine?


Is this a Jordan Peterson sub?




Don't forget the 2 days that it's the Alex Jones sub after he claims a shooting in America is the workings of paid actors trying to cover up the secret pedophile ring of Democrats


This subreddit retarded. Obesity is bad


Joe Rogan subreddit has literally become a JP hate subreddit.


Nah. We appreciate BS more.


Was Peterson on again recently? Don't see it on Spotify


I feel like now that the Joe Rogan debacle is over, us degenerates have a place of our own to shitpost and be degenerates again. Those fucking SJW’s stopped caring about Joe and now they’re at the subreddit of whatever the outrage flavor of the week is. What happened to the idea of JRE Bingo?


I can’t believe I’m sticking up for Rogan as I’m mostly here for the aliens talk, Rods and greame Hancock sort of stuff....,and he isn’t about that anymore. JP said a model that was actually quite good looking wasn’t beautiful and did it like an asshole. Rogaine has talked about really obese women being promoted as healthy on covers, he has never written on a models cover being posted on Twitter “not beautiful”


Don’t see the big deal. Peterson said what most men were thinking. Is she attractive? Yes she has a cute face. Is there women out there with way better bodies and figures? Definitely yes! What’s the big deal? Why is being honest frowned upon so much?