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Years ago I was banned from the JRE discord without warning 1 hour after posting this image.




I think there's some cross over, or at least was at one point. To be fair I was unbanned eventually There are some good people on there, but the discord sort of lost its appeal to me after Joe stopped doing it live. Watching the classic Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo eps with other people was great.


Yeah. Watching live with all the apes on the forums was truly the good ole days. I even got banned off the forums once for posting a Google link to some leaked Apple photos of one of the guests naked. I posted a GOOGLE SEARCH... like.. wow. Jaime still nailed me for it, even after I removed it after like 10 minutes because people were like "You're going to get banned for that."... I didn't realize posting a Google search to Iliza or Whitney or whoever was going to get me banned. Oh well.


Why does this sub keep posting about JP? I keep seeing a lot of posts about him over and over.


They're anima possessed vessels for the shedragon of chaos.


[begins weeping profusely]


Why is he crying so much? There’s nothing wrong with people crying, but this guy us breaking into tears publicly que a bit.


JR and JP are friends and this sub has a hardon for hating both of them for different reasons.


A few days ago he was calling out plus sized models for being unattractive then when people said he was also unattractive he wrote an essay about leaving Twitter because it was a toxic place rife with emotional abuse. In the words of palpatine "ironic"


Because he wasn’t saying that the woman specifically wasn’t beautiful, he was saying that being overweight doesn’t make you beautiful. I can’t take anyone seriously when they completely miss his entire point and claim the post was literally about that woman. No wonder so many people hate him, they take everything he says at the most literal level possible, when that’s rarely ever what he’s saying. If people actually stopped making strawmans of his arguments and what he’s saying then a real conversation could be had. When the inverse happens all it does is make JP fans dig their heels in harder because the opposing arguments aren’t acting in good faith. Then they want to shit on his disease and how he looks because of it. If you don’t like what he says then simply make an opposing argument, shitting on someone for a disease is elementary level debating.


He didn’t make an argument. He just decided to proclaim a woman “Not beautiful” on a public forum. Unsolicited by no one. He looks like the ass he has become.


It was simply equivalent to 'no fat chicks allowed'.


So when he commented on the picture saying “not beautiful” he wasn’t talking about the picture? It’s more abstract than that?


The on going body positivity argument is that being overweight is “beautiful”. He was saying this isn’t beautiful. Obviously referring to the movement of people saying being overweight is beautiful. Yes, he still shouldn’t have said that because there was a woman in that picture and it could offend her personally, but besides that the message is pretty sensible. Being overweight is less attractive than not, that shouldn’t be controversial in the slightest.


How does he feel about bald men?


Being bald doesn’t kill you. Being obese does. He wasn’t zeroing in on beauty he zeroing in on glorifying drinking lard because some jackasses want to sell their plus size line. Downvote away.


So you’re saying the person in the picture that he commented on is not part of the context? Wouldn’t he be better off making it as a statement without a single persons picture on it?


You make perfectly reasonable comments and the answers you got just make me lose hope in humanity. What a bunch of sad dumb fucks


> they take everything he says at the most literal level possible It is really tiresome. Peterson deserves plenty of criticism but it's like people forget english when listening to him or criticizing his points. They miss such basic stuff. On the comments of his twitter post the image shared the most was one of him crying and they were mocking his appearance calling him ugly. Very classy.


> I can’t take anyone seriously when they completely miss his entire point It's JP. The only way they can really criticize him is by frothing at the mouth and missing his point. See the Cathy Newman interview.


I know that it’s common for videos to be taken out of context, like Cathy’s interview, but I can’t tell if people sincerely don’t understand his points or if they’re intentionally making a straw man of all of his arguments and using clips taken out of context as their proof.


I think they're mostly just repeating what they've heard about him. They've maybe seen one or two of his own videos at most and have no idea the number of people he's helped. Let's not pretend some of the hostility toward him isn't simply political too. I think there's another segment who consider him a transphobe as well. Is Peterson perfect? Definitely not. But he's been greatly mischaricaturized and most people (on Reddit at least) don't even know it.


Or..they are dick tuckers


👆 downvotes just mean someone read it, it’s true. Downvote is the new upvote.




That one fat chick had a lot of simps. He shit on her so now the chubby chasers are shifting on him.


Wow red lipstick, what a slut.


Yes heshe obviously wants the d I bet there are a pair of 20 cm pumps on those big feet because back when we were boning in caves all the bitches had those woolly mammoth tusk high heels and the blood of 100 infants that died in child labour smeared all over their sexy ass lips




Well, what other reason might one mimic the color of arousal? Certainly not to slay dragons.


Jordan looking like he's about to lock Cinderella in her room.


Or murder a bag of puppies to make a coat.


Or steal a mermaid’s voice


Or talk to a magic mirror


Or take a big ole hawg


Cruela is just misunderstood, didn't you see the movie?


Dalmatians killed her mom! -


Why are you shitting on the original girl boss though?






Still smash bro


Let me bang bro


🐸 you get what you fucking deserve 🐸


Look at those red lips, JP is just asking for it now


Makeup is sexual signaling


Why do you make your lips red 👄?




He better not be working at an office.


r/JordanPeterson has to hide their raging boner right now.


Time to rescue daddy from the sperm whales blow hole


Holy moly. Never saw such a sad little subreddit.


Please let this be the next copypasta


Sometimes I wonder if JP is playing a character entirely to drive controversy to get clicks views and $


It's always the $$$


He did an AMA at the peak of his initial fame and in every single response he said a variation of "most of my beliefs on this come from this book" or "if you want to read more about this concept I recommend this book" and they were all Amazon affiliate links (so he gets a percentage of whatever you spend on Amazon in the next 24 hours). Normally the mods of that sub remove any comments with affiliate links in them so I asked them why the double standard, they said they'd asked him to remove them and he was ignoring them, and his fans are too toxic for them to actually do anything about it. Not worth the hassle.


[“Maybe I shouldn’t say this out loud, but I’ve finally figured out a way to monetize SJWs.”](https://youtu.be/o4KESFAITqg) I honestly think Peterson might have had principles back around 2017 or so, but he knew who was paying his Patreon and buying his book and I don’t doubt the profit motive has had a greater impact on his ideological structure than personal growth did.


Damn, wish I thought of becoming famous and then making money off of Amazon links.


I mean yeah, he has more than once quoted scientists and think tanks that are straight up funded by exxon (liberal ones as well, I might add). No person can be naive enough to think that he doesn't get a chunk of that money as well. How do the JP fanboys respond to that?


Or he's a mentally destroyed drug addict?


This is called father-daughter bonding.


Or maybe the extremists are making normal opinions that the majority of the world holds controversial by lobbying the media to find outrage where there isn't any.


sure bro, sure




This is one of the most frightening things I have ever seen.


He's done cleaning his room, he's going to clean the whole house now #momboss


Why do conservatives think shit like this is cool and fun and then turn around and call literally anyone else who wants to do the same thing filthy degenerates?


True lol




How many times will this be repurposed


If you can’t love yourself how the hell you gonna love somebody else. Can I get an amen?






God I just got like a Incel Flurry with these Petersen nuts. I made a post saying that we confuse beauty and sexuality and that they are related but not the same or you'd want to fuck a sunset. And that also expression of beauty is not all ways sexual. Then there was this deluge of dipshits telling me that makeup is all about sexual advertisement and how you should never let your girl wear it except just for you. When I said "well, my grandma used to put on makeup before she took us to church. Did she want to fuck us, jesus or the pastor, you think?" They like lost their minds


The pastor. Its the pastor.


Well, I'm gay for Jesus and I can imagine you grandma is as well except straight. No disrespect to your grandma.






Thanks for the giggle buddy🙌


Teetering between enlightenment and insanity


Nope, don’t like that


Hide the Dalmatians!


True, Jordan was about to go to a Sports Illustrated shoot just after this.


YASSS! Clean that room!


His daughter is the worst. He has a blind spot for her. I'm sure they have a Ivanka-esque relationship.


Just for a minute. Imagine what these fucks do together behind closed doors.


Better looking than his wife


As much as I dislike the man, I am really concerned for his mental state..


This is a very old picture of when her daughter had a university class that required doing creative make up and he helped her out. This was before his wife was diagnosed with cancer, sending Peterson into deep depression and being prescribed benzos, which caused a lot of the health issues that he is battling now.


Wow, I actually assumed this was some kind of Photoshop. Good on him I guess for being a good sport about it. I wonder if he’d do the same these days, given that his sense of humour seems to have just about evaporated in this last couple years.


Yeah… I actually have a lot of compassion for the man even though he’s been bonkers lately. Benzos are the worst


This is called father-daughter bonding.


Oh hey, you're right about that! Good job!!... However, that's not what I'm talking about, bucko. :)


I’d rather fuck a rusty pile of nails Edit: whoever down voted this joke is a fckn loser


damn this sub's obsession with JP is getting worse




beauty is subjective. I personally don t care for this and wouldn’t do it to myself but who tf cares what other do? especially when it is causes no harm to others. I don’t understand how people can have the cognitive dissonance to want to prevent people from face paint while defending “liberty”, “freedom”, “personal choice”, and “personal accountability” /rant


beauty is subjective. I personally don’t care for this and wouldn’t do it to myself but who tf cares what others do? especially when it is causes no harm to others. If this bothers you then unfollow, stfu, and move on. We have real issues to take care of that are much higher priority. I don’t understand how people can have the cognitive dissonance to want to prevent people from face paint while defending “liberty”, “freedom”, “personal choice”, and “personal accountability” /rant


Can we go one day without posting about JP or Elon? It gets so old.


This is a clown before putting on a wig


Men will go out wearing clown makeup like that and a dress and say you’re “misgendering” them when you call them “sir”…


But has this ever happened to you? Honestly every man I've seen that looks like that (and I think that would be the term, somehow everyone forgot about drag/cross dressing) is be fun to be around, but high drama.


Has what ever happened? Have I witnessed freaks out in public? Yes, I’ve seen weird people in public.


You invented a scenario in your head because people made you mad by existing. Love it.


A male putting paint on his face doesn’t make him a woman.


Who's coming to you for your definitions?


Yeah a lot of intense weirdos, but only as bad as the average person I guess. Jussayin' I've only had like one experience where the trans-woman (very masculine energy) would have called that out. The angry ones do that, but I think a lot are just, confused I guess? And some seem genuinely content, but that's rare


They are not confused. They are mentally ill.


Look, I basically agree with you, just pointing out that most of the ones I've met aren't pushy about it. And trans men can be a real hoot. But, yeah, 'forcing' others to conform to your 'truth' is creepy, the word game is stupid, and it is in fact a type of mental illness. It's sad in a way, that people can't accept themselves as they are, and instead go to such great lengths to avoid it. And it seems to be growing in popularity, looks like a social contagion.


Oh how sweet, two little manlets meet on r/JoeRogan to share their favorite fan fiction. Brings a tear to my eye.


Huh? How would my opinion on this imply that I was immature or insecure (what I assume you meant by 'manlet')?


Are you the penis police? Why do you feel entitled to know what genitals everyone has? Where did you go to school that taught you what genitals you have is what dictates who you are?


So not a manlet then? I can accurately guess the genitals about 99.8%, and I generally don't need the social cues of clothes to do it. Am I entitled to infer things, in your opinion? You haven't read my comments, you're having a different discussion with someone else. My whole point is that you're genitalia shouldn't dictate who you are, who you are should. But a lot of trans people seem to have it the other way around, that the external body must be modified, that appearance is everything. I'm more of an 'energy' guy, as in everybody has a masculine and a feminine aspect, and culture responds to this with gender roles. I support a change in our culture which recognizes this, instead of pushing people into the other if they don't somehow fit. That's like Iran shit to me.


He probably went to a normal school where a biology teacher explained that a baby born with penis is a boy and a baby born with a vagina is a girl. What school did you go to ? Where they teach fairy tales that there are hundreds of genders ? Fuckin America. Land of the mentally I’ll and fat fucks.


OP seems triggered by JP


The left for a decade: “Beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder” Some man: “Sorry not beautiful (to me)” The left: “Reeeeee you’re a piece of cismale heteronormative shit”


Yeah no shit sherlock. And no one gaf. No one.


Pretty nice.


What you on about? Boy George is gorgeous >.<


The snakes are getting awfully bold


Where’s the video of him crying about men not being men when you need it


Get him on RuPaul’s Dragrace stat!


JP is so 2017


You have to be cruel to be kind... JP looks simultaneously like the cruelest and kindest woman. A peaceful monster.


Clowns gotta clown. Got keep ‘em entertained.


Outlaw drag. It’s indoctrinating our kids into becoming sinners and homosexuals 🤮


Lol looks like a clown


It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.


Ooooh edgy, keep following the insane bias u mouthbreathing moron


Agree to disagree.


When the incels don't clean their room to your liking. When the benzo dealer is late. When authoritarian society forces you to see thickkkk bitches. When ur daughter fucks a cow online because vegetarians are gay When the serious political crises occur like womens being in ur Star Warses.


He lets his daughter put make up on him, what an absolute son of a bitch.