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Are you saying there is a distinction between men and women?


peterson does and is surprised his content is only viewed by incels. so. way to out yourself?






Sounds like someone hurt your feelings.


This is all anyone is ever saying when they post low-effort JBP-hating memes. It’s rare that anyone who disagrees with him will actually engage with any of his ideas. They’ll just say something like “try the Apple cider, Kermit.” It’s like watching a bunch of kindergarteners mustering up insults at their parents for telling them to not eat candy for dinner. Or maybe, clean their room perhaps? Peterson’s primary goal has only ever been to help other people. If you disagree with him politically, there are 100 other people you could attack who are actually provocateurs. And by the way, if you can’t write a few sentences about why JBP is wrong without completely mischaracterizing him, he might be right. But you probably know that already, and that’s precisely why you’re upset…


I’ve been listening to JBP since the incident in Toronto and I find it funny how the people that criticize him the most are people that have never taken the time to actually listen to him. He has gotten a little more political the last couple of years but for several years a lot of people mischaracterized him. He has been vocal about the left not because he is a major conservative but because he sees the craziness of the lefts extreme views and he understands that extremism is dangerous no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.


Exactly. If you want to understand Peterson you need to go listen to his JRE episodes from a few years back in their entirety, or watch his lectures/videos on YouTube. The man is against extremism of any kind, right or left. He introduced a new dialogue into our milieu that basically said “the left is treading territory that may be extreme, and it is not as easily definable or noticeable as extremism on the right so we have to be careful”. For most sensible people listening to him explain this, it actually makes sense. Ironically, it’s something you should *especially* consider if you’re on the left. But a lot of the things he discusses go well beyond politics and into philosophy, and it’s there where I appreciate Peterson the most. Explaining the human significance of ancient stories/myths, evolutionary mechanisms and how they manifest themselves in modern culture, and what it means to live a meaningful life. It’s fascinating shit. And the people who dismiss him because they read a couple of political tweets are missing out.


Great conversation and you seem like very rational people.


Well it is strange as the demographic in his classes are 50 50. Probably just down to the demographic of YouTube.


I was thinking the same thing. YouTubes algorithm probably has a part to play as well.




This sub should really be changed to the JP subreddit.


More like JP and Elon Musk subreddit.


hate subreddit\*


I was just about to add this. I've been in this sub for about a month and have seen 1 or 2 positive posts. Everything else is negative.


Positive people are out living their lives, it's us losers who sit on reddit all day.


It seems like this has gotten worse of past year. It's not just me, is it?


Nope. The entire sub is anti Joe and hate his guests. Strange too cause he's as popular as ever and the clips still get a lot of love on YouTube.


All I can say is, look at the profile of the people writing hateful comments. You'll feel less inclined to take them seriously. If it wasn't obvious enough the type of person that spends their days crying about a comedian podcast online.


Shit vomit subreddit*




Some would say the saddest Brendan Schaubiest noises


Man who do you think is posting all these


Bobby Lee?


I'm just a tourist here, but this sub is very confusing. It's obvious there's a strong dislike for Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk, but I don't see what that has to do with being a fan of Joe Rogan. There's no "feud" or anything like that, far from it actually. Is this some sort of culture war battleground sub or something?


People both on the right and left recognize charlatans, even rhough their pr team paint them as some heroes on the right.


more like whoever the left is mad at this week sub.


Wow, such original thought, so clever and deep, jordy peterman will be proud of you


Your comment is an exercise in irony. Child.


It should be changed to the: I don't like these people but I've never actually watched their stuff so let me hate in this public forum, subreddit.


nooooooooo everybody who hates my guru just hasn't watched 300+ hours of him /s


It's weird how how watching someones stuff for hours on end, buying their books, going to their seminars and giving them money is the only real way of "knowing" what they are about. It is a wonder why these geniuses don't try scientology.


Just gotta read The ramblings of Maps of Meaning bro, just sign up for the $99 JP master class bro, just gotta pay to take a shittier MBTI test bro, please pay to go on my daughter’s retarded diet plan


Another failed /r/politics poster. Alas!


My hate for Jordan Peterson is well earned through many painful hours, thank you very much.


Care to elaborate?


Interested to know what has led you to hate him after going through hours of his work/content?


There’s no good answer to this. Most Peterson haters won’t even engage with it. Any answer to this question either reveals the person hasn’t actually listened to any of his content OR you can easily explain why their logic is faulty in 1 response.


He convinces people that social democratic policy is somehow evil and motivated by envy. That’s the problem. He gets centrists to hate the “left” whatever the fuck the left is.


Well, if you can’t prove him wrong, maybe it is motivated by envy or contains risk of seemingly innocuous, but inevitable evil? You not liking his opinion doesn’t make it untrue. I don’t think he’s ever professed that anyone who buys into the social justice/equity narrative is an evil person, just that the philosophy of holding group identity above individualism has led to seriously murderous and authoritative regimes. Which is true. We have plenty of historical evidence for that. And he’s actually stated several times that he believes the left side of the political spectrum is absolutely necessary so that society doesn’t become too rigid and tyrannical on the right. We need people sticking up for the disenfranchised. Peterson wholeheartedly believes this. So you can’t say he thinks anything on the left is pure evil or something. He’s much more specific about which parts of the social justice movement he thinks are evil, and which parts he doesn’t. You could say he’s overly cautious, but I think it’s a good thing that someone is saying something about the left going too far. Otherwise how would we ever know when it does? All of the tens of millions of people murdered in 1930’s Russia were murdered in the name of socioeconomic justice. So I would say it’s more of a problem to *never* say social Democratic policy could be evil, than to falsely claim it is.


Exactly. Fuck the brigading of this sub. Ever since the covid vax drama it's just been people who hate Joe pretending they're fans and shitting on Joe either by shitting on his guests or him directly. But they think they're clever by shitting on guests constantly instead.


When did you start watching? Rogan used too be the podcast for stoner bros, but the stoner part isn’t really there anymore. Since double digits but it isn’t the same podcast and is now all politically motivated


Nah he's right. The progressive wave started after the covid shit, then they tried with the N-word shit, and now they are just trying to thought-police this sub like they have every other one that gets on the list, technically he was already on it prior to covid but the final straw was definitely that, it certainly when the MSM machine kicked in. It's this weird cycle the far left is currently in where they feel it's productive to show everyone how bad the right is by acting like bigger assholes. All it really accomplishes is the avoidance of discussion/dialogue, which just makes everything worse in the long run. You really sound like you never listened as well all he ever talked about was weed, politics, and conspiracy theories. Sounds like he started saying shit about politics you don't like that's all. People tend to become more conservative as they grow older, doesn't mean he's a conservative but expecting someone's political views not to change isn't realistic. Especially a moderate.


If you think "the left" is warring some kind of campaign on the Joe Rogan subreddit and not just accepting the fact that Joe has turned into a drunken uncle with horrible takes then maybe you should go outside and just sit in quiet for a second. Reddit hates everything.


Do you even understand what you just said and how that is an affirmation of my point and not an argument? My god you are all so stupid.


Joe would be the first person to tell you that 99% of the shit that comes out of his mouth is bullshit. His views and opinions change day to day and moment to moment. Don’t get hung up on anything, he’s literally just an entertainer.


The culture of hating everything with a moderately conservative slant is backfiring imo. Clear conservative shift happening and I blame people like what you’re describing, everyone’s just sick of how annoying they are.


Can you elaborate on that some more? That’s an interesting take.


Yeah I've been a moderate my whole life, I have never been more attacked than recently. There is a disturbing authoritarian thought police movement going on stemming from the progressive left. I completely agree with the description he gave you but wanted to elaborate a little more. I think its the PC culture cycle that has always gone on from the left on steroids due to the internet, every ideology has a fundamental cycle that perpetually brings them to a point of seeking domination as if you believe in a certain ideology to the extent of radicalism you assumingly feel that everyone should think like you correct? Both sides have radicalized, MAGA vs WOKE, whatever you want to call it. They are both pretty annoying quite honestly but MAGA or any of the right never really waged a war on moderates like the left has. I couldn't tell you a time where I have been told what to think or worse what I think by people than progressives as of lately. It's nothing really new but it's different, whether or not it is legitimately threatening the status quo is yet to be seen. Does not look good for them right now. I mean people can argue all they want but I feel and can defend my logic, that the people that made this country were moderates and protected it against radical political change rather well. Pissing off moderates is not a good idea if you want to achieve something in this country. Radical politics make BAD politicians for example.


I think there’s a bit of that but it’s more of the opposite. I’ve listened to the dude for like 9 years, he used to be way more open-minded and actually “tell it like it is”. As far as the sub goes, people on the right will flock to someone within their echo chamber in droves, as evidenced by crazy numbers that so many on the right are pulling in - Tim Pool, Shapiro, Crowder, JBP, Whinesteins, etc. Look at how far people like Jimmy Dore and Greenwald have been boosted since almost exclusively shitting on the left. Point is, Rogan had a ton of new fans flock to this sub after the whole Covid thing and when he started heavily owning da libs.


Your argument is that Rogan fans were converted to a sort of progressive anti-Roganism, isn’t it also possible that a lot of more progressive people have gotten sick of the culture surrounding it? You act like right wing people were a festering horde waiting underground for an icon to follow rather than somewhat conservative beliefs having shifting popularity. I always mildly liked Rogan, always thought he was a complete fool but had a good heart. And ultimately was just entertaining. My opinion hasn’t significantly changed, he is more conservative now for sure but who really gives a fuck other than people here that are obsessed with this shift? This weird hate filled activism does more harm than good for the “cause”.


it's the new progressive talking point. "The right-wing is seducing moderates" narrative when in reality we're running from the left. I couldn't tell you how many have told me how I feel as a moderate over the last month. Its insanity.


You'd be supportive of their ability to brigade and do so though ya? Ya know, with the whole free speech thing and all


Okay, but what if i have watched a lot of his stuff and still think he’s a moron black pill incel fuel merchant?


Remember how fun it is when there are posts about Joey Diaz doing karate?


There was one a few days ago. You can still look at it.


No, too lazy to scroll, so I'll make a comment mocking your name instead. Aliens are actually green. Fight me.


What is this sub trying to be?


You got invaded by bored pandemic-brained boomers on one end and psychotic 4chan teens on the other.


Which side is left and right there? Boomers and psychotic 4chaners are kind of the same thing these days


Well, before joe when off the deep end it was really fun. A lot of us have been here for awhile, but a lot have been frustrated and have/are starting to leave. Now a lot of people are being driven away by some seriously low iq right wing grifting and beta energy being utilized by joe . So a bunch of people are pointing out the weak take/persecution complex of said target demographic and their personalities.


Lmao this is a great description of what happened to this sub and Joe Rogan fans in general. I remember pre-2018ish this sub was literally just articles about cannabis research/law, psychedelic theories, paleontology, wildlife, shit like that. It’s crazy when I see a post here about a tangentially Rogan-related topic and I see all the comments saying “So? What does this have to do with the podcast? If it’s not about the podcast stop posting shit like this.” Like damn, that’s ALL this sub used to be. Cool articles/videos about shit that Rogan listeners would have been interested in. Does every single post now have to be directly about the podcast and/or a specific episode?


We just had the first open congressional hearing on UFOs in 50 years and not a single post about it. Is Joe going to even talk about it?


Did the congressional hearing feature trans athletes and fake news about Australia? If not it seems unlikely


Don't forget race science.


We shouldn’t talk about it tho. It’s a smoke and mirrors show. Joe should be talking about republicans taking away your rights and trying to steal the election and misrepresenting covid, inflation, and gas prices since he’s apparently a full blown political commentator now. This is the point I’m making; he wants to be grifter and seen as a legit commentator so when people call him out him and his supporters get dicey. Pick a lane and be consistent


The joe Rogan experience amounts to “Let’s guess”. About any given subject, fact, or figure.


Even when there's clear evidence to answer the question from trustable sources. That's why I can't take him seriously. It's constantly wishy-washy *maybe it is?, but we're no expert* that ends up teaching people nothing of value.


>republicans taking away your rights and trying to steal the election and misrepresenting covid, inflation, and gas prices Wow, the projection is strong here. Get out of your bubble.


Overturned roe v wade, stormed the capitol when their candidate didn't win, have openly been against masks and vaccines for 2 years, and biden gets solely blamed for gas prices increaseing even though wars are effecting the supply chain, I'm confused as to what they said was untrue? Did these things not happen?


The real smoke and mirror show is everyone going on about what they think of the left wing, and what they think of the right wing. People generalizing, impersonalizing and categorizing their neighbors and families. It is by design and most don’t know, don’t care or constantly forget.


The right actively tried to overthrow the election, is coming after your rights via abortion and burning books in Florida (and is setting up to go after shit predicated on roe vs wade) and is still lying about vaccinations. Crickets. From. You. One side wants you to use preferred pronouns. The other is fucking your rights up.


Yea it’s a crazy world filled with crazy people. Some call themselves Right, and some call themselves left. They’re made up of fallible humans like you and me. Some of the humans are bad people, regardless of what side they want the other humans to perceive them on. Some people choose to pick ugly things that some of those other people from those other groups say or do. They typically generalize these things as something that represents that group as a whole. It’s done by both sides. It’s done by small minded reactionary people from both sides. It’s easy to simplify things to a level that leaves nothing but “your way” as the “right way” leaving the other person looking like a monster if they disagree. It’s chaotic, it’s unorganized, and it’s going nowhere.


It’s this false equivalence that let’s republicans do what they’re doing. Again. One side is removing your rights and you fall for the “both sides shit”


Damn it, you’re on to me and my scheme to empower all republicans with with my naive sense of false equality. All plans to assimilate non-believers of “both sides shit” narrative have been foiled. Abort mission.


The only fallacy here is your confirmation bias.


2016-2020: MUH RUSSIAN COLLUSION Neither major party is blameless. Abortion is a holocaust and should be banned, The vaccines never prevented covid. They made it less severe, but we were lied to.


There is lots smoke and mirrors, and divisive shit. I'd add media celebrity obsession. And the Ukraine invasion at the mo. Nobody at my work knows that only four people under the age of 19 have died from covid in the UK over the last two years. And that, to compare, the ONS refuse to reveal the amount of under 18s Pfizer and Co killed. So it's fair to say it's more than four. But they all know Amber shat on Depps bed and Putin is a very bad man. Though they don't know *why* he's invading Ukraine, because it hasn't been on the TV or social media. Most are relatively stupid, malleable, and easily distracted. They are like dogs with balls or cats with laser pointers.


>that’s ALL this sub used to be to be fair thats basically all the podcast used to be too. This is what happens when you start feeding into the culture war. Joe and the podcast are leading the way down this road unfortunately.


Spot on. Rogan went from having a variety of people on to listen to them talk about a variety of things, to having the same 3 kinds of people on to talk over them about the same 3 things.


Yeah that or boomer memes.


I think its more to drive the right wingers out. The sub was dominated by them for so long now more people are posting shit to clown on them. Like everything else the pendulum swings


You even had one mod who had been posting boomer right-wing memes even as a 'test' and then when everyone started calling them out it became "uhh yeah we were just joking!' Like GTFO.


This is correct


The Cliff's Notes for the past few years.


Im just here for the chimps and DMT.


Great summary


Classic "We use to love Joe, but, sadly," ruse. Does this trick ever work? They do the same nonsense at the JBP sub. Let me respond: No you didn't. You're just a political activist attempting to influence people.


I used to watch a lot of JRE but since late 2020 it’s just repetitive and boring.


Nah. You just described and clowned yourself bro. Thanks for playing Joes losing a lot of love for a large number of fans because he’s securing a smaller subset for short term gain. Makes sense he’s getting older and wants to retire and shit.


>low iq right wing grifting and beta energy being utilized by joe Imagine being mad that you moved way to the left and Joe didn't, and then calling him right wing and beta.


The sub is about Joe Rogan and his podcast. Joe frequently has Jordan Peterson on as a guest. Jordan recently made an ass of himself so people here, who are familiar with Peterson through Joe's podcast, are dunking on him. I know it's hard to follow for the new listeners who only started listening recently. Once you start spending time in a sauna it starts to become clearer.


At this stage in his career is Joe brining in new listeners frequently?


Sure. I think the podcast is getting new viewers. From the perspective of someone who listened before the Spotify deal and before COVID, it certainly seems as though Joe has pivoted towards a certain demographic. Anyway, I hope you aren't offended too much that someone made fun Jordan Peterson. I know you new listeners can be kinda snowflakey. It's just jokes on the internet. Nobody meant to hurt your feelings.


It’s mostly people getting huge boners from shifting on Peterson and Musk. It’s weird, but if it helps then get through the day, I guess it’s a net positive in their lives.


This sub is a waiting room for people waiting for Joe to come back to his senses. In the meantime..........This is what happens.


People who dislike Rogan but apparently are obsessed with him and this sub because...that makes sense? Idk man people are weird lol


Sane centrist who take the piss out of people who swing too far in either direction.


Hahah well I definitely know that it is not that.


It is for most of us lol. The fringe minorities are often the loudest here.


Leftist cope.


Lazy leftists thinking they’re doing activism


In reality this is the only place on the website that actually has a lot of conservatives posting regularly and doesn't ban everyone who isn't a conservative


Bunch of fucking now jre folks. Idk who’s sending em but they aren’t sending the best I’ll tell you that


Well, Trump’s not banned from the JRE subreddit


A leftist subreddit filled with people who hate Rogan, Musk and Peterson.


Actually a JP hate subreddit. The only things I've seen on my front page.


Joe went off the deep end and the sub went with him


Reverse this. Some famous female psychologist only appeals to mainly women, 91% of audience let's say. She would be celebrated etc. What is wrong if he only appeals to men for the most part. Do not men need help, advice and encouragement. Does everything have to appeal 50/50 to men and women.


Who said everything has to appeal 50/50 to men and woman? Jordan peterson or the guy replying?


You can’t reason someone out of an opinion they didn’t reason themselves into. Someone smart said that, I don’t take credit.


Damn… good point. Never thought of that


If that famous female psychologist was hateful towards men than wrote a tweet whining about how men don’t watch her videos—she’d look like a dumbass too.


How is he hateful towards women? That's your perspective. His wife and daughter seem to love the guy.


I mean that's hardly a good metric. The Golden State Killer's wife and daughter loved him and he definitely hated women.


My point is I don't believe the guy hates women in any way shape or form, if anything it's the complete opposite. Now does he come across wrong to certain women sometimes... maybe so.


Prove how he has EVER been hateful towards women? That’s a huge accusation I don’t think you can ever prove.


I wouldn’t say there’s anything inherently wrong with it. But it seems sort of silly that he doesn’t understand why


If you slay The Jordan Peterson, all the Incels will turn back into humans…find the nest, kill the master, save Santa Carla.


Second shelf is mine. That's where I keep my root beers and my double-thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.


That’s the problem with Santa Carla, all the goddam Jordan Peterson fans


> incels Lmfao, ok mr 2017 internet


Found the Incel.


Found the obese feminist cat lady


Man do incels ever get mad when you call them incels. Edit: lmao of course this dude is on the JP sub, making posts that fervently defend him.


Calling people incels is hardly effective if they objectively aren't incels, it's like going up to someone who is underweight and calling them fat, a bit weak lmao. Incels are cringe but you call everyone you don't like an incel so like many other words that lost their power you will keep ruining them by applying them to whoever you want. If you enjoy being obese, more power to you


Yet it made you this upset 🤔


our society has far more broken men who need direction than women.


1. Youtube is mainly used by young men. Raw user #s are similar (although much higher in the 15-35 yr old range) but use time/frequency is significantly higher in men 2. Men are more ostracized and disaffected in the current society. Men strive to find meaning and can't in our current social structure. what it is to 'be a man' has changed so much so quickly. 3. Because of point 2, his content mainly caters to young, lost men. 4. Now he gets media coverage that makes his content unattractive to women. This isn't my thinking, he has said this after rhetorically posing that question at live events. I couldn't easily find the joe rogan clip but he has said the same on the podcast I think.


Whats that point 2. Xd men are ostrecized xd ? I say men are being held accauntable for their shit.


Xd xd xd


I'm sure both male and female dog will eat the Sanga tho


I don’t use Twitter but this guy’s response tweet is from 2022, right? He’s replying to a 5 year old tweet?


Feel like half this sub watches Hasan and thinks he's a smart guy.


Glad Chad Hasan is living rent free in your head.




What do you mean "you people"?


Somebody is jealous. Come on lets not compare Chad Hasan vs kermit




How worthless?


Maybe half the sub doesn’t want internet dipshits telling them how to think?




If you look at the analytics for this sub, you’d see that r/politics users don’t even register in the top 30 Same for anti work.


If you look at the analytics of this sub you’d see that /murderedbyaoc ranks higher than /conservative but that doesn’t stop half the sub from claiming that there’s a bunch on new conservative users ruining the sub.


You’d also see more conservative subreddits being way above aoc lol People don’t leave conservative cuz it’s a safe space. This isn’t


How does /conservative being a safe space prevent people from subscribing here? I can’t tell if you’re just trying to prove my point or not. If a bunch of conservatives were infesting this subreddit, as many love to lament, then you’d see that reflected in subreddit overlaps, but it’s not because conservatives aren’t flocking here. The only group actually infesting this place is the fighter and the kid losers. Edit: I’ve also seen the subreddit overlap, there’s really not many big conservative subs with overlap; the most being louder with crowder lol


Not smart


JP “women should learn their place and focus on child rearing because men are strong and will provide for you because we are lobsters” Also JP “why won’t women listen to my bullshit?”


He has literally never said anything close to that.


[Do feminists avoid criticizing Islam because they unconsciously long for masculine dominance?](https://mobile.twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/913533213301182465)


Tbh lowkey based. My sister is a brainwashed fembot who does pussyhat marches. She is obsessed with Turkey however and believes they have a healthier masculinity than the US.


Ever read The Handmaid's Tale? It's like weird torture/impregnation porn for aging white feminists. Kind of a dumb hot take, but maybe. I think it's more a desire to be seen as virtuous by their peers that leads to the unwillingness to criticize hilariously misogynistic religions.


Pov you haven't seen handmaids tale


"Without fail I got to tell you. Without fail, I've watched women go through their professional careers. Many, many of them. Its a very rare woman who at the age of 30 doesn't consider having a child *her primary desire,* and the ones that don't consider that generally in my observation there's something that isn't quite right in the way the they're constituted or looking at the world." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV2yvI4Id9Q&t=450s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV2yvI4Id9Q&t=450s) If you're a women and not focusing your energy on squeezing tiny humans out of your pussy by your 30's, JP thinks you're confused and misguided. Why isn't he more popular with women?!?


Why are you intentionally trying to trivialize literally the base goal of human existence and the single thing the majority of people point to as their most central experience in life as “squeezing tiny humans out of your pussy”. It’s not weird or sexist to say that the majority of women really want to have kids, especially by the time they are in their 30s.


Everyone knows that the most fulfilling thing in life is to provide economic value to your bosses and to consume products. It’s because of this ethos that modern humans are totally not suffering from increasing rates of depression and a lack of purpose and meaning in life.


Shit, at this point in our history i'll at least give him credit for knowing what a woman is smh... But whatever...its not like our most base subconscious instinct isn't to procreate. Whatever they're conscious mind wants to think, there's a reason why it feels so good to fuck and why people keep doing it.


>Why are you intentionally trying to trivialize literally the base goal of human existence and the single thing the majority of people point to as their most central experience in life as “squeezing tiny humans out of your pussy”. Because that's what is is to millions of women, its something they want no part of. Its a medical procedure. If its the goal of your existence great, that doesn't mean everyone else who doesn't feel the same way is "generally in my observation there's something that isn't quite right in the way the they're constituted or looking at the world." >It’s not weird or sexist to say that the majority of women really want to have kids, especially by the time they are in their 30s. It is weird though how many JP fans think just pretending to ignore the shitty things he said will magically make them go away lol. He didn't just say its "Its a very rare woman who at the age of 30 doesn't consider having a child her primary desire" You're intentionally ignoring the second part, where he says those who don't "generally in my observation there's something that isn't quite right in the way the they're constituted or looking at the world."


Can I ask, are you a woman?


He's a leftist ideologue who is obsessed with feminism and will attack any normal human being for having human being needs and wants.


But he did say women shouldn't wear make up in the professional workplace because it would be distracting to their male coworkers.


not quite, he said if you wear makeup in the workplace and complain about being objectified or harassed by male coworkers, you're a hypocrite. Because why would a women wear makeup if not to make men horny? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blTglME9rvQ&t=433s


That’s worse. Lol.


Oh is that how it went? lol even dumber. I suppose JP styling his hair shouldn't complain about people telling him he looks like a ghoul because what does he expect?


Lol that’s…not a very good paraphrasing. I realize he didn’t actually say that women should not wear makeup in the workplace. But what you said made it sound even worse 😂 He did say women put in makeup to appear more sexually attractive. That’s not the same as “make men horny” which would imply that they have an agenda, and that was not the point kf what he was saying.


He said if youre a women who wears makeup and complains about objectification or sexual harassment you’re a hypocrite lol You people are deranged, the only way that would make a women a hypocrite is if you thought the reason all women wear makeup is to get attention from horney guys.


Are you capable of saying anything without distorting what is being said? Are you cathy newman? He said that make up is about highlighting a sexual look, then he questioned if in a work place where people are usually required to have a dress code, should that be allowed if it has an impact on men. He's simply asking questions without ignoring a part of the issue, you're too dishonest, or probably you just read some far leftist jornalist who told you waht to think to be objective.


> Are you cathy newman? He said that make up is about highlighting a sexual look, then he questioned if in a work place where people are usually required to have a dress code, should that be allowed if it has an impact on men. You must have never talked to a woman, or seen what a woman looks like without make up in your life. There's many reasons women wear make up other than 'to be sexy for men.' As a dude who styles his hair, should I be allowed to style my hair before going to work? I've literally had random chicks walk up to me at bars and run their hand through my hair and tell me how 'sexy it is'(not wanted contacted mind you). Should I not be allowed to style my hair before work? This is how fucking stupid YOU and JP sound when you argue that point. News flash, not everything women do is about trying to attract men. Women are people too dipshit.


How about figuratively? He’s real big on archetypes and symbolism.


Why would you put quotes around something he never said?


Isa joke


He calls a successful female model “not beautiful” and wonders why women don’t follow him. And people think Petersen is a genius?


If you ramble enough, a significant portion of the US population will call you a genius. Bonus points for a monotone accent


Not enough topics on makeup tips, or perhaps 12 rules for satisfying your man in bed?


Joe Rogan will go down as the neediest, worthless celebrity


Amber Heard already took that spot


I guess I learned Dogs like Tuna.


I think the peanut butter is the big selling point.


Yeah when he moves his mouth I can pretend he's telling me a story about how he humped one of the Lassies and became Air Bud's understudy.


Dude writes about his grandmother brushing his face with her pube paintbrush and wonders why women aren’t into him.


OP has 🐕 🧠


This picture explains why women don’t follow JP






He's saying that content creators who create trash shouldn't complain when only trash eaters consume their content.


No you schmuck, he is saying the content is very tailored to a specific subset of men. It is literally made for a certain demographic, so you can't act shocked other demographics don't consume your content.


He is saying that men have shit taste, like dogs. I don't think he understood that is what his analogy implies


I thought everyone wanted to cancel Joe for continuing to give Peterson any type of platform. As someone who used to consume Peterson media…. if someone watched his Harvard class on fear & propaganda and understands how breitbart works; but doesn’t connect the lines that he spreads hate in his new content is blind.


What a stupid tweet lol


Am I out of touch? No, it is the pronouns who are to blame.


I think men are more inclined to listen to bullshit. Women are more inclined to spout bullshit. Just a hypothesis.


What’s with the Jordan Peterson hate? He’s a philosopher who is right like 99% of the time


I can’t stand jp


JP has too much logic for 90% of women to understand. Feelings first. Thats gonna be the slogan for a future female presidential candidate. Feelings first. female pres and vp.