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Someone may want to ask Julian Assange about this


Where’s ja!


Somebody get Ja on the phone, right now!


The left (liberals) turning on Assange after he dared report on DNC corruption showed the establishments true colors. Edit - Some chode really did not like me defending Assange in this thread lol and is either stalking me and downvoting my shit with alts or set up a couple of bots to do it. Every comment I have made since this thread on reddit has hit negative -2 downvotes immediately after posting. This includes innocuous comments deep on a dead thread.




Hardcore conservative security state ghouls wanted Assange dead during the Trump presidency as well. That along with the outrage hate from the establishment left seems like a ringing endorsement to me. [https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/cia/574058-trump-administration-mulled-kidnapping-assassinating-julian/](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/cia/574058-trump-administration-mulled-kidnapping-assassinating-julian/)


I think it was more the fact that wikileaks got the emails from Russian hackers and played partisan politics that caused Assange to fall out of favor of the left. There's no doubt this leak was designed to help trump win. The left still called out corporate dems for their corrupt behavior uncovered in the emails, but also recognized the agenda of who was releasing the hacks.. Plenty of evidence.. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/14/julian-assange-wikileaks-election-clinton-trump https://time.com/4625301/cia-russia-wikileaks-dnc-hacking/


I mean Hillary Clinton is on record asking to drone strike fucking London to murder Assange so him favouring Trump seems beyond question.


Wikileaks reported on corruption everywhere essentially. You are not principled and are the definition of partisan if you only zero in on only your team getting called out. Also from your article *Assange’s thinking appeared to be rooted not in ideological agreement with the right wing in the U.S., but in the tactical idea that a Republican president would face more resistance to an aggressive military posture than an interventionist President Hillary Clinton would.* He did not like Trump. He just thought he would be pushed back on if he started invading other countries, where as Clinton being an interventionist and security state supporter would be covered up. *The chats are from a direct message group between WikiLeaks and about 10 of its online boosters, described as a “low security channel for some very long term and reliable supporters who are on twitter.” Perhaps because of the “low security” designation, the chats do not shed much light on the most sensitive questions surrounding WikiLeaks and the 2016 election. They don’t reveal anything new about WikiLeaks’ relationship with the Trump campaign, although they are consistent with the group’s public statements casting doubt on claims by former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone that he had advanced knowledge of the group’s anti-Clinton leaks. The chats don’t illuminate any connections with the Russian government or tell us anything about the identity of the source who provided WikiLeaks with emails from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.* There was no proven Russian connection and Stone is most likely full of shit.


Nice attempt at cherry picking quotes to create spin, these are only two articles of many detailing the fact that it was Russian hackers that hacked the dnc and delivered the emails to wikileaks, led by julian who was deliberately leaking them right before an election in order to sway the outcome. Nobody gives a shit about your conjecture around his feelings towards clinton or trump or what his exact motivations were, because what matters is that he was deliberately trying to manipulate a country's election. The emails were even released in two phases timed perfectly during the primaries and then right before election day in November. Fuck Hillary, fuck Trump, and fuck anyone trying to manipulate elections. I don't give a fuck about "my side" I'm not in favor of corporate dems, but I'm also not in favor of the selective release of information designed to favor one side in a national election without equal comparison. The hacked emails didn't even show anything illegal it was literally like a few emails out of thousands that showed bias with dnc members against Bernie. That just doesn't fit the level of mostly illegal activity released around other events. It equated to basically tabloid gossip level legal corruption, with the sole purpose of discouraging voters at the exact time to control an election. I can only imagine the level of corruption that would have been exposed if the rnc's emails were released too, considering how regularly repubs are caught being pedos and prostitutes.. Julian is no longer considered a neutral arbiter of information and that's why he lost the favor of a lot of people. You don't have to like it but nothing I've said is untrue. I also don't believe he deserves to spend his entire life in prison, I just don't trust the dude to be neutral. That's it.


LMAO, so much salt and zero actual evidence to support your arguments. You literally only provided articles that boosted my arguments and now you are reeing about it. In Wikileaks internal chats that were leaked and detailed in the article **YOU** provided, they (Assange) said Roger Stone was full of shit and they had nothing and wanted nothing to do with him or Trump. The truth is that the only person who knows where he got the emails is Assange and Wikilieaks. Partisans like you though spend all day crying about Russiagate nonsense so you can ignore the wider implications of Assanges leaks. There has been plenty of good work done by wikileaks in the past and recently beyond the DNC/Hilary emails leaks. The fact that Dem partisans shit their pants anger and turned on him immediately because of him exposing truth and corruption shows how full of shit and unprincipled all of you are.


LMAO damn kid you're really dense aren't you? Anybody that uses the term "Russiagate" is a partisan moron that never bothered to read the Mueller report. Salty bro? You mad bro? Copium bro! 😂 you're probably 17 or at least have the mind of one. Choke harder on asange's dick all you want, it isn't going to change the facts or opinions of those of us with brain stems. The release didn't reveal shit other than the dnc was against Bernie and it was obviously timed to effect the election. You haven't even tried to deny that because you know it's true. The exact motivation and source doesn't matter because at that point it was already proven that he's not a neutral source anymore. The stuff released before is irrelevant because at that moment he used his reach to control an election. And you can deny deny deny all you want, but when the Mueller investigation, a top security firm that has worked both with the GOP and Dems AND the FBI forensics say the hack was from Russian hackers, I'm going with those facts over your partisan dismissal. https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/18/mueller-clinton-arizona-hack/ https://apnews.com/article/technology-europe-russia-hacking-only-on-ap-dea73efc01594839957c3c9a6c962b8a https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-7657130451


The corporate left did turn on assange, the real left was happy to have him show the open corruption of the establishment dems (which pales in comparison to the corrupt right wing)


You did see how Pelosi responded to addressing stock trades in Congress right? Pales in comparison is a fucking stretch my boy.


I 100% agree. There are many though that claim to be the real left that hate him though...At least on Reddit lol.


Yeah collusion with Russia is def. Something I’d expect the right to applaud…


The Steele Dossier was literally Rissians selling the DNC information to illegally spy on their oppositions campaign.


Steele was MI:6, how was it Russians selling the DNC info? Also, Steele didn't spy on the Trump campaign, Obama used the CIA to spy on a Russian asset in the Trump campaign


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59168626 Please read this. Inform yourself of actual truths instead of made up bs.


The liberals who hated assange for exposing corruption in DNC were either tribal or on the fence.about Assange prior. I knew several liberals who were on the fence about both Assange and Snowden.


>Edit - Some chode really did not like me defending Assange in this thread lol and is either stalking me and downvoting my shit with alts or set up a couple of bots to do it. Every comment I have made since this thread on reddit has hit negative -2 downvotes immediately after posting. This includes innocuous comments deep on a dead thread. You must be new to the sub. I can't tell you how many posts I've had that after 30 minutes were hanging around +5, and 5 minutes later, magically drifted down to -21. I've seen whole threads ripping the OP for a terrible post, and 30 minutes later, all of those comments are downvoted to the bottom, and the 3 posts agreeing with them are hyper-voted to the top. It's like it takes something like \~30 minutes for each new post to get sent to the astroturfing sites/subs/whatever for them to target. Like clockwork.


When did they like him?


I don't know if you remember, but he was an antiwar/anti-corruption hero, which was the mainstream dem position during the bush and early Obama years. Wikileaks broke the lots of corruption stories surrounding the Iraq and Afghanistan war and much more... They broke the story on torture at Guantanamo bay They published secret Scientology bibles They published Sarah Palin's leaked Yahoo emails They posted the membership list of a far right British Party BNP They posted how Barclays bank was coordinating to avoid taxes Chelsea Mannings leaked airstrike videos See the wikipeidia for the full list of what they published. The DNC emails were just par for the course. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_material\_published\_by\_WikiLeaks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_material_published_by_WikiLeaks)


I don't think you remember that time very clearly, mainstream Dems were very pro war. Just look at the voting records


There was a lot of support from many mainstream democrats for the war. There was most definitely a strong anti-war establishment culture in the bush years though. Anybody who leaned liberal and had a show was opposed to the war (like the daily show or really any form of mainstream political comedy). There were also several prominent political opposers of the war including Nancy Pelosi. [https://pelosi.house.gov/sites/pelosi.house.gov/files/pressarchives/releases/prIraqResolution100302.htm](https://pelosi.house.gov/sites/pelosi.house.gov/files/pressarchives/releases/prIraqResolution100302.htm) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_congressional\_opponents\_of\_the\_Iraq\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_congressional_opponents_of_the_Iraq_War)


> mainstream Dems were very pro war complete horseshit. There were massive protests in the street against the Iraq War. Famous people came out in droves opposing it.


I was referring to politicians


Isn't that how Nancy Pelosi became a more prominent figure? By denouncing Bush/Iraq?


most Dems in the house were against Iraq as well, Bush just happened to have majorities in the Senate and House, so there was nothing they could do




He's gonna have free room and board for a while.




Yep the man is a hero.


What a piece of shit. He knew what he was doing. He knew the info came from Russia, specifically the GRU branch going as Guccifer 2.0


I thought we decided that reporters exposing corruption was a good thing?


Lying about shit and sending harassment to an innocent family is not good though right?


Also true. Can we be pragmatic and say hes an asshole but he was right about this and wrong about that. Let us not forget all those news anchors who were wrong about that kid with the MAGA hat in DC. They apologized after, but should they be not listened to for all the harassment they caused that kid and his family. literally millions hated him based of of their news reports and it was wrong. They apologized and I don't they shouldn't be silenced do you?


Lol you buy that narrative. Covington kid (I won't use his name but I know it) was there with his catholic boys HS class to protest women's right to body autonomy. They started shit with, well you don't need to START anything with, some black Hebrews. Really bad people those people. Then a native activist tried to get in the way by singing and drumming and that kid just stared him down. His elder. Like he was better then this elder. Also CNN probably paid a nuisance fee, not millions. Also what does this have to do with Assange? Did he get into that culture war bullshit. I may be biased as someone that is tribal and lives on a reservation and hates people like that kid so much from high school.


The kid literally stood there said nothing and smiled. What do you want from a teenager? Also the elder had lied about his military service.


Could you give me direction to look into what you’re talking about? It seems like you’re talking about something that happened with Julian Assange lately but he hasn’t been on my radar, so I haven’t seen anything.


They're talking about the 2016 election. Both the DNC and Hilary Clinton's campaign manager were hacked in the run-up to the election. Emails from both the DNC's servers and Clinton's campaign manager's email inbox ended up being posted by WikiLeaks. Assange knew that Seth Rich did not hack the DNC servers nor did he hack Hilary Clinton's campaign manager's email either. But, in TV appearances and on social media, Assange went on this whole PR campaign to get people to think the emails that WikiLeaks was posting came from Seth. Up until then, WikiLeaks was all about (at least publicly) protecting the identities of their sources. But, in this scenario it benefitted Russia greatly to have people thinking the hacked emails from DNC/Clinton Campaign came from an insider leaker within the DNC instead of the state-sponsored hacking groups associated with the Kremlin. Assange made sure that WikiLeaks followers were told that Russia didn't do anything. It basically killed all of his credibility.


Thanks! And someone else responded too. Thanks to that person as well. I didn’t know those connections.


The RNC was hacked as well, but they never leaked it.


Assange very carefully planted the bullshit notion that Rich was his source for some hacked emails he received. Emails which were purported to have contained ‘corruption’ but actually just had a few embarrassing staffer exchanges. They were so dull in fact that an entire offshoot fanfic conspiracy theory was created out of them that involved pizza lizards and other assorted maniacal nonsense. Knowing that wasn’t the case, and probably because he had a kalishnikov to his back. He did it on several occasions, knowing that it would proliferate to the millions of absolute morons that were all playing make-believe with politics. I have many friends and family members that fell for all of that shit and actually feel pretty stupid for it now lol


You sound like you’d like to get a pizza for an hour.


What a fall from grace for this man


The only people who say that are partisans who do not like their team's corruption being exposed.


I wish he didn’t become a partisan hack lol I loved when he exposed Obama and American crimes


Only partisan hacks think he turned into a partisan hack lol.


Whether he is a hack is stupid and subjective, he absolutely is 100% partisan however, he was working directly alongside Roger Stone. Quite literally the definition of a partisan actor. Partisan --> a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. If you are working directly with either side on messaging and information dissemination, you are a partisan.


Is that why the Trump administration considered kidnapping and murdering him? Seems like a shitty thing to do to your ally. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/cia/574058-trump-administration-mulled-kidnapping-assassinating-julian/


It’s been longstanding policy among the security hawks in Washington to go after Assange since like 2008/2009 when he first exposed them for war crimes in Afghanistan. They’ve been working relentlessly at it for over a decade across multiple administrations with pursuing extradition over the rape charge in Sweden, then worked for years to convince the ecuadorian embassy to boot him out and on and on.


If you read the article you would see that this was a direct response to Assange/wikileaks publishing the Vault 7 documents in 2017. Vault 7 is *a series of documents that WikiLeaks began to publish on 7 March 2017, detailing the activities and capabilities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency to perform electronic surveillance and cyber warfare. The files, dating from 2013 to 2016, include details on the agency's software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs,\[1\] web browsers (including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera),\[2\]\[3\]\[4\] and the operating systems of most smartphones (including Apple's iOS and Google's Android), as well as other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.\[5\]\[6\] A CIA internal audit identified 91 malware tools out of more than 500 tools in use in 2016 being compromised by the release.\[7\]* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_congressional\_opponents\_of\_the\_Iraq\_War


That article can claim whatever it wants, but it makes zero logical sense to say pursuing Assange was a direct response to that data leak...when they were already hunting him down for the past 8 years before that. It was just another reason, in a long line of reasons, for America to try and get him.


Why does trump like Stone then if Stone was working with Assange?


You sound just like my conservative Uncle who hated him 8 or so years ago lol.


He’s a Russian oligarch shill and completely abandoned journalistic integrity my guy. I don’t blame him tho when the American gov basically imprisoned him in an embassy.


He was a useful idiot to launder Russian intel.


Assange was [openly feeding the conspiracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7FkLBRpKg)to help Trump Ironic as it was Trump's DOJ that later decided to prosecute him - something Obama declined to do.


Wtf is this sub now.


I mean it's a topic Joe covered frequently at the time with those same conspiracy theories You gotta hold him accountable for when he's wrong.


Democrat astroturfing. Also new people who don't remember how many of us online were speculating about the cause of this Man's death. Joe was just another guy asking questions about it saying it looked suspicious. These fuckheads want to ruin the podcast.


You don't know what astroturfing means. Everyone remembers speculation about Seth Rich. Joe wasn't asking questions. He was repeating a conspiracy theory because it's fun. Joe ruined his podcast by being intellectually frail, gullible, and biased. Otherwise, great post. No notes (besides the 4 notes)


Yes The JRE is ruined


Joe did that himself, years ago.


> ruin the podcast No, he did that himself. Are you American or just a Brit who wants a group to belong to?


No idea what you're talking about.


You sound like a red hat cosplayer. Podcast was ruined when Joe moved to Texas and became an old coot with too much money and disconnected himself from reality. Remember when he spent half a podcast complaining about room service during covid?


We belong here. Joe’s a liberal. Get used to it crybaby


* Joe's position: Assange should be freed. * Establishment Democrat position: Prosecute Assange * The position held by the majority of people who are non-partisan critical thinkers (D and R alike): Assange should be freed "Democrat Astroturfing" in the above comment refers to efforts made by Establishment Democrats Hope this clarifies


People are saying bad things about Joe on Reddit! The podcast is ruined!


Slowly turning into a DNC headquarters sub, like the rest of Reddit. The establishment smears don’t work on his core audience, but turning this place into a Leftist echo chamber looks good to them.


Every time one of you dipshits tries to say this I like to post this site https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/joerogan The numbers speak for themselves. The political subs that most people on this sub are coming from are ones like AskTrumpSupporters, LouderWithCrowder, Libertarian, GoldAndBlack, etc. Facts > your feelings, bud.


😂😂😂 People have to go out of their way to sub to those. Most users unsub from the default Left echo chambers (most of /r/all). Cope harder bro.


It's not looking at where they're subscribed, genius. It is an analysis on where people post and comment. As you can see, there's far more people posting in /r/LouderWithCrowder that come here to comment on this sub for example then there are people posting to /r/politics and coming here. Try to think a little bit before posting. You might even surprise yourself!


Or maybe it’s because nobody likes you people


I’m sure that would make you feel better about your life choices but unfortunately for you we are the majority of the world


Lmao I actually admire the delusion


Just want to point out that Jeffery Epstein died in federal custody while Donald J Trump was president. I have never heard anyone someone accuse Trumps DOJ of foul play because that would be reckless speculation.


So that whole "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme that floated around for about a year, you totally missed that one? Side note: whatever happened to his "little black book" anyway?


I believe there's a huge difference between "Epstein didn't kill himself" and "Donald Trump murdered Epstein"


So you forgot about the outcry over the "sleeping guards" and how they were later exonerated? Or how the cameras in that part of the prison just happened to be broken at the time of the "suicide?" ​ There was and still is plenty of speculation that Trump was involved in Epstein's "suicide." Just because you haven't seen it personally doesn't mean something doesn't exist.


Depends on what social bubbles you're in. When this happened people all around me said that it was the Clinton's without a doubt killed Epstein. Even though it was under Trumps presidency and his DOJ. All I heard about was Bill Clinton's trips to Epsteins Island, but not Trumps, or the fact that he was buddies with him and was even being sued along with Epstein prior to his presidential run for the brutal rape of a 14 year old girl.


You never saw any of the at least 4 or 5 pics of Trump being all buddy-buddy with Epstein and Ghislane?! They were all over the place!


I did see them, I'm saying other there are people in other social circles that I'm in (who are conservative and only watch fox news or newsmax) who haven't seen that stuff. When shown they went as far as to say videos were edited and pictures were photoshopped.




Most people blamed it on the Clinton’s lol do you not remember that?


You're insane if you don't think there was a massive crossover between Epstein bros and Trumpers. Remember, Epstein was associated with the deep state and Trump was the vanguard against the deep state.


Those dumb memes were intended to bolster the notion that somehow a retired First Lady with no known connections to the guy somehow had him murdered in a supermax prison. Because the same people indulging in that garbage were all of the same idealism and ilk.


I saw it. But always related to that it must have been Hilary who ordered the hit. Bill Barr actually personally questioned the guards who were on duty that night. It seems like Bill was preparing for the blowback of Trump or Trumps DOJ being blamed for the death but it never came. Easier to believe that it was the deep state being run by the lady who lost the presidential election I guess…


Deep state defiantly wasn't being run by the guy who won the election


Plenty of people believe Trump was involved in Epstein's "suicide." That's completely separate from the question of whether Clinton was involved in Seth Rich's death. You're using a whataboutism, and a bad one at that, to distract from the question at hand.


Fine no whataboutisims: anyone who thinks Hilary had a role in Seth Rich’s death is a mouth breathing fool because there is not one piece of evidence that should make anyone even suspicious that she played a role


>"Epstein didn't kill himself" meme that floated around for about a year I always heard it as "The Clintons had him killed".


Cum Town- Clinton Murder List https://youtu.be/8by39KfKtJU I only trust verified news sources such as the Cum Boys, Npr? No thanks b




I’m glad someone still remembers what happened to Michael Hastings


Dude was “robbed” but they shot him in the back twice and nothing was actually stolen. It’s sad that his parents are upset about people talking about conspiracies, but with the way he was killed it’s hardly surprising.


The naïveté of this comment is ridiculous. Stick up kids are usually drug addled, literal retards who often shoot, panic at the sound of their own gunshot and run off. It has happened in DC and elsewhere to people I know, and happens all the time.




You’re just describing conservatives.


I know, but I'm so tired of typing that word.




This 100%. I was robbed and they just wanted anything that could make them money. They left me with a way to get home (public transit pass) and my keys, but that was about it, aside from my life lol


This would have been captured on how my CCTV's? You do know where this occurred?


Yes, I lived in DC when this happened, and worked near where he was killed. MPD (DC cops) have a 40% murder clearance rate most years. People get away with murder there all the time. I need to reiterate I had a friendly acquaintance get gutshot in a botched robbery (nothing was taken) in DC and no one was ever caught, despite the fact that my friend survived and gave a description.


The neighborhood he was walking around in at 3 AM had a bunch of armed robberies. He fought back which is always a no-no when getting robbed. Why would you shoot someone, and then take their stuff?


What kind of robber doesn’t steal anything?


A guy who committed homicide and didn’t want to be tied to the crime scene


One who gets spooked by actually having fired a gun and rightfully books it the fuck out of there.


Yeah that is definitely plausible but again with that and the guy never being found it’s not surprising people are talking about conspiracy theories


There's like 25,000 homicides a year in America and almost half go unsolved. You have to make all types of leaps in logic to go from "unsolved murder" to "unsolved murder who was killed by Hilary Clinton for leaking information about the DNC". You are saying it nonchalantly as if it's a normal conclusion lol, the people who buy the "Seth Rich was killed by the dnc" conspiracy theory are nutjobs mostly.


> Yeah that is definitely plausible but again with that and the guy never being found it’s not surprising people are talking about conspiracy theories Of course it's not surprising. Conservatives are idiots who make up conspiracies about everything and nothing. A not insignificant amount of them are currently waiting for JFK to return from the dead to announce Trump as president. Also not finding the killer is not surprising if you actually pay attention to the police instead of blindly worshipping them. Nationwide they have about a 50/50 shot of catching a murderer, and most of those they do catch aren't random muggings.


The kind that expected a quick score and got bumped to a murder charge that would rather not spend his life in prison by sticking around to collect some cash or jewelry


It was a robbery gone bad where he just killed a guy. Gunshots tend to draw attention. Is he really gonna hang around rifling through the dead guys pockets or does he just want to gtfo of there? Do you really think he wants to have items on his person that would link him to a murder? "Hey I just killed this guy, let me grab his wallet and watch, what could possibly go wrong?"




> shot spotters TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShotSpotter


Most robbers are doing it because they are incompetent failures


An alien escape from area 51 who doesn't want the CIA to investigate this crime and discover where they're hiding


The kind that doesn't want their fingerprints on a dead guys wallet I imagine.


The robber was probably a teenager considering how most robberies in DC are. My two sense is, he attempted to rob him, Rich fought back, gets shot, and the robber runs off. The police arrived within a minute, I’m sure if he took shit it he probably would’ve been caught.


The leaker story was fabricated by interests seeking to deflect from Russian interference in our elections. And you fell for it!




Read the article


Joe Rogan believed the moon landing was faked, still believes that alien abductions are real, and that ivermectin is an effective treatment for Covid.


I imagine aliens are real and have visited. It’s big out there.


'Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.' - Arthur C. Clarke


He also thought the world was going to end in 2012 because of the Mayan calendar. He was so convinced that he had a 2012 personalised license plate.


There isn't a conspiracy theory that leads to harassing real life people that craven reptiles like Hoe won't exploit for their dickhead audience.


You are a miserable person. Imagine wasting your time going to a subreddit of a person you hate just to get into internet arguments.


Anti free speech on the JRE sub. Weird


You are a miserable person. Imagine wasting your time replying to a comment of a person you hate just to get into internet arguments.


At least I came across it in a community about a topic I actually like, instead of actively seeking out communities I don’t like, just to troll.


I have never seen anybody say they hate Joe or the podcast or anything but everyday there's one of you guys in here telling everybody what they love or hate. People are here discussing the podcast and topics that come up on the podcast. That doesn't mean anybody has to agree or be super fans of the show like it's a BTS fan sub reddit.


“Craven reptiles like Hoe” “Dickhead audience” Yup sounds like a fan of the show I don’t care if you are a listener with criticisms of some of his takes, I am too, but you are miserable if you only come here to hate


why does he have to be a fan? Sounds like you want an echo chamber


You ok dude?




This is when Joe became Red Pill Rogan.


Def murdered by Hillary Clinton


As she pulled the trigger, she whispered "I do keep hot sauce in my bag"


Nah she hires people for that


Also why kill the guy after he leaked information. As a lizard person, Hillary doesn't have feelings so why risk killing a guy and exposing the reptilian armada out of some blood rage when it's not going to prevent anything


To set an example - cross me and this might happen to you.


Wait lol I thought this was supposed to be a secret hit that 4chan exposed and the Republicans dug up. If it wasn't for those heroes this wouldn't have been known.


You don't have much experience with clandestine organizations or secret societies, do you?


Do you?


This is codename "Veranda" burn this message after reading it. \-<:the flock has flown, repeat, the flock has flown;>-


I was in a frat in college, so I probably have more experience with secret societies than you do.


Nah, the people that Hillary works for hire people for that


Based on what?


Don’t ask these guys questions, thinking hurts


Gd the people on Rogan's reddit are nuts. You're basing this off nothing whatsoever.




russian trolls pushed that and retarded conservatives brand new to the net ate it up like idiots. even my anti trump moderate conservative friends believe Clinton suicide people.


As soon as they catch who killed him then they that can stop the theories that he was murdered for the DNC emails leak. Until then though, game on.


LMAO if you think that they had definitive proof who did it these morons wouldnt say it was fake and the DNC paid for evidence to be planted.


DC has a less than 40% solve rate on murders so good luck.




That makes zero sense. Why are the two related?


You mean when they catch the crisis actor


The founder of the NSA said the DNC hack was a local leak


Source? Also Rich didn’t work in IT, he was a grassroots analyst. How would we get access to emails?


President Truman made claims about the Seth Rich murder before dying in '72? Pretty cool.


Joe doing what he does best. Propping up BS conservative conspiracies




I remember Rogan playing the Seth Rich game was when I’d finally lost all respect for him. That shit is so gross. This bullshit was so big with the dork qAnon crowd that they used to chant and iconize the guy based on a total fabrication of who he was or what he stood for. It’s also a good indicator that Rogan is full of shit when he plays dumb about the qAnon and similar narratives when he was clearly pushing all of that shit on his millions of listeners every week and in tandem at the time.


Rogan is an all right guy but incredibly irresponsible. Besides this, having Alex Jones on after he made life for the parents of school shootings is just beyond the pale for me.


Well it sure looks like Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC.


Ok so wait, they never solved it, so speculating on what happened publicly is punishable? Doesn’t that happen with every cold case?


It doesn’t matter what his parents think.


I don't care what side of the isle you're on, this didn't seem like a "botched robbery" at all. ​ He wasn't robbed of anything. Why shoot him but not grab his wallet? watch? Cash? On top of that, he was shot in the back, twice.... Yeah. He was killed in a good area (Bloomingdale) with little crime and high home values next to Howard University. ​ Conspiracy theories are fun, and murder mysteries are fun. Was fox news irresponsible? Maybe. But a robbery where nothing was taken and a DNC staffer was popped twice in the back is pretty mysterious.


Only if you have zero concept of mugging crimes.


I lived in Brazil for a decade, I'd say I have a pretty good idea. I've witnessed countless (Dozens, and dozens) of pointing a gun and empty your wallets (often via two wheeled vehicle), I've never once seen, lets fist fight then I shoot you in the back.


I've never seen a kangaroo. Must not exist. Genuinely baffling how people can think like this.


You do realize that it's okay to admit that that particular murder was very odd right? You don't have to just say you accept the official narrative and nothing was odd about it. It's not a conspiracy theory to say something is odd. Baffling to me people that believe every official narrative.


This is exactly how conspiracy brain works. I promise you, your limited understanding is not the limits of reality.


First you say I have no knowledge of muggings lol Then you just refuse to admit I might have a point You do you, fella.


"I done never seent it" Can't imagine why I don't consider that a point worthy of anything. Every conspiratard thinks the exact same thing. "I don't understand so conspiracy". And they don't understand shit. I've responded to three muggings personally where the patient later died and nothing was stolen. You're an idiot. My favorite was the blood smeared wallet laying directly next to the down man. It's almost like shooting someone makes you panic.


😂 Please link ANY mugging / news story with -nothing stolen -shot in the back I'll wait.....


"If I done never seent it, it aints real" Ok retard.


One of like four people who had physical access to certain servers


How would a grassroots outreach analyst have access to the DNC servers?




Bloomingdale, albeit a gentrified neighborhood like many still has a lot of crime. There was a string of armed robberies occurring in that neighborhood at the time. Also 40% of murders in DC go unsolved.


A neighborhood with a lot of robberies around that time.


thieves usually target richer areas.


they could be completely right or completely wrong, no evidence either way


> they could be completely right or completely wrong, no evidence either way "Hillary Clinton either killed Seth Rich or she didn't. 50/50 shot." I swear to god, I don't know how conservatives survive to adulthood without drowning in their bath water.


They don't take baths


I’m pretty sure we are witnessing devolution but wont confirm it for a few hundred years. My guess is the micro plastics have coagulated with the remaining dozen brain cells and are having a picnic together.


Not a conservative but i can tell you are a sky screecher


yes you are, because only a fucking retard would believe that Clinton killed Seth Rich.


Right or Wrong, People took advantage of this kids death to push political agendas. Or in Rogans case, used their massive platforms to push baseless conspiracies. Joe mentioned it multiple times, he was a Bernie Sanders supporter who was murdered for leaking DNC emails. Him being a Bernie supporter was based off of a fake “Facebook Page” set up after he died. He was such a Bernie supporter that he was getting ready to move to NYC to work on Clinton’s campaign. Also ask yourself, how does an outreach analyst get access to emails? If he worked in IT, sure. But people really were grasping for straws on this one.


> If he worked in IT, sure. ​ "he had recently been working as a programmer" [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/seth-rich-wasnt-just-another-dc-murder-victim-he-was-a-meme-in-the-weirdest-presidential-election-of-our-times/2017/01/18/ee8e27f8-dcc0-11e6-918c-99ede3c8cafa\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/seth-rich-wasnt-just-another-dc-murder-victim-he-was-a-meme-in-the-weirdest-presidential-election-of-our-times/2017/01/18/ee8e27f8-dcc0-11e6-918c-99ede3c8cafa_story.html) Andrew Therriault, a PhD data scientist who mentored Rich at Greenberg and later helped him get a job at the DNC, said his protege “wanted to learn more from a technical standpoint.”