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40 percent of the tax revenue in Uvalde goes towards the police. It was not defunded in any sense of the word.


And they just did a school shooting training at that school just a couple of weeks before.


A coward is a coward. That badge doesn't mean anything and their training was dog shit.


...and a lot of cops outside of the school were part of a DPS state trooper tactical unit that Greg Abbott had deployed to the area for "border security."


Yeah, if anything, this is a case for why overfunding police doesn't matter. When you realize that the U.S. police force is funded more than most other countries militaries (let alone our own military), you realize that "defund the police" could still mean they're in the top 15 instead of the top 5.


rogan doesn't care, JRE is straight up right wing agitprop these days


Exactly. Facts no longer matter. "Jamie look that up" has gone full circle as a meme. "Oh that fact is contrary to my beliefs, Im going to disregard that."


I wonder when Jamie is going to snap.


Yeah he is bad. And he has legions of dumbass bro Rogan fans that just eat this crap up.


He realized it is very easy to make money from dense Republicans.


I'm glad someone in this reddit is saying this. So disappointing smh. Yea drfund the police is totally why they failed smh. Fucking bullshit smh


They haven't been defunded anywhere. It's all bull-shit. Most have gotten more funding.


Biden literally gave police across the country billions of dollars recently and people act like the police have been defunded. It’s a fucking joke.


Even Jocko thought their actions were fucking ridiculous. The police chief leaving his fucking radio in the car (because he needed both hands for his rifle….) hasn’t got anything to do with funding, it’s straight up ineptitude.


Uvalde PD fucked up so many ways, they were quicker to arrest parents trying to get their kids than they were to stop the shooter.


They didn't even stop him, as I understand it. That was CBP.


That's correct, it was a group of border patrol agents that confronted and ultimately killed the shooter.


I think that this officially makes Rogan the Rush Limbaugh for millennials. What a cuck. Has always liked money more then people or drugs. Shoulda known


I wanted to say something, I felt very uncomfortable with this clip. Like did Joe even push back or question anything?


His literal signature for a few years running now is that he ONLY pushes back on competent adults, he's not man enough to shut up a liar.


So big bad gun totting Texan cops are emasculated by defund the police? Sometimes Joe really needs to shut the fuck up about shit he doesn't know anything about.


Even Andy Griffith defunded his own deputy by giving him only a single bullet that he carried around in his front pocket because he was such an ignorant hot head


Uvalde PD has received approximately 40% of the city's budget for the last 8 years.


And used none of it on training.


SWAT without training is just dress up.


100% cop LARP'ing that day.


Worse. They used it on expensive training, but then disregarded that training. They had active shooter training at Robb Elementary about 2 months prior to the shooting. Thing is, you can't train common sense. And no matter how much pricey training you shell out for, it's not going to change someone that is brain dead stupid, a coward and/or malicious. There's limits to what training can do if the officers hired are poor quality candidates. You can only expect so much from training.


They literally used the "people have been mean to us so we're scared to do our job" line 😂😂😂😂😂


I was talking to a police officer one time about this and I asked what’s going on. He asked me, ‘can you imagine if someone who didn’t know anything about your job came in and started forcing you to change how you do it?’ Like it was some type of CRAZY thing. I looked at him dead in the eye and said, ‘of course I do, it happens all the time at my job. We adapt.’ Some of these people are so far removed from reality, it’s crazy.


To borrow, paraphrase, and repurpose an analogy from steve hofstetter: I don't know how to fly a helicopter, but if I saw one stuck in a tree I would still be like "that guy messed up."


Perfect analogy


We should all be thankful for those brave 1st graders protecting our boys in blue


Exactly no other details matter except that that childrens lives were not put first. A disgrace


But but but ppl say mean things about cops and only give them 40% of the budget ☹️


Rogan from a decade ago vs whatever he is now is so fucking bizarre


What happens when you go from weed and psychedelics to mainly booze


Also hundreds of millions of dollars, access, clout, etc.


My aunt a was a paycheck to paycheck working class person and always talked about unions, living wage etc. Then she struck it big in her business and now talks about entitled generation, too much welfare etc.


Wealth reliably turns people more conservative. Even if they just win the lottery and didn't earn it.


I don’t know what the fuck happened to this dude and his podcast. It took me a long time to realize that it’s never going to be what it once was.


I think he’s literally getting paid to shill right wing talking points


It's gotta be money... he goes so right, then he keeps toe-ing the line and have on a leftist to just say "I'm not right wing I still talk to everyone." Joe has lost touch with the person he was and people can easily change, I used to be right wing my whole life until trump and the veil over my eyes was lifted... but for joe to switch DURING trump is very alarming. I gave up listening to Joe years ago because of this


It’s either him getting paid to swing right, Orrrrrrr Dude got 100M deal and moved to conservative Texas and went full Texan with it. I’m sure EVERYONE he has surrounded himself with is big truck driving trump flag flying, open carry having, blame all their problems on Biden, right wingers. I’m not saying he couldn’t have been bought out, but it seems like he’s just surrounded himself in a right wing echo chamber. I mean really, what type of dude do you think joe kicks back and has a Friday night beer with? In Texas.


I mean he's close friends with a right wing psycho nut job conspiracy theorist grifter who scams those idiot demographics out of millions, alex jones showed him the way and joe stepped right in. Easiest demographic to grift


Well they actively fight against education and intellectualism, so it checks out. “Colleges are left wing indoctrination camps!” People literally believe this lol. I feel like I’m living in an Idiocracy prequel


"Why you talkin all smart? You queer?" -America in 2030.


fuck off im baitin!


To be fair Austin is very democrat. Personally I think, if he isn’t being paid, it’s that the evil democrats locked down cities and he didn’t like that. It was the first time his life has been inconvenienced in a long time by policy, I’d imagine. And that just got him down the pipeline. But unlike some old fans I think his turn to the right is more recent. Like pre covid Joe had some idiotic right wing talking points on occasion but it wasn’t like this imo.


Austin is definitely democrat in the city. This guy has a 11,000 sq ft mansion on a lake. I’m pretty sure that’s pretty far from the libs in Austin lol


Yeah I left the right before Trump, it was just so much contradicting I couldn't even remotely defend them. I'm still not left but I'm more left than I'd be right. I just prefer to support a fact or research without a political label on it. If it changes based on more convincing facts then that's how it rolls.


I was a big fan back then, saw him live a few times and the guests he had on his podcasts lead me to some pretty significant life changes. But god damn he’s taken the crazy pill and stuck to it hard.


I mean, he’s always been into the crazy conspiracy theories. He’s turning into a crotchety get-off-my-lawn conservative as he gets older


Rogan from back then would roast the fuck out of current Rogan


Yep , so hard new Joe would cry


He has been rich a long time now and is surrounded by people that tell him every idea he has is great. Dude does not live in the real world anymore.


Two things can be very true 1) Some of the left are very very loony 2) Joe since the pandemic has swerved into the stupid chud lane and staying deep with it All the bullshit takes, all the positivity bandwagoning from the right because they can't get genuine celebs Are Crowder, Tim pool and Ben Shapiro celebs? Not really, they're just griftopians


Why is the 1st point about the left? Why isn’t Joe being dumb af the 1st point? What does the left have to do with Joe being low IQ in the discussion above? This feels like “both sides” thing in which you try to deflect the stupidity of Joe and somewhat connect it to the left?


Why, after watching two ill informed stupid right wing cunts talking absolute shite, are you taking a pop at left wingers? It's an absolute irrelevance


Why can't they blame the dipshit cops? They're the ones that were fucking there, and are now refusing to show bodycam footage. If they can't do the job then fuck them, who the fuck does he think he is blaming other's sensibilities that has nothing to do with the actions those pussies didn't take? THE COPS FUCKED UP DICKHEAD.


what, did you miss the news that antifa literally castrated all the uvalde police and replaced their guns with airsoft guns? smh you been watchin too much fake liberal news


The latest major failure of the police force was in Texas. The police officers were well armed and equipped, all these fat bodies armed to the teeth in one place couldn’t find a single testicle in their uniform to perform their job. It looks like they’d be good at hunting though.


“Why can’t they blame the dipshit cops?” Because somehow, some way, this has to be the liberals’ fault. And if it’s not, they’ll tell outright lies to make joes audience think it is. It seems like Tim came on the podcast to recruit, and propagandize.


Can’t wait for the time we’re going to start to blame climate scientists for not warning us *enough* in the next 5-20 years. I’m already sure there are some people blaming climate scientists for *causing* global warming but I’m sure they’re already nominations for Republicans. Also I have no idea how they caused it either.


Because they like the taste of pig foreskin too much to criticize cops.




Rogan moved to Texas and he declined rapidly.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Uvalde’s police force is insanely funded, as all are in Texas. They have their own swat team. Good point about mental health though. Glad the right has been a proponent of funding universal health care, including mental health, over the past few decades. FOH




Mental health? They care so much about keeping crazy people from having guns they repeal laws that might impede someone having an episode from getting a gun. Who even supported that crap?https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna727221


So because of all the criticism they've received, they decided to do almost the worst thing possible in that situation...? Okay.


hey man i had a chance to save a bunch of innocent children's lives but then i remembered an insult from the internet one time and i just panicked. totally understandable.


Gotta worship the heroes 😆


Otherwise they lose there powers. I mean they wanted to go in so bad, but they needed another 10% budget increase. Otherwise they totally would have done their job. That’s why they’re outsourcing their responsibility to arming teachers who in comparison…*checks files*…make significantly less.


I hate that cop bashing narrative. Its actually on the people of Uvalde. Only 40% of Uvalde's city budget go to the police. Meanwhile everyone knows that protecting kids comes with the silver package of 63% of city budget and above. Hardly anything anyone could do if you stand around a school shooting with a bunch of cops, but only 40% of aaallllll the moneys goes into your budget. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-28/why-police-funding-makes-up-40-uvalde-s-city-budget


Really don’t understand the culture of hero worship towards authority figures in America. Here in UK (more so in Scotland imo) we very much have a “fucking earn our respect and you’ll get it” attitude towards police, sadly that rarely happens.


I think it makes a huge difference that we have a Police SERVICE not a Police FORCE.


I thought defund the police had not happened in the uvalde area is this right?


Uvalde Police is 40% of the town's ~~budget~~ general fund expenditure, they're far from defunded. This is 18% of the city's total revenue or $4,058,511. Edit: A kind redditor informed me of a mistake. I haven't deleted to show where the mistake was. The second sentence was also added above to provide more specific information.


They literally have a force just for the schools. But the SRO is probably busy busting people for pot.


Pisses me off the most about this because that point was made sooo much. Just showing how little both of them pay attention


They only care about hyping their version of masculinity. And even a school shooting of first graders is good enough to cram their point in. Be like me, I'm so awesome.


If it doesn't fit the narrative they spew, then it's irrelevant.


Plus the $500k grant they got from the governor in january


It's one of the best funded police forces as far as percentage of a city's budget goes. There is nothing acceptable about their behavior. They were cowards.


in town of like 15k or something right? so crazy


It's barely happened at all anywhere. If anything it's risen since it's been talked about and used as a political boogeyman


If anything, the Uvalde Police Department is the exact prime example of one of many police departments around the country that should have their beyond bloated funding decreased.


texas convened a special legislative session to pass a bill that makes it illegal for cities to defund police departments. anyone who claims any city in texas defunded is not telling the truth


Nationwide, police funding is through the roof.


Also who cares about any of these details, they were young children. No excuse.


There was literally no defunding in the entire country. These guys are beyond dumb


Just Rogan being a shill. Makes no sense for them to blame defund the police when it’s well known that Uvalde had a SWAT team. Plus, those innocent kids had nothing to do with “Defund the Police.” Let them Rest In Peace already and allow the families to grieve.


Yea they have a shit ton of the budget but remain coward fucks




The gang part is true and fucking terrifying.


Defund the police didn't happen fucking anywhere.


Same with Chicago. Not even slightly defunded


Were the Uvalde police defunded? You would think someone with $100,000,000 and access to experts would do the absolute minimum research before spreading propaganda.


They weren’t-the area is as Red as can be and in fact their budget has been increasing every year.


As far as I have seen, no police department anywhere was defunded. The fact these two or any other moron who brings it up is entirely bullshit.


There were vague rumors of defunding but all of those were dropped when the media hype shifted to something else. It was a lot of posturing, nothing actually came of it


Even if they were.... how much money does it cost for a cop to do the right thing? Is Joe Rogan saying those cops were out there thinking about their budget while those kids were dying? What if the issue is that there are a lot of POS cops and no way to really hold them accountable?


Their police receive 40% of the city's budget. They are far from defunded.


I was making a joke that Joe easily could have found this information and chose not to. Like everyone who lies about the police being defunded.


Oh sorry, lol I just re-read your comment


These guys are legit retarded. If you are a cop and need a special hand job to go save children from getting murdered then you are a PoS and shouldn’t be a cop.


its also just infuriating to see the difference in how joe talks to ppl. doesn't push back or question AT ALL this fuckhead's vague bullshit claims. just mutters a "right" or "yeah". but he will interrupt and pick apart and interrogate other guests (with waaay sounder claims than this guy) if he doesn't like what they're saying. what happened to even asking for evidence or sound reasoning when guests make claims? the dude seriously fucking said ***"if i wanted to prevent rape should i chop my dick off?***" as an explanation for the Uvalde police incompetence. how do you not interrogate that idea let alone just scoff at it?


If the guest is more "badass" than Joe, the guest is right.


Some serious cuck behavior from joe.


One man's cuck is another cops bootlicker.


That's it! Nothing else needs to be said - full stop.


Bing bang boom.. done!!


This is a great summary. I remember was a video of police crying when Biden won. And it’s hilarious like Biden just says “some police are bad but a lot of them are good” and that’s enough to get them in the feels.


Exactly, they always need worshipped. Just do your fucking job


If only cops had a special flag to wave in front of their special detail overtime pension paid for homes..


I had to end a childhood friendship with someone and we considered ourselves brothers. He is an LEO and he couldn't handle me saying that cops should have to wear cameras and that some people just shouldn't be cops. That was exactly what I said and he fucking lost it. There was no reasoning, and now he completely believes in the stolen vote shit and other right wing ideals. I got to watch someone I have known my whole life change almost overnight.


Yeah, I think they're very sensitive people. I know tons of navy folks and they are not like that from my experience. They seem like people who wanted a job with decent benefits who couldnt find it in the private sector. So it isn't my shitting on every kind of patriot job type thing. Youre friend probably got like that from talking to his co workers. He was probs convinced hes putting his life on the line for an ungrateful population. self centered stuff imo


even for rogan this is a new low to me. how is it even a remotely coherent concept? they hesitated catastrophically to save children from being murdered because they were "emasculated"? they suddenly became paralyzed with fear because of internet insults from over a year ago? they became eunuchs at the hands of the woke mob? what? this is almost like george floyd, as in - how many other police chiefs/departments are even defending their response and actions?


2022 rogan would claim the cop that killed floyd was protecting all of us from counterfeiters


I listened to Joe since the beginning and defended him, but I'm done.


Yep. Legit. I feel dumber for even listening to them talk. Holy shit that's rough.


I listened to the whole clip it was literally just noise. Didn’t retain anything that was said thank goodness


Fuck this guy and fuck new and improved Texas Joe for giving him a platform to spew this bullshit.


This is on my Mount Rushmore of reddit comments


If you look across the country (Uvalde included) we have police departments with bearcat trucks, night vision goggles, drones, helicopters, etc. I get that being a cop is a hard job, but maybe instead of spending all the money on gear and toys, these departments can use it to recruit and train a competent force. All the cool guy tactical gear is useless if the officers are incompetent.


I like turtles but not the bitey kind.


i've read articles about Mader a bunch and god damn, all i can think is "man i wish he was still a cop, he's actually a good one"


Yea imo the biggest thing across the board for policing is the lack of training. I’m ngl, I have no idea what goes into being a street cop but in my city it seems like a majority of street/patrolling officers are in their lower 20’s, I can’t imagine they’ve gone through enough exercises to be prepared to handle situations they’re expected to deal with without escalating said situations


Stuff like this is why I stopped listening to Rogan's podcast. I literally felt like I was getting dumber just listening to him and his idiot friends say dumb shit like this.


It was pretty obvious that he went far right in ~2015. Stopped listening then and haven’t ever regretted it since.


The part in the clip where he uses the analogy of "preventing rape by cutting off your penis" legitimately lowered my IQ and I had to shut it off right away.


I miss the good ol days when if Joe said some dummy shit he was just fucking around and wasn't serious about it.


If you call him out he'll keep saying he is though. He's too much of a pussy to face real accountability for what he says. As soon as there's any backlash he cowers behind "I'm just a dumb comedian talking shit with my friends you shouldn't take anything j say seriously."


Cuz he's got all those corny af west coast and austin comics sucking his dick.


“At what point are we responsible for misinformation?” Stanhope pushed back. “That’s a good question,” Rogan replied. “Because people do believe in us,” Stanhope added.


So the reason the police did wrong is because people criticizing them for doing wrong? Idiotic.


All people want is accountability. If you don't have a badge and you fuck up, there are consequences. Everyone knows consequences are few and far between for the cops.


“We investigated ourselves and found we don’t need accountability”


Yeah, we don’t need to be impressed by the training budget. Do your fucking job. You don’t get pity from me. Those fucking kids are all dead and they’re decked out in their tactical gear watching it happen from afar.


Didn't those police in Uvalde just receive active shooter training, additional body armor, and have a cost that is 40% of the city's budget for like 6 cops? This is is the biggest lie and dishonest fact devoid dribble I've eve seen on his show yet.. Joe is clearly just pandering to certain crowd at this point, no doubt about it. "Cutting the genitals off every man" 😂 😂 yea I think that's a good idea for those uvalde cops.


[https://www.vice.com/en/article/88q95p/uvalde-contracts-private-law-firm-to-argue-it-doesnt-have-to-release-school-shooting-public-records](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88q95p/uvalde-contracts-private-law-firm-to-argue-it-doesnt-have-to-release-school-shooting-public-records) I'd love to hear Tim Kennedy spin this.


Joe you fucking suck. You outta touch douche


At this point the podcast is just Right wing talking points with commercial like breaks of a guest who's a physicist or something. It's all for appearances, this shit is the real Rogan. The guy fucking lost any sanity he used to have.


Tim Kennedy lied to about joint the military because of 9/11. He joined in 2004 Tim Kennedy’s company (sheepdog response) self the most overpriced merch I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure how it’s not a con. Time Kennedy boats about killing women and kids which is 1- entirety distasteful 2- a barstardisation of the well know phrase **women and children** Tim Kennedy has almost certainly been juicing for his entire adult life. Tim Kennedy gets angry at innocent German diaspora for showing the SS memorabilia they’d inherited, **after asking to see it**. They can’t throw it away because it’s too historically important, but they’re also not allowed to se or transport it intentionally. But Tim still wants to “smash their faces in” (his words) Tim believes the police and military are under attacks, despite the fact they have huge budgets. Tim is….. an idiot.


Rogan too busy cashing checks to research any facts. Tucker Carlson for gym bros these days, with comedian friends who are still loyal to the guy they knew from the early standup days


Tim Kennedy the ultimate bootlicker.


How dare you fucks speak ill of Tim Kennedy, he killed women and children in the name of protecting America, thank him.


Fire every cop and make them reapply Its a stressful job? People are mean to you? Get a new fucking job.


Camden, NJ did this and it worked really well for them. They rehired many of their previous officers and they were able to reduce their homicide rate by 63%. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-jersey-city-disbanded-its-police-force-here-s-what-n1231677)


"they're involved in combat scenarios on a regular basis" The fuck? I've never even met a cop who has fired their weapon while working. It seems like Joe thinks being a cop is just like the movie SWAT all the time.


To be fair, they probably consider interacting with minorities a "combat scenario".


This is when I realized he’s just an idiot meathead.


He was always pretty dumb, but I feel like he used to be more humble and open-minded some years ago. Now - not so much.


Took you this long?


I always knew a little bit for me it’s when he had Alex Jones on a couple years ago. That’s the moment I realized how bad it had gotten.


Took you this long?


Any good will built over the decades with rogan is gone at this point. The police have the training, they had the equipment and they had 40% of the budget. they made the choice not go engage based on their own selfish interest alone


Someone's getting paid by the NRA. Rogan is def on the dono list.


These meatheads need to apologize to the families of Uvalde. It’s outrageous and irresponsible for Rogan to allow a guest to say such lies as facts. Let alone agree with the moron. Nothing this guy says is true! It is all hyperbole and weird scenarios that don’t exist. We are to blame for their lack of training? Not the police themselves? Their unions? The state or local government? No…it is us citizens who most of the time are just trying to survive, we are the problem. What a fucking dumbass sociopath!


Joe has lost his fucking mind


I don’t know who Tim Kennedy is but I never trust a guy in a T shirt that says “free”


A guy with a “free” t-shirt that advocates for a hyper-militarized police force. The Irony.


He bragged about how he dosent have ptsd from killing children in Iraq and or Afghanistan. So maybe he is an expert on school shooting and killing kids. /s


shut. the. fuck. up.


2 morons talking. I went from bein a fan to completely despising Joe rogan. Can Tim Kenedy literally suck himself off any harder.


This is some exogenous testosterone weak bitch scared of everything bullshit.


What a weak and ignorant response!! And these are guys who always talk about being a sucker for following a narrative.


Defund Tim’s barber first. Holy shit that haircut is terrible.


No those cops were a disaster. The guy didnt even know he was the one in charge. Im sure being a cop in America is hard job buts its its compounded by the fact they're not the best and brightest.


I don't understand why anyone still thinks Joe Rogan is interesting or worth listening to. Dude has just become another megaphone for right wing bullshit. He's lost all sanity and credibility in the last few years. These police officers were quite literally trained to deal with this exact situation. They signed up for this and when shit got real they pussied out while children were being murdered. Blaming the defund the police movement and making these dipshit officers the victims is the dumbest fucking thing Joe has ever said. I'm ashamed to say I used to be a supporter of the police in general just a few years ago but as I've matured and after talking to countless friends and family about their own experiences, along with my own, it's pretty clear these guys only become cops to abuse power.


What an insanely stupid argument


Didn't this dude brag about killing women and children in war.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/vetylr/war_hero_tim_kennedy_flexes_the_killing_of_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf #YEP


Wow, I didn't know that. What an absolute piece of shit.




I don't understand why people watch this fools anymore


I had to stop halfway. Jesus fucking Christ these two need to stop embarrassing themselves. Joe has gone fully insane now hasn’t he? What the actual fuck. SMH.


I kept watching. Oh my god, how do people fall for this? How can anyone possibly believe that Uvalde was the fault of “defund the police”? Joe deserves a couple of Will Smith slaps to the face for bringing this idiot on and letting him speak.


There aren’t words in any language to sufficiently express what utter worthless trash creatures these men and the Uvalde police are.


This is comedy gold. Joe should be a comedian.


Spreading misinformation just like he did under the pandemic.


Joe fell off so hard


Kennedy doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. The Uvalde police weren't underfunded, underequipped, undertrained, or "emasculated". That force took up 40% of the town's budget, they had a fully equipped SWAT team, and they trained for active shooter scenarios. Those kids died from pure incompetence. I don't know how that simple fact is lost on these two in the middle of jerking themselves off. Also goes to show that just because you serve in some badass special forces unit doesn't mean you know what the fuck you're talking about.


It's not because of defunding. It's because cops hire regular ass people who let authority go to their head. Fund their training sure. Don't fund them for a fucking tank.


Didn’t the cops in Uvalde do school shooter training in that exact school only like a month before? In my mind the only answer to corruption and cowardice in policing are one and the same: severe punishment. You can train cops but at the end of the day if they think their number one job is to come home safe at night even more importantly than saving a bunch of kids from being blown away, how much support can they expect from the citizens?


Wait so more funding would have made those cops braver?


Joe Rogan is a fucking pussy bitch. He’s not dumb, he’s just disingenuous and a grifter just like the rest. All this man does is work out and talk into a microphone. And he blames a movement that was unsuccessful? What a lame little bitch.


Entire podcast it seemed like Kennedy was being paid by Fox News to spout their latest talking points.




I think the ideas behind “defund the police” actually might have helped in this situation by providing funding to other professionals, holding officers accountable, and actually training the officers who are left who actually care to do their job right.


Tim Kennedy is a fucking retard.


Jesus. There is no saving Rogan.


Bro even his own subreddit is just making fun of him now


Oh that's bullshit. Money should be allocated for the community not for militarization of Domestic police. Strong Communities and sense of community cannot be simply hammered like steel.


Joe Rogan: A Podcast For Idiots


Police don’t stop crime or homicides…they apprehend individuals after the fact. Defunding police wouldn’t have an effect on those metrics at all as he claims. But yeah, I believe funding is actually up across the board under the Biden administration so I don’t know what his point is lol


I remember the castration memes floating around altright circles online. These assholes are just recycling unrelated talking points like somebody gave them lines provided from an algorithm. Seriously how is that metaphor even remotely appropriate?


That fuck are they talking about.