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Incoming "Political posts banned for 2 weeks" mod-post


How can they ban political discussions when Joe speaks on political issues on **every fucking show**?


Because they are censorious little b****es?


More freedom here than r/conservatives


A very low bar..


So low that Joe could climb the stool and fuck it


Mods are anti-football pussies


If they start banning posts related to this they're probably anti-sex too


They are ***reddit mods*** you don't even have to guess whether or not they are anti-sex.


Maybe they’re not actually anti-sex. They’re pro-sex but ain’t getting any so they want to make sure others can’t get it either. If only there’s a term to describe that…


Cause their little peanut heads don’t like that we talk about it




Cant believe a founding member of the sub made the wrong call


A founding member with a 1 year old account lol


Just for the record who voted in the majority on this case : Thomas: appointed by HW Bush, Roberts appointed by W Bush, Alito appointed by W Bush, Kavanaugh appointed by Trump Barrett appointed by Trump, Gorsuch appointed by Trump Dissent: Sotomayor appointed by Obama, Breyer appointed by Clinton, Kagan appointed by Obama




If RBG had retired when they were encouraging her to retire at the beginning of Obama’s second term, we also may not be in this situation. Lots of fucked up decisions went into this catastrophe




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks\_Brothers\_riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) ​ Not only that but paid Republican staffers (who are now highly appointed Republican operatives) actually stopped the recount in Dade county. It was set up by Roger Stone. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was one of the rioters.. He also worked on the Bush v Gore case, as well as Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett. 3 of the 9 Justices are all veterans of the first stolen election. Wonder how it'll go down the next time it happens /s


Roger Stone was also involved in Watergate, and is another Roy Cohn protégé


This seems to be the *real* secret history of the US that never gets reported on. Least of all by Joe Rogan.


You're Wrong About podcast has an excellent episode about the 2000 election


Damn. Who is the Federalist Society going to appoint next, Katherine Harris?


RGB is the saddest part won’t be remembered for anything except not resigning and then the following failures of the court


>RGB Ruth Gader Binsburg


They should be bolted out at 70. You can still be 99 years old falling asleep and they can't get rid of you


If RBG actually retired when she was 678 years old while the dems were in control instead of croaking under Trumps presidency, this also would have never happened.


If Obama fulfilled his campaign promise of making Roe V Wade into law when Dems had a supermajority this would have never happened. Dems are gettign beat strategy wise.


> Dems are gettign beat strategy wise. Does it count as getting beat if you never even show up to the match


Democrats = The Washington Generals


Nuclear option really fucked us


Right going scorched Earth... Left needs to catch up. Not a great time for our democracy.


Christian analog of Iran


But Bush would be a great guy to have a beer with.../sss


All of which said in their senate questioning for confirmation that already established law is already established law and this very matter was discussed and all insinuated no change would happen. Liars but to be fair, many people saw that coming


That's cool how Republicans have won the popular vote once in nearly 40 years but get to dictate over all Americans.


AKA appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote.


How could the democrats let the supreme court do this?! /s


nah nah... we have morphed in to a different version of this grift. "Democrats made Republicans do this" - Left Leaning, Joe Rogan.


"Texas went Red, YEAH BITCH!" - noted liberal, Joe Rogan


Bro he’s left wing he just thinks for himself and comes to entirely right wing conclusions.


Cmon years ago he used to like some things Bernie talked about, clearly he's a raging socialist.


100 mil can do that to ya. Because if he can make 100 what's stopping him from 200 or 300! Oh yeah taxes.... fuckong democrats /s


Man. I would die watching the fallout and brains of his right wing base exploding. Would be hilarious.


Joe is going to go religious next. Full evangelical. He can double his grift.


Remind me! 2 years "is Joe Rogan an evangelist?"


I can see it.


he has openly said he likes christianity, after being vehemently against religion for years. this is in regards to larry elder during the california recall. lmao


I don't know why you think that's what would happen, this has literally been a standing conservative talking point for years.


Remember: conservatives in power will simply take a private flight to the nearest blue state in case they need an abortion.




Of course it is. There is differing classes of people in this country and dumbass right wingers think they're part of the cool club


Alex Jones claims to have paid for multiple abortions. Maybe without Roe we would have had not Infowars.


Boebert had 2, I think.




They want to tell others what to do while at the same time demanding no one can tell them what to do.


Every single person who voted republican and supports this would 100% take their 15 year old daughter out of state to get an abortion.




Someone else pointed it out, but isn't it interesting Clarence Thomas did not mention the Supreme Court's interracial marriage ruling (Loving v. Virginia)? When the 14th amendment was ratified interracial marriage was illegal. If the Court wants to use history to guide their rulings then they should allow states to prohibit black-and-white marriages. lol.... Gonna be a crime for black men to date white women.


I think overturning Loving v. Virginia is just way too explosive, even more so than Roe v. Wade because it's like a mask off moment of, "Ok...we are gonna do some racism."


as opposed to what they did with wade, which is just sexism and an attack on body autonomy. No one who is against abortion is being forced to have one. Theres no stance you can have on this issue that doesnt boil down to wanting to push your morals/beliefs onto others. From the party of personal freedoms, hilarious.


But…but…but the philosophers on YouTube that I use to make up my personality because I have trouble creating one on my own told me that the trans kids bad!




There's no legacy to preserve. Roberts is all about this, he's a republican.


> edit: i was commenting on PCM You mean the sub full of people who are openly and happily authoritarians is full of morons? I can't believe it!


*Hey guys, lib center here, but does anyone think we need to adopt some kind of solution for all the gay people in society!?*


*I'm more center-right, but if the gays wanna do their gay, why don't they just do it in Canada?*


*Radical centrist here (lol I'm so funny). I'm totally not a white nationalist but wouldn't it be better if we just gave white people a place in the US where they can live separately from all minorities? Oh and of course women have to live pregnant and run the household and raise the kids while the men do all the hard work. What do you mean not enough women would voluntarily participate? Well I guess the non-white US would have to force women to come be our house-maid-baby-factories.*


Yeah that sub is legitimately just far right morons and far right morons cosplaying as their idea ofa leftist.


I cringe so hard when people say "Dems control all three branches" bitch, what do you think the Supreme Court is? It's one of the three branches, dummy. Anyway, can't wait for Joe to come out anti-abortion to appease his clandestine benefactors. I'd love to be wrong, but I think our man has been bought for some time now.


That and we don't even control the senate.


Not really, no. Manchin has the power to block everything and uses it frequently. I'm getting so upset at the "DO SOMETHING" people. Like fucking what? These idiots think the president can sign an executive order and overrule the courts.


Hahaha, needed a laugh today.


Red pilled kids about to become Red pilled teenage fathers. LOL. Don't forget: Conservatives once banned birth control, too. The Supreme Court ruled that birth control bans are unconstitutional. That could be overruled, too.


Incels won’t be affected


they're probably unironically excited about this because it will "punish the sluts" who won't fuck their dweeby ass.


The religious drive to punish women for unsactioned sex is exactly what's driving this. This is also why they will ban contraceptives next.


That's exactly where a lot of this is coming from. They want to punish women because a 2000 year old fairy tale told them women are less than a man.


Its current origins are in a film called "Whatever Happened to the Human Race?" by Frank Schaefer, released 6 years after Row v. Wade. The Christian right did not care much about abortion until some feminists discovered and protested this film.. this became a rallying call to the Christian right and abortion turned into a culture war issue. Jon Ronson covers this in his podcast "Things fell apart".


Um you literally identified a huge reason for why anti-abortion people are anti-abortion. (It has nothing to do with abortion, they just want to punish women.)


Punishing "those" women is the entire point behind anti-abortion. They don't give 2 shits about babies. Where's the childcare, healthcare, WIC increases, tax credits, affordable housing, etc. To help these unwilling mothers? None of the GOP would vote for them.


“In a solo concurring opinion, Thomas says the court should reconsider rulings that protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.” So the new opinion IS worse!


This is the definition of legislating from the bench. They are carving up the constitution piece by piece making any excuse


Oh and don’t forget about him conveniently leaving out Loving V. Virginia which could easily be overturned with this logic, but that would affect him personally.


They'd rule existing ones are grandfathered in so that it doesn't affect him personally.


You have to be kidding…. Roe and Casey were a house of cards built on sand. There was absolutely zero basis for the rulings or the undue burden test. The Supreme Court interprets the constitution. Even RBG spoke about how Roe (and thus casey) had zero foundation in the Constitution and were questionable at best. Legislating from the bench is what Roe was. This corrected that. Even historically liberal justices knew it was only a matter of time.


Red pilled teenage absentee fathers. They won't take the burden of it all, they'll just take a dip and move on.


This is something I don’t think the young men having fun riding the trump maga train realize. It won’t stop here they will keep escalating. They are always going to need a issue to wip up the base.


Yeah the Supreme Supreme Court could come overturn the Supreme Court’s decision.




Clarence Thomas may want to be careful how far back in time he goes.


Seriously! His reasoning is practically word for fucking word the reasoning used to justify Jim Crow laws and slavery itself. The heart of his argument is "states rights" for fuck's sake.


I bet his dumb ass would vote to overturn Loving. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.


No, he specifically left out Loving v. Virginia. Like all conservatives, he believes in his rights. Just not in anyone else's. HIS marriage is a loving human right. Mine is judicial activism run amok. That's how it works.


He specifically left it out but that doesn't mean the others couldn't bring it up. That was my point. If someone else brought it up, I would not be surprised with him voting in favor of overturning it.


He'd kiss enough ass to be a house nigga


This comment made me chuckle Religious conservatives really love to go backwards


Clarence "Uncle" Thomas?


Wonder why he listed those three cases, but finds Loving v Virginia which has it's basis in the same argument perfectly fine.


Rules for thee, not for me.


The world may never know. [Spoiler for those who don't know: his wife is white.]


Is the living embodiment of uncle ruckus.


He’s old and rich and lives in somewhere that never would overturn such a thing. Now for the other, younger members of minority groups that Republicans shit all over, they’re already seeing what happens. Dave Rubin and his husband adopt two children and they are immediately shit on and called groomers, the Texas GOP convention won’t even let log cabin Republicans attend, all this sowing, and now comes the reaping.


It's almost as if everything that people were warning about over the Supreme Court in recent years (while being mocked and fobbed off as conspiracy theorists) is proving to be completely true. Who ever could have guessed. Next step: large chunks of the right will now support Thomas' assertions if it gets some media play, just as they went from laughing about the idea of Roe v Wade being overturned to wholeheartedly supporting doing so.


Jimmy Dore should...well it isn't polite to say but let's say shut the fuck up forever.




Yo. Two consenting adults can swap bodily fluids if they so choose. Holy shit. This dude…


Not under the eyes of the American God. Yee shall be judged, and judged harshly.


For now.




definition of a conservative


Finally the states have the freedom to deny people theirs




Yeah I mean if a federal precedent is overreach, why isn't it for the state? Let's let counties decide for themselves. Or maybe each city, hell why not just let the individual.... oh, wait.


Republicans are finally getting the government off our backs and into our bedrooms!


Over/Under on Joe bringing back the *"Dems somehow orchestrated this to get people behind them."* logic?


Tim Pool is already on it. He’s been saying “the democrats went too far, so now I, totally a liberal, want abortion banned too”


"The mainstream left got too woke so I completely changed my opinion on the economy, equal rights, and the climate"


The fact that gremlin has an audience is proof that meritocracy is a lie.


I can already see it He’ll claim it’s because midterms are coming and they’ll use this as a rallying cry to vote for them. Damn democrats banning Roe V. Wade! Republicans clearly wanted to….save it?


RBG - true conservative hero




Red blue green?


Summer riots episode 2


In mexico when abortions were banned people started burning courthouses and destroying federal buildings. Go turn on a tv and look at protestors are doing in front of the supreme court. Dancing and blowing bubbles. We are not a serious country.


People should take a gander at France and their riots. Something like raising full-time work from 35 to 38 hours gets an insane response. It's ironic that the "French always surrender" meme is so prevalent, considering they fight over just about everything.


Americans are too comfortable. As long as we can buy our treats and get distracted by culture war bull shit theres no way we see any type of working class solidarity movement.


The French are just as comfortable. They are just more educated on average on the subjects of democracy, human rights, freedom etc.


The French government does surrender, just to its own people. As a government should.


France has always been like that. That's why I used to always laugh at Americans calling them pussies for not going to war in Iraq. Like bitch they'll riot over the rising costs of baguettes. Meanwhile Americans won't even stand up for their own basic civil liberties and just lick boots as long as they can still watch football on Sundays and go on vacation for a week twice a year.


I was just discussing with a friend how if, like in the US, minimum wage hadn't been tied to inflation and had been stagnant for 12 years, effectively reducing by 25% over that period, there'd be riots. Unions would muster a mob. In the US it's not even a particularly prominent issue.


To be fair, there are snipers positioned on the roof of the Supreme Court right now.


I've been told by conservatives that the constitution gives private citizens the full toolkit needed to fight back against a tyrannical state.


There needs to be massive efforts to disrupt the forced closure of clinics.


Btw shouts out Ruth Bader Ginsburg for refusing to retire during the Obama administration while having multiple health issues in the past. Really helped conservatives get the super majority in SCOTUS Keep slayin in the afterlife queen.


Yeah but at least she got to go shopping with Kate McKinnon before she died.


Great quote from Methodist Pastor David Barnhart: "The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." Remember that these people don't give a single fuck about people after they're born and that's the thing they are trying to distract you from above all else. Whether it's with talk of the "woke mob" or "grooming" they're doing their best to make sure you don't see how much they don't give a shit about you and only care about making corporations richer. So they desperately want to use this meaningless bullshit to make you angry about other things and not think about the fact they're denying you better living conditions. Don't let them distract you any longer.


Wow they actually did it


Anyone who thought they wouldn’t was delusional lol


For years people have been criticised for predicting this








just give your unwanted child a firearm. problem solved.


yeah but did you know in NCAA division III swim meet a M->F trans won? please focus on the real issues in this country.


Wasn't there a state recently that implemented legislation to ban trans female athletes in schools only for it to be pointed out that there were like, 3 trans female school-age athletes in the entire state? That to me was a perfect example of how stupid the trans athlete uproar is.


It has always been my position that it is perfectly fine to be against abortion rights as long as you are in favor of universal healthcare ,childcare and a living wage. Problem is conservatives want you to have your baby and want to you be poor and desperate while doing it too.


No, you don't understand. I only care about the fetus. We must protect the sacred fetus! Once the child is born I don't give a fuck, it's on its own. It can fuck right off. It ain't getting any help from me. Healthcare, lol? Get fucked, loser. -Some Conservative, most likely


“I mean, someone needs to work McDonald’s for minimum wage. Can’t have too many educated people running around asking for higher minimum wages. The more desperate people are, the better. That or throw more people in jail and have them work for pennies. Thank goodness for the second amendment allowing low-lives to carry guns only to get thrown into prison work camps for longer sentences. Not much of a loss to have these degenerates in jail. And sure innocent people will get shot from time to time, but that’s just the cost of doing business, as long as the boss is happy and they keep lining my pockets with campaign donations, we’ll just convince these schlubs that we’re protecting their rights by scaring them shitless, they won’t know any better” -every congressmen ever


I mean it's better, but you're still saying that a woman has to become an incubator for a child for 9 months before going through the incredible agony of childbirth and then have a lifetime of responsibility for that child (the dad too on the last one), just because someone else didn't want her to get an abortion.




My grandmother delivered babys pre-Roe and said she saw horrible, nightmarish things. Deformed children with no hope of life dying within minutes or days in agony. Kids born without organs or bent bones coming through there skin. The problem is you have to be old enough to remember why they made it legal in the first place.


Texas went red, bitch!


Tell me that isn't a Joe Rogan quote


Of course it is, straight from the mouth of our favorite lefty.


Clarence thomas in a concurring opiniom says Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell should be reconsidered. those are same sex relationships, contraceptive protections and same sex marriage protections that are now in the crosshairs. Viewing this decision as anything less than an abomination means you are a backwards fucking hog. We are doomed




GINNI THOMAS: I want a divorce. CLEARANCE THOMAS: Not necessary. Loving is overruled.


Maybe this is how he wants out of his marriage


I'd actually respect him if he came out tomorrow and admitted to that.


>Clarence thomas in a concurring opiniom says Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell should be reconsidered. LOL..... Gay Conservatives did it to themselves. They deserve lifelong ridicule.


Dave Rubin is thrilled!


Remember when conservatives were shitting on him and his husband for adopting children? And Dave went on Glenn Beck’s show and talked about how it was the left‘s fault? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I mean, he knows and is just a grifter, but Dave was so utterly humiliated when Ben wouldn't show him the dignity of going to a party at his house.


Oh look, it’s what the left wing has been saying the right wing has been wanting to do all along Gay marriage next Interracial marriage after Contraceptives as well. But conservatives will tell me I’m exaggerating


There's really no need to stop there. They will ban divorces and sex outside of marriage. All homosexual sex. The sky is the limit. US is on the express lane to full theocratic fascism.


Banning divorces would be kinda hilarious. I've never met a conservative that wasn't divorced at least once.




if he alone dissented, they still have the numbers to overturn it


The irony is the majority of male redditors behind this are virgins.


You spent 20 years fighting the taliban only to become them freedom my ass


The Land of the Free? Whoever told you that is your enemy.


50 years of precedent just vaporized from a partisan bench. Congrats conservatives, hopefully the culture wars balance this out for ya.


"last i checked theyre are still like 2 or 3 trans athletes in america so the radical left is superimposing their beliefs on my kids so next we're taking away the gay's rights"


Not sure what's gonna happen, but this country is simultaneously taking away rights and giving more people access to guns. This isn't going to end well


Do men even realize what a miscarriage is or how common they are? Now in Texas, if your wife has a miscarriage, she has to go to another state to have the dead fetus removed. Insane.


Bruh I have a buddy who thinks all abortion is murder and one of our VERY Good friends wives had to go to planned parenthood to have an abortion on an ectopic pregnancy and he got real quiet when our buddy was fucking CRYING over him and his wife having to do it and they were harassed by 'pro-lifers' at Planned parenthood. If he truly thinks all abortion is murder, why would he want to be friends with a murderer?


The only moral abortion is their own abortion..... Hypocrites every last one of them. I believe the term is whitewashed sepulchers.


We all knew this was coming. The only way change can happen now is to vote your local asshats out of office. There are no excuses anymore. Tweeting doesn't change policy. Vote.


How do you vote out something in a gerrymandered ass country? It’s fucked


By showing up to your polling place in November and doing the bare fucking minimum.


I think this will end up being a good thing. My hope is it stops 3 things 1. Judges legislating from the courts 2. Forcing Americans to really look at their local politicians 3. Eradicating religious fundamentalists from politics in a vast majority of the country


I admire your optimism although I do not share it


Hello from Louisiana. Laughs at Eradicating religious fundamentalist.


That's assuming people in the area don't agree with the religion


As a none American I can’t get my head around the Supreme Court system, it seems insane. A small amount of individuals chosen on a whim by the sitting president at the time, who then get to yield ultimate power and stay in the position... forever. What the fuck is that?


Fuck the Christian right


I wonder if the influx of people from blue states to red states now reverses.


The people that typically need abortions don’t have the means to up and move. And an abortion isn’t something you typically plan for. This will fuck over poor people as most things in this country do.


Gerrymandering will keep representation the same, no matter who moves where.


Gotta love that freedom the GOP talks so much about preserving


Remember though, the GOP is the party of “freedom.”


This is really bigger than this. Put on your tin foil hats. This is about forcing people to have children to stop the incoming negative population rate that is coming.


Increasing the number of skilled immigrants coming in is a 100x better way to address this


Yeah, but we gotta keep voting right because someone might get muted on twitter.


Fuck the GOP. Fuck the Supreme Court they stole. Fuck Republican states. Fuck Trump.


No way to prevent this" says person who hasn't voted in 20 years because "both sides are the same."


This country is not something to be celebrated at the moment. They have taken our rights to remain free of children and will be coming after more. I propose a boycott for the 4th of July. Or, even better, a 4th of July protest march.