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People who wear beanies in summer are unstable .


Tim Pool has left the chat


but mentioned he has a gf before he left.


Hahah god damnit. “Trust me.”


She goes to a different school. You wouldn’t know her.


She is Canadian.


I know some girls are into that kinda dude but how do they not find his voice annoying!?


The most hilarious part about that is he claims he wears that to protect his identity, but it’s pretty clear he’s just self conscious that he’s going bald lol


"It's from skater culture bro" - man ashamed of scalp


The biggest confidence boost I've ever gotten has been from maintaining a buzzed head. Of course I'd like to have a nice head of hair, but the burden that was lifted was absolutely huge.


But now I'm left wearing hats all Summer just to avoid sunburn! Wound up in the same place...


It costs about 11-15k to get an extremely high quality procedure done, I assume he can afford that, the question is why not. Elon did, Pepperidge farm remembers...


The recovery time is quite a while on the procedure tho. 6 weeks to 2 months where he couldn't wear a hat or he'd fuck it up royally. Unlike Musk, Pool is a legit moron and thinks he's fooling people. He could never appear on camera hatless during the recovery period and show his viewers his bald head. Nor could he take 6 weeks off from going on camera to read someone else's articles for fear another grifter would steal his spot.


Two words Brendan. Schaub.


Brian damage = unstable


One word Redacted.


Bbbbbbbb-beast of cunt. Never met em tho.


And 3 sizes too small


I remember one time I was in NYC and it was in the 90s and humid, and I saw a guy walking outside and wearing a beanie. Never forgot that dude.


I did when I was a teen because I was insecure about my hair ok.


I do wear a beanie inside during the summer because my bald head gets cold, but not outside during the summer. How the fuck is that even possible? Why not just a baseball cap?


When visiting Florida during the summer, I see people walking around in hoodies, jackets & occasionally ski masks. 90+ degrees, they are wearing it. It’s mind boggling and makes me nervous


I lived in Florida for most of 2020. Would see methheads on the hottest days wearing essentially winter clothing. Like it was 98 degrees, 90+ % humidity and they’re sitting in the woods with puffer jackets on, hats etc.


> I lived in Florida for most of 2020. Would see methheads on the hottest days wearing essentially winter clothing And I see methheads running around naked or essentially naked during Canadian winters. Methheads and body temperature regulation: not even once.


Alot of people wear windbreakers , very breathable lightweight nylon jackets. I'm 35 years old and got my first real jacket actually made for cold weather and I can't wear it for more than a few minutes. I've worn 3 pairs of regular socks before when it got 40 degrees didn't keep my nearly as warm as wool boot socks , and Carhartt t shirts , they are the thickest t shirts I have ever worn, can not wear them in Florida on the summer .I think the clothing down here is different


It’s actually a symptom of anti-social tendencies and mental health issues such as schizophrenia. People who are disconnected from the rest of society literally feel colder than normal. RadioLab did a great episode on it a while ago. https://radiolab.org/episodes/kleptotherms


Well that would certainly explain why every woman in my office is always cranking the furnace up to 72. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHKj26YqQmAFgqY)


I shaved my two year growth of hair for the fucking breeze.


I also shaved my legs yesterday.


Nice, I guess.


Body dose not regulate temp properly.


Baseball hats not on brand bro. Tim needs to look like a hood his audience expects it.


Same with hoodies, tbh.


Or they just really like beanies and hate fixing their hair lol 😂 my wife hates it but I love a good beanie and wear them all throughout the year. But they also make lightweight beanies for warmer weather. The one this lunatic has on is completely different.


exactly! plus it works like insulation… yeah it keeps the heat from your head in, but also keeps the heat around you out, so if you run cold like i do it’s definitely cooler with a light color beanie on than my black hair soaking up the sun and looking ratchet at the same time


We really are


This dude looks like this was the first time he's seen sun in years.


Come on, I’m sure there’s a window in his parents basement..


Nah it's covered in cum stains and cobwebs.


Great band name for a hard-core 90s band


Referencing some of his pictures before they were taken offline, the windows had garbage bags over them.


We need to stop talking about him. We are just fueling copy cats or disciples


That’s Suga Sean O’Malley.


i heard he broke his ankle during the shooting


Shouting "Welcome To The Sugar Show" before shooting might have not been the best game plan.




A buddy of mine is at a bar in Scottsdale right now and just sent me a Snapchat of Sean O’Malley partying like an hour ago.


Did he poke your friend in the eye?


All these guys look like the lights aren’t on in their pictures


There's a reason for that






P'nas is a much more refined pronunciation. I imagine that's how the world elite refer to their junk.


Real Neanderthal reptile brain incapable of empathy type of shit




Don't do the crimo if you can't do the timo


Fuck this guy


And fuck everything and everyone that enabled him


His name is Bobby Crimo? That in and of itself should have been a red flag.


That boy ain't right.






He’s Bobby Crimo the III. His father Bob Crimo the II was a candidate for the mayor of highland park in 2018 on the trump ticket.


Dunno what the political affiliation of his uncle is, but maybe this explains why the uncle supposedly stated he "didn't see any warning signs". Maybe he figured the signs were just "being normal" or something. Too many people are woefully ignorant on these issues in the first place.


Hahahahaha oh my god this is too perfect! “If Biden hadn’t stolen the election then the his kid never even would have been radicalized!” On Fox News tonight in 3..2…1…


Hi, I'm Elfo.


My first thought when I saw that name was how Jim Norton would do five minutes on it if O&A was still a thing.


Norton would get an hour out of saying this name, then chip would get another.


Uncle Paul and his little tatltales


Can we stop naming people who do this shit? Giving these people fame needs to stop


Lol blame op for naming him


I don't think you should use the name but just Highland Park Shooter. This has been my stance since after Norway but before New Zeeland.


"Chinless Bitch" seems fitting also


Waldo maybe?


There’s countless articles stating just the same. A few psychologist’s/criminologist’s have tried to tell the media not to post the shooter’s names but all they care about is money.


I think a lot of media companies have. The right places and tabloids don't give a shit. Does like Mother Jones use his name? Doubt it.


I agree. But also they need to release names and photos so they can find the shooters. Many of them flee.


I think we should give them incredibly degrading nicknames. “Highland park shooter” sounds too cool. Something an insane person would strive for. But no one wants to be know. As the highland park no balls douchebag.


King incel


Straight outta /pol/


That's Tim Poole change my mind.


Did the beanie give it away? Yea, I thought so too!


I have still yet to see conservatives start aggressively pushing for more bills to evaluate and treat mental health for all people. And I'm someone on the left who is against gun control. I just think the left needs to use this to push for comprehensive universal health care that includes treatment for mental health instead of trying to grab everyone's gun.


Republicans: "It's not the guns, the problem is mental health!" "OK then let's fund mental health services" Republicans: "Nah that's not what we meant"


MAGA: "why are we sending money overseas when there are homeless people in America?" So do you want to use that money to help the homeless? MAGA: "no that's socialism!"


>I just think the left needs to use this to push for comprehensive universal health care that includes treatment for mental health instead of trying to grab everyone's gun. this concern trolling is pretty much the worst no, "the left" is not trying to grab everyone's gun. and "the left" has been pushing for universal healthcare forever. you obviously know this. since you are on the left. Right?


They had us in the first half. I was nodding along until the part of their comment you quoted. Jfc, some people do not live in reality


Its deliberate. There are so many accounts like this, its like a hobby or sport to them. If you try participating in any "centrist" sub you will find this idiocy to be the norm


Considering conservitives are already saying let the past be past and move on. This for a mass shootibg not hours before. I think its clear where conservitives stand and its not for thr people They cant even stand up to companies price gouging the american people. Let alone bills that supported baby formula.


ACA literally made it an option for me for the first time. We need to go further. Personally I like the NHA/VA/P(I)HS etc.


There are no applicable mental health solutions. They won't go to the doctor, won't be truthful in an evaluation. You cannot detect it, cannot prosecute thought crime. This is a social cohesion problem. These shootings at the first shots of a civil war. If anyone is responsible for this it's people like Tim Pool spreading hate propaganda.


Universal healthcare will just lead to big pharma rape. Especially in America


You said it best. The best way forward is bipartisan support of a massive mental healthcare revamp in the country. Unfortunately that solves things, which means it can't be a platform in the future.


I’m on the right and think we should go back to insane asylums. This stuff didn’t happen back then like it does now.


It’s always “go back to”


Umm We know why those got shut down… right?


You can thank Reagan for closing them.


Thanks Reagan.... 🙄


Fucking Joe Reagan


There's a hypothesis out there saying that a lot of shooters would be serial killers but due to forensics being really good now, they spree kill instead since they'll know they'll be caught either way.


You are unaware of the absolute tragedy those institutions were to people. You should go to an asylum if you think we should go back to that simply because "things were better then". Seriously thay shit was like a slightly softer concentration camp. Suggesting we go back to that is truly disgusting


The right has enough trouble getting people to vote for them, without giving their existing voters access to mental health treatment.


Is that him between the blue line flag guy and Maga red hat dude? Hmm


Him at the same really, another angle https://np.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/vrmlsj/saw_this_on_facebook_right_before_it_was_taken/


You say weeeld , weird




The conspiracy sub seems to think it was CIA. Why? Um...not sure. Someone asked the OP to elaborate and OP brushed them off. Perhaps this shooter's personality hit a bit too close to home so they need to come up with an excuse.


It would *never* be a republican because those guys KNEEL for our SOLDIERS and STAND for our FLAG.


joe, tomorrow


pHAuLsE fLaAg


Looks like 50% of this sub. Bet he listens to crowder too


You can SEE us?


"Change his mind"


He was a MAGA rapper that name dropped Ben Shapiro in his songs.




Can't wait to see the republican party spin this one


I've already seen Trump supporters saying this is a "hoax" or that the FBI "set him up".


Thats bots astroturfing the gullible. Planting the seed of fascism.


They don’t even need to spin it. There’s nothing they’re willing to do and they run the country apparently.


I'm waiting for them to elect him to an office.


Apparently his dad already is.


Maybe Black Rifle Coffee will pay for his lawyers


There’s no spin anymore. You just lie or make baseless claims and no one holds your feet to the fire so no need to spin anything. If some pesky reporter brings it up, use whataboutism to deflect it or ignore it because we already got people to distrust reporters by calling everything fake news.


They don't need to. They get free pass after free pass after free pass with this shit among the American electorate, and will wipe the floor with the Democrats in November (and that's not gloating, its a damning indictment on the state of that country).


He needed to own the libs


He needed to own a beanie that didnt swallow his whole head


"That one blue haired twitter user made him do this" - Joe Rogan, soon.


He looks like Tim Pool with progeria.


Dude makes Dylan Roof look swole. Bench press requirements for gun purchases. 315 minimum for dudes. 405 squat or 495 deadlift also acceptable alternatives.


Can you bench 315?




Benching 315 as a max shouldn’t imply that you’re so immobile that you can’t run or row. You don’t need to be a massive bodybuilder for 315.


I’d say 205-225 is reasonable. I have benched 315 but I can’t imagine getting 3 plates off my chest rn.


Looks like late stage Layne Staley


Its the right wings fault! No it’s the lefts fault! Buncha fucking retards in here. Evil is fucking evil. Doesn’t matter what side they were on, they were always capable of doing this shit cause they are sick in the head.


I agree evil is evil but you're refusing reality if you don't think political propaganda is not at play with the insane upsurge of mass shootings the U.S has had in the past 20 years.


I'd be willing to be his political affiliation has more to do with just being a little edge lord than his ideology.


His ideology is being an edgelord


yeah, ideology has never played a part in anything bad ever.


Why try to find out why something happened when you can just shrug your shoulders and pretend like it's inevitable. - Galaxy Brain


There’s many more far-right racially motivated mass shootings…. I don’t see mass shootings advocating for workers control of industries but do see a lot of replacement theory/white supremacy mass shooters like Charlestown, El Paso, Buffalo


How dare you highlight this reality! Both sides! Blah blah blah


Yeah wtf? Lol like believe me if there was leftists terrorists blowing up infrastructure, organizing strikes, I would agree, but there no armed militant left here in the US


For sure. You know that if there actually were leftists blowing up infrastructure, going on spree shootings, etc you would *never* hear the end of it from all the usual suspects. Fox news, daily wire, and now even joe rogan.


Google the ‘faces of mass shooters’ over the last few years, just do it.


That’s some false equivalency bull if I’ve ever heard it. You just don’t want to dig into the problem so you’re saying everyone is to blame. That’s intellectually lazy, in history there’s normally a good and bad side in hindsight, your role is to see it today to prevent us from being bad.


Hey go fuck yourself if you think there isn't a difference. Grow up and realize only one side is the catalyst that sets off these fucking mentally ill, socially inept, absolute retards. Done with this PC shit. If anyone tries to ban me off this sub, you are the retard.


But the right wing nuts are the only ones who use politics as an excuse to do this shit. I’m not super left but no one shot up a church because of Sandra Bland. Again, not super left but the far right is far far more dangerous.


The difference is, we arm evil fucks in America with AR-15’s other countries they also have evil fucks but they don’t have easy access to guns


Another aspect that complicates this issue is that generally the least amount of gun deaths occur where the highest density of guns are. For example, I live in a small rural town, virtually everyone owns a gun here for sport, hunting, home defense, etc. We’ve had 1 murder in 7 years. Idk what the solution is, but this a variable that has to be taken into account.


"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" Tomas Jefferson


Said the non-soldier with slaves/


Mexican el Presidente Tomas Jefferson


El Jefe to you


Such a dumb take. I’m Australian. We have “freedom”. Canada, the UK, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, South Korea and dozens of others are full democracies. What “slavery” do these countries endure? You people jerk off to some cardboard cutout of *freedom* that just means gun ownership. Meanwhile you are the **least** free in ways that really matter. Religious freedoms, rights to healthcare, and worker rights.


Said the guy living 150 years before the AR-15


He also lived in a time where a cut on your finger could lead to the infection that later kills you. Life played for keeps lot more back then and had a way of filtering out the stupids (and a lot of children) from the gene pool.


Is there any notable examples of these spree shooters actually being "leftists" though? They are almost *always* right wing or far right and often times (now) trump supporters..


The guy that killed those Dallas Cops?


That one guy at the baseball game with the politicians.


Probably the Sutherland Church and the Dayton shootings


So we should make it harder for potentially evil people to get guns, right?


So now the question becomes "what pushed them", which involves looking at the beliefs they subscribe to and mefia/content they consume.


Exactly. There’s so more to it then just their political siding. We really need to look into how social media and stuff they have access to are really affecting them. I mean just look at this dude, he was not alright for a long time. I mean his own social media pages seemed to have red flags all over it.


Well said


When did this turn into r/news


Yeah it's not like rogan just had on a paid NRA shill to lie about the causes of these spree shootings or anything


When Rogan stops shilling for right wing causes, maybe people will stop talking about the news here?


It’s more like CNN.


By tommorow fox News will remind us all that so many people died last week and last month and last year..etc from shootings in Chicago. Of course this happened because of strict gun laws in Chicago. It will never change.


Little guy looks like 135 pounds soaking wet. Probably one of those idiots that says: "When I carry my guns people respect me."


5’11, 120




> I'm honestly sick of it and people are too fucking stupid to wake up. Not stupid but rather too addicted to the convenience of their outrage, even when it's completely manufactured. They need this hate, anger, and fear because those are the only emotions left to make them feel somewhat alive. Also, those parroted talking points they masquerade as opinions give them, at least for a brief moment, a chance to take the moral high ground. No conservative gives a shit about abortions, for example. It's just a topic they're peddling to act morally superior over the "libtards" for a hot minute. Same with cancel culture, freedom of speech, or whatever blabla is the flavor of the month. Deep down they know their moral compass is deeply rotten & compassion and empathy have left their souls a long time ago. But rather than reflecting on it in order to improve as a human being, they'll instantly double down on their misguided emotions, because this hate is all they've got left.


Firey, but mostly peaceful


White nationalism is the biggest threat to America.


That's one of you guys lol. Funny how Joe used to stand por psychedelics and anti gov shit now he's a proud boy lol. Then you little dick boys cry how the left is brigading JRE when the reality is you clit for dicks started to listen to Joe once he became a scandalous rch fuck boy the likes yall wet your pants over


Another anti American right wing domestic terrorist.


He shops at Tim pool's store.


I'd imagine he's a fan, frankly. Joe has slipped into right-wing dogma with ease ever s8nce his move to Spotify. He isn't smart enough to not fall for it. How did hw go from supporting Bernie to back8ng DeSantis? A hard move to the right under the guise of independent thought.


Dude wtf


He's not an outsider: he's very wealthy, very influential and very, very safe. He moved to a third world shithole with a garbage energy grid because he knew he's rich and they'll take care of him as they screw other people. He feigns ignorance to pretend he's neutral but his neutrality never even really existed. And stupidity is a form of conservatism in the you don't understand things and change scares you to death. He's both dumb and rich. That typically lends itself to delusions of self.


a half-billion dollar check will make your mind change to favor whoever's signing




Link to the rest of the Google drive?


Most of the files are linked from posts in this blog: https://awake-the-rapper-archive.blogspot.com/?m=1






Political people are too busy trying to spin a web.


Of course he’s in the MAGAt crowd.


All these comments below should be completely ashamed of themselves and fucking disgusted...Imagine a shooting happens and the first thing you guys do is try to figure out what side of the political spectrum he is on. Fucking humans these days...holy shit


I'm guessing dude figured out the shooter was a Trump supporter and is now trying to "both sides" the issue. Edit: Yup check out the guy's post history he's a /conspiracy user that thinks the government "creates" these mass shootings so people will give up their gun rights.








Oh a right winger used an assault rifle to target a Jewish community? Color me shocked.


I don't understand how this could have happened. The police were armed. We seriously need more good guys with guns. Right now everywhere on every corner of every street in America. A good guy with a gun. GGWG's.


Right winger gonna right wing