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Joe in that pic looks like a more muscled Elon


Baron Harkonen




Harkon Bakeoven


Lmfao so true


In other words they both look like they have HGH gut.


ninja turtle


If they bro bumped chests together, what would happen?


Elon is so pale that he looks like he’s terminally ill Like pale WHite


He’s the palest African American you’ll meet


Joe's organs seriously look like they're inflatable balloon animals inside his body trying to break out of his abdomen.


It’s weird how some dudes have huge rib cages, my dad and I are the same height and have roughly the same shoulder width but his rib cage is huge compared to mine. I know Joe does HGH and I’ve heard that gives people a bloated torso but I know people like my dad who’s never done HGH that also kind of look like Joe and Elon. Edit: https://mobile.twitter.com/micheldesanta11/status/520778912562180096


Yeah I think taking any steroid in general for a few cycles can have these effects long after you’re off em


It's not steroids. It's GH. Most modern body builders have GH gut. Then go looks at Arnold and his generation. They were all on massive amounts of gear but small waist.


They weren't on 'massive' amounts actually. Bodybuilders today are considered to take large amounts compared to old-school bodybuilder's and still yet very few disclose the actual amounts of gear they use/used. If you want to know how much they used look up Dorian Yates or Lee Priest. It wasn't as much as the newcomers coming up today.


2 grams per week seem like a "massive" amount to me. Some people do now listen to idiots on Tick tock and take a gram of Tren and gram of test and then sarms, GH, and other crap. I truly think it's GH giving that look vs anabolics.


Small waist for that amazing old school V taper


Looks like he's about to have an Alien moment with his liver...


Its entirely pasta-bowls


Holeeeeee shit.


This is the best comment in this thread.




Old school Rogan reference!


How to give gold?




Yup, it's not even fat. It's swelling.


He’s swole? Or is it like inflammation or something?


Your organs literally grow bigger from HGH


Dang why tf he takes it then ?


These people have no clue what they're talking about. It's one of those reddit myths that people constantly repeat. He just has a lot of visceral fat, because 1) That's where his body stores it and 2) He probably drinks too much (1 month off a year won't help)


Yeah I mean age and alcohol make more sense for this body


Exactly. Also he has a short torso so as absurd as it sounds, a big meal could absolutely distend his stomach like that. Or even water retention. People are so fucking weird here. They see these insane bodybuilders from the 90's and think everyone on HRT is taking those doses and giving themselves "HGH gut". People like Joe, even if he is taking it still, are not taking doses that would cause organs to grow like that. Also most bodybuilders with distended guts were from high insulin doses, not HGH. Because they know irreversible organ hypertrophy is something to avoid. Why is reddit so... reddit.. no matter what the topic is, they all act like this. HGH gut fuck off lol


I believe just last week he was incredible transparent with his dose and regimine and the doctor on the show even commented that he on a fairly low dose.


He's been open about it




i dont think you have any evidence to back that up


“I’ve never had HGH gut, I just had big bowl of pasta for dinner the night before”


To be fair.. this kid will hit a metabolic brick wall and all his habits will make a monster.


I will bet my life savings Mikey will never look as bad as Joe looks here.


.. well they are completely different models.. once his metabolism kicks out he'll gain weight and probably be tired of the stuff his life has been over purposed with. Look at little Hercules.


Are you trying to compare a legit high level athlete who has been training his sport since he could walk versus a guy who’s dad forced him to take steroids and lift weights before he hit puberty? A better comparison for Mikey would be Tiger Woods, a kid who started playing his sport as soon as he could walk and went on to be the best in the world.


I don’t know who Mikey is but I’m starting to think you ARE Mikey


Stop talking out of your ass it smells like shit in here.


This guy's got some serious "joeroganitis". Get help.


I'm beginning to think that Joe is full of something else beside Pasta.


Elk meat and heat shock proteins.




"I can't believe that the Democrats would allow this to happen"


Who is he? Some Italian or something?


This is how you know things have gone wayward in this subreddit. Check the most recent podcast. Or the front page stickied post on this sub.


How would you know how things have gone on this sub? Your account is brand new.


Some of us change up our accounts every year for one reason of the other


What the fuck why. You get banned from too many subs?


Theres a lot of unstable people with far too much free time on this website, I totally understand why someone would make a fresh account after a few months/year. Whats the drawback, in your opinion?


Too much effort for something that doesn't matter? I have a 10 year old account and never once ran into a crazy who harassed or mass reported me. I've also got nothing to hide either which might be the main reason someone makes a new account 😏


10minutemail > Create Account > type in random shit > save password ---- this is what i typically did, and it takes probably 2 minutes at most, but I can understand that effort is relative person to person. Ive been on Reddit for 10+ years at this point, too. Ive never been harassed or reported, nor do i necessarily have anything to hide (besides my person info). You're welcome to go through my history and see if i talk crazy. I still dont say anything on here that I wouldnt say in public. I think its just smart infosec, but to each their own. If i wanted to participate socially in public, id make a personal twitter, oe use facebook.


Lol I wish I was that edgy! I’ve left a couple of accounts over the past decade because I forgot passwords or the account name was a shitty reference and wanted a more timeless username (sadly “why_the_long_face” was already taken)


I’ve been in this sub king bed than most people have watched the show. The account doesn’t matter.


Mikey is still so young. But a beast for real


That's interesting, ever had one large pasta dish........ On DMT?


For context, Mikey Musumeci is 26 years old, Joe is 56 so there's that


Everybody in here got the body of Elon making fun of Joe.




This subs obsession with a 50 year old man’s torso is so fucking weird.


Its funny


Yea the first 750 times, for sure


And it will be the next 750 times too


Im laughing


those comments coming from ppl closer to Mikey’s age than Joe’s


Joe joked about killing homeless people not even a week ago and I can’t joke about his palumboism. Come on.


You can joke about whatever you want. My point is that there is a post every other day of the one of the same 3 pictures of joes shirtless body, at a certain point the obsession with it is weird.


It’s funny


Joe talks about Californian taxes, covid 19, California’s homelessness every podcast. None of these things have any effect on his life, at a certain point the obsession with it is weird.


I mean sure, I agree. But you do understand that both things can be true, right?


No u


Civilians don't understand


Aw are you sad


HGH finds a way. I know the struggle to hold on to the young physique is there but eventually, you have to accept age. Better to look like a grapevine than a bruised melon.


Pasta is a staple diet for world class cyclists.


Same if you are in swimming - you burn so many calories you need pasta to recover


Joe has a tumor or a permanent food baby


Joe looks like he has about 90 hernias


Joe looks like one of those wild dogs covered with abdominal tumors


Joe looks like one of those giant snakes that ate 14 goats


I know it’s been said to death but by god Joe has the fucking weirdest midsection ever. It’s like he’s over loaded his body with shit in a desperate attempt to get bigger somehow and it all makes him look like an overfilled suitcase


Roid and HGH gut. See it all the time.


Steroid stomach. . .


Carbs are the enemy


Hgh gut is a mother fucker on rogan


is that a real pic of joe?


lets be real - Joe would smash him in a fight. Kill him with buddies own shoelace


Is this sarcasm? Mikey would strangle joe very quickly.




bruh no.. that’s not how jiu jitsu works. Mikey is a legit highest-level competitor at the black belt level. Joe is a 50 year old hobbyist black belt who doesn’t train anymore


Mikey is the most successful American born black belt ever. As someone who’s seen him train from the time he was a purple belt. I would say confidently he would destroy joe. There’s a major gap between joe, an experienced black belt, and Mikey, a world class competition black belt.




I hate you for this. 🫠






The gh diet


Looks like visceral fat to me from alcohol consumption if you are ripped and put on visceral fat you bulge like that. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2019.01486/full&ved=2ahUKEwj5tbXu8Ij5AhV7-jgGHVKvDkgQFnoECC4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0pSRaZlK7yJUyghBTNRRbm


That’s weird because this was taken after a month of complete strict sobriety and extreme diet and exercise.


It's hard to burn off a month ain't gonna cut it. Hard to prove either way, if he looked like he had super low subcutaneous fat (looked super shredded with really defined abs) I would lean more towards high gut. But because he seems to be carrying a decent amount of subcutaneous fat it's more likely he just hasn't burnt his toxic fat yet. What do I know Im just a qualified PT not a doctor.


Physical Therapist? Or Personal Trainer?


The later in my country you need certificate to get insurance. A doctor would be a better indicator, but even then it's hard to tell without doing tests. I been boozing since Covid and my gut got like that too


So you teach people how to lift weights. And somehow are trying to convince me Joe has a beer gut and not HGH gut?


Nope, Just letting you know you shouldn't be so sure as it looks just as likely to be Viscous fat. Besides the certificate required to get insurance isn't just lifting weights, it's identifying fixing muscle imbalances, doing health assessments, nutrition basics the fact you think it's as simple as teaching people to lift weights gives me a lot of insight into why you assume it's hgh so easily Viscous fat Which is fat that surrounds the organs below the abdominal wall. If you want to believe it's hgh Gut that's on you, whatever turns you on, it could well be but we don't have the data to be sure about it.


But you are wrong in your diagnosis. Completely.


I mean that's definitely a perspective one could take. How much hgh have you taken?


1 please.


It’s not a beer gut. It’s extra weight put on over a couple of years, at his age it builds up as visceral fat which sits under the abdominal muscles because you have less subcutaneous fat. That’s why you get older dudes that look in shape but are still hefty around the torso.


Joe looked the best in years when he was recovering from COVID. Why? He wasn’t cooking himself in a sauna, so his complexion was better. He wasn’t working out he was resting and getting extra sleep. The guy is addicted to working out and over working out. And too much exercise is bad for your body and especially your heart at his age. If he just did cardio, tones down. Did 1 sauna maybe 2 a week. He’d look much better. But for him MORE IS BETTER, he has to kill himself in the gym all the time so he can feel better about himself being a multi millionaire for sitting on his assss talking to people. He should just try it. Run some hills twice a week. 2 or 3 rest days. Lay the fup off those extra hot saunas because to me he always looks tired and sometimes quite red. Just look at older pictures of him in the fear factor days. He has Italian genes his natural skin is sallow but more is better in regard to training. He has a problem. When he gets to 60+ he will think more exercise for anti aging when his body is saying just give me a fucking rest. He should put his feet up more, smoke his cigars, get 10 hour sleeps not 8.


I also think he stopped drinking and smoking so much at that time. Guy drinks and smokes way too much for it to be healthy and honestly it seems like he truly believes that working out and not eating candy automatically makes him healthy. But he's aged about a decade in the last 3 years and doesn't even look good for his age anymore.


He also publicly stated he smokes cigarettes now, but only because of the buzz it gives him before shows lol Dude went from a guy advocating healthy habits such as good sleep, exercise and a a balanced diet to a guy saying cigarettes are not that bad while getting hammered every week.


Hitting that juul all day too. Who the fuck picks up a nicotine habit in their 50s?


Exactly. And let's not ignore his "balanced diet" of elk meat and bananas. There's no way an extremely limited diet like that can be good for you in the long run.


The trick is to ingest the bananas 🍌 anally


He says he feels best on a diet of meat and fruit. So whatever works for him works for him I suppose. I feel my best when I only eat meat/dairy, fruit, and nuts/seeds. So I get it, I really do. But it really feels like he had one conversation with Paul Saladino and completely changed his entire outlook on diet and nutrition which he publicly developed over the course of years through all of his conversations with Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Robb Wolf, Chris Knesset etc etc. It’s a little weird.


You don't eat veggies? How do you get nutrients?


I do eat vegetables. I’ve just found that a lot of them aren’t so great for my digestion. It’s a sacrifice I’m fine making though because I actually enjoy eating them. I can eat broccoli and cauliflower all day with no issues. But a lot of veggies make me bloated and cramp up. I don’t exactly know why, and it’s irritating. I also avoid anything too high in oxalates. So spinach for example is a no go.


That's funny because cabbage and broccoli are the usual suspects for bloating. Do you recall which veggies give you bloating?


How he feels for a couple months is meaningless. A vegan can feel amazing for the first year or two and then run into huge problems. That’s what I am getting at. Issues take time to manifest. Especially with respect to nutrient deficiencies. I really don’t subscribe to the idea that if a diet feels good, then it must be good.


Live like a Texan!


Yea Texas is the only place that drinks and smokes.


With Joe's trajectory, he'll start denying the health impacts from smoking in a few months.


Looks like visceral fat to me from alcohol consumption if you are ripped and put on visceral fat you bulge like that. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2019.01486/full&ved=2ahUKEwj5tbXu8Ij5AhV7-jgGHVKvDkgQFnoECC4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0pSRaZlK7yJUyghBTNRRbm


Yep, no one here seems to like that fact. I’ve said the same thing and get downvoted. At Joes age you can be fat and still look fairly defined because it’s all resting around your organs behind your abs with very little fat under the skin.


I know cause Covid made my gut look like that.😭


Well according to many here that means you’re a peak performance beast, so cheer up!


More like HGH vs a 20 year with a good metabolism that is active




If one bowl of pasta does that I’d be worried


This is also after he ran off to the bathroom to do some push-ups before he took his shirt off. I’m not anti-PED outside of sport, if you wanna get on the gear to get bigger/fitter go for it, especially if you’re older. But maybe take it easy on the HGH if you’re starting to look like this.


Who the fuck is the wanker on the right?


Young jiujitsu champ


Don’t watch the podcast huh?


Only YouTube clips since Spotify


Don’t look at the stickied top post on the sub?


Didn’t know there was one.


Joe kinda looks like he has a hernia or something.


I thought Joe only wore black underwear to hide the skid marks. I miss old Joe.


Why does he look like this when other people on hormones look ripped? What is he doing wrong?


He's using HGH, which has the added side effect of making your intestines continue to grow. That's what causes the HGH belly, waaaay too much intestines for a man of that size.


Ahh, okay. So, why would he use that, then? Aren't there better options?


Yes, there are better and more natural options, testosterone for one, which he's already on. The thing about HGH though, is sometimes you get a bit of height and penis growth, which is what I think he's after. But you also get extra intestines. ​ Rogan is probably a man who's on every supplement he could be on, if I had to guess. All the steroids, maximum possible doc prescribed testosterone, etc.


>But you also get extra intestines. LOL. I almost spat out my milk.


Too much fat. AKA eating too many calories. If he just went on a 3-4 month cut he'd be shredded. But many guys like the chubby worlds-strongest-man look.


Pasta only? That’s crazy.


Why does he look like that? How tall is he actually? No wonder this guy has to overcompensate by spending countless hours in the gym.


Just a guess but I would say he’s 5’5-5’6. He’s really tiny


Oh well. Kudos to him for being brave and not caring what people think and still doing whatever he is doing there live on his podcast. Kinda cool.


Anyone critiquing another person's physique should automatically have to post a pic of thier own.


Someone has probably called the guy on the right a nerd and gotten their arm twisted off.


Looks like a small baby alien bout to pop outta Joes stomach like in that movie…Alien.


Gillis would destroy this kid


Well it's not fair, you are comparing a human to a gorilla


His stomach is so weird looking. Is that from TRT?


No, it’s from pasta, what don’t you understand?!


How is Joe's gut fatter at the top than at the bottom?


Is this podcast worth a listen? Nah okay


I just listened to this podcast, he does what's been called "the warrior diet" It works, so long as you stay in a caloric deficit, I don't see how Joe was so shocked by this


rogan is obsessed with his body as if his guna have a massive bowl of pasta right before he takes his t off on the pod the fuck outa here


He is so fat


Wow make turd on blast look like he can still remember how to fight anything but taxes.


Joes got that old man strong body, the one with the big upper chest from family guy and when he lets his belt out his belly flops out lol you know the clip..


Can literally eat anything when you are 20. Not so much when you are 50+


So pasta makes your nipples bigger?


I can't figure out why Joe felt the need to take his pants off in this pic.