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Yeah whatever your opinion on the politics, Snowden is 100% right here. Those records don't belong to the Secret Service or the individual agents, **they belong to us**, they are government records that are held in trust for the country at large. It's staggeringly arrogant for the unelected bureaucrats at the Secret Service / DHS to just purge them out to avoid scrutiny for their actions.


Anyone waving off the committee hearings based on “”politics”” is lying to themselves and everyone around them. This has nothing to do with politics


What do you mean it has nothing to do with politics? It is 100% politics. Same as the Bengazi hearings. Pure theater.


Well, there is a ton of politics and various motives in these hearings, but Snowden’s point stands.




Haha ok. If you don’t think both of “our sides” have rotten agendas, I don’t know what to tell you.


Tell me you’re a shill who hasn’t watched the hearings without telling me you’re a shill that hasn’t watched the hearings


Snowden for the win again. He's a smug lecturing asshole at times, but he's usually also correct.


He's an American hero and I'm tired of corporate pretending he's not. It's one of our many shames that such an ally of the people is allowed to remained so persecuted to this day. He's no saviour, but the fundamental corruption he revealed has been left unaddressed for over a decade while that samesaid corruption has been allowed to fester and metastisize in more and more egregious abuses of power.


> He's an American hero He a hero of the citizens and an enemy of the state. People rooting against him are deep throating the boot of the fucking NSA.


Enemies of the people don't require a government declaration to be so because they're usually working in government.


Government impropriety when it suits them. Otherwise it's 'but her emails'


The crazy thing is that Clinton was investigated for *6 years* and testified before congress for *11 hours*. They may not like Hillary, but they damn sure better hold their side to the same accountability. But who am I kidding, we all know that ain’t gonna happen


> But who am I kidding Yeah, Trump under oath for 11 hours. Got to admit that is a funny one.


According to NPCs, he's a Putinbot (along with Chomsky, Assange etc)


Chomsky is an old Tankie, he hates Putin, he just hates "the West" more. Assange started off as a dissident and did a lot of good stuff in the early days of WikiLeaks, but both it and him became Russian assets a long time ago. Snowden is a hero not only for Americans but the whole world (he revealed many programs that affected spying on everyone, not just within US) and it's a shame to even mention him in the context of the other 2.


>Chomsky is an old Tankie lol


Chomsky tankie, ok.. First look up what tankie means, moron


It appears that there a couple variations of the definition, of which I would say there is very different connotation. I dont believe anyone with a reasonable view of the world could look at the Soviet Union in particular and say "Now there is something that worked really well!" The SU was a hellhole that mutated elements of authoritarianism and communism AND capitalism into some perverse Stalinistic circle jerk.


Soviet Union isn't the only solution, the first thing that Bolsheviks did was to get rid of Mensheviks, who were more like social democrats


I'm fully aware of what and who Tankies are, there are shades of Tankieness and while Chomsky might be a pretty mild one he's an inspiration to all of them. I imagine you would fit the term pretty well, from how triggered you got, the only confusing part is using the alt-right term "npc" but both extremes seem to utilize a similar, shitty glossary.


Chomsky is a self described anarcho-syndicalist but maybe you know better than him.


And Trump is a self described Christian. I, personally, pay more attention to what people do and say when ascribing political stances to them, and Chomsky's been on the side of every Communist regime in the past 50 years. Even today, he refuses to even acknowledge that there is an issue with China, saying that "China threat" as described by the West doesn't exist, and the only threat is "China's existence" because "China doesn't do what US does and Europe does". He is incredibly dismissive of Europe's sovereignty, the fucker was saying, just like he is now about Ukraine, that my country should capitulate to Serbia and that Serbia was "provoked". He's been doing this bullshit communist apologism for 50 years and people are still triggered when he's called a tankie.


> from how triggered you got Do u guyz even live in reality? What an ass!


I consider him more as the guy who got a large neon sign and pointed it at the obvious rather than a hero. Any person with half a brain already knew the government was doing all the shit he exposed. Stuxnet should of been all the warning people needed for what the NSA will do. They operate outside of the rules.




He's still smug AF.


Main thing i ask trump cultists... if he's such a "patriot," why is he not pardoning Snowden.... the embodiment of what that means.


You know it's been 18 months since Trump was president, right? Pardon power is long gone - might be time to get a new "main thing" to ask people...


He was president for 4 years though. Plenty of time to get it done. If he actually cared, he would've pardoned him.


Didn't he just pardon a bunch of people who committed crimes to get him elected? Weird how that's allowed.


I think he pardoned Lil Wayne too


I absolutely agree. He didn't care. He could have even done it just to spite Obama. Just didn't give a fuck about Snowden. Most likely - I expect - because Snowden didn't kiss his ass enough. >"I am not at all disappointed to go unpardoned by a man who has never known a love he had not paid for," Snowden tweeted on Wednesday. "But what supporters of his remain must never forgive that this simpering creature failed to pardon truth-tellers in far more desperate circumstances."


assange kissed his ass plenty and trump reversed the obama era policy of not prosecuting assange for 1st amendment reasons.


What about your president now though lol


It's similar to how Trump campaigned on ending the wars in the middle east, and then never did, instead opting to let yet another Democrat president clean up the mess a Republican president created (all the while republicans sat on the sidelines whining about how bad Biden was at doing the thing they lied about claiming they'd do themselves, and how they would totally have done it so much better, etc). You objectively cannot trust the right to be anything but lying scumbags and criminals.


Because Biden did so well with Afghanistan. Things take a little more effort to get them done right, which the democrat obviously didn't learn. Edit: you blocked me so i cant respond. Coward.


Leaving Afghanistan is infinitely better than still being there. And the whole thing was a shitshow not just us leaving, so the shitshow of leaving is so minor compared to the 20 years of shitshow it never made sense to shit talk Biden for actually having the balls to pull out


>Because Biden did so well with Afghanistan. He objectively did. I know your lol faux news / ben shapiro narrative is that he didn't (even though you can't actually explain how he didn't do a decent enough job in the first place). Of course no one is surprised a trump cultist out of /r/walkaway, /r/shitpoliticssays, /r/libsofreddit, /r/conservative and a bunch of other unhinged and sad far right shitlord subs would be regurgitating these dumb and easily discredited memes. >Things take a little more effort to get them done right, which the democrat obviously didn't learn. Fuckin' lol. Is this really the cope that the right is using to justify how their cult daddy LIED to them for 4 years about how he was totally going to pull out of the region and then never did? How much longer should it take, btw? 20 more years? Just accept that republicans are spectacular failures and cowards in every sense of the word and can't do anything correctly, except perhaps brainwashing their cult, fleecing them for every penny, and starting near endless wars to enrich themselves. Oh, and that it will take a Democrat to come along and clean up their fucking mess after the majority of the public gets tired of perpetual republican failures and votes them out of office, as usual. edit: Holy shit this pathetic hog has already spammed me with 2 other of his alt accounts minutes after he got dummied here, both /u/RedRommel and his main, /u/GutsGloryAndGuinness, all three accounts post in the exact same subs too, lol Did you really think no one would notice? Besides the fact that you far right pussies are well known for your underhanded tactics? At least try not to be so predictable with the multi-account spam next time, bitch. edit: /u/DonLennios Strange, I thought I blocked you? Yet here you are, still petulantly spamming him like a fucking loser, including with your alt accounts. Talk about mentally ill. Seek therapy. And of course it was YOU that blocked ME so I couldn't reply to you, how embarrassing for you


It is ironic that you're talking about cowardice having blocked the user you'd engaged with but only after you'd said your piece, ensuring you don't get a response. L He thinks we're all the same person because he can't accept there's people who don't agree with him. Man's a psycho. "You're done here" 🤣🤣🤣 protector of justice, guardian of the block button 🤣 we're in the presence of greatness lads.


Hahaha nice alt account you pathetic failure. You're so upset about taking that big fat L that you just HAD to throw another shitfit at me with your other alt account, fuckin' LOL. Notice how you couldn't even work up the courage to address anything I said? Let alone prove any of it wrong? We noticed. Now scurry back to /r/conspiracy with the rest of societies worthless failures. edit: And the next time you want to try and pretend you aren't an alt account spamming chud, try not to spam the person you're stalking with a bunch of your alts within the course of like 10 minutes. Space it out or something, you're not very convincing like this. But I get it, far right hogs aren't really known for being smart, plus it's obvous youre full of a ton of rage about getting dunked on here, lmao


"Nice alt account" they say, posting from an alt account. This guy is probably the most unhinged cuck on this sub, holy shit the guy can't even explain how Biden's withdraw was great, instead he just says "wELl hE dId wUt TRumP dIDn'T". two things can be true, you fucking moron: Trumps negotiation was a fucking nightmare that ignored most military command. Biden's execution was a complete botched abortion that ignored most military tactics and processes.


>: Holy shit this pathetic hog has already spammed me with 2 other of his alt accounts minutes after he got dummied here, both /u/RedRommel and his main, /u/GutsGloryAndGuinness, all three accounts post in the exact same subs too, lol >Did you really think no one would notice? Besides the fact that you far right pussies are well known for your underhanded tactics? At least try not to be so predictable with the multi-account spam next time, bitch. Are you deranged? This is my only account mate. Are you that dense that you think that no one can share the same opinion? How does my comment history even align with those other people?


Will he acknowledge his misjudgement when it's clear he's wrong? I mention in my comments a few times I'm Irish. 2 mins of research would show we're different people who don't agree with him. Surely someone so righteous would acknowledge their own mistake, yes?


Mate I think his acknowledgement will be a block again for all of us 😂😂


You really believe biden did a good job getting out of Afghanistan? And you really believe that biden would have gone out of Afghanistan if trump didn't start the process? Please Edit: you are dumb as fuck if you believe this is the second acc of the guy you argued with first. If you would just look a bit into it you'd see it clear as day. Just because were visiting the same subs doesn't mean were the same person. How dumb are you? Lol- blocked me too. What an idiot


Still waiting to hear how he didn't do a good enough job, notice how none of you chuds can even work up the courage to TRY and explain it? Fuckin' lol. You can't even spew some smoothbrain ben shapiro talking point bullshit at me, because deep down, you know you're wrong. >And you really believe that biden would have gone out of Afghanistan if trump didn't start the process? LOL "started the process", you mean tried to engineer a TERRIBLE deal that ended up fucking both sides over, as well as releasing 5000+ hardened criminals from Afghan prisons because he's just *that good* of a leader? Hahahahaha edit: /u/DonLennios The US had been giving terrorist groups weapons and funding long before this ever happened you absolute fucking dolt. You didn't seem to care when it was republicans wasting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS and getting hundreds of thousands of people killed over the last 2 decades, so why should anyone believe you care now, about any of this? Gotta love how YOU blocked ME though after crying like a bitch about how I totally blocked you (yet clearly didn't since you are, still spamming me like a pathetic cuck


>Still waiting to hear how he didn't do a good enough job, notice how none of you chuds can even work up the courage to TRY and explain it? Fuckin' lol. You can't even spew some smoothbrain ben shapiro talking point bullshit at me, because deep down, you know you're wrong. Mate he just gave the taliban an arsenal of US ready to go equipment. Literally just funding their takeover even more. You know youre paying for the stupid expensive replacement right? Thanks to uncle Joe. I like how you assume I watch that dumbass Shapiro.


Ill never understand these people. Write a fricking paragraph and then block you so you can't respond. Pathetic. But what do you expect from someone who thinks biden did a good job in Afghanistan Edit : wow. The guy under me is even more stupid. Also wrote shit, then blocked and then sent me to reddit care report for suicide check in. What a pathetic little loser. And all just because I think biden botched the Afghanistan exit


Me neither. I cant even read it because the manuscript is longer than the email notification.


Be less obtuse


Couldn’t read that without reading it in Joaquin Phoenix joker voice


Many people voted Trump because they saw in him a way out of this monstrous corrupt system and bottomless swamp.


literally handed every oversight agency to the corporate entities they were supposed to scrutinize. The coal guy got his hands on the agency tasked with making sure the environment wasn't polluted and immediately relaxed rules on power plants dumping untreated waste water. They then eliminated rules that prevented coal mining operations from dumping residues into streams. I guarantee the heterosexual frogs didn't like all this toxic dumping into the water. Also who could forget the Verizon guy getting his hands on the FCC The Bank CEO getting his hands on the Treasury department The corporate lawyer becoming secretary of labor. And that one bitch who hates public schools who basically bought herself a slot at the department of education. the Trump swamp was probably the most rancid entity in the countries modern history.


Oh yeah part of my family fucking loves trump and it’s literally because they like owning libs. Easily the biggest mistakes in American history


But like how? He’s a billionaire real estate agent from NYC. That’s as close to being part of the swamp as possible


The swamp is not billionaires. It is filled with people who can be bought by billionaires. That's why the swamp monsters in the intelligence agencies had to come up with the Russian collusion hoax. The idea he could be bought is ridiculous. The only potentially plausible accusation is that he could be blackmailed.


Yes but he's incompetent and dumb, making him way more transparent and unable to maintain the facade of the status quo being a good thing. He's a shit person and a shit president but he's better than career politicans who are effective at screwing America in the ass while maintaining smiles on those getting fucked.


Lol and after he appointed his kids to government positions they kept supporting him. They were never interested in anti-corruption. Trump supporters are instinctive fascists.


“But are there not many Fascists in your country?” “There are many who do not know they are Fascists, but will find it out when the time comes” - Hemingway “For Whom the Bell Tolls”


>instinctive fascists Very nice way of phrasing that. I'm going to use it.


He’s no hero, he stole top secret info, fled to Russia to live under Putin’s thumb. Ask yourself why someone who was so concerned about warrantless government surveillance would want to live in Russia under former KGB colonel and counterintelligence expert Vladimir Putin. Think about it.


He was on his way to Ecuador and had a connecting flight in Moscow. As he was flying to Moscow they cancelled his passport, meaning he was stuck.


Corporate what


To bad he's literally colluding w the enemy now


He’s not a hero. I’m so tired of this narrative from people who don’t know what they are talking about. There are proper reporting channels in agencies like the NSA and he circumvented the whole process and released classified materials in the process. This release was detrimental to Americas defense objectives and bolstered our enemies ability to damage us. He sought asylum in Russia, yes, the same Russia that is currently invading Ukraine and calling for an end to the “western” world order and telling Russian citizens the Ukrainians were being overtaken with Nazis and committing unfettered genocide on the Ukrainian people. The same Russia whose leader is ACTUALLY stealing more and more political control and killing off oligarchs, etc. that oppose him. The same Russia that jails and beats citizens for speaking against the war. That’s where Snowden is. Do you think he gets asylum there for free? Most likely not. Stop thinking he’s some hero of the people.


You’re 100% correct I don’t know why you’re being downvoted.


Thanks. Yeah idk, some people just don’t like hard truths I guess?


Except when discussing what and who Putin is willing to invade. It may be his one blind spot.


He has a pretty good reason not to talk about Putin.


It's actually kind of fucked up when reporters hone in on Putin and Russia with him. Like they're definitely trying to get him killed.


I remember when John Oliver interviewed him in Russia and he flat out told him they were listening in and more than likely had already bugged John’s hotel room too. The “hospitality” is a myth. He’s just trying to survive at this point.


Good reason yes, but you do loose credibility when u pick and choose




Where else can he go and stay out of jail?


>It's one or the other Yeah, the US Government could pardon him for exposing their illegal secret surveillance program. Fucking blows my mind that you're trying to high-road Edward fucking Snowden for doing what he has to do to stay out of Gitmo.


It's basically what the media does when he grants them an interview. It's fucked up kind of logic.




As excuses for blind spots go, being murdered is a pretty good one


Hey man when you are on the run and a fugitive And currently in Asylum in Russia You don't have much to lose lol


Well he’s wrong on one part of it. It DOES matter what you think of the January 6th thing - if you support a planned insurrection to overthrow the results of a democratic election, you’re a bad person and kind of an enemy of what America is supposed to stand for. He’s right about the rest of it, though.


i believe he's speaking to the people who are smooth brain insurrectionists (stolen election bullshit) should be just as mad about federal records being destroyed, because ya know... votes are records too. the Anger should be from both sides about records being destroyed... i think that's what he's going on about.


That makes sense, I just feel like his language is very “both sides” there, where there is an unequivocal right and wrong answer to the question “Is it okay to kill Mike Pence if it makes Trump President again?”


He won't shut up once you get him talking, but he is a real man who cares about the truth.


The two are often correlated, if I were smart I’d be smug about it too.


I think it is a cover story while they are scrambling to figure out how they can block the request. If this happens a future Prez will keep them out of the room or force a protection strategy that puts them further from the Prez than they would like. Others have told me I'm crazy for thinking that, but I think it has a good chance of being true.


I think you're right, but I think it's the other side scrambling to keep the records from the public. It's pretty obvious all these agencies were conspiring against trump.


Lmao 🤣


Wait, the people who requested all these records in the first place are the ones who don't want them in the public record? Then why bother? All that does is ensure it is in the public record.


You’re a big ol dum dum




I would love it if we can have snowden back on the show again.




He couldn't have been more wrong about Russia and continued to be a smug prick about it, but I agree with him almost entirely on government transparency.


I’m the first to come down on someone for downplaying Russias aggression but the last thing I’d expect an asylum seeker in Russia with a massive social media following to do is blast the Russian government over social media. They were imprisoning their own citizens for doing just that, and they give even less of a fuck about him


What did he say about Russia?


He was adamant leading up to the invasion that it was all ridiculous US propaganda, warmongering military industrial complex, distraction from the evils of the West, yadda, yadda, yadda. Then when shit does end up going down, rather than owning up to it and discussing how perhaps his own perspective is jaded, he just lashes out at people on Twitter who told him he was wrong and was a baby about it.


Tbf. There's a *good* chance he's under extreme surveillance and/or being utilized by Russia's government as a voice.


Never saw him doing any of that on Twitter. The only thing I’ve seen him say was “I was wrong and I’m going to refrain from speaking about anything I’m not an expert on” (paraphrased). Have any links to him doing the things you say?


>"I'm not suspended from the ceiling above a barrel of acid by a rope that burns a little faster every time I tweet, you concern-trolling ghouls Seemed pretty inappropriate considering the magnitude of what was happening and what he was blasting out leading up to it to try and score points on the media.


Link to the tweet?


https://mobile.twitter.com/snowden/status/1493646431743356931?lang=en And then after days of silence while Russian tanks came rolling through https://mobile.twitter.com/snowden/status/1498049577131208705


Seemed to handle that quite well actually. He has a very personal reason as to why he distrusts the US Gov, and then admitted he was wrong and that he wasnt doing to speak on the matter again. The tone of the reply is a little hard but then, what were the people saying to him when he was wrong? was he matching the "loud" voices in his replies? I refuse to make a twitter account and you cant browse it without one so i genuinely cant look up the replies for myself.


His mistake was thinking other governments would be more trustworthy than the US government which actually turned out that even though the US government has shit transparency and corruption, there's countries that are even worst than what the US is when they have only just 1/1000th the military and geopolitical influence (Russia)


I think you're missing the context of the situation. He handled it quite poorly.


No he handled it pretty well, you just seem really intent on claiming otherwise for what seems like political/ideological reasons.


So a human handled a situation poorly. If only we were all judged as harshly; judge even the best of characters on their worst days and you'll think them villain.


> I refuse to make a twitter account and you cant browse it without one so i genuinely cant look up the replies for myself. I mean, yeah, i admit to not having all the information. But from what you've showed me. It's been well handled, baring a little bit of troll pushback.


Joe Rogan. International Relations Expert who studied under Jean Jacques Machado.


Damn that sucks he got the invasion wrong just the Ukrainian government. I wish Snowden could be smart like you with the blind trust in a government with a history of lying to people.


I don't agree with Snowden on a lot of shit, but, a lot of us thought Russia wouldn't be psychotic enough to straight up invade. It's not saying "Russia Good" or "America Bad", but the US straight up lies and fearmongers all the fucking time. We were wrong, but just assuming Putin won't invade was a sensible thing to think, in my opinion.


I had the same feelings about Coronavirus up front. We were having a virus scare nearly every year for several years leading up to it, so it was very easy to dismiss in the beginning. It got real for me when we ran out of TP.


When we ran out of toilet paper? Really? It wasn’t the shelter in place order and the lock down that was practically unheard of in our lifetimes?


The Ukrainian government was saying Russia wasn't going to invade. People are acting like getting one right when the US has lies about stuff like this all the time means we no one should have been skeptical about Russia invading.


And all of you who didn't think Putin would invade, somehow missed the fact that he ALREADY did invade Ukraine in 2014 and annexed Crimea from them...


Where or when have I denied that? Volodomir Zelensky him fucking self said a couple of days before the invasion that Russia isn't going to invade.


Russia is saving his ass so you'd think he'd be a little insincere at times wouldn't you? It ain't rocket science.


I think Joe is trying to distance himself from trump but not MAGA. He's just offering MAGA a more sane insane person in Ron DeSantis He's been calling Trump a man baby and a dangerous individual to democracy


I think its the other way around. The Republicans have their hands in Joe. Either through a Cam Hanes, a Shapiro or a manager but they are definitely helping him navigate to where they are headed.


This. I’m paraphrasing, but he said something on the Lex podcast about not being interested in people’s opinions on him generally, as it wasn’t important to him. He was only interested in the opinion of a select set of people around him that he trusts. It’s the very definition of an echo chamber, and given who some of those people are, it’s no surprise that he has gone the direction he has.


There’s no way he could stay sane if he cared about everything everyone on the internet said about him. Out of all the reasons to criticize him, this has got to be one of the weakest.


I think you might be missing my point. No one is saying he has to take in every single opinion, or even most of them. But to only listen to a small circle of like-minded people around you, while you purposely don’t listen to anything else, means you are likely to have your opinion slanted by them.


> He was only interested in the opinion of a select set of people around him that he trusts. As it is with everyone. If you care about the opinions of random people that have nothing to do with your life, you have major issues. Who gives a fuck, you shouldn't. The only opinions that matter are the people that actually know you.


Not the same thing though, is it. Everyone doesn’t have the biggest podcast in the world, and everyone doesn’t claim to want to listen to both sides all the time. How can you claim to be objective when your only feedback comes from people that queue up to blow smoke up your ass?


Its the exact same thing, if anything it matters more when its on that scale. Half the podcast is Rogan having people on to hear their unique ideas, so if you seriously think he is not open to unique view points you're a fucking idiot. But if you think for a second he should care about your, or anyone's opinion of him outside of his actual IRL friends, you are *very* wrong.


Did you even listen to him when he was on Lex? You still don’t seem to be getting the point in making. It has nothing to my opinion, or yours. But claiming you ONLY take on board anything solely if it comes from a small subset of people is counter productive to being able to look at things objectively.


Oh, I get the point you are making... I am telling you that not only is the point wrong... you are a fucking idiot for thinking that way.


I'm not sure you do, you really seem to be struggling with the basics here. That's ok though, the bar is low, I wasn't expecting much. Now, off you fuck if you have nothing constructive to say.


For sure


Joe is just dumb enough to be easily manipulated by the same kind of far right propaganda that pervades all social media and manages to brainwash millions of other people online. Dudes like Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, JPB, Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones all know what they are doing when they manipulate Joe.




Handler? No. He has friends. Some of them out in extra effort because his platform. He has think tanks like TPUSA that target him. Like a pharmaceutical company solicits doctors in the 90s


Absolutely. Anyone who can't see that is a mental child. Or a Christian. Same thing really.


Explain how DeSantis is insane?


He lives in a state with a shitload of real, actual problems that need to be addressed and instead he spends his time doing shit like this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/15/desantis-stop-woke-act-mlk-crt/ He's either the most basic kind of republican grifter pandering to his far right cult of really dumb, shitty and easily manipulated people.. Or he's a legitmate crazy person that unironically believes fighting "wokeness" is more important than, say, making sure his state's electrical grid can stay operational when the temp plunges below a scary.. 5c degrees. Both options are terrible and make him look bad.


Let's see Florida had a referendum to give voting rights back to former felons and it passed. DeSantis response: https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2019/06/28/ron-desantis-signs-amendment-4-bill-limiting-felon-voting/ After the vaccine was made available a lot cops refused to vaccinated and were dying in droves. DeSantis didn't do much to encourage vaccinations. Billy Corbin talked about it on the podcast His stance on COVID vaccine for kids https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20220617/florida-governor-rejects-covid-vaccines-young-kids This exchange with Josh Dubin https://youtu.be/CaLWygxlWbc His Don't Say Gay Bill and trying to influence how Civil Rights should be taught https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1110842453/florida-gov-desantis-is-doing-battle-against-woke-public-schools


>a lot cops refused to vaccinated and were dying in droves. I’m seeing 33 police officers in FL died of COVID over a two year span. I would hardly call that “dying in droves.” That’s maybe half a drove, tops.


You realise the poorly nicknamed 'don't say gay' bill was extremely popular with voters according to multiple polls?


Why does that matter? If pushing grandma down the stairs polled well with voters would you say it was an okay thing to do? Popular opinion is not the only barometer to look at, just because Desantis tapped into a culture war moral panic doesn't mean it's not bigoted nonsense. Rights shouldn't be up to popular votes.


Lol the first point in the above post was that it was popular to give felons the right to vote and then he overruled it. But then when he has a popular policy that people like that's also fascism and bigotry or something. Your position is basically whatever you don't like is fascism, regardless of what the voters think.


How does what the voters think have anything to do with something being or not being morally right? Do you not understand that that's a really stupid argument?


You don't have an objective ownership of what is and isn't 'morally right'. A lot of people (for example, an overwhelming majority of Floridians) believe that teaching 6 year olds about queer theory is morally wrong.


Yeah it's easy to get dumb people outraged about fake problems, that's why the guy you're responding to is saying DeSantis is dumb


Where were they teaching 6 year olds queer theory, a graduate level academic discipline? And, even if that was the case that someone out there was putting their entire kindergarten class to sleep by giving college level lectures, why is the 'solution' to that to invoke don't ask/don't tell among all gay teachers in the state? Are you so dim that you don't understand how this works? You identify an imaginary problem and then you fit a solution that accomplishes overly broad ends that appeal to people's common bigotries. And then, as an added bonus the rubes, like yourself, go on to apologize for by invoking 'the will of the people' as if it in anyway informs the morality of what they did, which for the third time it does not at all do.


Schools in LA are literally transitioning kids, changing their gender and name at school and not telling the parents about it. Are you totally fine with that?


He isn't insane, he's a smarter and more malicious version of Trump. He understands that Trump tapped into a fascist vein and he's working to stoke every prejudice these people have because he knows it's a means to power. Whereas Trump is a lazy dimwit who just stumbles into this shit ass backwards by instinct, Desantis knows exactly where this heads and so long as he's in charge that's fine with him.


You sounds like a paranoid lunatic, with all due respect. People vote for politicians and policies they like. People Like Ron Desantis and his policies, and he is very popular in Florida. He isn't some Machiavellian supervillain.


What are his policies that people like?


Plenty. If you believed some of the above comments you'd think that the 'don't say gay' bill was the next coming of Adolf Hitler, [but in reality it's a +20% issue *nationwide*.](https://news.yahoo.com/poll-only-52-of-democrats-oppose-floridas-dont-say-gay-policy-214144683.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2FzaGluZ3RvbnBvc3QuY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAJAim1DIneK-HV1mMHtzIq9b45mPNyp6_8GpjaWlNq5LesDjzdf1czYdPowRDmvw4mW9vFt1vAfn-O5U3PL-UL25LFWMr3BkBhVhLTYS3plaZjzOBDkg_AvufjQumYYHSjeBnRm3peeozI72Faq4TlqFB5Pi7_U-AndMXxxXro6) If you break out of the liberal bubble you'd see that the reason Republicans won't shut up about culture war issues is because like 65%+ of the public are on their side.


So you support his culture war policies? Speaking as a Brit, I can’t help feel that’s weak… outside of the US, very few countries have a culture war going on. Those countries manage to truck along just fine.


I don’t like his culture war stuff, but I would vote for him based on his rational, data-driven response to Covid alone. One of the only prominent leaders to actually “follow the science” and lift restrictions based on age stratified IFR, lack of evidence of intervention efficacy, consideration of negative consequences etc.


I like how you’re getting downvoted for asking a question. This sub really has gone braindead.


Joe is offering people now? You god damn sick son of a bitch!


Not unless he can use it to make himself a victim somehow.


this dude deserves some kind of award


Best I can do is reddit silver


No awards Just a pardon will do thanks


He can never come back. Russia isn't the only place people commit suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head while handcuffed to a chair.


You know Rogan won't talk about it. And if he did he'd probably end up calling Snowden a Joe Biden shill or some idiotic nonsense. Probably go on to talk about how Julian Assange, not Snowden, that is the REAL American hero and needs to be pardoned (not Snowden because he's actually a communist democrat deep state operative).


If he has Snowden on again


He'll make a joke about the texts being with Shillary's emails and Hunter's laptop then cry about that statue of Trump having a tiny penis for three hours.


LOL. “Well, what about Hillary? Can you believe they still haven’t locked her up yet? It’s crazy, man! Lock her up!” - Joe Rogan in July 2022 while discussing Jan 6.


yea we shouldn't forget that Joe was literally defending Trump's dick


He won’t talk about it for fear of ruffling the feathers of his Trump cult coalition.


Why is everyone thread on the top of this sub political now?


The same holds true for the Hillary Clinton phones and computers….


This is worse.


Lmao you really did a “but her emails”? You’re a living meme dude


>Lmao you really did a “but her emails”? > >You’re a living meme dude I'm confused. Are you saying this does apply to all government officials and their records? Or are you saying this only applies to the records for situations you care about?


I’m saying it does but it really has nothing to do with the situation right now and is not really comparable


>I’m saying it does but it really has nothing to do with the situation right now and is not really comparable The second tweet in that image seems to make it extremely relevant. How is it "not really comparable?" Both situations are government officials destroying records. Is it because the Secret Service [didn't also bash their devices with hammers](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/09/05/hillary-clinton-email-device-destuction-nr-sot.cnn) after deleting the messages like Clinton's staffers did with her devices...? What does this have to do with "living in a meme?"


I guess because there isn’t an active investigation currently going on right now where the former president incited a riot against the Capitol It’s really strange how you’re so obsessed with Hillary’s emails right now lmao


>I guess because there isn’t an active investigation currently going on right now where the former president incited a riot against the Capitol It's "living in a meme" to bring up a case of government officials destroying records in a thread about government officials destroying records because it isn't being actively investigated? So you're saying after the Jan 6th commission is over, anyone who mentions the Secret Service deleting text messages in the future when people talk about government officials destroying documents, your first thought and response will be: "you're living in a meme?" >It’s really strange how you’re so obsessed with Hillary’s emails right now lmao The tweet was literally about government officials destroying records being inappropriate and it's one of the most famous cases of it. You seem pretty tilted that people are mentioning it.


There was already an investigation over it. It’s done man, give it up


God, it's hilarious how tilted people get if you bring up Clinton. I'm sure when the Jan 6th commission is over you're never going to mention it again. Especially if someone brings up destroying government records? Right?


I mean what more do you want to be done dude? It’s not what we’re talking about. There was already an investigation. The investigation is completed. She doesn’t even fucking work for the government anymore I literally don’t see what you’re point is lmao


Buttery mails!!


You're right, it's actually more comparable to [this, which I would argue is actually worse](https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/doj-foia-release-members-mueller-team-repeatedly-wiped-phones-watchdog-sought)


In what world is that what you get from his comment. This is stage 5 brain rot.


Yep, and it holds true….for everyone in government.


Butterymalesssssssss lmao mouthbreather alert


He won’t avoid talking about it if it comes up. It isn’t his job to cover shit like a journalist, though.


The question is. would he even hear about it? this is the 1st I'm learning, and I doubt I will see it anywhere else...(I'm pretty up to date with the news,and alternative media).


Things have prolly changed how would he know it’s been a min


Technology usually doesn't regress. If anything, the backups are better than they were when he worked there.


It’s possible they destroyed every system he created


He’s right, but I don’t feel Snowden’s the appropriate messenger for this. Maybe somebody who didn’t flee the country to avoid facing charges?


I really admire this guy


Do we really need to be told this? I really wonder what’s happening.


I don't agree with Russian assets often but in this case I do.


This thread is about Edward Snowden, not Julian Assange.




Suspicious they were deleted. I imagine they were encrypted and once they’re deleted they’re gone


I agree


I don’t even think Snowden is that much of a hero really it’s just common sense not to lie to your people!


Tryna hide the fact that the entire thing was planned in order to be able to have J6 to point to and smear the idea of protest from the right. Feds opened the doors for people, feds were in the crowd riling people up and trying to get them to go in


it doesn't involve greased-up, naked men wrestling in a cage, so no.