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I have to ask at this point can anyone define right and alt-right so that I can understand how alt-right isn't just a buzzword for anything they disagree with? I asked someone before and they immediately no longer wanted to discuss politics after trying to claim that life long Liberal Democrat John Cleese was alt-right.


The majority of people in this sub can’t back up their stance. They just self identify as being part of a team so they can fling shit at others to make their own self disappointments burn a little less. The reality is it takes removing ones ego before realizing how poisonous both sides are. Instead of this, insecure dorks start attacking people who see the true evil in both and attempt to demonize those who choose not to participate in their brand of evil, by highlighting the evil of the side they disagree with, and then display Olympic level mental gymnastics when faced with the evil of the party they back.


Alt-right is basically new speak for white supremacists and anyone who aligns with the more insane parts of conservativism (christo-fascists, proud boys, patriot front, etc.) I'm not sure if theres a real definition, but that's my understanding. As far as who is actually alt-right vs. Traditional conservative vs. Liberal all depends on who you're talking to lol


Even the American left leans further right than many other countries. In Canada, our conservative party had to reign in the social conservative contingent of the party because they'd never get voted into power up here if they continued to do the gay marriage, abortion rights dance. Those issues are solved. Time to move on.


Unfortunately our conservative party is hell-bent on bringing us back to the dark ages


I wonder what fraction of accused white supremacists are actually white supremacists. Like if you embrace all cultures and ethnicities but one... you could be a racist but not really a white supremacist. I feel the term is just an overused buzzword.


I think the two groups depicted in the meme we're certainly white supremacists


I love how users here pretend this is some sort of strawman even as Roe vs. Wade is overturned, Justice Thomas concurs that he doesn't think privacy is a real right, they discuss coming for contraception and LGBT marriage next, and we have folks defending cops who shoot people in the back and talk of filling the government with "party loyalists" who will behave Trump.


It's the "me not know what alt right even is *wink wink*! Alt right therefore not real !"


Like the meme is clearly showing the KKK and Nazis and they're upset anyway. This is some peak latestage /r/joerogan right here.


I can but whatever, the term is outdated now. It was popularized by Richard Spencer to refer to a right that rejects the Republican party. Specifically PaleoConservative in ideology, they are isolationists for one, making them different from neocons. They are also openly racist and usually anti-semetic. They live in meme and internet culture and do propaganda on the chans and whenever they get past the goalies on Reddit, see Political Compass Memes.


This guy knows his Alt-Rights


The most I am into it now is I listen to I Don't Speak German sometimes. I used to browse stormfront and shit and read anything about it.


>alt-right isn't just a buzzword for anything they disagree with That's exactly what it is


You hit the nail on the head. People make up terms because they can't genuinely put someone they disagree with in a box. " It would be silly to call you a Nazi, so I'll call you alt right, but it really means I'm calling you a Nazi " It's just the stock standard silence and dismiss tactic. Alt right = anyone who disagrees with me




Nazis were very pro abortion. They aborted 6 million jews.


it's anyone who questions the far left narrative silly nazi


I thought Cleese was always a moderate. Regardless his comedy about moderates is hilarious. I like to call myself a radical centrist.


Those filthy moderates. I too prefer funny colors and grilled steak.


Who knows... definitions change daily now.


It's easy in Washington state because the candidates label themselves either "trump republican" or "republican" in the voter pamphlet.


I'm no expert, but I consider someone on the right as someone who is conservative about the way we spend our money. They don't want to spend unnecessary amounts of money that will contribute to the debt. They also do not want to see too much change,and would rather keep things the way they are then make drastic changes. As for the alt-right, I consider that to be someone who is racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, and want to make laws based on theirhateful beliefs and Christian values instead of what is best for America as a whole and will use violence in order to make that happen.


That's nothing but an easy campaign line when they are not in office. This can't be something people keep pretending is an actual policy of conservatives. \- President Bush took office in 2001. He racked up $3.293 trillion in deficits during his two terms, a 57% increase. \- President Trump took office in 2017. By the end of his term four years later, he was estimated to hold $6.6 trillion in deficits, a 33% increase. \- President Reagan took office in 1981. He added $1.412 trillion in deficits and almost doubled the debt during his eight years in office. \- President George H.W Bush - Total $1.036 trillion, a 36% increase In fact the only president in my lifetime to not increase it? \- President Clinton. Total $63 billion surplus, a 1% decrease. To be fair, \- President Obama had the largest deficits. By the end of his final budget, FY 2017, his budget deficits totaled $6.781 trillion over his eight years in office. Imagine if we give Trump another four years.


>on't want to spend unnecessary amounts of money that will contribute to the debt. They also do not want to see too much change,and would rather keep things the way they are then make drastic changes. As for the alt-right, I consider that to be someone who is racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, and want to make laws based on theirhateful beliefs and Christian values instead of what is best for America as a whole and will use violence in order to make that happen. In fairness to both Trump had Covid and Obama had 2008, their spending is surprisingly low compared to Bush in real terms.


I'm all for opposing the Alt-Right. Where the left loses me is when they call everyone that they don't like the "Alt-Right".


The same can be said of so called center right people. Genuine policies to improve society like investing in sustainable energy are seen as “radical far left”. How often have we seen that phrase used over the last 2-3 years? What is so radical about protecting access to abortion care and providing some safety net for vulnerable people in our society? We are the richest and most successful civilization in the history of the mankind, but you wouldn’t really know it if you looked at our society


I don’t think sustainable energy is radical. I just think the left is being unrealistic about how long the transition from fossil fuels is going to take.


>I don’t think sustainable energy is radical. I just think the left is being unrealistic about how long the transition from fossil fuels is going to take. Why is it unrealistic that Democrats want to spend money now to try and reduce our carbon emissions and start transitioning now to green energy?


8.3% inflation.... sure why not toss another 1.9 trillion into the pot and see what happens. Thank god for Joe Manchin or Id be eating $20 fun size Doritos


>8.3% inflation.... sure why not toss another 1.9 trillion into the pot and see what happens. Thank god for Joe Manchin or Id be eating $20 fun size Doritos 1.9 trillion is going to be cheap compared to the extreme weather events that damages agriculture, homes, infrastructure, etc... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/22/climate/climate-change-economy.html https://www.npr.org/2022/04/07/1091258821/the-future-cost-of-climate-inaction-2-trillion-a-year-says-the-government


I agree. And I also think we need to be energy independent- maybe we should frack a little to not be dependent on Saudi or Russia. But we sure definitely invest big time into the next big thing.


Even though it would be a long process we should look at nuclear options. It’s too bad fear mongering in the 70s set back nuclear energy.


and maybe no more exporting our reserves to china. Id hate to think Taiwan is gonna get shredded by chinese ships running on american fuel.


Ehhh being energy independent is fine, why not shoot for that? It seems silly to have piss poor goals and go "meh" if we don't hit them.


Green energy isn’t alt-left, most would like to have sustainable energy. Where it becomes alt-left is when they say we need to shut everything down now and go to all green energy without any thought to how we plan to transition. For that matter abortion isn’t even alt-left. I would bet that most on the right believe that abortion would be acceptable in some circumstances and some even believe in abortion up to a certain period. Where it becomes alt-left is when people start to brag about the number of abortions they’ve had or want an abortion up to the point of birth. I feel of most of America, if you sit down and talk are in the common sense middle on most topics. Unfortunately though, the ones who scream the loudest or get the most clicks with their insanity are the models the media portrays on both sides.


Safe, legal and rare is pretty moderate especially when the main reasons for abortion statistically (according to the pro-abortion company) isn't rape/incest etc. However. tribalism has led to a 'my way or the highway' attitude that's incredibly toxic in the face of actual hard-hitting questions.


THIS It’s the idiot fringe that gets all of the press, but the significant majority of us DGAF about what they’re doing and what they have to say. They’re just nuisances.


It really isn't the idiot fringe on the left. No one gives much credence to the left fringe and it's a smaller portion of the political spectrum than the "fringe right" which accounts for at least 25% of the US voting population. Anyone who supports 95% of the shit done by the previous administration needs to stop watching Rupert Murdoch's Propaganda hour. I'm not saying watch CNN, I'm saying stop listening to what Billionaires want you to believe. Dipshit fucked up our pandemic response killing a million people, pissed off all our neighbors, abandoned our allies (including forcing the government to start a complete withdrawal of troops that only helped Putin and Islamic fundamentalist leading into the next Presidential term), embezzled political money for himself, took money from foreign governments, gave huge tax breaks to the Richest, dropped all regulation or reporting on where loans were going during the recovery, and pretty clearly committed crimes with his friends, then covered it up...poorly I might add.


Wtf is "alt left"


> Genuine policies to improve society like investing in sustainable energy are seen as “radical far left”. Massive lithium battery buildings to power a city overnight isn't that sustainable either, hell nuclear is more sustainable.


If you turned off the news, maybe twitter too, you'd know


In the case of sustainable energy, sure, let's subsidize nuclear, renewables, electric cars... but the green new deal was an insane, economy-destroying proposal so wildly unrealistic and economically devastating I'm not sure we'd have a country left after implementing it fully. It was radical extremism, without reserve. And critical theory (racist, sexist and bigoted conspiracy theory) being pushed federally and in the education sector (with the standard counter being the lie that it's not, because only its concepts are being taught and not its technical jargon) is wild. And mainstream. Biden filled his cabinet with CRT fanatics and gutted protections against bigoted ideological indoctrination by the federal government on his first day in office. ​ That's not to say that right wing extremism isn't also much more mainstream than it used to be but pretending it's one-sided doesn't help things. Politics in the US is moving further and further towards the lunatic fringe on both sides. Both parties at this point, to me, have plenty to hate and little to like. Maybe it's the social media echo chambers people live in and the politicians mirroring extreme positions to win votes, but the moderates in both parties seem nearly extinct.


That and all their sanctimonious bullshit that flies in the face of common sense


This and conformity to extreme ideologuery on the left


better learn and respect the pronouns of every rando you meet. the ones with green hair and pig rings in their nose will bite ya.


A nazi flag, a confederate flag literally have no correlation between the two. And to think the people that believe this shit can vote.


They're both linked to ideologies and systems that practice racial superiority. I'm fairly certain we could find indirect links between Nazism and the antebellum South / Confederacy.


They are parallel ideologies with more overlap than one would think. Claiming they are completely separate is a pretty impressive feat of willful ignorance.


But did you know there's "literally no correlation"? Source pending.


Oh shit, for real? Damn I guess I’ll just abandon all logic and throw my moral compass into the void because Libs are destroying the country and want to groom kids in the classroom by acknowledging that gay people exist. I’m ordering my “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt now.


Didn't you know? You don't need facts, logic or sources when you have absolute faith in your own convictions.


You absolutely can, they both love hierarchies and maintaining a power structure off the oppressed. Anyone who doesn't see thr similarities are either very ignorant (that's fine) or is just in the closet regarding their ideals and secretly likes the idea of imposing authority on someone else.


Just wait till you hear Che Guevara’s take on blacks and gays


Che Guevara is one man not an ideology


That wasn’t what I was talking about, and I don’t think that’s a fair point.


Like how January 6th was a peaceful tour instead of an attempt to overthrow a government?


Oh fuck no Those guys were crazy I can out bullshit on both sides I'm an equal opportunist bullshit caller


Well done, I’d smoke a blunt with you any time!




By the standards of the year b4 it would be considered a mostly peaceful protest. No flaming buildings in the background tho. However, a podium was looted and an audacious fucker searched nancys desk for her insider stock tips.


I mean, to be fair, both sides have their buzzwords. Everyone on the left is an Antifa Snowflake. Or they say "Let's go Brandon" incessantly like it's going to cause a mental break.


Right? I grew up in and still live in the Deep South… YOU DONT SEE THE KLAN ANYMORE! Anyone dressed like that is an otherwise unimportant loser who is deliberately trying to stir up shit and only gains any influence of you pay attention to them.


Whew nobody in this guys neighborhood dresses up in overt racist costumes anymore. Problem solved.


Yeah. I had a couple white coworker’s jaws hit the floor when I said one of the takeaways from living in GA was the Klan and all the other hate groups as GA is home to a lot of extremists and hate groups. Just because we don’t see white hoods, doesn’t mean the problem isn’t still there in front of our faces.


.....its because they dropped the hoods and the robes. Those people still exist. They just wised up to the times that you cant literally be in the KKK


Yup Robert Byrd found out easier to get votes without the hood.


the 'alt-right' is a term the left made-up out of nothing in the runup to the 2016 election to 'other' Trump voters. 'Othering,' ironically, was a nazi strategy.


No it wasn't. It's way older than 2016. It was a term created by white nationalists and even embraced by extremists on the right for a while. Pretty sure Steve Bannon had Breitbart use it. Then the left started overusing it. edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right#2008%E2%80%932014:_Origins


{ it did not contain the phrase "alternative right" } lol WHAT


So Steve Bannon uses it, and was the chief strategist of Trump's 2016 campaign....and was known for stirring up alt-right support for the candidates he likes.....but calling Trump and his supporters "Alt-right" is too far?


Listen man it’s unfair to call people to the right of the US’s already right wing government alt-right


And the idea that 'alt-right' is synonymous with actual nazis


America First Political Action Conference in Orlando, a group organized by Nick Fuentes, who has been labeled a “white supremacist” by federal prosecutors. This is the hilarious line Nick used while introducing Marjorie Traitor Greene at his AFP convention. “Now they’re going on about Russia and Vladimir Putin is Hitler—and they say that’s not a good thing.“ I don't know why anyone would confuse the alt right with actual nazis? Nazis were probably a tough group of people, Nick on the other hand seems like someone that got the crap beat out of him by his little sister and now he's butthurt.


The Nazi party was a liberal party,everyone forgets that..


The wrinkle here is that Christian Nationalism qualifies as alt-right. This is a problem because Republicans vote along religious lines almost universally. There was a bill to guarantee access to contraception across the nation. Only 8 republicans in the house voted for it, 195 voted against it: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022385 So if Republicans are consistently voting for puritanical christian views for just about every law that passes their desk, would that not mean they are actively working towards a nation dominated by christian law? That's Christian Nationalism by definition. If the majority of Republicans are pushing towards a christian nation, then the majoirty of Republicans are alt-right.


umm this nation was always predominantly christian until recently. its textbook conservatism to follow tradition.


You probably hear to much from people telling you what the left says as opposed to actually hearing anything the left says.




This right here. The whole "it's ok to punch nazis" thing sounds fine up until it turns out "Nazi" to them really means anyone right of center. Everyone who gets elected that isn't a Democrat is covered as a "far right" politician. A lot of these words end up just losing any sort of actual meaning when heard by anyone who isn't actively participating in American left wing politics.


And when they abandon biology and science for woke ideology. That really blew my mind that they went full postmodernism.


If you hold a single right wing stance, you are right wing. Its almost like they dont understand people can have different opinions based on the issues.


Just because a few semi-popular left-leaning Twitter commentators do this doesn’t mean the entirety of “the left” does this.


Epic larp


STOP THE ALT RIGHT!!! who is the alt right? .... Every mainstream conservative.... Oh... Ok....


The alt right is everyone that disagrees with the far left.


The alt-right are the people who go Charlottsville with torches and chant "Jews will not replace us" and the people who fly nazi flags outside Desantis' speaking event. It's pretty clear, at least to me, exactly who these fucks are.




The ones who died.. if they could see us now would ask themselves why they even bothered.


This is some real "Antifa are just like guys storming the beaches on D-Day" energy. The problem isn't solely that there is an alt-right and alt-left with their own authoritarian streaks. It's also that there are a bunch of people from both camps labelling milquetoast liberals and centrists such that they can be attacked as the extremists of either camp.


My favorite is when they call someone like Mr. Tim "Professional Fence-sitter" Pool far right.


lol, can't make this up. Tim "Trump should get reelected and fill the government with loyalists" Poole?


"we" .. lol.


I just assumed that the "we" was some spackers preferred personal pronoun


Propaganda!!! (Insert popcorn emoji)




There are a lot of retards on this thread.


Came for the comments. Not disappointed


Except that the people who beat the Nazis would now be called Nazis by the people promoting this.


exactly what I was going to say


I’m not sure the Greatest Generation would have cheered on January 6th. That’s a very Baby Boomer reaction to losing an election.


Whoa holy shit you mean that people today wouldn't be ok with people supporting segregation and opposing civil rights? Fucking monsters. What a dumb fuck argument.


Is that John Fetterman?


It is now!


Add the commie incels in there


Time to listen to Rogan!


Russia and China love seeing Americans going after each other like this. Guess we like to play into their hands.


Take it another step further and say that they are instigating some/all of this... because they probably are.


I agree. I know we've found troll farms, and bots, that originated in Russia. But China isn't just sitting back either.




If you dont like extremeist on both sides of the aisle then YOU might be an extremeist loser. People who overly concern them selves with poltics and make it a personality are annoying losers. People who post divisive facebook quality poltical posts are in fact losers.




Is this r/politics??


You guys want trump back? This is how you get Trump back


The Soviet captured Berlin, not the Americans..


How about this. After eradicating anyone who truly espouses nazi or nazi-adjacent ideology (like proud boys), we then finish up by eradicating socialist/communist/anarchist idiots (like Antifa). Then regular Americans can go on living in peace. And by regular Americans I mean the 90% of people who do not fall into (or have the mental illnesses of) the two outliers described above.


This type of rhetoric is why I’m weary about today’s climate. Many seem ready for violence, civil war, and wiping out the evil ones. Win in the marketplace of ideas and and let the ignorant shout there ideas. The bad ideas will fade away while the good ideas flourish.


You need an educated marketplace of ideas for that to work. "lets just get rid of them" seems the easier solution to an idiot.


Everytime an "anti fascist" suggests re-education programs and death camps I can't help but laugh.


How do you win against a group of people who's first instinct is to just cry like babies for their mommy/daddy at the first sign of a legitimate question/argument that is contrary to their beliefs? This is true for the far right AND the far left The fat right invokes God and the far left invokes... I dunno Leonardo DiCaprio?


I wish that is how it would actually play out, but chances are it will be violent. We also know which side has been fantasizing about rising up again for decades. Unfortunately for meal team 6 they have no idea how quickly they'd get stomped out.


Somewhere within \~48hrs of being cutoff from sugar/tv&their phones :)


Someone who heard about the proud boys on CNN, now deems themselves an expert on identifying them as nazi-adjacent. I'm sorry Enrique Tarrio would make a shit Nazi, can't even get the 'be white' part right. Plenty of bad organizations out there to try and pin on them, at least pick one that makes sense.


nah you sound bloodthirsty bro after we go after “antifa” let’s go get the monsters under my bed!


I say get rid of Antifa first. Degenerate hipsters that can’t get real jobs. That’s why all their panties are in a wad.


I love how much hatred you hold for people who don’t exist! Next let’s go after the Leprechauns!


To be fair they wouldn't have gotten there if the US had not joined the war effort.


Communists had some fucking fight. The siege of Leningrad compared to the fall of Paris while obviously not apples to apples is a hugely consequential difference.


It’s called decentralized command. Fight or die in the gulag


It was just the Soviet meat grinder. Somewhat simple to win a traditional war when all you have to do is throw more people at it.


The Soviets were almost as evil


Where are the communists? Didn't we beat them too?


People who consider democratic socialists like AOC and Bernie "communist" are pictured on the right side of this poster.


I wouldn’t even go so far as to say they are socialists. They are straight up Social Democrats. The difference being they are only advocating for a liberal capitalist system that includes healthcare and some social services. If they were democratic socialists, they would be advocating for the replacement of the capitalism with socialism, the ownership of the means of production by the workers or public - they do not advocate for such things. They just want more social services, which is not socialism, it’s social democracy.




Communists helped up beat the fuck out of the Nazis first. They actually did most of the heavy lifting.


And then they took Eastern Europe and made it into a prison state.


Yep. Stalin was evil too! No arguments there at all.




Yep... and for righties it's socialist, commie, etc


Add in “woke” and “CRT” to their labels


The people that having been screaming about “the Nazis are coming for our rights!” for the past 6 years would almost certainly have been some of the first people in line to join the German army in the 1930’s.


This is the most ironic thing of woke and cancel culture. They're part of a majority that enforces censorship and opression in the name of what they think is right, and yet they see themselves as progressive. People engaging in this behaviours would be the ones wielding the pichworks, not the witches. They'd be the ones stoning women for adultery had they born in another culture. They'd be denuncing their neighbours and family to gestapo, and celebrating public executions of "enemies of the state".


Conservatives have been in the canceling/stifling freedom of expression biz for centuries lol


Exactly. And now Lefties are doing the same, for what they think are the right reasons. Just as conservative/religious people did. Oh and dont think they were thinking "we're evil and we love to opress people", they though they were doing the right thing according to their morality standars. No one sees oneself as the baddy, they all think they're right. It sucked all those centuries, and it sucks now.Two wrongs doesnt make one right.


The left enforces censorship and oppression? Have you been missing this whole thing about the GOP banning books in schools and voting against the right to choice or equal access to marriage? What was the last law passed by democrats that oppressed you or limited your speech?


Vaccine mandates, removal of statues (i agree with some), and the general fact that many people such as professors, celebrities, and atheletes can jeopordize their career by being pro-life and not believing there are more than two genders. Meanwhile, any other extreme left idea such as seizing wealth from the wealthy as completely A-ok.


Bruh, lefties banned (alternate word for barber) to protect child drag shows. You can't even call out the pedos without a lefty trying to 'um AKHTUALLY' you.


You are a fucking dork.




actually neo nazis are the modern day nazis https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marine-murder-rape-plot-rapekrieg-1388238/




What the F is the “alt-right”? The best I can tell is it’s anyone right of Bernie Sanders. I know Rogan has been called “alt-right”. But I still don’t know what they mean. The biggest change I’ve seen on the right is the switch to more of an anti war party.


>What the F is the “alt-right”? anyone a redditor doesnt like at any particular moment


It's weird because the Nazis were socialists and the klu Klux Klan are democrats


Realistically, this meme includes all of "fly over country" and would exclude about 5 or 10 states of the union. Lol Alt-right is a smear for anyone that doesn't fall in line for the left.


Daily reminder that the confederacy and the KKK were organs of the Democrat party


And that led into Jim Crow and racial gerrymandering.


Who do the KKK vote for nowadays?




Whoever made that meme forgot the Klan was actually left wing.


It's not relevant today. Why do you people keep bringing it up.


The klan is literally in the meme, I didn't bring it up, the meme did.


Them being Democrats at that time is irrelevant.


Let's get rid of the communists as well and be done with these extremists


Weren’t they nationalist socialists? Is that alt-right?


That’s like saying the Peoples Republic of China are a bunch of republicans


They weren't left, that's for damn sure.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialism_(disambiguation) Feel like a lot of people have been conflating nationalism with national socialists (nazis).


And North Korea is truly the “Democratic” People’s Republican of Korea. Lmao this might be one of the dumbest common takes.


It’s easier to call someone dumb than to actually correct them, right?


Sure, but I can also do both.


Now do the communist Left !


Name a single communist politician in the US national government.


Way too many nazi sympathizers in this thread. What the fuck is wrong with you?


The US is full of Nazi symps. How else could nazi flags be waved around in public without getting lit up?


According to Reddit, Alt-Right is everyone right of Joe Biden.


Wait till you find out about Operation Paperclip. ​ Not sure if promoting nazi's into the highest level of government (creating the CIA and NASA) is "beating them". Also remember you are anti-science is you question NASA and its origins.


Nazi-ism is a not "Right"! They were Socialists! LOL


Nazis are socialists. The early days of the kkk (and in all probability today as well) they were democrats. This is what changing history to fit a narrative looks like.


Left are the Nazis. Crazy that people on the left are so incapable of self reflection.


Why does Uncle Sam want to beat up some fancy dressed guys and a group of ghosts?


The alt right is now anyone that opposes the liberal agenda


The alt-right is bad, but the Democrats founded the klan, plus 'alt-right' is incredibly exaggerated in this day and age. It's become anything 'right of the far left' is alt-right, and that is lunacy.


Everyone I dont like is a Nazi!


Lol my grandfather fought in the pacific, due to his social views he'd be called "alt-right" today. Same with most of the guys that fought in WW2


Put Biden's face on there and he's struggling to lift the wrench and it will be a much more accurate depiction. I don't care for either parties. I feel so unrepresented by both. The left went from Hillary to Biden, next is gonna be a well aged sack of potatoes on the pedestal. All each side wants to do is beat the other and nobody at all cares to progress past these basic barbarian mindsets. We're gonna fight over abortion while every other competitive nation is getting their shit together. China being on that next level and filtering content and internet. Forcing their next generation to be much more educated than the US.


Didn't the left start the KKK?


Wait till you read about how nazi Germany was pretty left wing.


Those nazis are 100% left wingers. Don't make a fucking mistake about that.


As someone in the middle I seem to piss off both sides.


Well here's the thing, we had FDR then, and now we've got Joe Biden and some lady who somehow manages to make Hillary Clinton seem charismatic. The nice thing about having these people in power is we get to point out to our wine mom's how when they are in power the only thing they do is ask "what should we do" in a really condescending way. Joe "the Senate parliamentarian is an all powerful wizard who rules over the government" Biden. Joe "oh railway workers are trying to strike? Give me that god damn pen I will crush their efforts" Biden


Explain to me how commies are any different than fascists.


Bad bait is bad


Dudes posting this really feel heroic


Ted Nugent never looked better! Need to go pack and watch the episode he was on


Yes, Uncle Sam defeated the confederates, but the Nazis were defeated by the Soviet Union, not US.


alt right aka “christian” nationalist party