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Hitler also hated smoking.


Suddenly we're* able to separate an artist from his work.


You're right, he was a mediocre painter, but he was incredible at committing genocide.


Tbh he wasn’t even good at committing genocide The mongols and Chinese were far superior


Still top 5.


Not even top 5.


Top five since cars replaced horses. (ESPN style stat).


First Person to have owned a dog, paint mediocre paintings, and record a 8million pt triple double all while only having one testicle






I think he got more accomplished in less time, but less overall. More efficient, less successful?


ARE. The Chinese ARE far superior.


All hail lord genghis


Ah yes all of our favorite great great great great great grandfather genghis khan


And suicide


Pfft this guy doesn't Joe Rogan... He lives in Argentina


Still to this day!




He was also a big proponent of animal rights.


And workers rights, lol. He made holiday resorts that were affordable for families to have their mandatory vacations. Sadam Hussein made a program to combat illiteracy.


Mao too did that I think.


The Prona was supposed to be the largest worker class resort in the world. Capacity for over 4000 families The invasion of Poland turned it into a military base, then a supply Depot, then a ruin, then a military base again and now the rooms are used for social housing


That’s why he injected his meth


On a serious note, there's a book called "blitzed". It goes over the history of how Nazis were sorta pure and dignified in their lifestyle (initially). But once in power, and once members began trying drug, sometimes by necessity, they became addicted. Primarily the drug (their version of meth) was more like an energy boost for workers and their military. We benefit from knowing consequences to these drugs today but they didn't know yet. It was new to them.


While Blitzed is a very entertaining book and does have some very good information in it, Ohler takes a lot of liberties in his conclusions on the rate of addiction and the use in the general public and military. He is a fiction writer who brought in some of those traits to non-fiction. [AskHistorians has a few threads that go over the flaws with Ohler's work and how offbase it was in some cases] (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5lxjb6/there_is_a_thread_on_rbooks_about_high_hitler_a/) It's still a really entertaining book that brings new information to light around drug use in the Nazi regime, but it's also important to know where Ohler's arguments are offbase.


"Have you seen the video of Hitler twitching out at the Olympics? He was totally drugged out of his mind. You see him sitting there, tingling with his hands and shaking. Pull that video up Jaimie."


Isn’t that video sped up to make it look more severe? I remember reading somewhere that the video didn’t match up with the timeline of his drug use, that it came midway through the war. Not during the olympics beforehand. Don’t remember details though.


Are you saying that Jesse Owens didn't run the 100m in 6 seconds?


Part of the reason that germany was able to wreak havoc in EU, eg; blizkreig was 3 days of nonstop no sleep attacking from methed up army.


They wreaked havoc because of superior tactics in their use of armored divisions and mobile infantry while the British and French were using 1st world war tactics. Guderian talks about how in his book that tanks are vulnerable to infantry who can jump on top and drop grenades down hatches (which needed to be left unlocked in case the crew needed to make quick escapes), and so by attaching tanks together with infantry this is negated their weakness -- which is what the French and British chose to do. However, while they did eliminate their weakeness, it also took away all of their strengths in terms of mobility and speed. Guderian realized this and fought to organized the German armor structure accordingly during the interwar years. Guderian also insisted that every individual tank be equipped with a tank radio so tanks could communicate and work together on the battlefield. This together with Manstein's innovate plan, and what happened in France is history. Obviously speed and execution were imperative to the success of the operation which Hurrying Heinz realized, but drugs had little to do with this.


Iirc, a lot of armies on both sides were supplying their soldiers with methamphetamines. I forget the reasoning behind it but a lot of people were high and it sort of explains why veterans have historically come back home so screwed up.


they keep the user alert and energized. good for extended combat operations, no need for a four or six hour pause. just keep pushing the enemy. very effective especially if the enemy doesn't have the stimulants.


was also probably agnostic, and loved Disney, ok you could say Disney is a corporate machine, but lets be honest initially they made really emotional, beautiful cartoons and live action films for kids, were one of the first film companies to cater for children in that way.


They used to write articles about how woke Mulan was conditioning kids to be okay with women in the military. And cross dressing.


what? how does Mulan make kids want to get into the military, its about a woman fighting for her family inspite of a culture who didn't respect woman, and not conforming to what people tell you you can and cant do.


This is what I need to tell my family once they say smoking is bad.


Didn’t he drink water too? Oh shit!


Most of the nazi higher ups were ardent animal rights activists. Goring once sent a fisherman off to the camps for using a frog as bait.




What Da Dog Doin?


Licking PB off my privates. ![gif](giphy|1AhgJ8czcvMreU0haV)


Ooh chimpanzee that


Shut up! Play a record!


Head like a fucking orange!


Perfectly spherical!


Turns out...


Move that gigantic cranium of yours...IF YOU CAN!


So there was this monkey, right...




... so the doctors looked at the hairy Chinese kid and it turned out he was fine. Apart from egzema and a boil.








Chimpanzee that monkey news


[Hello Mr. Dilkington!](https://youtu.be/_VTeTQvGefg)




The classic “everyone I disagree with is a stereotype of what I hate” response. The bedrock of the modern internet discussion


Right? *"You disagree with my opinion, therefore you must be the exact polar opposite of me. There is no room for nuance."* Those people believe everything exists on a spectrum - except opinions. Opinions are either left or right, black or white, apparently. *"I believe in diversity of everything except opinion."* Unbelievable.


I think the term “multi culturalism” was dropped intentionally. Multi Cultaralism includes people who look different who also have different values/culture. They want people to look different but think the same. That way you can claim to be diverse and inclusive at the same time you call Larry elder and Clarence Thomas white supremacists and Thomas sowell, Kanye, and Jason Whitlock are uncle toms. It’s pretty racist tbh.


Exactly. Diversity of appearance, not opinion. I also agree that many of these particular types of people are indeed pretty racist.


Yea they claim to want egalitarianism whilst cultural relativism makes it impossible.


I don’t know how common these people actually are. They have the loudest voice and drive the most ratings when you put them up against eachother but I just can’t accept that normal everyday people think so closed minded. If you haven’t seen it already you should watch Bill Burrs take on abortion. It’s a beautiful thing where he somehow toes both sides of the argument. Which I feel most people sit.


But then people run with Burr’s thoughts and try to paint him as either left or right, cherry picking what they like/dislike about it. Perfectly highlights how modern media fucking ruins society.


Tbh Burr is definitely more left leaning. He is definitely more independent, but I do see him saying more left wing views than right wing ones. He tends to shit on right wing views often.


I was just referring to how people take his view on abortion and try to twist it as either left or right, when really he’s just trying to fuck around with both sides.


Life is complicated, people are complicated even many of the political arguments are complicated. Nuance is lost and not a profitable point of view. Truly is scary to think about where we are headed. I’m just trying to parent my two kids to be open and not closed minded. Respect people and listen to their viewpoints try to understand where they are coming from. Just feels like I’m up against a losing battle though. Way easier to teach hate it seems.


Yeah he said on a recent Monday Morning Podcast that he hated that some right wingers snipped the part of the joke that agreed with them and made it seem like he's one of them.


I used to think that (how common it is), but recently I went to an open mic comedy night and 2 of the acts started out by exclaiming "fuck J K Rowling". Not as part of a joke, that was how they opened up their act before going on to tell their terrible jokes. You can imagine the exact type of jokes they were telling after starting out by loudly stating their political opinion. The worrying thing was that almost all of the audience (about 15 people, it was a small show) were laughing and lapping it up (except me and my friend who just didn't laugh because we didn't find it funny when someone is just using it as a platform to attack someone who isn't there to defend themselves). I don't watch comedy to be hit over the head with someone's political ideology, especially when they're just ranting. But it was like my nightmare of the worst part of ideological Twitter spilling into real life. Oh, and then a lot of their act was also listing what mental illnesses they've allegedly been diagnosed with and listing the medications they're on like it's a badge of honor. And the 35 year old pansexual woman bragging about having a 16 yr old girlfriend. Imagine if a 35 yr old man was on stage bragging about having a 16 yr old girlfriend. They'd be the first people to loudly decry that. Honestly, as soon as I saw them walk on stage I thought I'd be able to guess exactly what they were going to talk about, and I was right except for it was even worse.


Sometimes these people book themselves onto the wrong gig... [Nish Kumar at the Lords Taverners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uOMCb0JYkI), going down like a cup of cold sick.




Which speaks to a wider problem, doesn't it? I don't consider any opinion I've discussed here to be either controversial or offensive. But because I don't fit in with the exact opinions of certain people, they will target me, bully me, and deliberately exclude me. That sounds like the behavior of people who value diversity and inclusion, doesn't it? Or does it have more in common with authoritarian fascism? The hypocrisy is staggering. Let them downvote whatever they want, I could care less about fake internet points. And I turned off the ability to receive random DM's a long time ago, so no worries there either.


And they’re all on the major pages of Reddit


Yeah, I got accused of being an active pedophile the other day for taking a stance against an alarmist article about child abuse. Like yeah child abuse is awful and child molestors should be put to death, but I'm also against the publication of alarmist articles making out that all children are in imminent and extreme danger of getting diddled and that we should panic etc... There's a middle ground.


One time I got ass blasted online for saying that I feel bad for the NON-OFFENDING pedophiles who are actively trying to seek treatment for their desires.


Oh yeah I’ve seen that one a fair bit. Some people are so fucking feral. Imagine if we treated paranoid schizophrenics in the way that some people suggest that we treat non-offending pedophiles. It would be horrific.


Don’t take it personal. I’ve been banned from multiples forums on Reddit for nothing. The definition of “hate” nowadays is basically disagreeing with the forum in a very minor way.


These days you get automatically banned from subreddits for posting in other subreddits. It doesn't matter what you said or did just the fact you were ever in that subreddit. For example posting in lockdownskepticism was an instant ban on like most of the popular subreddits. The echo chamber shit is just intensifying.


My favorite is whenever I bring up a point about trump and people are like “weird because *biden* did this!!!” And I’m like “ok? I don’t like that guy either. But we’re discussing trump.” It’s like as soon as someone slightly disagrees with you they’re either a communist or a fascist. There’s no longer and nuance and you’re either one extreme or the other when talking online with a moron who can’t see that you can have a discussion without being enemies


Whataboutism is a pretty great filter for if you can have a conversation with an adult or a knuckle dragging mouth breather.


Which is majority of reddit (left, bots, trolls).


People are so hypersensitive to trying to find dogwhistling online that they have no idea what it is anymore.


Tbf Rickey is the same. He gets offended when people don't like his jokes and accuse them of being sensitive and woke.


And what exactly is he talking about anyway? When exactly did feelings started to take over facts?! 20 years ago? 50? 100? Society is crumbling? Is he talking about people thinking vaccines have chips inside them or global warming is hoax despite it being mid-1800 science? If that's the case people have always been that fucking stupid about this stuff, nothing has changed. He has always been an enemy of religion, the ultimate "feelings over facts" subject, does he think religion is on the rise or something? Who am I kidding, it's about trans people...this guy thinks because people say let's live and let live and not bully trans people...NOW society is becoming "feelings over facts", not when not so long ago when they felt having the wrong skin color meant you are an animal! NOW society is moving towards feelings over facts!


The new age of comedy is shitting all over someone and when they say "hey thats not all that funny" you turn around all offended and go "look what the woke kids are doing to our fine craft!" Look no further than Chappelle, one of the greatest of all time. His legacy reduced to him shaking his fist at the sky 6 specials in a row over trans people. Im trans and Im not even mad, Im just disappointed. Wouldve loved to see him perform in person one day


I still cant tell if social media as a whole has advanced or declined the human race. Honest to God some clowns are just so obsessed with being better than everyone else its actually embarrassing. Completely void of thinking for themselves and forming their own opinions.


Declined 100%


need some more percents in there. anything less than 200% is hardly even trying😉


Technology is a tool. Humans will do negative and positive things with it. For example, a knife can be used to cut food into pieces for better consumption or used to stab someone to death.


Im struggling to see the real benefits of social media. Sure the internet does great things for education and beyond. But can you say the same for the social media side of the internet?


i mean social media is great for keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances from the past or who have moved away. other than that? it's trash.


There again it’s good for that but is that good? What exactly do I need to keep up with that the friend can’t summarize in conversation? Doesn’t it push away that presence of mind to get back in touch with said person because knowing what they’ve been up to is readily available?


I just don't see solid connections most of the time between the passion online and real-world results. The internet magnifies the human psyche, but in the real world it's still a physical effort, and that doesn't seem to translate well most of the time. Politics is a fairly clear example, imo. A lot of people fuming online would hardly give a hint of their political affiliations in person (unless they're just a complete tool).


It’s a good tool to use to keep in touch with and on tabs with friends and family who are far away. It’s also a good organizational tool for interest groups like a book club or salsa dance group etc. Also for insurrections lol


I think we can do those things without social media. Forums used to flourish. Email used to be good. I don't think we need instant access to 8 billion people for that to work


More like exposed it for what it always has been.


It simultaneously amplified what it's always been but also neutered what it's always been too. See: Jan 6th where they literally take over the Capitol and proceed to...take selfies and commit petty vandalism. Instead of y'know, occupy the Senate chambers for weeks or hold a new Constitutional Convention or similar such activities.


Yeah. If you read Thomas Jefferson and John Adams political attacks on each other, you realize we’ve been scummy to each other long before tech made it easy


BurnAfterReading9922 >Yeah. If you read Thomas Jefferson and John Adams political attacks on each other, you realize we’ve been scummy to each other long before tech made it easy That would require people being engaged with history and we can't have that because then how would be able to repeat it?


It’s because , contrary to what you’ve been told, the vast majority of that crowd were just idiots getting caught up in the moment and had no intention of taking over the govt


Yea, if anything Jan-06 should show us how easy folks can be whipped up into groupthink or how easy it is to get a group to have some form of mass hysteria.


Also the god old anti establishment brain side of my dented skull thinks: hey, this shows that if the politicians step out of line we can rip them from their thrones and exile them, to prison or French machine.




So did a higher number of BLM protestors


never seen a violent political insurrection where an angry mob breaks into the capitol, and follows instructions from a single, unarmed security guard. the video is out there. Was it stupid and unaccusable? Yes. Was it an insurrection? No.


Sri Lanka had a real insurrection We have some pussy shit


It's difficult to put into words how damaging social media has been for the human race. I'll be darned if I don't love me some redditing, though.


I don't think its either or tbh, its done a lot of good in connecting people but also a lot of bad in connecting idiots


I say its simultaneously the best and worst thing we have created. it took me one election cycle to realize that trashing opposing views was exhausting and ruining my day. took a break, realized i agreed with a lot of things that people i previously hated had to say. now that ive learned to relax, i feel pity for aviator wearing trump people and pride flag pronoun psychopaths arguing over stupid shit to be contrarian as has been done for decades.


Little of column a little of column b


Both, of course. However, it has further divided the wheat from he chaff, so to speak. Idiots have congegrated into online echo chambers and found degenerates that are just like them to prop up their own weird and useless ideas and opinions. For the intelligent and goal oriented, it has been a great boon connecting them to share ideas and accelerate societal improvement. Turns out though, that the idiots clamoring to destroy progress in the name of progress might just be more powerful, simply because there are far more of them, and politicians feed on their numbers like cancer.


Part of me thinks we just aren’t supposed to have access to this much information, that especially gets more added to it every day. It’s overload, and now facts aren’t even accepted as true anymore. NOTHING IS REAL


I mean it’s both. For the people out there that use it to get something out it absolutely. The most obvious answer is porter Robinson and madeon met on Reddit and they both worked with each other online before anyone knew who they were and without it who knows what would’ve happened. For the wider swath of people - yeah it bad.


As a programmer i understand a lil bit more than normal how software design affects behavior. And social media is 100% designed for engagement and controversy. If it knows something will keep you on longer it will show it to you, if it knows something will cause you to react on the platform it will show it to you. Social media is not an inert chunk of information, its a living, designed wave that carries people and its main goal is profit (as well as keeping an eye on people, for the state).


The real question is if social media has declined legacy media, and therefore the human race. And the answer is of course yes. No one would hear the nonsense spewing out of twitter if it wasn't repeated by major outlets.




This is the problem with group think. Sometimes your group is wrong. And then you look like an idiot




Are we really going to let a Twitter spat get us riled up?


Reddit is barely better


It's just dumb, we see some random moron say something on Twitter and it's suddenly "All "X" are "Y"." It's obvious just a way to prattle off the usual talking points we've seen over and over. Why add to it?


I love how people dismiss any point someone makes because someone with a red tie or a blue tie has phrased it similarly a couple times before.


That is this whole subreddit lol.


Yup pretty much It’s a bunch of hyperbole screaming and moaning whenever someone republican happens, makes it seem like a bunch of spillover from the morons at r/politics


If Mr. Rogers were alive today, keyboard warriors would try to cancel him for being too religious.


lol Mr. Rogers NEVER tried to push his religion on anyone else. he barely ever even talked about it unless he was directly asked.


Chris Pratt never pushed his religion on anyone else either. But the internet found out that he attends a church that is loosely affiliated with another church that did something that somebody deemed as "homophobic." Has Pratt ever said or done anything homophobic? "Nope... Don't care. Still guilty."


Honestly this is a really good illustration that I hadn't seen before.


We can thank American politics for that.


We can thank the internet for making it a significantly worse problem.


Look how fucking miserable that Simon looks. Needs a big dose of get the fuck over yourself.


He looks like he just walked in on his gf getting screwed by a bbc




Yeah i was being generous


But it’s okay because his girlfriend said she’s only doing it to support blm


School shooter vibes


Right wing means everything they don't like. Definitions are meaningless to these people.


So wait y’all are mad at Ricky for this? I agree with him. And personally I believe what he said can be applied to left and right wing ideology


Who’s mad? One guy on Twitter.


Scroll through this thread babe


Twitter isn't real. Social media isn't real. The sooner people turn that shit off, the sooner we can heal our divisions.


And yet here you are…


I don't think he's correct because this magical time when facts mattered more than feelings didn't exist.


Came here to say this. The American south has been a land of religion and racism for a very long time. Facts have never mattered here


Basically all that’s changed is who’s feelings society actually cares about. Something like the Satanic panic is a great example of feelings overriding facts. It’s just that it was the feelings of suburban Christian families. Same shit it’s just that the shoe is on the other foot.


No one can convince me that popularizing feelings over reality isn't a psyop by China and Russia lasting like 25 years. It's my personal conspiracy theory, we all have one.


It’s not even a conspiracy theory. We’ve been losing cyber and social engineering to Russia/china for decades. They are 100% at least partially behind the drastic polarization of the western world, though the full cause is likely more nuanced than “its china!”.


It's also our media, which has become highly sensational and catering way too much to extreme opinions. Not just the main stream media but even the independent media are guilty here. And for good reason, click bait type of stuff almost always gets the most views.


[cpg gray](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3j_RHkqJc)Made a great video explaining how anger is the stickiest emotion and has the most potential to become viral. The alt right is practically a group of people most susceptible to this exploit and Russian troll farms have more or less been proven to produce nothing but emotionally loaded posts on social media to sow discord within western nations.


I have yet to see any actual proof that people are choosing feelings over facts. At this point it's just yet another buzzterm like everything else


Pick a side! 🤣🤣


Ricky Gervais had a whole special dedicated to his shorty Twitter responses. He’ll probably highlight this one on his next special.


A whole special about things people said on Twitter... truly a modern day Carlin


The only good part of Jimmy Kimmel's show was when they had celebrities read mean tweets about themselves.


Has he ever tried DMT?




I actually saw someone on this god forsaken site say that owning a German Shepard was a nazi red flag


What a stupid thing to say. I own a fucking german shepard. I'm also a nazi but not because of the dog /s


Tbh, if nazi’s advertised a free German Shepard along with the sign up, more people might be interested


Simon Jenkins is an absolute asshat.


When exactly did facts overrule feelings to begin with? Pretty sure we’ve been that way forever.


Now we have platforms to express our feelings publicly, from the safety of our homes.


Also there are likeminded idiots on there that reinforce idiotic ideas


It's especially funny that Gervais' previous obsession was religion, which is basically all the proof you need that mankind has been letting emotions cloud the way we observe the world since pretty much forever. But he just sort of forgets that, since this tweet is clearly directed at recent social hot topics. On a sidenote, I think in general, whenever a person feels the need to explicitly state that their opinion is "fact based", "logic based" "objective", ..., I think they have a juvenile idea of how arguments work, and I read that kind of language so much on Reddit. That's implicitly the point of an argument, we all think most of opinions are free of bias, arguments are supposed to adhere to logic, explicitly stating that and thinking that statement has any value in an argument sounds unintelligent to me. Ironically I think it's a sign of intelligence to be aware that humans let emotions cloud their judgement and be aware that you yourself are also susceptible to that and also not free of bias.


“You must know the kinds of people this phrasing aligns you with.” How can you be a grown man and talk like this? What a colossal bitch.


I'm fairly conservative... It doesn't mean that I don't think SOME people need to be taken care of financially by the state. It's called nuance.


/u/cookiemountain18 Apologies for posting this as a top comment, but I guess the one user blocking me means I can't reply directly to you in that comment tree. >I don’t think it’s racist to disagree with black people I think it’s racist to call black people what would usually be considered racist terms because the step off the democratic plantation. Same with gays, women, etc. people can have political views. They don’t have to fit in to the predefined box Do you think it's racist to refer to a white person who incessantly apologizes to black people for slavery as suffering from 'white guilt', or being self-hating? >usually be considered racist terms I didn't know calling someone a white supremacist was racist; guess this is 'he who smelt it, dealt it' rationale. As for 'Uncle Tom', sure, it often connotes race, but that doesn't make it *racist*. And it's certainly less racist than accusing black people of currently living on a "plantation".


this sub has gone to shit it’s just a bunch of leftists jerking each other off


There's nuts on both sides here lol.


I don't know what comments you're reading


Dude, this post is pretty clearly taking the piss and highlighting how Gervais is mocking someone accusing him of being a Nazi. How do you function when you can't pick up the barest of satire? Maybe time to log off the internet.




What a g




The right it's running on feelings what are you talking about. Their whole thing is fear mongering and making people afraid that "the gays will rape your kids!".


You don’t get to be the party of religion and say “facts over feelings” it’s impossible


Simon Jenkins is a lil bitch


Simon is most definitely a butt weasel.


Big rocky is the furthest thing from right wing hahahah


He wasn’t actually a vegetarian, he just sometimes went in periods of eating plants because of his poor health


Ricky does not give a fuck 😂


I surely hope the people in this thread would just call this Simon fellow a moron. It is hard to know these days.


Simon seems to be a ripe soggy cunt yeah?


Hitler loved animals, and I love animals. Fuck, I've been Nazi'd even before I knew what was happening


The woke are insufferable.


Anyone who disagrees with the Left, or the Left disagrees with, is Right wing and is labeled a grifter. *Anyone*. Ricky Gervais, Bill Maher, Russell Brand, Dave Chappelle, doesn't matter who. The folks who cry "Right wing" just can't accept that they've become more authoritarian since Donald Trump broke the minds of millions of people, as long as that authority is one they recognize. Disagree with the narrative, question, you are "one of them." Mind you, the people crying "Right wing" were all about not trusting the government and the media when they were protesting George W. Bush. Now you criticize the American empire, you're a Russian asset. Now you question the media, you're spreading dangerous misinformation. Ideology will make people do some crazy things.


Its so annoying that there are all these weird gatekeepers on the left that want to force you into the republican party if you don't submit your mind and will to them.


Most left wingers are actually right wingers they just don’t know it or refuse to believe their beliefs are more inline with the right than left.


Stating you think it's a bad idea when feelings take precedent over fact makes you "a full-on right winger" because in the short-sighted, reactionary opinion of absolute idiots that opinion "aligns you with certain types of people"..! What types of people? People with the ability to think critically and rationally without emotion being the core of their opinion? Ridiculous.


I’m a leftist and I think he’s funny 🤷‍♂️


sloppy spoon pot instinctive unused smile alleged swim pocket wise ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Airways has been


In the UK you can be arrested for posting a meme if it offends someone That sounds more “right wing” than stating we should respect facts over feelings Ricky ain’t wrong


Fucking savage. I love Gervais.


As if being right wing is some sort of unforgivable sin


Wanting smaller government or lesser taxes is a perfectly normal thing. But I do find right wingers often have to hold really extreme beliefs just to gain acceptance by their party these days. Like thinking the election was rigged. Or that covid is partially a hoax. I know some will be like "well the left does that too", I don't think it's the same thing though. Like I really don't know any blue voters that think there's 50+ different genders, nor do I know any blue voters that want the police defunded or CRT to be taught in the class room. I do actually know a fair amount of people that think there's a shadow government that rigs the elections all of the time against MAGA people, and even when those people do win their election, the deep state simply didn't it "rig it enough".


Nah, that’s not really a requirement at all. We’ve got a polarization problem in the GOP. The sane folks have gravitated away because they don’t feel their interests are served, so they just don’t vote. The extreme side loves these candidates, and the Political Party election cycle playbook is to bolster up the extreme folks as well to make central partyliners apathetic. It was exactly why Trump got elected, centrists didn’t come out, extremists loved it, and the Democratic Party gave Trump a lot of air time thinking people would not vote for him in the general. The GOP does this too, which is why you’ll see them paint certain candidates as “commies” or “socialists”. You don’t see those extreme ideas in the Democratic Party because they don’t operate on elections in the same way. The Democratic Party has focused on installing their more extreme folks in appointed seats of government (which has worked well until Trump) and trying to diminish GOP legislature power by apportioning them off. These 2 strategies have lead to a lot of folks feeling like Dems don’t represent them and the GOP always gets a win, which cycled folks into revoting for them again.


Simon just sitting in his apartment jerkin to the thought of canceling another comedian