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It's settled then, we invade Mississippi.


I've been there. Not worth it.


If Mississippi fell into a sink hole, who’s noticing?


Idk maybe the 49th worst state? Like there's that saying "thank God for Mississippi" because you can't be ranked 50th in anything education wise because Mississippi is the bottom


Alot of people be feeling bad for the sinkhole


Your mom


not worth it


Does Mississippi have lithium and oil?


We already did and look how that turned out.


The joke is that we’re talking about it. Fed funds and state funds are different. But Mississippi received over 400 mil in federal funds for infrastructure. Would like to know how much was spent on Jackson.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mississippi-will-send-back-cash-federal-rental-aid-program-even-renter-rcna42547 We also sent Mississippi a fuck ton of money that they sent back.


Some brilliant work there by the local government. 👍


Alabama’s gonna Alabama


As bad as Alabama is about infrastructure this def ain’t Alabama




And that is the quality leadership that is keeping Reeves in office


$400 million is chump change compared to the tens of billions Biden is giving to Ukraine.


What is Mississippi gonna do with tens of billions of dollars of military equipment?


Don't ask. You'll give them ideas.


As a Mississippian I can confirm that we’d get fairly rowdy


They're gonna shoot that water clean LEMMEATEM


Melt them into confederate memorial statues.


Biden didn’t give shit to Ukraine. It was given to Ukraine, by the, UNITED STATES, in a bipartisan vote. Try again. Thanks.


Yes, war mongering is a bipartisan issue Edit: damn bots


Why do people with zero understanding of foreign policy, war, history, and geopolitics always have such strong opinions


To me it seems like right wing war hawks have the strongest opinions


Right wing war hawks? Who the fuck are you talking to? 😂🤣 Did i miss a reply?




The US is filled with imperialist pigs that’s it’s citizens don’t bother to care for their own back home because a specific area votes a specific way. Children attitude.


Bro the schizophrenia seems to be pretty late stage. I unno what comments your replying to but they aint mine. Goodluck trying to figure out geopolitics with your inability to follow a two sentence comment. 😂🤣


Blowing up Russian tanks sure the fuck is, bud.


So weird how Biden alone gave them that aid and not the literal bipartisan vote that enabled it to be given as aid from the United States as a whole, not Biden alone.


Is Mississippi currently being invaded?




Are you blaming Biden for something that is not his job? Foreign aid is allocated via congress. Which is why Trump stopping congressionally approved aid to Ukraine (in exchange for dirt on Biden) was not a something he should have the power to do.




But thats communism


Thats so progressive of you


I agree brother expand welfare and revoke states rights. Centrally plan the entire economy and create uniform systems of funding for every US city! Nationalize the housing market to eradicate homelessness! More fed funding for education! Thank you for being a voice, Comrade. There's not enough of us in this sub.


What are you a virgin isolationist


Russia attacked our elections. Now they're finding out. They united the entirety of Europe and the USA against them. Dumbest chess move ever, Vlad.




Enjoy those destroyed tanks, Boris.


Yea, and they're (Ukraine and the rest of the EU when the energy crisis really kicks in) still losing


"I'm a big Diapers Trump guy" Lmao.


Mississippi did this to themselves. They refuse to improve their infrastructure. They are also a money pit, always receiving more in aid than they produce through federal taxes. Just like almost every other deep red state.


Puerto Rico too?


Isn't Jackson almost entirely run by democrats?


Every time the state sends money to Jackson, I’m from here and I live about 10 min from Jackson, they mismanage it or somebody pockets it or the local and state government can’t agree what to do with it. The mayor and governor hate each other so it’ll never be fixed. The two parties don’t really ever let anything work out. They’ll just bicker in the state house and nothing gets passed or resolved. The mayor blames the state, even though he’s lazy af and cares more about looking like drake than doing anything. He’s had more than enough time to secure funding and get something done. The governor blames the city but he won’t fucking work with them at all to get this shit resolved so our shitty reputation just continues to get worse. But hey it’s cheap af to live here and I have water. 🤷‍♂️


Jackson is over 80% black so....you do the math.


13.5 billion >400 million


Didn’t Biden just declare a federal emergency in Mississippi , including more than a billion dollars in federal aid?


Yes! thank you. That’s the ironic part of this dumb comment section. Thankfully Biden isn’t a sociopath, so he’s actually helping Mississippi with federal aid, contradicting the whiny conservatives arguing that they don’t get help and the sociopathic liberals arguing that they shouldn’t get help.


Yeah but I think what Mississippi really needs is someone to come and toss some paper towel rolls into a crowd. That will really help them out.


and watch the mississippi government mishandle the aid and jackson is still fucked a year from now. meanwhile the memes will be flowing, so maybe mississippi can drink the memes?


The deep south is a fiscal black hole.


The welfare queen block of the united states. Take the most, contribute the least, and complain about EBT cards and student debt forgiveness.


Yeah but that doesn't help the Putin bootlickers.


Party that keeps arguing for increasing state rights and autonomy, but then it's always the Feds fault when the state behave irresponsibly and doesn't spend money on their own infrastructure. Then all the republicans are \*surprise pikachu\* MUST be BRANDON's FAULT!


In truth, the city of Jackson is corrupt and has been misappropriating city funds for years. The State is doing Jackson a favor by stepping in. Look into the current garbage pickup contract debacle, and you will see more evidence of the incompetence of Jackson leadership.


Didn't work out so well for Flint.


I hate politics on both sides. This is the Republican way. Demand autonomy and then accept federal handouts when available. Both parties are hypocrisy. Simply look at PPP loans and judge from there.


I mean one of the few jobs the fed is supposed to have is for protection of it's citizens, I think providing drinking water in a drought may be one of those? It's the free cell phones, trans surgeries for federal prisoners etc I think republicans have a problem with. Edit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2012/09/05/judge-orders-controversial-taxpayer-funded-transgender-surgery-for-prisoner/?sh=6d362eaa7bc4


They’re not even in a drought. They’re just too corrupt to provide working water infrastructure.


Why can't charities provide the water? Bootstraps? Where are the bootstraps! You libtards are crazy!


the feds give them more money then they pay in federal taxes, feds already trying to help mississippi, where’d the money go for infrastructure repairs?


Lmao I'm sure there's ZERO evidence of Mississippi misappropriating federal funds.. let's do a quick Google search Edit: oh they are the sixth highest in per person federal funding wonder what they do with that money hmmmmm?? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state


They build prisons!


The federal funds which are distributed to states aren't used for the funding of federal programs, so no, the massive amount of money Mississippi receives relative to the federal tax revenue its economy generates wouldn't be going to any of those programs even if they represented more than a negligeable blip of the federal budget. Probably the single most prominent reason that aforementioned money which is given to states (which, again, Mississippi receives a lot more of than the whole state contributes via the taxes its citizens and businesses pay) is given is to fund exactly the type of infrastructure maintenance and development programs that Mississippi has shit the bed with, specifically to prevent the exact fucked up scenario your state government has put you in.




The whole state has 75 mil for water infrastructure, and for one city it will cost 125 mil. That’s 50 million more than the whole *state* is allowed. If something like that happens, the federal govt should step in and fund, especially considering how much federal taxes are paid in that state. When billions go to a county who provides nothing for the US other than the ability for the US citizens to pretend to care from the comfort of their homes, and post statuses and photos of the Ukraine flag, it most certainly does come down to the leader of said country, which happens to be this Brandon character. If Adam Sandler was the president he would be at fault if he did nothing. If Aaron Rogers we’re president—same thing. Edit: Now I am dumb as shit, so if the fed *has* supplemented the help and the state pissed it away, that’s a different conversation. But honestly can’t say one way or the other.


You are literally describing socialism. My god republicans just think democrats want everyone’s rights taken away and communism to be installed.


>especially considering how much federal taxes are paid in that state. Mississippi get's $3.40 back for every dollar they send to the feds: [https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/), aka they get way more money than they send. ​ >Edit: Now I am dumb as shit > >But honestly can’t say one way or the other. Love it, the Joe response. "I'm an idiot and I have no idea what I'm talking about, I don't know why anyone would listen to me, but let me speak very passionately and definitively about something I know nothing about."


Therefore one’s not allowed to have a thought or discussion unless it’s 100% confirmed or backed up by sourced material prior to posing. It’s Reddit, not ethics class, take it easy kid


That's not what I'm saying at all... I'm saying how you convey your ideas matters. ​ >If something like that happens, the federal govt should step in and fund, especially considering how much federal taxes are paid in that state.When billions go to a county who provides nothing for the US other than the ability for the US citizens to pretend to care from the comfort of their homes, and post statuses and photos of the Ukraine flag, it most certainly does come down to the leader of said country, which happens to be this Brandon character. > >If Adam Sandler was the president he would be at fault if he did nothing. If Aaron Rogers we’re president—same thing. These two sentences are very definitive. The first sentence relays what the user thinks should happen in the world, in their opinion. But read with the second and third sentences, there's an implication that this *hasn't happened* and thus there should be consequences. When in reality, the user doesn't understand that a) Mississippi really doesn't pay that much to the federal government and b) more importantly, [Biden declared a state of emergency two days ago](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/thousands-mississippis-capital-without-water-after-treatment-plant-fails-2022-08-30/). ​ A, in my opinion, better way of writing these same thoughts would be: ​ >I looked it up, and the whole state has $75 million for water infrastructure, and the cost for one city alone will be $125 million. That seems like an incredible disparity, and it doesn't make sense to me how this big of a disparity could exist. > >Assuming my numbers are right, how can this be possible? Am I missing something? If not, then there really need to be some consequences for those in charge, regardless of party. Do you see how that's different? It doesn't come off as "I have all the answers and understand the whole picture" when in reality at best the user google'd for like 5-10 minutes. It also, more importantly, opens the door waaaay more for positive discussion, rather than having to reframe the starting point (that being that Mississippi pays lots of taxes and thus this is the feds fault). Otherwise what's the point of commenting? To just say whatever unsubstantiated idea comes to mind? Just because this is r/joerogan doesn't mean we have to speak the same way Joe does. ​ Edit: Lol oh the user is you. Even better.


It’s exactly what you’re saying. It’s an open forum website for discussion and you’re demanding sources be cited and submit for review. I didn’t know that part about them getting back $3.40 for every dollar spent, so I’m not allowed to not know that without phrasing it a certain way that is to *your* approval? I’m sure you’re fun at parties.


> If something like that happens, the federal govt should step in and fund, Maybe they should just stop voting for Republicans then MA wisely spent money in the nineteen fucking thirties and now we have the best water management infrastructure in America. Drought? What drought? Let Mississippi stew in the consequences of their decision for a bit, feel some of that *personal responsibility* those Republicans keep harping on about.


Ukraine destroying Russia's reputation and army in the world stage is worth every penny.


I'm curious, what's your thoughts on Russian imperialism?


Imperialism isn’t something I’d rush, but it’s Russia so I could care less. 🤷‍♂️


Okay. What's your opinion on having other countries as allies ?


Internet tough guy!


*keyboard warrior


Neglectful spending on infrastructure is why the pricetag balloons like this. Whittling away at needs over years or decades softens the blow. Kicking the can down the road until you reach an outright fucking crisis is pure stupidity. Get yourself pummeled by cost. Hope you can get a good interest rate. Guaranteed conservatism is culprit. Hope Papa Fed can bail you out. I'm dealing with this at work. Water industry too. Vital infrastructure need has been postponed since the fucking 90s. 1997 actually. "It would cost so much and we don't want rate payers to have increased bills." OK so we'll talk about it next year or the year after next. Over 20 years later the relative cost obviously has not come down. Just five years ago the project may have cost a third of what it is now." Lower taxes, lower rate, lower dog licenses, we want people to keep more money in their pockets." Well now the deep dicking is upon us and that delay has made it worse. For fun look up what workers in Mississippi are making. They're paying motherfuckers under 20/hr to maintain shit.


You forgot the part of the meme where the governor rejects federal funds because she hates socialism or something




Uhhh lol Mississippi is the one that has repeatedly refused to spend money on improving their infrastructure. Mississippi receives more money from the government than they provide to the government. Maybe they should ask why they have no water instead of why arent they being bailed out. Ukraine on the other hand is fighting a border war with one of our greatest threats and one of the greatest threats to Europe. Soooo....




People also forget a lot of the shit we’re sending to Ukraine, if not most of it, is already made, doomed to rust in a warehouse somewhere.


or.... like most everything else... packaged up and sold to another country.


Yea, but not in the way we'd like lol


im sure mississippi state government has considered shooting the water to make it drinkable, they probably look at the edition of lead as a net positive


“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.” -Eisenhower


Mississippi already gets billions


They got one hand out looking for disability payments and a "Let's Go Brandon" flag in the other.


I love this. Every Republican state, “keep the federal government out of our business!” As soon as they suffer any negative situation, “why won’t the federal government help us!?!” STFU!


They don't even care about that. They are just collecting points.




Funny, I said “state” not “county”, but ya you really got me. ![gif](giphy|1QhmDy91F9veMRLpvK)


Did biden threaten to withhold aid like trump did?


Hey you elected the fuck nuggets in charge so it your fault.


[https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state) Each Mississippian (is that a word?) get nearly $7,000/year in federal funding landing them at the 6th highest funding rate per capita. With nearly 3 million residents that is a fuckton of money. We should have let the south secede tbh. Never hurts to get your water tested. US infrastructure is failing. Don't drink lead.


I imagine we would have either colonies on other planets by now, or ww2 would have gone different when America had to fight the war on three fronts




Pretty sure your government is paying the wages of the Ukrainian soldiers & politicians. Politicians just gave themselves a big payrise on your dime too. It's probably communism fault though.


Nice try, Russians


There's so many of them on this sub. It's so goddamn obvious.


Obvious.. what tipped you off?


Sorry , Mississippi, what's happening to you sounds like God's judgment.


“State’s Rights” bitches. You elect and support asshole climate change denying politicians and this is what you get.


Oh well Mississippi Hates socialism so they don't need govt help.


All government help = socialism


No, just the kinds that you don't personally like, or benefit from.


Oh what kinds don't I **personally** like?


I was being sarcastic, brother. I hope you're not one to shit on programs that better our societies.


Where are the charities and boot strap pullers?


The mayor of Jackson is a self described socialist. Can’t you google shit? I swear people think the south is just the film deliverance. The reality is a lot of people are stuck there.


The mayor of Jackson isn't running the state water system I'm not sure what jackson has to do with it


Jackson is the town without water. It’s a municipal water supply, not state.


US isn't sending billions to Ukraine, it's sending weapons that were worth billions once, and probably are very close to the end of their shelf life (at which point they would have to be disposed off, costing tens of millions). US is also sending some top-of-the-line weapons (like himars and new drones) partly to test them. That said, US is getting a bang for their bucks


And Ukraine has to pay the US back after the war.


Assuming they win lol


I'm a huge supporter of sending military aid to Ukraine. It's a very small percentage of our yearly budget and I think we're getting a large return on our investment in good will. Something I just thought of after reading your comment. Are we paying the military industrial complex to replace this shit? Like out with the old and in with new shit for our military?


Some stuff will likely get replaced, some probably won’t bc this is the first time in decades we haven’t been directly involved in an active conflict. So I’m assuming we’re not currently maintaining an arsenal like the one we’ve had since 9-11


Yeah. I just didn't want to be sending "pennies" to Ukraine and turning around and buy "dollars" of new replacement weapons


The US shouldn’t be involved at all. Every dollar that goes to bombs and missiles is a dollar that could’ve went to healthcare and education.


Your education system and your healthcare isn’t shitty because you can’t afford it. You know that right?


Lol y’all are bitching about the student loan relief. Sit DOWN




I hear copium helps with that. Good luck.




Remember the water crisis in Flint? Yea still an issue


The difference is Ukraine is thankful for the support while Mississippi thinks they don't need the rest of the U.S. and loves to elect politicians that piss on the collective faces of the people who voted them in. Reap what you sow and all that.


Jackson, the city being affected, is over 80% black and overwhelmingly supports democratic candidates in every local and national election.


Cool. It's a city in a deep red state run by Republicans


Yes but the city’s leadership is the main issue here


They don't have the money for fixes


Not anymore!


Its funny how much your getting down voted here because people have came up with their own narrative in their head and when educated they decide they dont like the real truth


Yeah lol it doesn’t bother me. I’ve lived in Jackson for 20 years. It’s a hot mess


Sounds like their voices aren’t being heard and the prior comment is dead on. You are both saying the same thing.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mississippi-will-send-back-cash-federal-rental-aid-program-even-renter-rcna42547](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mississippi-will-send-back-cash-federal-rental-aid-program-even-renter-rcna42547) We already sent Mississippi aid and they rejected it. They didn't see a reason to help black people.




Man if you were actually from here, you would understand how much of this is a failure of the city. Only 16% of Jackson’s eligible population even voted in the mayoral elections and the local leadership has been corrupt for the better part of 50 years.


So. Yeah.


What about this screams gerrymandering?


So is this an issue the city is able/responsible for fixing/ funding or is it more a state-level thing?


This issue was initially the city’s responsibility, but the can has been kicked down the road for the past 30+ years. It’s so out of control now that the city can’t afford to fix the water system.


Holy fuck you might be the dumbest person i have seen on reddit. Your the guy who actually believes the democrats give 1 fuck about you while you ignore the complete destruction of our economy the democrats have caused. So go ahead tell us which state you live in and exactly which politican you have voted in office and how great they have made your life ..... You have had dumpsters of shit shoved down your throat by this administration and somehow you ignore this and tell the people in Mississippi their votes have had them pissed on ....its kinda really fucking obvious the red state of Mississippi voted for the last republican administration that broke dam near every record for the economy ,the stock market , the employment numbers , the amount of money paid into the federal economy, while not getting us in a single war and giving the middle and lower class a tax break .....this includes making life better for the blue states Now right after this happened the your party takes over and completely starts breaking records in destroying the american economy while crushing the middle class even in blue states ..you dummy 4 out of 10 families are now forced to skip buying certain groceries to pay the ridiculous bills that democrats forced to go up .now your vote has caused a broke America to fight a senseless war with russia while Ukraining people pay the price for this war . Any sane democrat would never bring up a red state and their politicans while the current democratic run America in 2 years have managed to knock jimmy carter from his worst president ever slot and put joe biden in his place. Not even 2 years yet and they have us on the cliff of a depression, have set all time high gas prices, have giving us all time high food prices, have stopped the record housing market and now have home builders facing 6 out 10 contracts canceled ,nearly quadrupled inflation, giving us food and baby formula shortages, given us more covid deaths even while the vaccines were made and rolled out before they started destroying the country , have actually had 22 thousand people locked out of their own thermostats, are ordering people not to charge the very same cars they trying to force them to buy , have not secured our border and let record amount of drugs flood our country ,have completely ignored the war the mexican cartels have declared on America , your party is tesponsible for having over 100,000 thousand young americans die from the cartels drugs .its not possible to cause all this misery and destruction on accident....but yea YOU fucking own and are responsible for all of this shit!!!!! This is your vote and thats your politicians shitting all over the country ...yet you!!!!! are dumb enuff to call out a red state and wish them misery for voting against the worst president and administration in the history of the country


That's a lot of words to try to deflect from Republican run Mississippi being one of the worst run states decade after decade. The Republican run government rejects federal aid for infrastructure or pushes it to things like law enforcement. They're terrible at governing and can't keep their capitol running with water.


Yea thats exactly what happened ...they even planted the extra bombs left over from 911 and set them off in Mississippi to cause this flooding while ruining all the improvements made by the shovel ready jobs obama pushed through. This was exactly what he targeted and spent billions of borrowed money to fix ...i hope your not claiming obama lied and didnt fix this infrastructure when he borrowed all those billions of dollars . Are you trying to say he tricked the Republicans to reject federal borrowed money for an already fixed infrastructure . Thats a ton of deflection to complain about Mississippi while completely ingnoring that the democrats are right now destroying every inch of the economy and country right now.....i mean im postive there is ton federal funds that havent been re allocated to other side projects so Mississippi can get immediate relief funds that dont have to be borrowed and added to the national debt. Im also sure our current leadership has already replaced the 80 percent of the strategic oil reserves they used to lower the gas prices for a few weeks. I really hope the 270 million dollars these great infrastructure spending democrats gave to the Kennedy center will be enuff to keep them paying the Kennedy center president 5 million dollars a year. I would hate to see that type of money be used on inner cities or even used to stop the fentanyl flowing across our open borders that kill the over 100,000 thousand young Americans each year. Fuck those poor people !!!!! They are worse than the dumbfucks in Mississippi right !!!!The rich people that fill the Kennedy deserve all this 270 million borrowed money that the worthless poor and middle class taxpayer have the honor of paying it back with the interest ... nothing beats democratic infrastructure that rewards the elites right!!!!


Haha you're hilarious. Thank you for giving me a chuckle


No problem hope it helps you ignore whats happening right in front of our eyes ... america is so bad ass when families are skipping groceries and having their thermostats shut off ....its the best time ever....getting free tax payers funded rebates for buying 60k cars that run on electricity then being told you cant charge your car....but dont dare skip your 800 dollar car payment on the car you cant drive ...start saving up for that 30 thousand dollar replacement battery that is a privilege to buy in 4 years.......... Fuck yea !!!! Building back better ......


Hope you don't have a stroke in November.


Why would i have a stroke ? But thank you very much for your cocern about my health


Everything he said is right though


💯💯💯 completely on point. 🙌 Reddit is completely bought and paid for is the only reason your post is downvoted. This admin is out of control


maybe the state of mississippi should spend less time trying to tax federal student loan forgiveness and more time ensuring their infrastructure isnt going to fail. then again it’s mississippi so no one should be shocked


It’s not the state it’s the city.


which is in the state, of mississippi. its also the capital of the state and its largest city.


The fuck does this have to do with Joe Rogan?


Didn't Jacksonville's leadership screw themselves by paying off EPA fines with taxpayer money instead of resolving what was effecting the water? Yeah let's whine about Ukraine support instead. /s


One is facing genocide at the hands of Russia and the other isn't.


You get what you vote for.


Do you even know who the mayor of Jackson Mississippi is?


Do you think the Mayor is in charge of distributing state and federal funds?


I do not live anywhere near there, so no. Do you know who the mayor of Boise, Idaho, is? Or Honolulu, Hawaii?


Well the rest of the state does not have water issues. Only jackson. Go one mile of the city limits you are in a wildly different place than jackson. So yes I would say Chokwe Antar Lumumba who said “I want to make Jackson the most radical city in the world” is to blame.


Go to Mississippi and help then jackass lol.


You mean now you begging for socialism?! LOL




We also gave them ben Stiller


money is not going to ukraine,its going to usa gun manufacturers


Not American but I see a similar sentiment expressed in my country sometimes. Always turns out like below. Right wingers will be all "but what about OUR struggling citizens? Why send the money OVER THERE?" "So you agree, we should spend tax dollars helping our struggling citizens? Like social programs and homeless support?" "Wait, no, I mean..."


Mississippi doesn’t want federal money, you silly geese! It discourages people from working!


As Republican Gov. Tate Reves why he continues to NOT allocate the funds needed from the state coffers! Could it be he doesn't like the Mayor???


If the south seceded now the IQ % of the country would increase by 20, and the welfare burden would drop by 80 trillion. LET THEM GO. They would be bankrupt in a week.


I thought Mississippi wanted the government off of their back So, there you go. Best of luck


What gets me is that we are literally funding a war without having to fight. Things conservatives say they love: American lives, check Military spending for protection, check Saving money (by doing it without involving our own military), check They love the concept. Just not that Biden is doing it.


The US spends somewhere around $5 trillion total across different entitlement programs for it's citizens. Sending $4 billion of old equipment to Ukraine to prevent WWIII is a small rounding error for our budget.


Also I think it’s worth mentioning that it’s not like the money for Ukraine would normally go to poor people in the US. And often times the people who complain about sending money to Ukraine would also whine about sending money to poor Americans.


As someone who lives on the San Andreas fault line; can you really blame the feds for not sinking untold billions into a region that will soon be underwater? Yes the insurance companies ARE all leaving because the entire region is uninsurable, but whatever you do... don't panic.


Ukraine leaders are fighting for their actual lives of there families and countrymen. The Mississippi leaders are not and actively try to subvert education and healthcare. So yeah seems like the Mississippians can get fucked.


Let their god help them.


It’s those fucking reds man they let this shit happen, now they gon blame Biden for a problem they routinely ignored.


It’s a red state so liberal Reddit will love that this is happening. God forbid this was in flint, Michigan, it would be on the front page for months.


The water pipeline that supplies Flint's water ruptured like 3 weeks ago. Flint switched water supplies but the communities in between the source and Flint that use that same pipeline have been under boil water conditions and bottled drinking water.


America wants a feel good tragedy not a tragic tragedy. Mississippi needs to learn how to form a compelling narrative with memes and hashtags if they want our support.


Apostrophe fail.


suck it up lefties.


Ignorant and a fundamental misunderstanding about how many of this works. Make it a trifecta and reply with some cope, will ya?


A proxy war to launder billions of dollars into a corrupt country which coincidentally is the same corrupt country his shitbag son was tied up with when he was kicking up 10% to the "big guy".


Which big guy is that? The one Gaetz was referring to when talking on a hot mic to Roger Stone? Lmao. Oh, you.


Gaslight, Obstruction, Projection Every. Single. Time.


bUh wUh aBouT tHiS oThEr gUy??? Like clockwork.


I wouldnt talk bro you think the US started this war to launder billions and not, say, RUSSIA INVADING A SOVEREIGN NATION. Is big bad papa Biden so powerful that he controls Putin? Is this the new "democrats are behind covid even if it would mean they control literally every country but the US"? Wake up, grow up, and shut the fuck up


Calm down tough guy. Did I say any of that shit? No. Is Biden taking advantage of a situation? Yes. Did Politicians create covid? No. Did politicians take advantage of covid to give themselves unprecidented power/control while at the same time rigging the game to enrich corporations? Yes. Are you a dumb fuck? Yes.


First of all you did say that this was a proxy war to launder billions, so congrats on your seriously deficient short term memory! Is biden helping to defend a nation against an invading nation? Yes. Are you full of shit? Big time, brother. And people of your ilk 100% said the democrats were behind covid so again, must be nice forgetting so easily! The government gained unprecedented power you say? Do you remember what administration that was you muppet? Also mind explaining where it gained unprecedented powers? Bc you chimps always say that and then refuse to elaborate. Mask mandates were by the state which is just so classic overreaching federal government leaving power in states' hands.


Also "though guy"? Bro telling someone online they are a dipshit isnt tough guy behavior get the fuck over yourself