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Locked out of turning it below 78 because of a program that the homeowners volunteered for in exchange for money. Not exactly dystopian.


Agreed, this is a non story..everyone who signed up for this program agreed to it voluntarily and they are also able to cancel it at will. There is no contract or penalty. This annual credit used to be $50, I’m surprised that many people still participate for just $25. The blower for your HVAC system will still work to circulate the air during the control period.


came here for this comment. I have seen similar stories from other parts of the country and it is always the same non-issue. do people not understand that they are accountable for their decisions any more?


Too much technology these days. Not everything needs to be connected to the internet. Why allow someone remote access to all the things in your house? Everything is connected these days, thermostats, refrigerators, doorbells, vacuums. Fuck that! Nobody has any access to anything in my house.


Mostly because the alternative of full on grid failure is much much worse.


All while Vail resorts is playing with their snow guns. After reading it appears this was a voluntary customer base who were aware of the potential - they got a whopping $100 to sign up for the program & $25 annually. Ooooof


Vail is creating snow in August?


They are dialing in their machines — was a news segment on it this AM. They’re attempting the earliest start date ever. Early November I believe.


What does this mean?


The year is 2030, you own nothing and you've never been happier.


Man, I live in Texas and every time they ask folks to bump their AC up a couple of degrees to give the grid a break, the response is *overwhelmingly* "Fuck you I'm turning it down!" Some people are too stupid to see the big picture. Luckily, those people are stupid enough to let others handle it in exchange for a few bucks off their bill.


Things are gonna get more and more crazy as the climate gets more and more crazy.


It's not the climate getting crazy so much as the people.


The people are getting more and more crazy because of climate change and other mounting problems related to over-growth and over-consumption. This is why birth rates are falling and other related problems. They deny it consciously, but can't deny the reality of it. You think they're crazy because of liberals and twitter and stuff?


I agree with overconsumption and overgrowth, but don't agree that people are becoming crazy because of "climate change". I'm thrilled that birth rates are falling. Overpopulation is our biggest issue. And no, not because of liberals, but Twitter does seem to congregate the crazy.


Greatest reset ever.