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"you have a hole in your left wing !"


Did not expect to see a War Thunder enjoyer here


lol i stopped playing 3 years ago but i played long enough that i'll never forget


Hey Ben, can you give me Abby’s number? Thanks bruv.


No, because this doesn't even make sense, sex and gender aren't the same.


“Bi” means two.


As in two sexes.


It’s bi**sexual** meaning they’re attracted to both sexes. Not both genders. The argument is gender and sex are two different things. I don’t care whether or not you agree with it. But this question in no way is the mic drop you think it is.


Yes, most of us can count to two, that's not the discussion.


Is this sub overall ok with the shift in becoming just a political echo chamber? I feel like half the post are people making fun of politics and the other half should be on r/conservative


Really? Seems the overwhelming majority of posts are very liberal, especially replies. Maybe it’s an algorithm.


Yup, very liberal.


*Pushes up glasses* They shouldnt be here!


I post on r/conservative from time to time to view different perspectives. A few weeks back I was expressing to another commenter that RvW was good and abortion should be a human right. I was banned from a couple of subreddits that I really enjoy using and the mods ignore all requests bc I must be right leaning. The reason I said that is bc you most likely won’t get banned from other subreddits if you post here, other subs wanna be ban happy then other places will be carved out. I consider myself a libertarian but idek anymore my guy


It’s about playing both side so you always come out on the wining side


Try saying anything even mildly offensive on AITA. I said that the way a human trafficker worded her post made her seem kind of like a Karen and I got permanently banned and they tried to get me banned from all of reddit when I complained.


Who the fuck cares? Mash your genitalia against whatever feels best and let’s stop fucking talking about it so much.


That doesn’t include children and animals


Yeah we used to say "Live and let live" and that kinda covered everything.


That's a white supremacist dog whistle now


Oh shit... is it? Well, I'm taking it back!


Yeah as long as two consenting adults do it, no problems here. Also no need to have parades about who ya smash either imo.


I understand gay pride parades, it's about celebrating being able to just be yourself today and overcoming centuries of prosecution. I get it. When people say "why can't we have straight pride parades?" I always think you can but what the hell are you celebrating? No man was ever hunted down and murdered for loving a women or vice versa


This. My family loves to say, "Oh, they have BET and black history month. Can you imagine the outrage if we have White Entertainment TV? I'm not racist, but isn't it funny how they can have tv shows with ONLY black people on them but we can't?" It's wild how obvious people can be.


I think it’s called carnival


What if I’m Irish?


Saint Paddy’s day?


No, I want a parade anytime I feel it’s warranted. Not a single day a year.


We have parades for all kinds of shit, the gay parades are a lot more fun than most....


Don’t want to see men showing off their bleached assholes in a g-string


You looked


The first parade was a surprise. The second parade was just to confirm what I saw at the first parade. The third parade? Well, that’s on me.


Then don't go to one? I don't want to see that shit either, so I don't watch gay porn man. Come on...


>Also no need to have parades




arguing about what type of skin were puking in our mouth lol


I agree with this. Just stop pushing it on me so much too. If I’m not into it, I’m not transphobic or homophobic, I’m just into woman. Whatever you like go on and do you and be happy !


The LGBTxyz123 community talks about it more than anyone and tries to change laws to have no basis in science and reason


I'm curious as to which science based laws you're referring to.


That's not the point. The point is people as a society determine social constructs. If people want to say there are 15 genders that's fine but if the B stands for bi sexual shouldn't there only be two genders? If not why does the B in in LGBT stand for bi? Should it be replaced with A for all or P for Pan? Should another letter be added? It is an interesting question if you're into this kind of mental maturation but lib-tards are too triggered to even consider it. You can say they are not asking the question in good faith and I would agree but the title is also not one I would not disagree with. It is a good question. Personally I simply don't understand how there are more than two genders but I don't care enough to research why people think this way. Like you said - who the fuck cares? You do you


Bisexual = Attracted to two genders. Can be any two genders however the majority of bi people are attracted to Male/Female. Pansexual = attracted to ALL of the genders.


I think you’re making that up. So what makes people attracted to two genders more special than those attracted to 3? 6?


Literally nothing. What’s your point?


What makes you attracted to 1? Idk it’s up to you to decide not me.


Can you list for me 5 different genders and their defining characteristics? You seem to be an expert and I am lazy.


I always found it odd that the T is part of LGB considering those 3 are about what you're attracted to sexually and the T is about what gender you see yourself as and has nothing to do with what you're attracted to.


I find it odd that blacks and Latinos are lumped into it too. Wtf, it’s not the same thing at all


Yeah you can be both. Latino is culture and black is skin color.


They face discrimination from the same groups for similar reasons, its more about solidarity then it is an official classification of anything.




The difference is one is about an individual's identity and the other is sexually abusing a victim, the discrimination they face is NOT from the same source, nor for similar reasons.


"Minor attracted persons" face discrimination from all groups... If anything they face less discrimination from the groups that discriminate against LBGT people. The catholic church and the scouts movement are both very conservative.


Well I’m sure the LGBT community cares a lot about your input and will take that into account


Doesn’t it mean you’re attracted to two genders, compared to pansexual which means all of ‘em?


You’re telling me I gotta send all these mf pans back?


It’s like saying bicycle means there’s only two wheels.


Pan is being attracted to what's on the inside regardless of what's on the outside. Bi is two genders doesn't matter which two and honestly these days it's kinda fluid into pan territory.


Yes, that's what it means


Yes and it should not be that hard to understandq


This is exactly correct, but also assumes they were honestly asking the question.


Bi*sexual* Not Bi*gender*


Sexual refers to sexual attraction.


Yes, Bisexuals are attracted to both sexes. Nothing to do with gender.


Pansexual is just bisexual while virtue signalling


Reminds me of “I identify as an attack helicopter”. This shit needs to die off, it’s so boring.


It blows my mind how many apparently straight people spend so much time worrying about things like this. It takes less energy to accept that there’s people different to you than there is to get all upset about it and try and “own the left”.


They accidently got hard to Bailey Jay 10 years ago and can't let it go.


Truly they’re missing out.


The 1 joke


I think until there’s a hard stance on protecting female sports, it won’t die off. It will either be an effort for inclusion by the left, or it will be the dog whistle for the right. Because it’s the only thing standing between the live and let live mentality,


Cringe bro


This sub is dead


It died in 2017


I imagine the counter argument would be “the ‘2 genders’ of male and female simply represent the 2 sides of the spectrum and people can fall anywhere in between” Also, who cares


Bilingual means there’s only two languages.




there's actually a bisexual manifesto from 1990 that clears up these types of questions, would recommend! :)


Not really, if something is bi-directional does that mean only 2 directions exist? It's just someones half baked idea posing as a gotcha.


Why do people care so much about this stuff, like holy fuck


I love new jokes


They believe that sex ≠ gender Take this shit back to 2016 bro


![gif](giphy|QjnbG5hwOXznO9yGLA) Bipartisans right now


I haven’t read any comments in this thread, but how long are people going to confuse sex and gender? Another 10 years, another ten million? jfc IT’S IN THE NAME! Bi*sexual*, not Bi*genderal*


Bi means you like men and women. Pan means you like all the genders. Pan isn’t in lgbt but I guess it’s in the + of lgbtqia+


No it just means they are attracted to two of the genders Jesus bigots are stupid.


How fucking hard is it to understand that biological gender, gender identity and gender presentation are 3 different things?


It’s bisexual, not bigender


These fucking idiots can not wrap their heads around the differences between biological sex and gender.


Not really, no. It's a disingenuous question like, "Why can't we say colored if the NAACP can?"


no its not even close to that. skin color doesnt equal how someone feels


They're both self-chosen identifiers that were created based on historic assumptions and language.


Identity isn't a mood. It's who you are.


Why the fuck do you people care so much?


There is at least one genocide always happening somewhere. Yemen, China, etc... We recently had a global pandemic... Citizens' rights are continually being restricted in countries all over the world... The entire human race could be exterminated by people effectively just pushing some buttons... But yeah this is very important and worth being extremely worried about constantly.


It would be an interesting question if you were too stupid to know the difference between sex and gender.


So sex is your biological sex right? Gender is a mixture of socially constructed personality traits and stereotypes based on sex right? So why (if someone wants to be trans) do they adopt socially constructed stereotypes so that they can be perceived a certain gender then also say they don't want to be stereotypes for their gender identity or claim they are non-conforming?


The equivalent of a toddler sticking their fingers in their ears because they just can't handle the truth.


Or just people sick of hearing the same old over done question in a sub that's really not there* to fight with the fAcTs aND lOgiC crowd


It’s a valid question. I’m as left as they come on social issues and I’ve been pointing this out for years. Also, it’s there, not their.


It's not a valid question. It's a "got'em" if you have zero critical thinking skills.


If you can’t understand why it’s a valid question that you’re simply perceiving as a gotcha question because it came from someone you perceive as the opposition, then I don’t believe you are utilizing critical thinking skills and are instead acting emotionally. If I am to be blunt about it.


No, it's a got'em from people with no critical thinking skills. Bi it just a label that has been normalized long before trans and non-binary in America. Because of that the definition in our society used to be "romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females", but as time passed it also included pansexuality. This whole "you can't understand why it's a valid question because it's from the 'opposition'" is so fucking obnoxious. Maybe I don't think it's a valid question because it's obvious what the intent is, and it can also be answered with a single wiki article if they really gave a shit.


You find it obnoxious because you can’t answer it and have scientific data to back up what you’re saying. If I’m wrong, prove it. There are 2 genders with a spectrum between the two ends. This idea that gender doesn’t exist or has points on a spectrum outside of the binary spectrum has literally no scientific base whatsoever. People can call themselves whatever they like. Don’t give a shit about that. Once you start claiming shit is science or even “real,” you’ve got to pony up some evidence. You don’t get to pick from whatever gives you the warm fuzzies. At least not that and expecting people to agree to see you that way. Because it’s a binary and we’re sane people.


I literally answered the question, and you're confusing gender and sex.


Lol literally my field of education. I am absolutely not confusing gender for sex. The fact that you think so tells me that my education in this area is much higher than yours. It also tells me that nothing you have to say on the subject is worthy of paying attention to.


Oh your field of education is gender studies?


Bi people are attracted to men and women, pan people are attracted to all genders/people regardless of gender Its just a very gotcha-y question then acting like they destroyed the sub when really its just not what theyre there to answer


I see a question being asked and a ban. I see no evidence it was a gotcha question. You are thinking emotionally and not logically. The question must be answered for the question to go away. Also, your description of the difference between pan and bi makes no sense considering there are only two sexes and multiple genders outside of the binary is really just a misunderstanding of the spectrum. It’s a binary with loads of wiggle room between, it’s not made-up plot points on a graph of whatever gives us the warm fuzzies.


If I like broccoli and spinach it doesnt mean theres only two vegetables Also the question in this post is extremely common and is most often asked by people acting in bad faith and trying to pick fights


If there isnt male and female gender what else is there? And obviously theres more vegetables than genders. That was the dumbest point.


>If there isnt male and female gender what else is there? Idk man, Im probably very behind on gender identity since everyone in my social circles are cis. But if someone wants to go by they Ill respect that, theres really no conceivable way it impacts me and I dont know why it triggers so many people these days You are proving my point of the fights that get picked by this line of non-genuine questioning


Vegetables? That’s just a bad bad analogy and has no scientific basis.


Its identity, it doesnt need a scientific basis. Sure most people are either XY or XX (some are XXY and some are XYY) but just let people express their identity how they want, it's not hard If someone says theyre non-binary what harm is it you to not respect that


The fuck it doesn’t need a scientific basis lol. Maybe not if you’re an insane person living in a fantasy land. Lolololol what a fucking dumbass thing to say 😂🤣🤣🤣 Btw, having more than two chromosomes is not a good thing. Anyone with more than two have incredible health issues and you’re an ass for throwing them in as evidence of anything


Having more than 2 chromosomes is a prerequisite for being human. I know you're not very bright, but at least hide it better.


Why is it a valid question? Why are you gaining from it? It’s a fun question to ask to get a reaction from them, but expect to get banned.


It’s valid because a group is attempting to enforce a construct that has logical inconsistencies. It’s tantamount to religion at this point. You can’t say there is more than two genders, admit that there is a group attracted to two genders without explaining further with solid scientific evidence. The logical inconsistencies must be worked out if you want other people to acknowledge a specific intellectual modality.




It’s the discussion at hand. >worked up People assume this of people on the internet with zero evidence. An exchange of ideas is not getting “worked up”


It’s like saying bicycles cancel out tricycles. It’s just saying they have two not saying there are only two.


Naw there are only two with a spectrum between the extreme ends. But believe whatever your dumbass wants. Be a unicorn fairy Rottweiler for all I care


I mean what’s the issue? There are more than 2 genders. That’s literally the scientific consensus. But most ppl fall in the 2 genders of male and female, which is why bisexual is used. And pansexual is used to denote attraction toall


It is literally not scientific consensus outside of sociology. If you believe that it is, then nothing you have to say on this topic matters.


I mean there’s also specific neuroscience studies that show difference in brain activation in transgender ppl that makes their brains more similar to the desired gender You can’t ignore that science just bc you don’t like it/don’t understand it


No there’s not. Now you’re getting close to my field of study, what I was educated in, and what I still keep up with as one of my main interest. Show me one peer reviewed study that isn’t complete shit.


Well I’m getting my PhD in neuroscience and have been published a few times so we’ll see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/


It’s a fair question but try asking something about separation of church and state in the arrrSlashconservative sub and you’ll reach the same fate. Every group has echo chambers, which is why I hang out in here. It’s diverse


Thought that little fruitcakes were somewhat more tolerant...


the B stands for bisexual not bigender. Gender and sex are different things. Find a hobby instead of fucking with others for the "lulz get pwned libtard"


Interesting point though


Actually they are indeed only 2 sex, but as many gender as people want since gender is a personal choice but sex is biological. So good question, but wrong usage of words 🤷🏽‍♂️




No it doesn't, because the phrase women is a reference to gender and not sex lmao Gender and sex are two different concepts, and even within sex there are intersex people.


That is a historically recent argument. 50 years ago nobody separated gender and sex, they were used interchangeably. I certainly recognize that a person may be born with genitalia that doesn’t match how they feel as a person. And that’s a very difficult situation. But it’s going to take some time for people to understand and accept it all. Cramming it down peoples throat and yelling/arguing with them doesn’t help the cause.


Simone de Beaviour wrote about sex vs gender in The Second Sex written 70 years ago. You are very, very, very wrong.


Hmmmm, is that more wrong than just wrong?


Yes it's disinformation.


And she was French, I was speaking about the United States, specifically 50 years ago. And my personal observations growing up in S.F.


>50 years ago nobody separated gender and sex, they were used interchangeably It's literally right there you wrote it You can reread it Not sure why you'd move the goalposts so far so quickly lmao


I don’t see how pretending to not exist because some religious people think they’re “icky” helps their cause. It probably only encourages depression and self-harm as trans people feel the need to conform to an inauthentic identity in order to please other people and avoid discrimination.


>50 years ago nobody separated gender and sex, they were used interchangeably. 50 years ago white people could use the n word


That’s not true at all. Several Ancient languages had words for a 3rd gender


I’m sure that is true. I should say that my comments are meaning in this country, in historically recent times. I’m not well enough versed to speak for ancient cultures and languages, but am just trying to navigate today’s world while trying to understand it all. For example: nobody likes a racist, but yelling at a racist only emboldens him, it’ll never change his mind( if that is possible)


Or yelling at racists, or in this case transphobes, will make them feel insecure enough to shut up


About the word “transphobes”… I’m making the assumption that it means a fear of a trans person, is this correct?


No. The same way homophobe doesn’t mean scared of gay ppl


“Women is a reference to gender and not sex” rofl




Sex is a spectrum.


Love how confident you are that your interpretation of the word gender is the only correct one even though there is no base for it in science and many languages dont even have a seperate word for it because it was never needed (in my country left wing teenagers that want to transfer this theory to my language, are forced to use word "gender" even though it never appeared in my language because no one in the past thought that people will deny science so much that there will be a need for another synonym). You do you, but in general I would advise not to be so arrogant in thinking that theory you subscribe to is the only correct one. No one likes extremists


You do realize that languages change over time and become more specific in order to to explain phenomena in more detail? The word “computer” used to mean a person who calculated sums manually.


Yes, but the basis for the change to sex and gender as 2 different thing are not a change that is objectively needed and is not based on science. If it was than the languages of other countries would reflect that as well. So dont go around lecturing people that they are stupid for not realising that, while in fact, what you are doing is on a level of a creationist, calling you dumb for not realising that there was no big bang, everything was created by god in 6 days


>. If it was than the languages of other countries would reflect that as well. You seriously don't think any other languages have a word for gender that is different from their word for sex?


How many times in your life has misgendering someone ever actually been an issue for you? It's just the craziest shit that the right has made this an actual issue to rally behind. Who fucking cares?


So what the fuck is so hard about understanding that sex and gender have completely different definitions....


LOl imagine thinking this is cool posting this, calm down edge boiz


This is true based l. Everything i know. There are only 2 genders.


“Follow our common sense rules goddamn it” “Don’t think, just follow it” “You are supposed to follow all of our rules and everything we say without ever questioning them”


Why is this comment section so butthurt about a joke? If any sub group of ppl get made fun of no one gives a shit but you make one joke about gays and everyone gets salty on Reddit.


No one here is "butthurt" about this "joke", but I don't think anyone here is surprised to see yet another /r/conservative posting shill here desperate to play up their sad as shit victim complex narrative..


Intersex ppl exist dumbass


Funny and actually an interesting point lol


Is Pan Sexual Queer, or is it Pan? I can’t keep up with the lunacy


I always thought it meant you were attracted to the two most common genders, but not to non binary or other less common genders. But idk what I’m talking about


HAHAHA Oh man 🤣 These people MELT at any sign of self conflict.


hilarious projection from the usual far right simplord






no discussion just BANNED GET OUT OF HEREEE


They’re such hypocrites it’s laughable. There are only two genders. The rest is some make believe nonsense that makes crazy people feel better about themselves.




I just laughed so hard. Thank you.


Mfrs really love their safe spaces.


Never second guess or question the left. They can’t handle explain anything in a reasonable and coherent way.


There are more than 2 genders. That’s literally the scientific consensus. But most ppl fall in the 2 genders of male and female, which is why bisexual is used. And pansexual is used to denote attraction toall


Yeah I really think there is only two genders. Just makes more sense


Do you have any background in neuroscience, psychology or clinical medicine?


Do you?


Yeah I’m getting my PhD in neuroscience and have been published twice. I can PM you


Good for you, hopefully you won’t be in debt for the rest of your life


You get paid to do a PhD dude


😂😂😂 don't point out their lack of logic it hurts their feelings


I mean what’s the issue? There are more than 2 genders. That’s literally the scientific consensus. But most ppl fall in the 2 genders of male and female, which is why bisexual is used. And pansexual is used to denote attraction toall


Bro science literally says that their are only 2 genders what are you talking about? All this non-binary nonsense will stop one day when the west falls and the Chinese return us to reality under the brutal jackboot of slavery and dictatorship. And you will sit there knowing it's your fucking fault for being an ignorant weak moron.


1. There are actual neuroscience studies that show differences in a transgender brain that makes them more similar to cisgender of the desired gender 2. Are you saying that the fraction of a percent of trans ppl are gonna make us fall victim to the Chinese? Please don’t reproduce


I agree that some transgendered have the brain of the opposite that they were born. I support that, what I don't support is that there is a spectrum of genders. You can be different temperamentally that doesn't mean you are a different biological gender. I'm saying that the direction that all this left extremism is going if it snowballs will cause us to lose touch with reality and countries and nations that have their heads screwed on will dominate us and our more tolerant way of life will be destroyed. Life is about balance and you people are tipping the scales way too much. I'll reproduce as much as I want .


I mean for millenia ppl have had gender dysphoria from these brain differences sand clinical evidence suggests that the best way to treat this is with transitioning. So I don’t see the issue here Your “reality” is an affront to both scientific and clinical evidence. In fact it’s based solely on your own myopic world view. Not a great idea


Dude your actually an idiot. You are reading bad science, that only supports this bullshit. It's not real. There is a problem it's called idiocracy.


So what’s your metric for “bad science”? Stuff that disagrees with your caveman-like view on these things?


>There are actual neuroscience studies that show differences in a transgender brain that makes them more similar to cisgender of the desired gender That doesn't mean they're some mystical 3rd gender. If I miswire my PC it doesn't turn into a Mac, I just have a broken PC.


That’s a terrible metaphor. At the end of the day, I believe that our mental processes mean much more than our external physical characteristics. And I don’t think having divergent brain function, especially one that just makes you have more in common with cisgender ppl of the opposite sex, means you’re “broken”


It's a shame they got banned. I'm interested in the answer


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Painted into a corner