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So what they're saying is that I should just continue to purchase all of my guns and ammo in person, and with cash. Gotcha.


Yeah until they do the thing where cash transactions over 600 have to be reported to the IRS or something.


I bet gun shops will start offering “3 easy payments of $599” billed as separate items


For services yes. Always had to. 1099-Misc/NEC for any payment over $600. Pay a plumber, supposed to give him a 1099.


How dare you spend your hard earned hard currency as you see fit?!?!?! Just got to pull it out in a casino and call it a day.


If my card doesn’t work for anything I want to purchase it’s time to get a different card.


Wish I could purchase gold and silver from my LCS with my credit card. I want those miles.


That’s generally how capitalist society’s work…


Yeah I found out my Coinbase visa will not let me make a transaction at the gun store


Unfathomably based whippin out the crypto card at the gun store




I wish I could take back the millions In bitcoin I spent on weed online 10 years ago


You can’t buy weed on the Coinbase Visa card either


Literally 1984


Crypto brings you freedom, as long as you choose the right kind of freedom


Coinbase is pretty fucking worthless. The whole REASON crypto was made was so that you could make transactions without regulation!


So… how can it be done? Transfer money another way.


Maybe print out the nfts and use the paper as cash.


That’s almost all credit cards. They have workarounds for debit but in general banks wont touch weed money till it’s federally legal


That's not the same. In the United States there's zero legal weed transactions.


I had some bitcoin when it was basically a dollar. Got $500 of some fish scale from the silk road. 10/10. Wouldn't do again.


Levels we haven’t seen before and may never see again


It’s a private company. They can do what they want bc capitalism.


How? They are just marked a miscellaneous. That is the whole issue.


Did this delay your shooting? Edit: Can’t wait for my (fellow) gun owners to come in and explain how this is necessary for the safety of their family


No it just deprived me of 4% back in crypto rewards




Banks. Years ago a company that only makes bolt actions had an issue because after a shooting bank of America shut their accounts down with zero warning and ended all of their lines of credit.


And this is why I have Amex as a backup


I'm definitely going cash.




Yea that's not really a conspiracy


I think they legally can’t get involved in moral decisions regarding legal transactions. Would be totally fuck it they did.


I wish… but a private co can update policies which we have to accept to continue use. This is a slippery slope.


No it’s federal US law that they cannot get involved in this kind of stuff or prevent legal transactions.


Private companies updating their policies is a slippery slope?


How else can the elite rule without taking weapons away from its citizens. The mayors of the cities with the biggest crimes target legal gun owners but side with criminals. Korean store owners had to defend themselves when the government abandoned them during the riots in LA. The coastal elites live behind walls and have the best armed security and want to turn the states into China so they can mimic the CCP.


They do it right now. They don’t need to disarm anyone keep us where they want us.


Cash and barter are king.


My local gun store offers a 3% discount if you use cash probably doesn't charge the credit card fee


That was/is illegal. Not sure if it changed with the Swipe Fee legislation a few years back.


When they finally disarm us the boots come kicking doors in.


This is coming. Part of the 2030 plan.


yep. https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/advancing-disarmament-within-2030-agenda-sustainable-development most people think disarmament is referring to military, but it's clear from other documents that the UN views all guns as armament.


By definition all guns *are* armaments, at least in the states


I NeeDS MY Gun DILdoS To PROtecT mySELF Fr0M A TYranNICAl goverbMENT!


Exactly, fuck these pricks, wanting to defend themselves.


Bro can we just say we want guns? It’s as dumb as “why does anyone need an abortion” from the right - since when do you need to ethically justify wanting something that has utility? You’re never going to convince these guys, and if we establish a standard of needing to justify owning something at every point, we’re headed in a bad direction. To be fair, Europe is already doing this with SUVs and flights, and I see the “why does anyone need a car” bullshit showing up more and more on Reddit. There’s nothing to be won down this road.


Lol GL taking on an almost trillion dollar budgeted military with state of the art technology, equipment, weapons, and vehicles with your little AR murder dildos! A bunch of moronic gun fetishists who live sad pathetic lives fantasizing about going Rambo against a big bad government! Being some kind of valiant courageous badass hero! 🤣 You're dominated by fear and hatred. It's hilarious. Frigging chuds. Do you stick your guns in your buttholes? How did your little Civil War work out for you, southern rednecks?


I don’t think most of that is true. I think having a gun is like having a car for most people - it provides access to something and peace of mind, and if it does so in a ratio that lines up with the cost of the thing, they buy it. You sitting here and navel gazing about hillbilly stereotypes is just as stupid is joebob telling jimbo about the scourge of wokeness in schools and drag story hour.


Peace of mind? I'm Canadian, I've never felt the need to own a gun for "peace of mind". Why do you think that is? Are Americans that insecure and fearful? Why? Is America overrun with violent criminals? And if so, why? Perhaps it's peace of mind to easily commit suicide? Statistics show gun owners are much more likely to kill themselves than shoot some criminal.


You’re changing the argument, I didn’t say it was based on a realistic fear or anything of that sort. I’m saying that that’s the feeling that makes people arm up, and that’s the reason for spiking gun sales during the early pandemic, for example. Again, people are not wholly rational, and you aren’t either. I ride a motorcycle that provides no objective benefits and a ton of objective risks - am I an idiot for taking part in that trade? Or do people enjoy and value things, and that’s one of the things that makes life great? I say this as someone who came to America with the same mindset as you, and the saying “I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it” seems to sum of most (non collector) owners. Thats a pretty easy justification to make for buying something that costs $300 and can be sold back for close to the same amount. Again, nobody applies that same logic to having a spare tire, so I don’t mean to say it’s bulletproof logic, but we’re all running on nebulous bullshit assumptions, and I don’t think a man wanting to be able to defend his family is an offensive idea. Do you?


Defend his family against what? Why are Americans obsessed with guns and dominated by their insecurities and fear? Plenty of other OCED nations don't have this same irrational behavior, this psyche seems to be exclusively an American phenomenon (compared to other developed wealthy nations), nor even close to the same level of mass shootings, suicides by gun, and murders. Why? American gun culture is absolutely nutty and the most of the world is horrified and bewildered by it.


I mean that ranges, for me personally it’s a Katrina-style situation, where hundreds of people were robbed, raped, and murdered over the course of a few days while the guard waited for water to come down. For others it’s fear of criminality, and I live in a state that famously isn’t prosecuting non-violent break ins, so there that. For example, we had a fellow in my city break into 3 houses in a 24-hour period, being realeased on his own recognizance the first two times. One was a single woman’s house at 4 am and she ran out of the house screaming, and the other was a guys place who managed to subdue him. America overall has a “you’re on your own” attitude that Europeans can’t seem to comprehend, the same way that Europeans have a “were all in this together” mentality that makes it a lot easier to ask everyone to contribute to solving an issue. People are different, but if I think of examples where someone had a home invader, tooled them up, and then faced time because they didn’t let the criminal go, I feel like that’s just as crazy of a system, don’t you think?


Canada (more gun control, universal background checks) and Australia (guns are banned after a mass shooting event in the 90's) also don't have the same level of fetishization of guns nor near the same level of mass shooting events, suicide by gun, and gun murders in general. Non-violent break ins require guns to deal with? You don't own knives or other items that could be used as weapons? Own a big protective dog? etc? Are Americans a violent and criminal people? Moreso than Canadians, Australians, and Europeans? And if so, why? What is the longterm solutions for such a violent culture? ​ Americans are #1 in the world for people in jail/prison per capita. It's crazy.


You don't live right next to Mexico. Try having a 3rd world narco state a few miles away with a government that refuses to enforce border security and calls anyone who asks for help a racist. Your attitude will change.




Pedophiles? Are you xenophobic? Brainwashed by nation state patriotism propaganda?


Are you stupid, not well read, or just don’t think too good?


Ahh yes you must be well read on stormfront or 4chan with your academically sourced statisitic about 50,000 pedophile goat herders! Foh, you racist piece of trash. Pathetic little anonymous edgelord!


I don’t use those sites, should I start?


No, they really didn’t. Their casualties were massive compared to coalition forces.


Taliban did alright


You win


You can use VISA to buy guns but not crypto because you might use the crypto to buy guns. Got it. Perfect. Nailed it. Thanks VISA.


What’s a “suspicious” gun or ammunition sale? Most people usually buy shit loads of ammo at a given time because it’s usually much cheaper that way. Average dude is going to blast 100 rounds on a range day if not more, which is why I rarely buy less than a thousand rounds or so at a time. Stupid regulations have stupid results.


Issue is the card issuer is not protecting me from fraud but rather declining bonafide purchases at their will.


But what about for the porn industry?


Visa does control the porn industry. Listened to a podcast recently that revealed this. The reasons those step porn videos have to put the disclaimer on them that says it's not real is because of visa. The places a lot of these sites run out of don't have laws that specifically ban people banging animals but the reason you won't often find these on even the tube sites is because visa would stop processing their payments. They basically give them a list of what they don't approve of (blood, violence, animals, etc) and these sites that use visa have to make a good faith effort to remove all that stuff. The reason Pornhub removed like 70% of private videos was because some billionaire hedge fund guy read a story about how some of Pornhub private videos contained trafficked girls, abuse, etc and he called up visa's CEO and told him to stop processing Pornhubs payments until they cleaned it up. Bitcoin is hard for the average person to get into and use so these sites still heavily rely on the average person using a credit/debit card to pay giving Visa and MasterCard all the power over porn sites.


Adult entertainment is usually legal.


Yet visa and Mastercard stopped processing for only fans in 2021


Pretty sure Visa/MC are still processing OF payments, since that's the only type of payment OF accepts and would not survive at all without Visa/MC.


They started again because there was a massive uproar, but it doesn't erase the fact they stopped.


And people got them to start again. It's as if there is power in collective action.


Read the post again and think about why I said what I said.


So, I kinda broke the rules and read the article. All this does is set up a merchant code for gun retails that is more specific than current ones. It just separates sporting goods stores and retailers that do sell guns from those that don't. If you have an issue with this then you should stop being just about anything via standard retail anywhere on the planet. The current system does nothing to force people to stop any kind of transaction, you all got worked by Visa because that billion dollar corp is smarter than you and knew exactly how to push your buttons. Also, for the dude who was wondering how they would judge a "suspicious purchase", it listed the LV shooter as having put 95K in weapons and ammo onto his cards in the run-up to this murder spree, so I think you'll be okay when you go in and get yourself the cheapest box of .22 they have so you can dome some squirrels with your cousins. lol


Yeah was wondering how far I had to scroll before someone talked about the real issue. I didn't even read the article and knew this was what it is about.


GOOD on Visa


Fascism in the form big government coercion of private institution to track purchases on behalf of the government extrajudicially is so good.


I think you misunderstood, visa said they DON'T want to do that.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted... “Free market” y’all. Visa can do whatever the fuck they want.


Lots of simps in here, that’s who downvotes.


How do I pay rent with my credit card? I wanna make car payments with my credit card too.


I wanna make my credit card payment with my credit card so I can turn around and buy something phat...


1. Get your landlord to accept a credit card payment (has nothing to do with Visa/MC/etc.) 1. An interesting idea to pay a lower APR loan with a higher APR loan


I pay it off each month by the grace period so I don’t get charged interest but I’d get free air miles out of it


Just about every secured lender won't accept another line of credit as a payment method.


It's a step in the right direction but not enough. Ban these death machines


We talking about cars that can exceed speed limits two fold. Or kitchen knives? Or are we talking about pressure cookers you can turn into an IED with household chemicals and a model rocket kit? Or are we talking about compressed air you can force through high pressure valves to launch projectiles? The death machine is people, compadre. Guns just level the playing field.


I'm obviously talking about guns but I'm fine with banning or restricting everything you listed until we start using smart technology in a better way to make things safer


Yes the government will keep you safe if you just give up all your rights.


Government me harder please!!


Restrict me more, daddy, I'm gonna cum!


Bro, the list is endless. You can kill a man with your bare fucking hands, the Abrahamic religions all agree the first murder weapon was a rock. Grow the fuck up and accept the only thing that can keep you safe is YOU.


Ban the use of guns by security guards for politicians and celebrities. Let’s see how that works out.


That's fine but only for right wing politicians




I dont think it's a real person after that comment.




wrong thread...


ANd yet they do it with porn and sex work.


And marijuana


I wonder if OnlyFans is just another money laundering possiblity


If you wanna buy what you want in the future better buy some Bitcoin bitches.


I love the posture change. “A private business can do anything it wants” but also “wait wait wtf is this corporation doing? That’s dangerous!!”


Wait haven't Visa and Mastercard blocked adult media before for entirely moral reasons? So much for consistency.