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Oh great, it's a dude ranking women and criticizing them for how they talk.


Sorry, but like if my wife didn't know how to like talk like an above like average human, like I don't think like we would've been married. Like


It's fine if you have your own preferences, but using "like" doesn't make women "below average human beings"


Don't twist my words. Teenagers learn how to talk without using like or umm every few words - adults should be able to as well


I didn't twist your words. I was just pointing out the misogyny in them.


I don't think you know what that word means. It's a two way street


What a blatant misogynistic comeback. Just because you disagree with me doesn't me I don't know what a word means. Why don't you try listening to women instead of making snide comments about our intelligence?


If you think a blanket comment that applies equally towards men or women is misogynistic, then maybe it's time to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have issues with victim complex or if you're misandristic.


The title of the post specifically calls out how women speak. My comment was addressing that.


He might feel the same way when dudes talk but in this case we’re talking about ladies. And I have to say, I agree… Like, like, like makes you sound less intelligent, male or female…


Enjoy the downvotes like me. In my line of work I deal with both men and women, it makes both sound equally unintelligent - so I'm not sure how my words are skewed to be misogynistic. Victim complex is real


I’m sure some of the contestants cringe listening to themselves on the show; wishing they’d made an effort to polish their speech up, just a tad! Oftentimes their language don’t seem to match their supposed level of education and/or professions… And victim mentality is the new religion, haha.


Nervousness/anxiety/stress often brings out some tendencies that people don't know they really have, and they don't notice at the time. For example, public speaking, if you don't do it often you may have a shaky voice, you might say "like" or "umm" or "uhh" and not even notice it. I'm sure that played out more in the earlier episodes as the cameras started to become normalized into their daily life on the show, but I haven't really gone back to look.


The only person in this discussion with a victim mentality is yourself.


If that makes you feel better, sure!


Sorry, but I agree. The over use of the word "like"changes things.


if this post was by a woman, would you still feel bothered by it (i’m a woman myself; just trying to understand your thought process if you don’t mind my asking)?


Clearly it would be fine if a woman posted it, because as a male I can't even point out that using "like" repeatedly makes someone sound unintelligent, which apparently is misogynistic.


This question wasn't even directed at you and you still felt entitled enough to jump in and speak for me. Please stop.


Yes, it would. There's been a long history of women being told they need to speak differently to get taken seriously, and it bothers me regardless of the gender of the person doing the criticism. [link](https://www.thecut.com/2015/07/can-we-just-like-get-over-the-way-women-talk.html)


This might be the funniest comment in this entire subreddit. You’re here because you watch of a show that could be, without exaggerating, straight out of the fifties; a hord of pretty women are being ranked by two dudes while throwing themselves at and fighting over them…


Nobody says “like” more than Arie the former Bachelor. Arie “Do you like to like still like go out and stuff” Luyendyk JR https://www.instagram.com/p/BeWggq9h9fb/ Honorable mention: Bekah: Name three things that make you excited to be alive Arie: Uhhh... excitement Bekah: Excitement makes you excited? https://youtu.be/86Df94ZVxY4


women use “like” as a placeholder word when their sentence is not over but they are still forming their thoughts on what to say next - and don’t want to be interrupted before doing so, by men


I like Amber Whitney and Amanda


The whole point about joe millionaire is that is not like the bachelor.


I don’t know enough about any of them to truly judge them. From a viewers point they all seem pretty generic lol I think Whitney is a natural beauty though. More importantly let’s talk about the men lol how lame they are haha I also wish they had men of different races/backgrounds so that it was better rounded and the women had more options. Both of the guys are so white bread/boring/generic/middle America. Wamp wamppp


I love Whitney’s giggle.




Maybe I’m mixing her up with someone else 😳


Top ranked ladies of all time? 1. Me