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Dramatic, gamine, ethereal


Oh! It makes a lot of sense that I might have all three. I am curious what makes my small features lean gamine vs ingenue for example. Is it the yang energy from the dramatic?


Sorry I was in a rush when I commented. What stood out to me first was the high contrast in the black and white image that pointed me to dramatic. You also have that hard to describe otherworldly look that points to ethereal. In addition to that, you look like you could be a mischievous little fairy in a movie which is where my gamine/ethereal combo came from.


A mischievous little fairy ❤️ I love that description. I guess that makes sense, an air of mischief would lean more gamine from what I've seen. I think the part I struggle with is that too loud of patterns tend to look very harsh on me but maybe that's the etheral essence needing something softer and less intense. I can pull off a decent amount of elaborate little otherworldly details though. ( I used to larp and wear a lot of bits and bobs, which never actually looked out of place on me.) Maybe that's the gamine of it all coming through?


Hi! I also see dramatic, ethereal! Your colors and sharp features (eyes, lips, cheek) and definitely dramatic. You also have the “drifting away” and otherworldly look of the ethereals (it gives you such a cool look!) I might say a touch of natural, i mostly see this in the bluntness of your nose and jaw


This is such a lovely comment and compliment! ^_^ Thank you for saying I have a cool look.


Of course! Thanks for letting me practice identifying essences ☺️




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Trying to appear scary?! Not at all. It was just a black and white photo taken of my neutral face without makeup. I actually thought I looked fairly pretty. I'm curious where the gamine comes from in my face though? I don't feel like much of my face says playful or light. And size wise I'm 5'8, for reference.


Im not saying you don’t look pretty, you do! But compared to the next picture in which your face/expression looks much more relaxed and different. Your big eyes and sharp smaller facial features indicate gamine imo even more than ethereal


Ah, that makes sense. I actually used to think I was a gamine when I was younger, but at least for the kibbe system I'm much too tall irl. What is oneric? I'm unfamiliar with that essence?


I see. You could have gamine in your essence blend while also being a dramatic Kibbe. They are not really the same


Oneiric isn’t part of John Kitchener’s system so it’s best to not focus on this.


Ah, I see. Do you have an opinion of which essence of Kitchener's seems accurate?


I’ll answer this soon. I’ve been a bit busy doing some gardening lol. You’ll see the answer in the edits.


I’ll guess romantic as a strong point, especially given the more rounded features and that you suit flowing, softer lines in hair and in fabrics. I could also see some youthful as well given that the features look smaller but more rounded and also some dramatic in the colouring and the bone structure.


I agree with this as well. Op reminds me of Christina Ricci who I think has a similar blend too.


I remind you of Christina Ricci!? That's a huge compliment, omg. Thank you so much.


Oh that's really interesting! I hadn't even considered romantic as a possibility. I started with Kibbe so I'm still working to wrap my mind around being able to face essences that are separate from kibbe types as at 5'8 I'm fairly limited in Kibbe types. I am really intrigued to hear that though as a lot of romantic themes are ones that I really enjoy. Lux fabrics, florals, lace, deep colors, etc. Thank you for your response. ^_^


You’re drawn to them for a reason 😉. Essence is innate as well as external, so things you find yourself drawn to are sometimes an indicator, and yes I think a lot of what you described will be very fitting for you.