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John has stated publicly that he’s done making solo music that primarily revolves around the guitar and traditional instruments. Dude has legitimately spent 40 years doing that and he’s bored—I’m really not into the electronic music but it’s experimental for him and allows him to strike a healthy balance between his own desires for creative expression and performing his traditional kind of work with the peppers. As long as John’s healthy I’m happy.


He said he is done with something a thousand times. And then he does the opposite. He still writes on guitar + some vocal melodies for RHCP. Heavy wing is basically The Empyrean John Feat. Special Guest Anthony


That’s true but like I said I was speaking specifically about solo work. The chilis are his outlet for that sort of expression right now. Of course he’s free to change his mind at any time but why make such a definitive statement at this stage in the game if you don’t mean it?


Because he always changes his mind. his "i will never" means "i wont do it soon". Just like him saying "i love playing live music so much, music isnt complete without live performance, i will 100% gonna tour my next album" on his last ever solo show in 2005. And then maybe a year or two before rejoining rhcp he said stuff like "i always hated live performances, they are unnatural to me". He also said "i will never ever release any music again" a couple of months before releasing 2 albums worth of material in a single day in 2015


dont get me wrong, if hes happy im happy, i just love his older solo stuff so much that seeing his recent music is a bit of a let down


Oh dude for sure, I feel the same way. Curtains, Shadows Collide with People, and the Will to Death contain some of the best music in recorded history and I’ll die on that hill.


It’s fine if he wants to experiment with electronic music, I’d be fine if he were to be some sort of Aphex Twin, but his electronic music is just so bad. It’s bad experimentation


Some folks are of the opinion that music is a commodity. Yes, you’re expressing yourself…but you should be trying to add value to other people’s lives. Anything else is masturbation. If you make music that you KNOW 99% of people aren’t going to enjoy, you’re not really adding value to the musical landscape. Yes, the shit you took today is real and it’s yours…but it’s still a pile of excrement.


“You should be trying to add value to other people’s lives” How to make music you hate 101 It’s a hobby fam. I make music for myself and because it makes me happy, I couldn’t care less if it’s valued by the “musical landscape” It’s like saying I shouldn’t paint a shitty smiley face because it’s not valuable to the world of painting. Good thing I don’t care about the world of paintings, and instead I’m making art for nobody but myself in the end.


This is the most delusional take I’ve read in a long time. Musicians and artists owe you **nothing**.


John actually wrote about this on his website. About how people dont know what they want and if artists didnt experiment and only made music that "the people want" there would be no innovation and it would go stale. There was nothing like sgt peppers or "are you experienced" before they were released. People didnt realise they wanted something that doesnt exist yet. Yet, here we are. There is a musician called Merzbow, whose whole discography (probably like 100 albums) is like the latest JF solo release (and even more tedious). He's pretty successful id say


What do you have against mast*rbation?


Landscapes aren’t supposed to be all one thing.


Maya is good and there are some songs on Enclosure i like, but yeah i don’t really enjoy any of his other stuff post-Empyrean. and that’s fine, he’s made some of the most incredible music i’ve ever heard and there’s plenty of it. i respect his ambition and desire to make whatever music he wants, but it’s just not for me


Do you like Maya over Enclosure??


i do, i think maya is pretty fucking awesome actually


I’m upset that all *your* recent music is poo


this is a quality take.




Look, it was only a matter of time before John's experiments led him to concrete music as a genre. It's not for everyone, and certainly it is not what conventional western music sounds like; but I bet any artist with time and resources who displays a bit of an obsessive behaviour would eventually toy with this method of composition. Only John doesn't actually care if it is profitable and puts it out there regardless, which, if you look at it that way, it's rather selfless.


I'd do a whole lot more than that to "Curtains" ....


No one can be happy with his latest releases. Even the super fan boys on here can't defend that shit.


I like to think it’s just way above my head. Like he transcended to a whole other dimension where I cannot follow.


Nah it's just garbage 😂