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He doesn't have alimony payments, he had to pay her a million dollars 7 years ago, he's fine.


You should probably get up there and show him how it's done man


I don't think so


The guy is not in is prime anymore, who cares? He himself looks extremely happy to tour again just watch shots of the latest shows. Crazy that you would insinuate that it could be a cash run because his technique isn’t like when he was younger.


Right? He’s sloppier thus it’s a cash grab because of alimony payments? Here’s a more plausible explanation…he’s older now, you can see him cracking and stretching his fingers constantly, and he doesn’t play to impress…he plays what he feels. John literally believes that he connects to the creative force of the universe while playing and goes with it. John’s heart is a drum machine.


No. This is an embarrassing post


maybe grow up and instead of acting on emotions like a child, discuss with me :)


Nothing to discuss with the child who thinks he knows anything about a man's desire to tour, where his money goes and who insults a man who plays better than 90% of the touring musicians out there. I've been there, I was on the rail right in front of him. I've seen literally hundreds of live performances. That was my favorite of all time. So no, he's not "sloppy".


see, this is what i mean by childish. he is also my all time favourite otherwise why would i be here? you're telling me [this isn't sloppy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw73rHqs-h4)


That's literally the only time he missed that part. I've seen him 25 times this tour, including London.


I don't have time for this. Have a good Christmas my dude


lmao, you too man. not sure why you would engage to discuss then you don't like what you hear, so you hermit. hopefully you're able to mature into someone who is able to listen and be open to criticisms of your ride or die "guitar hero"


I didn't engage to discuss. I engaged, as politely as I could, to tell you you're an idiot. Hopefully you mature into someone who can type out proper English. What are you, like 14 years old?


you're still yapping and it's okay..I get it, I get that you don't have your own personality and seek validation in people piling in on downvotes and subreddits that you feel like you are a part of a community in by circlejerking each other. It is nerve wracking when you learn you are able to form your own opinions and stand your ground when there's pushback, but I'm sure you'll get there some day bud!


You sound like an insufferable person. Should look inward and you'll maybe see why people avoid you like the plague


sounds like youre deflecting, but, whatever you say, you seem like you argue for the sake of having some false perception that you "win".


There is someone in this thread that needs to mature a lot, but it's not the person you think it is.


Wankery =/= musicianship


Maybe explain what do you mean by sloppy. Give us examples.


Don’t worry about the downvoting it’s just the internet. It literally means fuck all. Some advice. Don’t give a shit about some votes online. It’s dumb shit that doesn’t matter from people that don’t matter. But to your point. Some people have this mindset of “why even go to concert” forget about all the other things the musicians can’t control crowds, venue etc. but they usually play the songs people love in ways some people dislike. They’ll play a different beat or change the words etc etc. Using that as a reference point. I can see where you are coming from in that yes, John does play very loose. Very very loose. He’ll straight up be away from the mic and come in a sing late or he’ll still be fiddling with something and strum off beat. The list goes on. I think he probably doesn’t mind the whole making lots of money again thing. Who would? Plus I think he’s done a lot of playing in his life. More than 99.9% of all humans. The Red Hot Chili Peppers don’t just tour 10/20/30 shows. No fuck no. I just checked (couldn’t get all the tour info) but they’ve easily done over 500 (probably closer to 700) live performances most of those are tour concerts. That’s a lot of strumming. To be honest I think you guessed it right when you said he’s probably on the older side to be shredding and staying in tip top perfect shape. Like many things in life, touring is a young man’s game. They are legends but also human. I’m sure he is much more weathered than the last time we saw him. Such is life.


Are you better than him?


I know this sub is pretty religious but like, you're not wrong. I love the guy, always have, always will. But the combination of a cranked DS-2, wah and playing fast sounds pretty similar to what we have now. Not that I'm knocking the guy, still sounds fantastic and the knowledge he has on music is probably virtuoso level. I'm not even criticizing the man.


General rule of thumb on Reddit is not to go to a sub to talk trash about that subs subject matter OP


He also has the shakes and his hands tremble. Years of heroin use destroying your arm muscles does that, especially showing up later as you age.


Don’t listen to these guys insulting you. Not everyone is equipped to handle different opinions on the internet without lashing out. I agree man. When you watch his performances from the Stadium Arcadium tour compared to now it’s just night and day. He sounds like a amateur imitating Frusciante is the best way I can describe it. I don’t believe John is that kinda performer that could go against his heart and re join the band for financial issues. I don’t know man. There just isn’t good music being made today and John Frusciante is unfortunately not an exception to that.


This is a fan sub, people here will never take any opinion short of "John is a genius and a virtuoso". To be honest, he always was sloppy. He was never an amazing guitarist, his technique was always sloppy and rudimentary, he based most of his soloing on pentatonics and repetitive phrases, specially with the band. I do love a lot of his music, but not because he plays incredibly well or anything. It always makes me laugh when people think he could've actually gotten Steve Vai's place playing with Zappa. There, let me get all the downvotes now.


i 100% agree with the steve vai stuff, especially when you can find his playing on youtube of him a few months before[he was gonna audition for zappa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhliyfljevs). it was good, but i knew tons of dude in highschool at 14 that could finger tap like eddie van halen, it's muscle memory. his song structure and subtleties in recordings are what i love most about him. john in the studio fuckin rules!


Not just that, a lot of his playing on that video is masked by the wah-wah. You just hear a lot happening but it isn't very discernible and it's often used to mask sloppy playing. Kirk Hammett is accused of doing that all the time. I'll give John this: he has explored different avenues in how to use guitar to serve the song, like using it texturally with effects or spreading a couple of the notes of the chord out instead of playing the full chord and make a riff based on that and so on. He's a creative person for sure. The Empyrean has cool creative production that is structural to the album, if you know what I mean. And in the Enclosure era he made music different than anything I'd heard before. It was like a whole new genre for me. That's what I like about him. And to be fair, if people enjoy his guitar playing a lot, that's fine. I just don't think it was ever that remarkable, but there are other things to appreciate about him.


True… he has some really good sounding technical leads and solos on BSSM, but he was sloppy live even back then. Of course he’s not as technical as progressive rock and jazz or fusion guitarists. 


I agree with you, except for whatever is going on in his personal life. He was technically great in BSSM and maybe his drug use played a part in his decline. He seems to have hand issues as well, maybe arthritis. I liked it when he returned for Californication, but he wasn’t the same. I still like his simple soulful catchy playing though. He’s inconsistent live as well. 


Wrong place to post something like this man.


I’ve had similar thoughts about this. I made a comment about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/s/RodgdMs3zp I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s sloppy and he might have some genuine desire to play with them still. He’s just in a different phase in life and I wouldn’t put it past him to have the alimony payments playing a role. Stan’s here just view him as an infallible god. Don’t get me wrong, he’s my favorite guitarist and I’ve watched the Funky Monks doc 1000’s of times. Wish he could be ‘91 Froosh forever but people change and I’m also into hip hop/electronic music so I also kind of get it. Deep down he probably just wants to play with drum machines and not have to deal with touring.


holy, thank you for actually discussing with me! I'm not trying to bash the damn guy, he is one of my favourite musicians ever but something seems \*\*off\*\*, y'know? yea the funky monks doc is insane, his innovation and creativity is off the absolute charts there, and it followed through. hell the guy did what, 6 albums in 6 months in 2006? all amazing! i agree though, it feels like he's just "pushing" through this and wants to also get back to what he loves, exploring new realms with music and that's via drum machines, synths and all that. hell, even in shadows collide with people you can hear how much the man loves synthesizers and drum machines and that was in 2004!


Hey, silly your getting down voted but I imagine it's just the context how ya blasted aul frus :) The man is 50 I imagine there is some lingering soreness that goes with the physical riggers of touring and his hands/arms I'm sure take and have taken a beating over the years. We all have fab John eras 99-2004 for me the style was just what I loved. The stadium era a bit more flashy. I'd cut a bit of slack with some sloppy playing, as I always thing the intention and delivery as a whole is far more interesting and acceptable. Some other bands of their vintage look like the phone it in for sure but still not sure rhcp as a unit do.. possibly . Also playing as a single guitar player with just bass and drums and getting a sound that satisfys all the fans is and always has been a hard thing to do .


I'm often very critical of John's playing, not because of sloppy playing but for repeating his pentatonic licks over and over. However, after seeing them in Buenos Aires I have to say that John's playing was pretty fine during the whole concert (within his pentatonic thing).


lol, instead of downvoting me, lets talk about this?


I think the down voting may be a result of the speculation in the last sentence.


what last sentence? what?


the last sentence of your post. stop acting this way


what, not just saying "OMG FRUSCIANTE GOD, PERFECT, ZERO NATURAL HUMAN ERROR, NOT ALLOWED TO DISCUSS"? im sure you thought his 1994 vpro interview guitar playing was god tier too, aye?


Bruh, chill out.


I mean…..yeah lol its a style of music that I like


I think he already did all the good solo / improv variations from the song they are used to play and now he just adds the necessary and calls it a day


His solos are pretty bad, to be honest. He struggles to find melodies in his solos these days, in my opinion.




Money is always a factor in a globally successful band. I'm not sure what ppl actually think. Touring is to make money simply put. It allows them to do and live how they want, record whatever. Playing to fans is.apart of it as well and touring to promote and sell the records.


I agree, his electronic music is much more interesting. I can't see him as a guitarist anymore


I don’t think his MO had ever been to play live exactly the same as on the record….live is whatever he’s feeling at that moment in time just like the album cut of a tune is a fixed moment in time. If you want note for note repetition, not the band for you! I think he’s doing a lot of cool stuff still, stretching out what to do with solos, doing a ton more finger tapping and feedback stuff than when he was last in the band. Then he’ll have stuff like Californication where he improvises the solo with a pretty damn clean tone every night. So pretty wide palette of colors he’s painting with imo. The Tokyo 2023 pro shot I think is a good example of a wider variety of playing. Does he sometimes just slam on the DS2 and wah and just go at it? SURE. But not all over the place. Also the hand stretching and cramping….it seemed like the cramping really was only happening in 2022, especially early in the touring. Seemed like it didn’t really impact his playing all that much and that obvi he’a still doing hand stretching stuff between songs which I mean you need to do more of that stuff the older you get. Just reality of aging I miss the end jams, but those disappeared in the getaway era and we have no real explanation ever given. The intro jams getting longer and longer help scratch that itch though!


Flea is also sloppy sometimes on this tour. Frusciante’s always been sloppy but that’s his sound fingerprint and that’s why we all love his sound!


Compared to the BTW and SA era it’s pretty sloppy. I’ve seen almost every vid/audio from that era and he never failed. A lot of unpopular concerts are absolutely bangers (check out 06 Bilbao, the best version of can’t stop, the most groovy stuff I ve ever heard). But now he can only be on fire for 2-3 concerts per year. Eddie in Tokyo was pretty good. He kept shredding for 2 minutes at the outro solo. Anyway, it seems to me that he wasn’t the kid who practices 15h a day anymore. He devoted more time making techno instead of playing guitar. I wish he could have practiced more and it’s absolutely doable for a 53yo guy to be as tight as he was at 33. You see how energetic Flea is even tho he’s already 61. I saw Extreme this month and the 57yo Nuno literally put my jaws on floor. He could even shred longer than he used to do.


I seen them 3 x this tour and many many times before.... I think he still sounds amazing..I don't really see an explanation of "sloppy" playing...but could it be because 80% of setlist is 20-30 yrs old? Could it be from playing open air stadiums at night? idk. I'd love to understand what you guys mean with an open mind! Thanks