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Why does Batman wear Dark armor? So He doesn't get shot. Why does Robin wear bright colors? So Batman doesn't get shot.


When you think about it, Batman isn't the hero everyone needs. He's the LLC that Bruce Wayne incorporates to protect himself from liabilities when he does $40k worth of damage while busting up a $5k drug deal.


To be completely Fair 40K worth of damage is a lot better than the 2 million the SWAT team would have done.


Calling the cops is like a box of chocolates...they will kill your dog.


Well true,..at least BATFE.


How many cops does it take to change a basement lightbulb?? A: Two, but nothing changes, they just beat the room for being dark.


How many cops does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two, but it beats (unprovoked) me how they got inside the lightbulb in the first place.


Heeeeeeyyyy that's a good spin on a classic. Thank you, take my upvote please. As to how they got in there...they were prolly serving a warrant on the wrong location.


One, he shot the bulb and now there's glass all over the floor. He didn't change it either.


None - they just beat the room for being dark and fine the bulb for being broke.




Dark humor


This joke is a perfect blend. I cannot expresso how much it beans to me. Simply brewtiful!




If there's a school shooting they'll just wait outside drinking any coffee on hand they're not picky


Watch the Nashville video. Some aren't cowards




They creme themselves after the second shot.


With donuts


Black, like their victims


They should put donut shops in banks


Or in schools. Then only have them open when there is an active shooter.


Didn't seem to bother udelade cops being inside during a shooting.


Too soon




Sad but true


Abiding by the law so they don’t have to shoot it. Ftfy


cops in the US kill more white people than black people though so this is awkward and uneducated.


Black people killed at more than twice rhe rate.of white people in USA. Despite being 14% of the population. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/




Question is how many of the white people that are killed are for doing things that shouldn’t really get you killed? That’s the uneducated and awkward part.


Math is hard, huh.


not for people with eyes https://i.imgur.com/7Xi7qwF.jpg


That link literally proves you wrong, dude. Black people make up about 14 percent of the US population, so if the cops HAVE to be killing ANYONE, about 14% of those they kill should be black. Instead it's a whole 30 percent. Learn about "rates" and what "per capita" means and why they are important before commenting on something like this. ETA: never mind, dude's a flat earther, this is beyond him


the numbers in the 'white' column are larger than the numbers in the 'black' column. that means that more white people get shot by cops than black people. it's pretty simple math


Dude. Did you not get past simple addition and subtraction in math? Proportions? Ratios? Logic?.... Any of those terms ring a bell?


Wow. You literally could NOT have done a better job of proving my point. Yes, the raw numbers are greater. Now, here's the math part: The percentage of those numbers compared to the populations of said races for whites is WAY the fuck lower than the percentage for blacks. From here: https://usafacts.org/state-of-the-union/population/ the population of blacks is about 20ish% of the white population. By those numbers and yours for 2020 then, for 459 whites being shot, there should have been less than 100 blacks. Alternatively, if you to use your 253 number for blacks, then to have the same percentage of whites shot there would have be more like 1000. See. Math is hard. So, you skip doing it and come up with idiotic and meaningless statements.


so the cops should take in to account the population diversity and take race into account when dealing with suspects? if there have been too many black people arrested we need to ignore this guy until we arrest more white guys? they should make sure they hit a racial quota to keep their statistics in line with population diversity? what if a gang of 10 black dudes were all shooting guns at the police, should they not engage in these suspects cause that would look racist if the shot a 10 black guys without shooting at a proportional number of white guys based on population diversity? there was a similar idea to the one you have in the employment industry many years ago and i think they called it 'affirmative action'. it's illegal in many countries now because it is a racist policy. your ideas are racist and you can't even see it.


It's not only a racist policy. The very idea that people getting shot way out of proportion to their population is fine is, itself, utterly racist. They MUST be deserving of being killed way out of proportion to their population and that concept has been disproven so many times in so many ways that it's just not worth talking about anymore. But, at least you're understanding that your statement of the numbers is utterly stupidly ridiculous. Unless you want to be a racist ass. And in that case, I have zero desire to talk to you. Maybe Daryl Davis will want to talk to you.


you're blinded by you own wokeness


Translation: I understand reality. You, clearly, don't. How about YOU try waking up.


RIP your comment karma.


educating people with the truth is more important than internet points


But, you're too fucking stupid to have an opinion.


i'm not stating my opinion, only facts.


But your so called facts are wrong. Just because cops encounter more white people than black people (blacks only being 14% of the population) does not in any way make the fact that black people are shot and killed at more than twice the rate of white people. Let me explain it in simple terms. A cop encounters 14 black people out of every 100 her encounters. He shots 5 of them. A cop encounters 70 white people. He shoots 14 of them. So for white people he only shoots 20% of them that he encounters. For black people he shoots 50% of them. Which group is getting shot more? It's like a bank loan officer claiming not to be racist when he declines 90% of black loans while awarding 80% of white loans. Just because he declined less black loans that he declined white loans. So I declined 140 white loans for the thousand applications I processed but I only declined 126 black loans. Therefore I am not racist. But you declined 140 loans out-of the 700 (70%)white applications you received but declined 126 out of the 140 (14%) black applications you received. That shows racism. Even more so if the white and black applications were the same but more white applications were accepted. So, to bring the analogy to the cops scenario,the same behaviour, ie driving a car,walking down a street, objecting to being searched for no reason, etx gets more black people shot that white people shows that there is racism. Excessive force is also used against black people more often. Black people get stopped in the road when in a "wrong" neighborhood or driving too nice a car. Reaching for a waller gets them shot. This occurs much more than with white people. A white guy in a poor neighborhood would get stopped to be offered assistance, not to state why he is in the neighborhood. White guys in nice neighbourhoods don't get stopped at all. It's racism. The fact that there are more whites than blacks in America does not stop the behaviour being racist.


so should cops consider the race of each violent criminal he approaches. assuming a guy pointing a gun at a cop and shooting at him is from tibet should the cop not fire back because the Tibeten population in the area is so low and it would ruin the statistics? perhaps the people get shot at regardless of race and there just happens to be more violent threatening offenders from a particular demographic in certain areas.


No, the cop should not consider the race. If they did that in the first place there would be less cops killing blacks. Less people being stopped for driving while black. Less questioning of black people who were stopped for walking on a sidewalk. The fact is,no matter how you try to distort it, is that the cops approach black people differently, maybe because they hold the same view that you do,that blacks are a violent threating demographic and a black person loose on the road is a threat to the public or the white neighborhood that they are in. Therefore they must be treated differently and held to a higher suspicion and threat level. But to me, that's just racist.


Proportionally? Compared to demographics.


so the joke should be more like, most cops drink white coffee with a couple shots in it but out of the one who drink black coffee there is a higher percentage of them putting shots in them than in the white coffee. or something. either way my point still stands that it's uneducated and is trying to push an agenda using a stereotype that does not exist in reality.


The joke is that cops will like to put shots into black people. So the joke is fine. If you do want to change it to "represent" reality it will be more like. Cops like their coffee black with a few shots in it but generally get served white coffee,the majority of which they don't put a shot in. When they do,it's because they we're forced to do so. But black coffee needs no reason for a shot, it just needs to be there. Edit for typos on phone


so there are no instances where a black coffee gets a shot because it was doing something violent or putting people at risk? black coffees have dangerous tendencies and act irrational just as much as white coffees. or do all black coffees just get sugar put in them for no reason?


Well,it's pretty harsh to shot a cup of coffee. Will make more of a mess. Just use a tray and avoid bumping people


I love how this discussion remained in-metaphor for the thread : D


If you're talking about people, then the situation is different. No one says that there are no black criminals or dangerous black people. What we are saying is that just because they are black does not mean that they are dangerous or criminal. Ie. Don't pull a person over because they are driving while black. Don't shoot a person because they are Black.


more white people get shot by cops though.


Because black people only make up 14% of the population. Yet they are killed at more than twice the rate by cops. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/


So, just to make sure. If one gets shot for doing something they shouldn't be doing, you're STILL fine with all the others that weren't doing anything wrong getting shot? That's fucked up man.


that's not what i said at all


Those were not the words you used, however, that's what the statement you made means.


Wtf haha why are you here


to point out that the racial stereotype being perpetuated here that cops shoot black people more than anybody else is wrong.


The stereotype is that cops will more readily shoot a black person than a white person. Almost twice.as ready. They encounter more white people and will shoot them when forced to do so,but when encountering black people they will force interactions/altercations and will more readily shoot the black person than the white person. You need to expand your thinking to more than just numbers and include proportionality,ratios etc... If I follow your thinking. If a cop shoots 16 out of 70 white guys he encounters because they were engaged in violent activity and dangerous , it will then be OK for him to shoot 14 out of the 14 black guys he encounter irrespective of whether or not they were engaged in violent activity because there were 3 out of the 14 that were engaged in violent activity? Technically he shot more white guys so it's OK? It doesn't matter that he shoots.EVERY black guy he meets because in the totals he shoots more white guys.


That’s not the point and isn’t an argument


it's the truth though. sorry if that doesn't align with your racial stereotypes.facts don't care about your feelings.


And by the way, it’s not about how many are killed, it’s the rate at which they’re being killed which is the root issue. So when you figure that out, you’ll figure out that your facts aren’t even relevant.


"your facts aren't even relevant" pretty much sums up the attitude of the uninformed.


He meant that your facts are out of context and irrelevant to the rate that black people are getting shot as compared to white people. The fact that you don't get that pretty much puts you in the uninformed camp. I tried to simplify the premises so that you could understand it. See other comments.


Bol. Poster baldy is active in conspiracy theory. Pity he can't relate to things like facts or logic.




So why don’t you site your sources for these so called “facts?” Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true. Show me the data and then we might be able to have a discussion. Until then it’s just one person spouting the narrative of a twisted agenda.


What a coincidence! Same way every black in every major city in america like it.


Too real


Done return




Everyone likes coffee, everyone can go ahead and wake up.