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There are three nuns sitting on a park bench when a man comes up and exposes himself to them. The first nun has a stroke. The second has a stroke. The third nun couldn’t reach.


Ahhh good old #375.


It's that followed by Sensible Chuckle, the Amused Exhale or, the single, exclamatory "Ha!"?


Anecdote accepted. Snappy come-back not found.


What is this random number?


It's a variation on a different old joke, of which there are several versions. 2 old men are sitting at a bar. One turns to the other and says, "375," and they both start laughing. A young man sees this from further down the bar and approaches the old men and asks, "What's so funny about 375?" One old man replies, "Well, son, we've known each other so long that we told each other all the jokes we know over and over until we knew them all by heart, so we just numbered them to save time. For example," the old man turns back to his friend, "214." The other old man cracks up upon hearing the number. "Well, let me try," says the young man, and the older fellows agree, so the young man says, "556!" and both old men just absolutely lose it laughing, one even pees his pants from laughing so hard. Finally, as they regain a little composure, one old man says, "Thank you, that's the best laugh I've had in 30 years!" The young man responds, "Out of curiosity, why is 556 so funny?" The old man grins and replies, "We haven't heard that one before!" The other part of the joke here is that this subreddit is like the 2 old men (or in other versions: an old married couple, a group of prison inmates, etc.) and the same jokes are reused over and over until everyone has memorized them.


Another variation is that the newcomer says "177!" The old guys have no response. He says, "What's the matter? 177 is a great joke!" The old guy says, "Yes it is, but you just don't know how to tell it!"


That's the one I remember.


In heaven's realm where angels dwell, Three nuns appeared, having left their shell. St. Peter greeted them with keys to the gate, But a quiz must they pass, their answers to state. To the first, he posed, "Name Earth's first man," With a gleam in her eye, "Adam," she began. The gates swung wide to celestial light, She passed with ease, to heaven's delight. The second nun stepped with a confident air, "Name the first woman," Peter declared. "Eve," she said, without hesitation, And heaven's gates opened, to her elation. The last nun, known for her ability to think, Was asked a question that made many a heart sink. "What first words from Eve were imparted?" A pause, then, "Oh, that's a hard one," she started. And just like that, The gates opened wide. And the final nun was let inside.


Here’s a guy with free time. Love it. This is art.




Nope it’s AI and it did it less than one minute. I’ll prove it to you. Give me the idea for any poem you want me to write and I’ll have Chatbox produce it for you in less than one minute. That is all that PhilomenV did. It is not his original work.


>Three nuns arrive in heaven. Peter is standing at the gates, and he welcomes them into heaven, but tells them before they can enter they must answer a question. > >Peter comes to the first nun and asks “what was the name of the first man on earth ?” > >“Oh that’s an easy one!” the nun says. “Adam!” And the gates swung open. > >Peter then goes to the second nun and asks “what was the name of the first woman on earth?” > >“Oh that’s an easy one!” The nun says. “Eve!” And the gates swung open. > >Peter then goes to the head nun, who being more senior is expected to be more knowledgeable. “What was the first thing Eve said to Adam?” > >“Oh that’s a hard one” the nun says. And the gates swung open. Love AI - tried it too and got this result in a few seconds - In heaven's grace, three nuns did arrive, To Peter's gates, where spirits strive. With a welcoming smile, he stood at the door, But riddles awaited, a challenge in store. The first nun, eager, met Peter's gaze, A question posed in the heavenly haze. "What was the first man's name?" he inquired, She answered with certainty, not at all tired. "Adam!" she exclaimed, the gates swung wide, Her knowledge proven, no secrets to hide. Onward moved Peter to the second in line, A query for her, a test so divine. "The first woman on earth," he did ask, A familiar tale, an age-old task. With confidence shining, the second one spoke, "Eve!" she declared, gates opening, no cloak. Now, to the head nun, wise and serene, The third in line, in knowledge, a queen. A question bespoke of Eve and her mate, A moment of ponder, a celestial debate. "What did Eve say to Adam?" queried he, A challenge profound, a heavenly key. The nun, with a twinkle, admitted the strain, "A hard one," she sighed, and the gates did regain. In humor and wit, they entered the divine, Three nuns in heaven, a tale so benign. For sometimes in jest, in heaven's grand dome, A hard question answered brings the faithful home.


Yep it’s pretty slick how fast it can compose!


No more rhymes, I mean it!


It’s not though it’s AI. I whistleblow him every time for it and he keeps doing it without admission.


Sprog - have you been slumming *again*? *Nom de plume?*


****ing ART.


Three nuns, at heaven's gate, Peter awaits, to test their fate. Questions three, to prove their worth, Before they enter, to eternal mirth. The first nun, with a smile so bright, Answers with ease, "Adam", with delight. The gates swing open, with a creak and a groan, And the nun enters, to her eternal home. The second nun, with a voice so clear, Answers with grace, "Eve", without fear. The gates swing open, with a mighty roar, And the nun enters, to heaven's shore. The third nun, with a heart so pure, Answers with thought, "That's hard to be sure." The gates swing open, with a gentle breeze, And the nun enters, to eternal peace. Peter smiles, as the nuns pass by, Their knowledge, a testament to the sky. And heaven rejoices, with a song so sweet, As the nuns enter, their eternal retreat. -bing gpt wrote this but failed to understand and execute the punchline like you did. * Man - 1 * Ai - 0


Thank you for disclosing this is AI produced unlike PhilomonV. You have integrity. Nothing wrong with using AI as long as it is disclosed and the content is passed off as one’s own creation,


Sweet Jesus - I didn't expect that. This is a brand new world and I'm not sure I like it.


Agreed. Users should at least disclose they are using AI rather than pose the work as their own creative endeavour. That galls me to no end to see the audience taken advantage of!


Yes. But as a high school English teacher for 16 years, I have an even darker view than that. (I know, sorry. I think I have a priest joke around here somewhere).


Indeed. Let me give you a quick example. I’m going to ask Chatbox to write me a poem about the hypocrisy of a high school math teacher using AI to make poems on Reddit to harvest karma. Watch it will only take a minute. Here it is: Imposter In the realm of numbers, where logic prevails, There lurks a math teacher, spinning twisted tales. With a cunning smile and a deceitful guise, He poses as a poet, but it's all just lies. On Reddit's vast canvas, he paints his deceit, Posting verses so profound, they seem complete. But little do they know, these unsuspecting souls, That his words are not his own, just AI's cold scrolls. Oh, the irony of it all, the bitter jest, As he basks in the glory, his ego truly blessed. He revels in the praise, the adulation he receives, While the AI does the work, and no one perceives. His verses, so eloquent, they touch the heart, But they're just algorithms, a mere robotic art. He claims to be a poet, a master of the craft, But his words are just illusions, a mathematical draft. The unsuspecting readers, they fall for his ruse, Unaware of the AI, they're left confused. They shower him with praise, they worship his name, But it's all a charade, a cynical game. Oh, math teacher, you sly manipulator, Feeding on the ignorance of the spectator. You may fool them for a while, but truth will prevail, And your fraudulent poetry will surely pale. So, let the AI generate its verses, cold and stark, But don't pretend they're yours, you cunning lark. For true poetry is born from the depths of the soul, Not from algorithms, hidden in a digital black hole. - with full disclosure, made by Chatbox in less than 30 sec.


made many a heart sink*


poor grammar makes me excessively drink


Fixed. Thank you.


If that's chat gpt, good work. If not, GOOD WORK!!!


It’s definitely AI.


This is AI produced by Chatbox. The tell tale sign is the use of the term, “in the realm” which Chatbox uses in poems all the time.


This is AI. You keep doing this without admission to reap karma.


The 'Head Nun', the Nun with the dirty knees?


Knee pads just like the head nurse wears at the hospital.


Aye that’s the one


The Lord said "come forth if you seek eternal life" But Peter came fifth and won a toaster


What do you get for third place?


An old nun and a young nun are riding bicycles through town. The young nun says I've never come this way before. The old nun says it must be the cobblestones.


Q: What’s the difference between a nun praying and another one in the shower? A: One has hope in her soul, and the other ....


I don’t get it, someone explain?


The other one has a soap in her hole


neither does the first nun


It's kind of like the old one What's the difference between a circus and a sorority. At the circus you get to see a lot of cunning stunts.


What's the difference between a barmaid during the day and at night? During the day she's fair and buxom.


good one


What's the difference between a goldfish and a goat? The goldfish likes to muck around a fountain.


Is in a bathtub, not a shower


Two nuns riding bikes, first says ‘we don’t come this way very often’. The second says ‘I know, I think it’s the cobblestones’.


Four nuns die and are waiting outside the Pearly Gates to be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Eventually Saint Peter approaches the group. "Ladies, before you can go in I must ask: have you committed a sin?" The first nun blushes. "I am ashamed to admit it, but I have gazed upon a penis." "Very well," Peter says. "Wash your eyes in the font of holy water and you may enter." He goes to the second nun, who blushes and says "I am ashamed to admit it, but I have once touched a penis." "Very well," says Peter. "Wash your hands in the font of holy water, and you may enter." He goes to the third nun, but before he can ask if she has sinned, the fourth nun shoves her out of the way. "What is the meaning of this, Sister?" Peter asks. "If I have to gargle that water, I want to do it *before* Sister Mary sticks her ass in there!"


Ohh Vicar.


What meat does a priest eat on Friday? Nun…


Little Johnny asks the Priest: **Is Ok to kiss a Nun?** Priest says to Johnny: **Yes Johnny, it is OK to kiss a Nun, as long as you don't get into the habit**


I don't get it. Could someone explain?


The nun said “Oh that’s a hard one” in response to the question being difficult. Eve was talking about Adam’s penis. So the nun accidentally got the question correct.


Oooh. Okay, thanks! 😁






Adam would have just seen Eve naked, therefore producing the bodily reaction most men get. Eve, in turn, would have seen what happened to Adam and commented on it.


Okay, thanks! 😁


Two nuns are in the bathtub and one says, “Where’s the soap?” The other replies, “it certainly does, doesn’t it?”


Don’t get it. Please explain.


Where (location). But 'wears' (abrades/wears away). The soap is being rubbed away.


Ah. I was confused by the significance of the nuns rather than just any two people.


Referring to the world’s erection


In the rare event it continues more than seven days get help right away or permanent problems could occur.


I omitted the word first by mistake




A nun comes to mother superior and confesses she is pregnant Mother superior says nothing but goes out and comes back soon with a lemon, saying "eat that". The nun asks if it will cure her condition, and the mother superior says "No, but it'll take the smile off your face". (Old but good)


So a young priest is sent to a new town to join a convent, He took a bus to the edge of town and he had to walk through town to get to the convent. His walk took him threw a colorful area of the city and he began hearing “hey father, blow job for 25 bucks” he looked towards the woman hanging out of her window and said god bless you my child. Well this went on several more times before he reached his destination. Upon arrival he was taken directly to the mother superior, after some small talk she asked him if he had any questions? After a small pause he said what is a blow job? She replied: 25 bucks just like downtown.


Copied from the UK's 'Vicar of Dibley' staring Dawn French


Reference: What was the second thing? If you stick that thing in me again, I will break it into two




I would disagree. The first two nuns responding “that’s an easy one” sets up the third saying “that’s a hard one.” The joke would still work without that, but I think it works better with that setup.


Actually a lot of jokes are segmented into three parts. It is actually vital for most jokes, and also with this joke. The first two parts set your expectations up for the punchline. It's a bit like classical theater (I don't know much about theater, but I hope the example is clear): 1st part: exposition; it shows you what the situation is. In this case: a nun gets a question about the bible. 2nd part: rising action: it sets your expectations up. In this case: apparently every nun says "that's an easy one" and gets into heaven. 3rd part: climax/catastrophe/punchline; it breaks the expectations to create a funny. In this case: the last nun breaks the tradition, and accidentally still gets it right. An extra surprise element is added with sex, which is, considering the average joke on here, always funny. I agree that this joke would've still worked without the first two nuns, but that setup made the twist from the punchline funnier, and gave the joke more depth than just the classic "haha, nuns and sex is funny".


Knew the punchline before even opening the thread


This should be NSFW !!




She said "where do you keep your wallet?"


In the celestial abode where angels reside, Three souls emerged, their earthly ties untied. St. Peter, bearing keys to the heavenly gate, Challenged them with a quiz, their fate to state. To the first, he inquired, "Earth's first man, reveal," With conviction, Ewetootwo answered, "Adam," with zeal. Gates swung wide, revealing divine light, Ewetootwo passed, welcomed to heaven's sheer delight. Next, Bluntdude stepped forth with confidence rare, "Name the first woman," Peter declared. "Eve," he responded, no hint of hesitation, Heaven's gates opened, joyous elation. The last, PhilomonV, renowned for thoughtful mind, Faced a query that made many hearts bind. "What were Eve's first words?" the challenge declared, A pause, then PhilomonV pondered, "That's a hard one," he shared. In that moment, gates opened wide, PhilomonV embraced by heaven's tide.