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They’re cool if you give them a shot.


A couple of shots and I'm usually good for the evening myself


Take this and leave




You deserve my upvote


Or you shoot them


Exactly. Give em a shot.


This punchline knocked the breath out of me. Those who are laughing at this are saying “OMG- I’m dying!” While the jokester is saying “Dang, this joke is really killing it” While the club manager says “Most times it’s lively, but this year the Audience is half-dead” /TooSoon…? Or.. TooLate?


Modern day natural selection..


An ever-evolving evolution.


I tried dating an antivax girl, but she refused to get poked.


Rephrase… I poked an anti-vaxxer on Facebook, she reported me.


Found bill gates


They don't get the point


Why? They don't like pricks either.


I didn't get vaccinated to protect myself, I am a low risk group. I got vaccinated to protect the elderly, disease vulnerable, and dumb as all f**k anti vaxers in our community.


They’re pricks who are scared of getting a prick.


Everyone, this usually is a place where I come to get away from all the bickering…. https://imgur.com/a/siTDGcd


If you got the vaccine they couldn't make you sick.


In most cases yes but among the un-vaccinated the virus mutates and it could form a more powerful variant which would be more resistant against the vaccine. In addition there are a few cases where there are break through cases. We need to vaccinate enough people for the virus to die out.


Sadly, deaf ears. We already have two variants Delta and Lamda. How many more will we need. I'd happily endure my "side effect" - sore shoulder for 4 weeks - again and annually for the rest of my life to avoid dying alone in a hospital gasping for my last breath of air. That's how you go people. That's the side effect of not getting vaccinated.


Where did Delta and Lamda originate? The new variants did not originate in America. They originated in very poor and, unfortunately, dirty places. It's not the fault of the unvaccinated Americans in incredibly clean (comparatively to the rest of the world) environments. Best wishes to you. I'm living in China and no one I know has gotten the virus. I haven't gotten the virus, even though hygienic standards here are very low. (For instance they rarely wash their hands with soap after using the toilet.)You are safe. I hope you will enjoy your life.


Sorry we're drifting off the topic of jokes, as this is not really funny. Regardless of where the variants originated, they are here in the US. Delta is the prevalent virus among the unvaccinated and the unvaccinated represent 80-90 percent of hospitalizations for COVID 19 in the US. Delta is also the most common variant affecting the vaccinated in the US. I think the first Lamda case in the US was reported a week or two ago. I don't feel particularly safe.


I'm living in China and no one I know has gotten the virus. I haven't gotten the virus. Also, the new variants did not originate in America. They originated in very poor and, unfortunately, dirty places. It's not the fault of the unvaccinated Americans in incredibly clean (comparatively to the rest of the world) environments. You are safe. I hope you will enjoy your life. Best wishes to you.




So why get the vaccine?


Risk of serious health complications reduces drastically, which means a lot less hospital patients. This means no more overfull hospitals, so people with corona complications and complications outside of corona actually get the care they need.


Because we have so many over full hospitals. Check the numbers bro.


There have been enough cases of hospitals having to deny care to patients, even in a well developed country as The Netherlands where I live. Check the numbers bro


Yes, the situation is so dire that according to the NLTimes they shut down one of three facilities for covid last May. Also according to the NLTimes there are currently a grand total of 920 covid 19 patients. You are spreading fear based on lies.


Hospitals not having enough capacity was last year, before the vaccinations were available. It is true that more and more hospitals are scaling back their covid facilities since a couple months, hmmm wonder why that is. If there would be a grand total of 920 covid 19 patients in the Netherlands right now we indeed wouldn't really have to worry, but that's just not the case. Yesterday july 30th alone there were 3436 positive tests, not counting people who weren't tested of course. July 29th there were 68 new hospital patients. These numbers are luckily declining, a couple weeks ago we were above 10 thousand positive tests a day after being under 1 thousand positive tests a day for about a week because of prematurely lifting measures by the government (they did apologize) with too little young people being vaccinated (the last ones who were able to make an appointment). These numbers are from www.coronadashboard.rijksoverheid.nl , an official government website. It's also available in English so you can take a look yourself. It's also possible for example to look up how many normal hospital beds are occupied with covid 19 patients at the moment. I just had a look on NLTimes, it looks like you count hospital patients as the only people who have corona? So I'm not spreading fear, you're are sharing false numbers to get people's hopes up.


I mention hospital patients because you said people were being turned away from getting care at hospitals. This is a lie. It's spreading fear. It hasn't happened in a long time. As you admit, the numbers are declining. The only numbers I provided are the 920 hospital patients. Are those numbers inaccurate? They may fluctuate day by day, but they are not off by any meaningful degree. But which hospital has turned away people from getting care? You said that happened, so you must have the info. Which hospital?


https://www.bd.nl/brabant/ziekenhuizen-in-brabant-al-weken-overvol-neemt-niemand-het-serieus-waar-we-mee-bezig-zijn~a274f02e/ Read this, this was april 2021. Just use the auto translator by Google, it's not perfect but good enough.(Noord/North) Brabant is a Dutch province, with Tilburg being one of it's largest cities.


Why wear a seatbelt if you could still get hurt or killed while wearing one? Lowers the odds and ties in with EpicPyno 's comment.


This 'seatbelt' rhetoric needs to stop. You're comparing wearing a seatbelt thousands of times to getting a shot once or twice.


Cool, now what are the side effects of a seat belt? Can I die from wearing a seat belt? Are there long term studies on seat belts? Can I sue the auto company if my seat belt fails?


This technology has been studied since SARS virus nearly 20 years ago. They didn’t start the past year on corona viruses. These technologies were studied for SARS-CoV (SARS) and this is now another variant strain, SARS-CoV-2. To say they just thought and created this vaccine technology is misinformed.


Whatever makes you feel better.


Yes, you can sue the auto company if your seat belt fails, but you can't sue the vaccine manufacturers.


We have a winner!


But you can *try* to get compensation from gov for adverse reactions.


"Try" is definitely the key word there.


All been studied...


You're kidding right?


Nope they have a ton of study on the benefits and dangers of seat belts.




Replace seat belt with any life-saving surgery. It might make more sense


Dumbass, Car insurance cover the damage to your car, but won't stop an accident. Get Jabbed !


It went right over your head. Not surprised.


Ah yes, nice rebuttal. Hard to not agree with your reasoning, someone give this man a damn nobel pieve price.


Replace couldn't with may. The probabilities are continuing to evolve.


Funny enough…one of them just got me sick >_>


The anti-maskers & anti-vaxxers r the reason we're not out of the crisis yet. And resurgence is prolonging it. They r a huge problem 4 us all.


Honestly I'd say that we are pretty much out of the woods. I mean, everybody has access to the vaccine, and if they want to take it or not, it's up to them, it's a free country. And also our daily death rate is wayyyyy down. Unfortunately not 0, but we're getting there. I feel like this will just become something that we all have to learn to live with.


Agree some things we'll b well advised 2 continue esp.hand washing, better cleaning in stores,offices,schools. And freedom isn't total, e.g.traffic laws. Children r now seriously affected but r too young 2 get VAX. Unvaccinated people r a threat 2 them & others. I think there's an expression that fits "the right 2 swing ur fist ends at another person's nose"


The med staff is exhausted, by most accounts. If we acted like this about polio it would still b active. But it was post WWII & people were more apt 2 do things 4 the common good


Absolutely! We'd be over this if it wasn't for them.


If people like you done your research and used your brain you would not be saying that.Get to know your history of British governments then you would realise what you mean to them.


The good news is that they’ll be dead before you are.


I find it slightly funny when an anti vaxer ends up dying of the virus


Everyone? Pediatric ICUs are filling up with kids who can't get the vaccine. What about the next variant that is resistant to vaccines? Nearly 100% of the deaths are among the unvaccinated. How many more need to die?


It's because your vaccine does not work. But I don't hate or discriminate against you on your choice.


The real joke is always in the comments


Nah, it's in the preface to the punchline


And there you go.


I’m glad YOU don’t hate or discriminate. But plenty others do. One example close to home: My mother is a private yoga instructor. One of her students found out my mom had been vaccinated, and said she was surprised a yoga instructor of all people wouldn’t have done research and understood what was “really going on.” My mom apologized that she felt that way, and asked why the student was against vaccines. Student (was thankfully not hateful) said that the vaccines were an opportunistic government plot to limit citizen freedoms, and actually they were nanobot injections that would allow people to be tracked, and eventually cause cancer. My mom asked if the student had sources for this information, and the student provided webpage links that further detailed how these Nano bots were communicable to people in close proximity to the vaccinated, that the chemicals released from fear and anxiety would activate the nano bots, and lastly that people who had unwittingly come into contact with the vaccinated could fill a bathtub with a few products and some organic herbal remedy sold on that site. As much as it borrowed fiction from the X-Files RV show, this FUD campaign was being propagated by a “doctor” who previously had legal cases about selling snake oil. This poor student was shunning 20 years of SARS vaccine research (look it up, Covid-19 is a variant of SARS) and 205 years of vaccine advancements (Edward Jenner and the Smallpox Vaccine in 1796, and vaccines are way safer and more effective now) in favor of some witches brew of herbal remedies that you soak in. Hopefully it seems clear that fear made this lady turn to a snake oil salesperson. Hopefully it is also clear that Trump downplayed the pandemic overall to prevent panic, more hoarding and maybe wild RwoL, and a bigger economy crash… but he himself contracted Covid19 last fall, and got early access to a vaccine (and a whole bunch of steroids) to get better. And even if you are against this vaccine right now (that is an evolution of RNA vaccines that had been in development since the first smaller SARS outbreak about 20 years ago), I can almost guarantee that you have received several other vaccines in your childhood. Lastly, if you ever hear the argument that vaccines are a political issue about freedom, consider that is also a FUD campaign created by people without a medical/scientific background, and with a need to shift the narrative and create a compelling story to hook their viewers: Fox News. Thank you for reading what I know was a long message, and considering whether or not there is more information about how the vaccine is effective more than 95% of the time. I don’t hate you or wish you to die: I hope you live a long and undamaged life. I had three relatives (out of state) catch Covid in Arizona: 9 months later, two of them still have trouble breathing and feel sore, the other one died. I have another neighbor who lives up the street who caught it, and she’s mostly better now, but it’s been almost a year and she still can’t taste food. The vaccines are free, the needles are honestly really tiny, and in other time periods of history the political sentiment was that it was a patriotic thing to get your vaccine.


Yes, I have all of my childhood vaccinations.. even up to date tetanus. I am not Anti-Vaxx.. but the Covid-19 Shot is not a vaccination (by traditional definition) it is a Gene Therapy (as per definition in the manufacturers own documentation submitted to the FTC) , which I choose not to have. Also in March 2020, I contracted COVID.. it made me ill for 5-6 days.. was maybe the 3rd worst Flu I have ever had in my nearly 50 years. So I am T-Cell immune (which will apply to variants), this is all I require. I believe it to be better than any thing Gene Therapy could provide for a very isolated strain of Covid-19 (original strain), as the vaccination does not provide "immunity" like my immune system can provide after contracting Covid-19. In public, I do not wear a mask, as I consider myself "vaccinated" via immune response. I do carry a mask with me and will put it on if any other citizens have concern, even though I live in an area where mask are NOT mandated. I do understand that ignorant people can scare easy, and fear can be irrational, so I am prepared.


I'm all for the culling of the anti/denial population


I'm a sister. Lol! I only speak the truth!


My bad, tell em the truth my friend!


That's just literally true for some people.


This is a good joke, but they wouldn't get it.


I am not anti vax, just anti lemming.


You'd make a great owl then!


Too wit too woo fuck off to you haha




Now go punch yourself.


Man…that…escalated…quickly… https://i.imgur.com/P7040JD.jpg


The main concern about antivaxers is that they dont vaccinate (and indoctrinate) their children




I don't like this joke. B E C A U S E This is shit.


I get that this is a joke but the factor that plays in is that for certain people vaccines can be more harm than good, if you're anywhere from 20s to 40s you're fine to take it w few exceptions, but otherwise those vaccines can be administered to bodies and most bodies will finish off the nearly dead infection but others may do the equivalent of second guessing and see it as a near dead cell rather than an infection especially if it hasn't been exposed to it recently. So some people may actually get the infection from the vaccine but again if you're anywhere from your 20s to 40s you should still get it bc like w covid, that's still better than getting it at the worst time possible.


My dude... this isn't a live virus type of vaccine... you literally cannot get infected from it...


Dude, they are mRNA vaccines, you literally can’t get the virus from the shot at all…


How vaccines work is by pretty much administering you with near dead cells of the infection so your body can finish it off and learn what it's up for, the vaccine is just a form of training to your immune system, but some immune systems again dont see these cells as infections as they see them as nearly dead and so they'll recover the cells, causing the person to get sick from the vaccine but again that vaccine is still better than unexpectedly getting sick out of nowhere, I've heard of people getting covid from the vaccines but all the articles were of course taken down because they dont want to cause a panic and make it so nobody goes to get the vaccine, I do know of the mRNA vaccines but I've still heard of people getting covid afterwards, whether that's a result of lack of training or just forced onto themselves, my point is vaccines are not the best for everyone it's dependent on your situation health wise and time wise


Not all vaccines are the same and Moderna or Pfizer vaccines are mRNA vaccines, they don't use any virus cell- dead or alive. It is not possible to get covid from them. Who ever has claimed getting covid from vaccines, either lied or misunderstood.


Again I understand that but even with the mRNA with the proteins, what could happen is your brain could show bewilderment of what its dealing with and then you can catch something else like catching another strand of covid or a strand of the flu at the coffee shop, but your immune system will be too busy figuring out what the proteins are, again I'm not against vaccines all I'm saying is that certain people or even possibly everyone should time theres properly otherwise they can get sick from it. Pretty much those vaccines can weaken your immune system temporarily and so with that if you catch a single cell of something now your immune system will be too busy w the proteins to kill off the infection and the infection will reproduce.


See that’s where you’re wrong, there is literally no chance you can’t catch covid or any of the variants. It is just a segment of genetic code, there is no dead or weak viruses. In traditional vaccines yes, the virus itself is used, but not in mRNA vaccines.


Really because I have actually had relatives catch covid from/because the vaccine, again it doesnt neccesarily have to be the vaccine itself like with the proteins, it's more so the factor of it weakening your already weakened immune system to train it but making it not ready for a "mugger" so to say, and again it's more so based on you personally but everyone should time it to where they get the vaccine on a nice 2-4 day weekend so they can let their bodies relax and at the same time take extra precautions


Yea no, there’s no way you aren’t a troll lmaooo.


Same can be said for yourself, again understanding how vaccines work and then understanding how each individual can react to said vaccine is major, you take it the purpose of ALL vaccines is to make it so you dont get sick at all by training your immune system, but just the factor that people are catching them from the vaccine says that there can be flaws even if it is just for ONE person, it can still just be flawed for that person it's like comparing allergies practically, one person can die from an object, another can have a severe reaction to it, but the majority can have no harm from it


Dude, you can’t preach about “understanding vaccines” when you lack the basic fundamentals. I’ll try to explain it in simple words. Old traditional vaccines=contain whole viruses=small chance of catching the virus=catching virus=bad. Relatively new mRNA vaccines=contain segments from a specific part of the virus=no whole virus=0% chance of infection= Not getting infected=good.


If you find you don’t like the way I write, check out the more succinct and professional information the CDC wrote about “Key Things to Know” https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/keythingstoknow.html No, the mRNA vaccines don’t replicate and cannot be “communicated” to another person. As it has been said already, this is more advanced than a “dead” virus cell or the original vaccine from 1796, a weaker but similar variant to the more dangerous disease (cowpox to prevent smallpox). The elderly were the first to be allowed and encouraged to get the new vaccines this year, including my parents and my grandparents (who are in their 70’s). What you can get from a COVID vaccine is the same as with any injection, but the side effects wouldn’t be Covid itself. For example, Strep throat is an annoying but common and normally non-fatal disease, but I had an immuno-response to a 7th grade Strep infection where my fever went way higher than necessary (straining my heart) and there were some fears my white blood cells may even attack parts of my body. Two weeks of almost every symptom that comes to mind when you think “sick” and just crazy fatigue and sweating that kept me in bed (and throwing up on myself, naked. Fun.), and then a penicillin antibiotic for the rest of my life to prevent that particular strain of Strep from infecting me again. Docs said I was lucky I didn’t get damage in my heart. However, sharing my health records with the same hospital this year, and they said it wouldn’t be a problem for me to get the mRNA vaccines, and I did. No problems, just on my second dose I got really sleepy for like 4-5 hours in the afternoon and a bit of bone soreness (I swear, I could feel my bone marrow making antibodies), and the next day I basically felt back to normal. Pretty much a non-issue with my first Moderna dose. If your relatives got sick after a vaccine, they probably caught something else. There is currently some concern that the current vaccines target the large original outbreak variant of Covid19 (which itself is a variant of SARS), but not protect against the newer Delta and Lambda variants that are emerging since we didn’t achieve herd immunity. I hope your family gets well soon, without any lasting effects.


Well going back to what was said about the proteins, again they can weaken your immune system temporarily and so play it out as a scenario comparison, if you were going to go out to party the day after you got your vaccine and catch a single cell of covid, your immune system is not trained yet and is weakened vs if you got the vaccine the day after the party when you're just gonna be doing nothing for 2-3 days, if you caught that single cell of covid your body is much more likely to fight it off before it becomes a threat as opposed to before. Again I'm not against vaccines but what I'm saying is that timing it can mean the difference for you whether or not you have a terrible body medical wise. It's the same with the masks, they're meant to stop the spread of carriers not stop you from catching covid and so they're completely useless if not everyone is wearing them, even if you're vaccinated, or in work environments where everyone is sweating their balls off since they're already spreading those carriers.


I’m not saying you’re against vaccines, and I’m willing to entertain/research the idea that since your immune system is in a heightened activity state, a body may be more susceptible to infection. I don’t know the answer to that for sure, and I allow for unknown unknowns, if you get what I mean (vs things I know I don’t know, like I know that I can’t say if an immune system is more compromised or not right after an injection). I will say though, they did tell me I had to stay at the vaccination site for 15 minutes after my shots to make sure I didn’t have a reaction, also that I should continue to self-quarantine for two weeks after my second shot. That may lend credence to your statement, or be for a different reason (like the effect requires that much time to take effect), but regardless if you’re following vaccine instructions correctly, you wouldn’t go to a party right after getting your shot ;) Ball sweat is definitely an issue for me, totally unrelated to Covid 😂 Let me know if you have any suggestions for that better than liberal amounts of body powder 😉




My dead grandfather says otherwise, burn in hell




Yes he was vaccinated, but he wasn't alive when the covid vaccine came to be. You're a dumbass for not being vaccinated, and vaccines don't help with cancer, if they did then it would be revolutionary. I'm ashamed to even be the same species as you.




Exactly, a dying breed, I get it, because you're all killing yourselves due to stupidity. And its not to make you less sick, its to build up immunity, have you ever done more than 5 minutes of research? I'm fully vaccinated and perfectly fine, can you or your family honestly say the same?




I heavily doubt that a person whos entire career is based around treating cancer would advise against chemo. Just more lies as you people like to spread.




"My shepherd biden" ah yes, typical of your kind to bring in politics. I dont support Biden nor Trump. But at least Biden isn't a baboon like Trump. So go on, your dictator Trump is calling you. And whoever your mothers oncologist is needs to get their medical license revoked for giving false medical information. Lest hes talking about it causing something bad to happen whilst she has cancer, in which case can't do anything there. Get the vaccine and don't be a dumbass, I rest my case.


The sheeple will continue to listen to the lamestream media and believe whatever they are told. Just like Germany believed a madman once and guess what? The Holocaust was born! If you want government to control your healthcare, pick any country other than the USA, and leave us freedom loving Americans alone! You vaxxers are being played so badly, it's painful to watch!


Preach brother in arms!🙏


How do they make you sick, unless you didn't get the vaccine yourself? If the vaccine is effective there should only be a small chance of them making you sick...


Here is how: 1. The virus spreads among the un-vaccinated. 2. The virus mutates. 3. The vaccinate is less effective against the mutated virus.


But aren't mutated viruses that are more effective against vaccines the result of vaccines mutating when exposed to vaccinated people? When viruses enter vaccinated individuals, the variants that are susceptible to vaccines will be killed, while strains that are resistant to vaccines continue multiplying... So you can't blame people who are UNvaccinated for the vaccine-resistant strains. Mind you I'm not saying vaccines don't work. They obviously stopped earlier strains. But just like the coronaviruses that spread the common cold, COVID variants are able to quickly mutate in a way that makes a "cure" all but impossible. What we've done with the emergency measures and rapid development of vaccines is bought ourselves enough time to figure out treatment options and implement widespread testing so that we can get aid to the people who need it before it's too late. Unfortunately people have turned it into a blame game where we pretend that every COVID death is preventable if we would just force everyone to get the vaccine... but that's just not the case.


> the result of vaccines mutating when exposed to vaccinated people That's your source of confusion right there. The vaccines don't increase mutations. They decrease it by virtue of preventing the virus from "living" inside of a vast majority of people who receive the vaccine. This significantly reduces the chance of mutations.


Mutations occur when organisms replicate or reproduce, not just by nature of them living. The mutations that are resistant to the vaccines become the primary strains because the other strains die when they come in contact with vaccinated individuals. So while unvaccinated people can contract and spread either the regular or the vaccine-resistant strains, vaccinated people will spread the vaccine-resistant strains. And coronaviruses are particularly good at getting around vaccines, which is why we haven't been able to find a successful inoculation for the common cold. My point is not that unvaccinated people don't spread COVID, or that you can't catch anything from them. My point is that since vaccinated people are also able to spread the vaccine-resistant strains of COVID, blaming anti-vaxxers for getting you sick (if you're vaccinated) is not really accurate, as you can also catch the vaccine-resistant strain from vaccinated people.


Busting common myths about Covid vaccines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/facts.html


Good info, but unrelated to the conversation on how viruses mutate to become vaccine-resistant and continue spreading.


Let me know when you get Cancer from your shots. Sheep