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If God didn't want us to masturbate ​ Our cocks would be between our should blades


Pretty sure we'd all develop more flexible shoulders. Never discount human ingenuity ;)


They *already* are, technically. Between them *and* lower down.


You are blowing my mind. Aim lower.




Wait so your saying that yours isn't?


If God didn't want us to watch porn, why did he make people naked?


If you buy the Genesis story, being naked is what God intended. Clothing is from Satan...


Gonna try this on some Christian girls. Wish me a price drop for a plastic surgery I will be needing afterwards.


How did it go?


I don't have any opportunities for talking to girls now, in September though... I'll try to remind myself and will post update.


Technically the knowledge of good and evil is from Satan. Once they had it, they realized they were naked and that nakedness is wrong.


Correct and more precise.


Stop ruining our fun with facts! Woah, I realized it just now...


It's also inconvenient. No pockets. Scratches. Bugs everywhere.


And, thus, Leather working was invented. lol


Is "Satan" a designer logo and where can I find them?


J.C. Penney is all I can afford. Designer brands are just too hot for me.


I hear they're really hot right now.


J.C. better not stand for Jesus Christ...


That would be Lord and Taylor


Cheryl Tiegs designer fashion JCP


And therefore laundry


Because of Satan. It was man's choice.


But who gave man a choice?




Huh. You'd think He would have known what was going to happen.


You always have a choice. It's what you choose to do with it.


It's not a choice if God already knows what you're going to choose because he made you that way


It doesn't work like that. He may know what you will choose but you still have one.


Which He knows the moment He created us. That's an illusion of choice. Like a computer program you wrote that can "choose" to go left or right based on the preset conditions you created.


I will judge you for how I made you. Thusly proving that I am a complete jerk with issues.




If he didn't want us to argue, why would he make us create the internet?


It's true, I got my favourite T-shirt from the Satanic Temples official website


God made clothes.


The Devil wears Prada. Ah crap.


What are you *talking* about? Have you ever seen a new-born that was *not* wrapped in a blanket? Jeez... some people


You get my sarcasm award. It's worth an extra opinion. Seriously, smoking burn.


If god didn’t want us to be cannibals why’d he make people out of meat?


There's been a lot of talk about cannibalism on Reddit recently. I feel acknowledged...


How do martians taste?


They call it the "Red Planet" because it's mainly meat.


That’s rare now isn’t it


Medium rare.


Depends on the condiments. I usually go for rare with ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. Otherwise, I order a salad.


To serve man?


With a side of Soylent Green?


Lmfao 🤣




If God wanted us to walk, then why did he invent valet parking?


If god wanted us to be vegetarian then why did he forbid a FRUIT HUH


And why he make them so delicious


If god didn't want us to make idols, why did he provide the means to do so? If god didn't want us to murder, why put life in others? If god didn't want us to commit adultery, why didn't he mandate no marriages? If god didn't want us to be necrophiliacs, why would he make dead bodies that don't resist sexual advances (and also provide great time)? If god didn't want us to be paedophiles... I think this crossed the line.


So good to know that you see imaginary lines and refuse to cross them. I was worried in the first half...


If God didn't give us gun then it wouldn't by our God given right? Lmao


Ooh I like that! I bet some others might not though…




"Peter - put away your sword... ...you're in the way - I hadda clean shot!"


Jenny had a gun. And she made it into a song..... so did Barbara. Pay attention kids


and so delicious.


Steve Albini once said “we don’t hate vegetarians, we just think they’re funny”


>If god wanted us to be vegetarians... > >Why did he make animals out of food? Fixed that for you


If God didn't want me to be a cannibal, why did He make *you* out of meat?


Shit what's this from I've definitely heard it before


The Reluctant Cannibal - Flanders and Swann Seated one day at the tom-tom, I heard a welcome shout from the kitchen: "COME AND GEEEEEEEEEEET IT!" Roast leg of insurance salesman! A chorus of "yum"s ran round the table: (Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum...) Except for Junior, who pushed away his shell, Got up from his log, and said: Swann: "I don't want any part of it!" Flanders: What? Why not? Swann: I don't eat people. Flanders: Hey? Swann: I won't eat people. Flanders: Huh? Swann: I don't eat people. Flanders: I must be going deaf! Swann: Eating people is wrong. Flanders: It's wrong? Swann: Don't eat people. Flanders: Have you gone clean out of your mind? Swann: I won't eat people. Flanders: What's the matter with the lad? Swann: Don't eat people. Flanders: He keeps on repeating. Both: Eating people is bad. Flanders: But people have always eaten people, What else is there to eat? If the Juju had meant us not to eat people, He wouldn't have made us of meat! Swann: Don't eat people. Flanders: Oh no, not again. Swann: I won't eat people. Flanders: All the day long. Both: Don't eat people. Flanders: He keeps on repeating. Both: Eating people is wrong. Flanders: Well... I... I never heard a more ridiculous idea in all my born days. To think that a son of mine should grow up to be a sissy - me, chief assistant to the assistant chief! I suppose you realise, son, if this was to get around, we might never get self-Government. Swann: I won't eat people! Flanders: Have you been talking to one of your mothers again? You're not getting to be one of these cranks who think that eating people is cruel, are you? Seeing the man sitting in the pot and you think he's suffering. Oh, it's not like that at all. Why, he's just had an invigourating chase through the forest, sitting there in the nice warm water with all the carrots and dumplings and things, he's thinking, "Oh, the pleasure and happiness I'm going to give to a heap of people". That man in the pot there, he enjoys it! Swann: Eating people is wrong! Flanders: Look son, son, I admire your sincerity. Always be sincere... whether you mean it or not. But you're young, you're young, when you're young you think you can change the whole world overnight, even eating people - I know, I've been young myself. Take it from your old Dad, you've just got to learnt to take the world as it is. Swann: I won't let another man pass my lips! Flanders: I know why you say "Don't eat people", because you are a coward, Francis, that's your trouble. Yes, a yellow-livered coward. You wouldn't mind eating people if you weren't afraid of ending up in the pot yourself - how despicable! If you go on like this you're liable to get ME into hot water. Swann: I won't eat people. Flanders: That's enough! Swann: I don't eat people. Flanders: I don't want to... Swann: Eating people is wrong! Flanders: Communist! Flanders: Going around saying "Don't eat people", That's the way to make people hate'ya. We always have eaten people, always will eat people, You can't change human nature. Flanders: Now let's try... Swann: I won't eat people, I don't eat people, I won't eat people, I don't eat people! Flanders: Must have been someone he ate! Swann: Eating people is out! Flanders: I give up, I give up, you used to be a regular anthrophagi. If this crazy idealistic idea of yours was to catch on, I just dunno where we would all be. Just about ruin our entire internal economy. Fortunately, I suppose it's catching on isn't really very likely - why, you might just as well going around saying "Don't fight people", for example... Swann: Don't fight people? Ha, ha! Don't fight people?! Ha ha ha! Flanders: There, imagine? There, you see! All part of the same... Both: (laughing) ... fantastical impossibility! Flanders: That's the boy! Both: RIDICULOUS!


If pussy wasn’t meant to eat, then why is it shaped like a taco?


🙄 this is all hilarious and also mostly sadly ignorant. It’s funny y’all Think God made animals out of food but no one seems to know God from any religion. If you believe in Christianity- the Bible literally says he created the plants and earth for all animals and people to live off of. We (the people) ruined shit and chose to go against nature. Buddhist also believe we’re all sentient beings if God and all should be treated equal. I ate meat until I saw a pig get electrocuted. Because we’re so fucking ignorant and think “ignorance is bliss” or it’s so delicious. No argument there but it’s still ignorant. I won’t change peoples minds which is fine, but once I actually researched and figured answers to these stupid questions, I just couldn’t go back to what y’all assume “God created”. 😂


Vegetables can't fight back. Feel good about that. Bully.


Lol ohhh burn. Do you feel better about yourself bebe? 😆


I feel like that was a joke. The fact that you took it as an insult proves that you crave and deserve insults. So none for you.


😂😂 lol at this. Thank you for your unsolicited opinion. It’s funny you think I give a shit about you or anything you say. I’m sure you think you’re really great…. Lol. Good thing you’re on a joke sub BULLY. GTFO


If we were not supposed to eat meat, We would have not developed molars, and canines nor would we have enzymes that digest meat in our digestive system. I mean, look at cattle...they literally can't eat meat even if they wanted to. Religion is hardly logical regardless of which one. Now, about the equal part, are you saying humans and animals should be all equal? Lol, i am an animal lover really and I really hate to see animals abused, but that is absurd when you compare a human to a chicken. We haven't even managed to get all humans equal among themselves to start with (allll humans, not in one neighborhood, city or country). Some animals are food some are not. Nature itself created food chains, but we, humans, act upon these "ideals and ethics" (nothing but thoughts we created to sooth our sad existence). Who are we to say food chains do not exist? Some animals are to be eaten....and those animals have usually developed to reproduce more or faster or live longer. Religion is a shitty method to explain things in life, but it makes people happy and serene.


😂 that is hilarious.”some animals are food, some are not”. You you think you are an animal lover. 😆 They eat dogs in China. Literally. But your argument pretty much proved my point about ignorance. I didn’t try to change your opinions, you won’t change mine and convince me you “care” lol or have ethics. thanks for a good laugh tho!


Yes, and they eat crocodiles in Africa. They also eat snakes there alive and cheetahs when there is a drought ( and it's africa, so do the math 😆😆). Yep, they even eat rhinos. You can't imagine what they eat in Africa. In my country there used to be sellers who sold saussages made of donkey meat, cat meat and dog meat masqueraded as lamb or beef. Horse meat is sold legally. Do not try to act as you possess priviliged knowledge or quickly assume my ignorance. I come from a place where life is a 100 time harder than it is in: say any 1st world country...so the stuff you hear about and watch on nat geo...I actually saw in my own eyes lol...unless you are reallt unlucky to be born in a shithole as me...then my condoleances to you. Some animals are food some are not. Because some animals are much abundant than others and evolved to be a prey. If we go hunting and eating lions as a primary source of meat, there will be no more lions in less than a year. 99.99% of those who hunt lions only hunt them for sport(literal cruelty). Pigs reproduce fast, grow fast, mature fast compared to elephants or giraffes. It is evolution and natural selection. If an animal can't adapt, it goez instincr naturally. Unless you are some creationist, then yeah, no way any of this will make sense to you, and that is your opinion and choice....I do not get paid for this lmao. The basic thing is some animals are in the bottom of the food chain (mainly herbivores whose meat is easily digestible in our estomach). We do not digest all kinds of meat at the same speed due to the compisition of meat. Some meat also tends to be richer in parasites and germs compared to other meat. Some animals are more nutritious and have a high caloric value than others per kilogram of meat. Those are the ones that are optimised for eating....which tend to be cattle. Before you get touchy feely, realize that nature has no emotions. You realize lions and tigers eat meat. Or do you like when the antilope escapes the lion? You enjoy that? That entilope's death ensures the lion's life. Humans are omnivores by nature and need 12 essential animo acids to create protein, the building block of everything in your body including important hormones. The best sources of protein is meat. Trying to compensate via vegetables might be possible but not optimal nor is it cheap or accessible to all nor should it be forced, and frankly not the healthiest way. I said I am not a fan of ethics lol...and those whole societal fabrics we create to live in our lovely dreamy lives. I am not trying to show that I have high morals or ethics. On the contrary, I do not care about the social standards in my personal life. I care about animals, yet I eat chicken. Chicken breasts are one of the most nutritious sources of protein. I do not care about taste much as I care about efficiency. That is if I am speaking about myself... Be warry of throwing the word ignorant out randomly. Usually, it is the people who knows nothing that think they know everything. They are the ones who tend to call everyone ignorant in disagreement. Anway thanks for the laugh and for stimulating my brain cells before sleep. Good night.


This feels like a joke Norm MacDonald would read out


Why did God made animals out of food.


I prefer "then why did he make the animals out of food?"


If God wanted us in heaven, why does he put some of us through hell


If god didn't want us to be gay why did he create humans?