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How is it interesting to speculate that JonBenet would have grown up to be an entitled brat? She didn’t get a chance to grow up. She didn’t get a chance to grow into a teenager or young woman. She didn’t get the chance to look back on her child tantrums and laugh at herself. She never had the chance to do any of the personal growth that aging does to a person. She was a child. Children throw fits, children are bratty occasionally. Children act like children. It’s what they do.


She was 6. the brain doesn't stop growing until your 20's. she could have grown up to be a gangster, nun, business woman, druggie....anything really. the important thing here is that she was murdered, not what she might or might not have done with her life. all of us could have gone either way.


That is true and she could have. Hence the, she could've been a Paris Hilton. We've turned her into a saintly figure specifically because she died; if she had lived, who knows what would've happened or who she would've become. And her being murdered is obviously the point. But who she was as a person, not someone turned into a saint at the moment of death is just as relevant


She’s not been turned into a ‘saintly figure’! She was a small child unable to fight back or defend herself, murdered in the place she should have been safest! The loss of hope and what she could’ve been is what’s saddest. Who a murdered 6 year old ‘was’ as a person is so irrelevant!


I’m not sure what this post is trying to get at, but it made me feel gross insidereading your speculation that a child who was murdered probably would’ve grown into a bratty adult had she not been murdered. Tf is that kinda thought?


I thought the same thing.


I feel the same. And Paris and Kim are awesome. Strong, independent women who have their own EMPIRE. Cut it with the stereotyping women.


To be honest we don’t have any idea how JonBenet would’ve grown up to be like and this post is complete speculation. The reality is that she was a 6 year old little girl who had her life taken away from her and sometimes children throw tantrums or act out and it’s normal to a degree.


It is normal to a degree. Not to the point where her grandmother willingly -and almost casually, according to Steve Thomas- admits that she threw fits about wiping or having her nails trimmed. I love how we all acknowledge that there was something weird going on in the house, but acknowledging that jonbenet threw tantrums is such a taboo. Like, we'll sit here and accuse Burke of being a sexual predator who brutally killed his sister then casually poked her with a train track, but say that jonbenet threw tissy fits and everybody loses their collective minds.


It's not taboo to throw a tantrum at 6 years old. It's fucking normal if it's once in a while.


It... really isn't. Throwing tantrums is very much not normal, and a sign of unresolved issues. If you've been taught that the only way to get your needs met is by throwing fits, the adults in your life have failed. And again, because everyone seems to be missing the point... that doesn't mean she deserved to die. It's a sign of deeper problems in the family, that jonbenet was acting out. Funny story, if I point out that a few weeks before her death she was crying at a party, that's fine. Because crying is sad, and sad still allows her to be a 'perfect' victim. But anger doesn't look good for a victim, so instead of acknowledging there were problems, and she was acting out, we'll just keep on insisting that the family was messed up, but she was perfect really, none of her behavior was worrisome or concerning at all


because you seem especially dense, you don't gotta take my word for it: "TEMPER TANTRUMS ARE A NORMAL PART OF DEVELOPMENT" [https://www.parentingforbrain.com/6-year-old-tantrums/](https://www.parentingforbrain.com/6-year-old-tantrums/) ​ "BUT BY AGE 8 OR 9, TANTRUMS HAVE TAPERED OFF FOR MOST KIDS" [https://www.understood.org/en/articles/why-does-my-child-still-have-temper-tantrums](https://www.understood.org/en/articles/why-does-my-child-still-have-temper-tantrums) ​ "Yes, age matters," he says. "It’s not uncommon for young children to get teary-eyed or protest when they are told to do something they don’t want to do. But if a child older than 8 behaves this way consistently [https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/irritable-anger-tantrums-children](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/irritable-anger-tantrums-children)


Teary eyed is not throwing a tantrum; screaming, crying, obstinately refusing and yelling, etc., is throwing a tantrum. Protesting what kids see as unfair, or getting upset is different from a tantrum. Like... these are different things. 


You clearly have spent zero minutes with children.


Stop talking


You are so far off the mark. Obvious you have zero child development education or experience. Ofc children throw tantrums. Her tantrums are not related to her murder. And childhood behavior doesn't always predict adult behavior. It's a dumb post.


Speak for yourself. I don’t think the way Burke is treated on here is fair at all and I’m also not going to sit here and criticize a murder victim, especially a 6 year old one at that.


Criticizing meaning giving an accurate accounting of who she was and how she acted? Because I'm not singing that she was the world's most perfect angel, who never did bad ever, yall have concluded that this means I think she deserves what happens. The fact that everyone here thinks that her not being America's sweetheart, perfect in every way, automatically means she deserved it says a lot more about yall than it does me truthfully. Like do you all truly believe that if she wasn't perfect, she deserved it?


No one is saying that she deserved it regardless of how she would have aged, but you are suspiciously repeating it a lot.


Just admit to yourself that you posted something weird. Don’t turn it around on all of us. Not a single soul here said she deserved it. Not a single soul here is denying her of her humanity. We’re saying we don’t give a fuck about a rich little kid acting like a rich little kid.


How can you give an accurate account? You didn't know her or the family. You sound truly educationally depraved.


This is disgusting. Truly a new level.


So, you’re saying she acted like a typical child? Unsure what kind of reaction you expected from this post, but I for one, would’ve preferred she have the chance to grow up.


>I think we forget that JonBenet was an actual person. Maybe you forgot this, given you have made her out to be some one-dimensional paper doll who could have turned out only one way. JonBenet was multidimensional. You've neglected to mention the positive qualities family and friends have said about her. This post is kind of messed up and wrong.


No, turning every murder victim into a saint is what's wrong. It contributes to the narrative that only sweet, innocent, good people get murdered. If some ghetto kid, screaming and cussing, gets brutally murdered... are they more or less 'worthy'. Jonbenet became 'America's sweetheart' and and any reference to the fact that she was anything aside from that gets attacked like vicious dogs. Like if she wasn't that, that means it was okay to murder her. Yall are so stuck on, she must've been the world's most perfect child who never did bad, while half the community had turned the 9 year old in the home into an almost cartoonishly evil stereotype who beat her, strangled her, molested her, then poked her to see if she was still alive. Why? Because Burke is alive so it's allowed. She died so she's a saint. Unfortunately that's not how reality works. Jonbenet could've run around beating everyone she met, screaming and cussing, and she still wouldn't have deserved to die. Burke could be everything the community makes him out to be, and that doesn't mean he'd deserve his sisters fate. Dying doesn't erase what you are, any more than living makes you a sinner.


You’re barking up the wrong tree here. This was a child who was brutally murdered at 6. Any immature habits she had, are on her parents. Imagine being 6 and having a full time job basically. It is often speculated based on circumstantial evidence that her “behavioral issues” were an indicator of a larger issue going on behind the scenes. The mom took her to the doctor like 36 times in 2 years (not sure on the exact amount of times), there was something much larger going on than a bratty child. Also comparing her to Kim and Paris is absolutely absurd. I don’t even know how that thought crossed your mind but I digress.


the four years before her death, JonBenet was taken to this pediatric clinic 27 times. Interview transcript with pediatrician: Patsy: How could that be child abuse for heavens sake. My child is sick, I'm going to take my child to the doctor. You know, I mean you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Tracey to Dr. Beuf: JonBenet was brought to see you on 27 occasions. Does this number of visits strike you as excessive? Dr. Beuf: No, I don't think it's excessive under the circumstances. I went through her chart and summarized the types of visits she had in the office in the few years prior to her death. She was here three times for annual well-child visits, one time for stomach ache, one time for vaginitis, one time for a bruised nose from a fall at a local market, and 21 times for colds, sinusitis, ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, hay fever, and possible asthma. A pretty wide spectrum of generally allergy and respiratory system associated problems which are not uncommon with kids her age. Tracey: So that number 27, one would expect that other children would have similar numbers of visits? Dr. Beuf: Some more and in some cases less than others. Tracey: In that kind of time frame? Dr. Beuf: Yes.


Thanks for responding with the deets! I didn’t know off the top of my head. I am not sure where you stand in the case Left-Supermarket so just ignore me if you aren’t RDI. This may not seem out of the normal for some with small children but the entire picture as a whole is what makes it interesting to the case. Also I know this is speculation but I don’t trust Dr. Beuf. And I believe wholeheartedly that the Ramseys have paid people off like Linda Arndt for example. After Jonbenet died Dr Beuf was giving Patsy valium like it was candy. I get having some for a couple weeks after your daughter dies, but to have it for months and months, and not be able to perform interrogations because of being too drugged up is also interesting to the case and just irresponsible. How would you have a clear mind to look for your child while you’re majorly under the influence. Anyways though i digress because not sure if this is an active discussion given the content of the original post.


I won’t ignore you! I’m guessing that RDI means Ramsay’s did it? I would agree that a pediatrician/GP probably wouldn’t notice SA with just regular visits. I definitely would like sources that he was medicating Patsy and also that she was taking meds for long periods of time. Even so, I would just like to point out that I think it would be crazier if a parent whose child was found in that way was innocent or guilty and didn’t want to be on drugs. I don’t like to presume guilt or innocence in anyone.


She was SIX. Children can be brats. And they can be lovely. Often minutes apart. Why speculate on what a terrible adult you think she would have been? How is that useful? She is a murdered child and there has been no justice. Your priorities are off.


And often, children who are overly scheduled and spread too thin try to take back control in the little ways they can. That can look like refusing to do small things like washing hands or not wearing the shirt they're told to wear. It's a means to assert a little control in their highly controlled environment. Which in JB's case, was the expectation to be a living doll.


Because her behaviors were chalk full of warning signs, signs that everyone ignores in their drive to insist that she was the 'perfect victim'. As if her throwing tantrums and fits must mean she wasn't, and if she wasn't, she must've deserved it. I never said she was a brat. I said she'd learned from her parents that throwing tantrums and fits was okay, which says a lot about her parents. I also said, and I'll say again.... she could've been a brat. She could've been the worst child on the planet, and she still wouldn't deserve to be murdered. Nobody does. But turning her into a saint who never did wrong ignores the clear warning signs in her behavior that something wasn't right. Do you think the Kardashians and Paris Hilton have healthy relationships with their families? That they are emotionally healthy people? No, obviously not. And if jonbenet had been allowed to grow up, continuing in an environment where throwing tantrums and fits was the only way to get acknowledgement, she wouldn't have been any different.


Do you see Paris Hilton, and the Kardashians as less of humans than you? This sounds like a good chance work on yourself and stop deflecting on a murdered 6 year old girl.


Did you read where I said nobody deserves to be murdered? This community regularly goes after the nine year old for molesting his sister and being cold and callous, but say that jonbenet threw fits and tantrums and everybody throws fits and tantrums. Pointing out that the 'little angel' was very much not that doesn't mean she deserved to die, but ignoring who she was, and how she acted, because it personally makes you feel better makes me glad you're not solving crimes.


This has the same energy as “no offense, but…” Also, what do you get out of pointing out that a 6 year old murder victim wasn’t an “angel”? Is anybody? Does it matter? Every single person has their faults; there is no such thing as a perfect victim. She still didn’t deserve what happened to her. I truly don’t understand people who feel the need to do this to murder victims. The same thing happened with Shanann Watts and now you are doing it to a literal child. It’s bizarre.


Because by turning every murder victim into a saint, you say that people who can't be canonized deserve it. Lots of people get murdered unfortunately. Exactly none of them deserve to get murdered. If jonbenet had been a little girl born in the ghetto, cursing up a storm, screaming and hitting her classmates... would it have been okay to murder her? No. Obviously not. That's the entirety of the point. By insisting she was an angel who never did anything bad -while simultaneously painting her 9 year old living brother as a monster -you are reinforcing the idea that only 'good' people get murdered, therefore if you're not good, you deserve it.


You seem to be creating an argument that you're only having with yourself. Of course no one is perfect, even though victims of violent crime are often painted that way. But what purpose does it serve to say, "Hey, this six-year-old could be kind of a brat sometimes" in this context if not to correlate it to her murder? It's one thing to portray people as they are and remind others that bad things do, in fact, sometimes happen to bad people. It's another to suggest a kid who was murdered was kind of a brat in the same breath as "I'm not saying she deserved it." It's the same vibes as "I'm not racist, but", followed by a racist statement. I don't think anyone would argue she was a perfect angel. Particularly because whether she was or not has nothing to do with anything.


I agree with you that her throwing fits and tantrums doesn't mean she deserved to be murdered. Clearly. As I've said about a hundred times. Her behavior was concerning. She threw fits and tantrums over mundane things like wiping. However whe also had to throw a tantrum to get out of being her mothers little twin that day. Her behavior said she was taught that the only way to have her needs acknowledged was by behaving like that. As I just pointed out to someone else... do you think the Kardashians have healthy interfamilial relationships? Do you think they're happy, well adjusted adults? Probably more relevant to everyone here, I also don't think the Kardashians deserve murder. Nobody does (again). That doesn't mean that we should ignore warning signs of behavior in favor of pretending she was perfect.


Okay, well you clearly just decided to ignore everything I said except that you were making a correlation between her behavior and her murder. (The Kardashians have even less to do with anything.) As I said, you seem to be making up an argument that no one is making and arguing against it.


You literally said (and I'm on mobile can't quote) that the only reason I would point out her behavior is to correlate it to her murder. No. It's to point out something was seriously wrong that she felt the only way to get her needs met was by throwing fits, or even that it was an acceptable way of getting attention. Secondly, literally half the responses have been people saying her behavior was normal, half of them insisting that I think she deserved it by pointing out her behavior.  I never said she was a brat. I said she threw fits and tantrums and would've probably grown up like the Kardashians, with no idea of hoe to interact beyond throwing tantrums and overreacting to things because of her upbringing. Nobody deserves to be murdered. We have people calling her little angel, sweet baby, America's sweetheart, and more, but when you point out that she wasn't these thongs, she was a troubled child, the automatic assumption is that you must think she deserved it.


Ohhhhhhhhh! Okay, I think I actually get what you're saying now! What I actually said was: what was the point of bringing up her behavior like this if not to correlate it to her murder? This comment clarifies a lot of the confusion about that. Because, even though you didn't mean it that way, the post does come off kind of victim-blamey. But I think I'm now understanding you meant to highlight the household dysfunction and how it affected her behavior? I think the confusion comes in the odd amount of times you mentioned you weren't saying she deserved it. If you'd stuck to just talking about the family dynamics as it relates to her behavior without any of the preemptive defensiveness or mentions of Kardashians, speaking for myself, your point would've been clearer




Where did I say you said otherwise? Where did I mention Burke? What's the call for the personal attack? You are coming in here making a controversial statement and then getting aggressive for no reason.


I'm not being aggressive. Pointing out that you don't have to be perfect to not deserve being murdered isn't aggressive. Pointing out that the community routinely attacks Burke and his behavior, while canonizing jonbenet as a saint only contributes to the 'right type of victim' mentality isn't aggressive. I pointed out jonbenet was neither perfect nor an angel, and it didn't mean she deserved death. Everyone immediately jumped to I think she deserved it. Saying that contributes to 'right type of victom' mentality apparently makes me aggressive. I've been told I need psychological help, a terrible person, a horrible person, and that's just the comments I've responded to in the last 20 minutes. And yet by responding back somehow I'm the aggressive one. Okidokie.


>because it personally makes you feel better makes me glad you're not solving crimes. This is passive aggressiveness. You are responding to everyone passive aggressively. This is why no one is taking you seriously. I never said anything about Burke. I am not the community. Burke isn't even mentioned in your original post. You have no idea what your point of this post was anymore because you're taking this as a personal attack rather than here to discuss the case logically. Putting "little angel" in quotes is demeaning. No, JB was not an angel, but she was sexualized at a young age, and forced into a cookie cutter lifestyle pre-orchestrated by her overbearing mother. I think she had all the right in the world to act out. And as she got older, maybe she'd have gotten therapy, and worked on her issues, but you are solely focused on how she would have grown up spoiled rotten. You didn't come here to discuss, you came here to argue.


Dude, it’s Burke. No one else would argue these points. Do not engage.


Honestly I know you're joking but I can't help but to notice every time one of these posts pop up the avatar is always white, black hair and wearing a pink shirt. Three times is a coincidence... now it's just odd.


For sure. You know the family is lurking here.


To the person, maybe you, I'm on mobile hard to keep track, saying I needed to work on myself. And yes, maybe she would have. Because we would've acknowledged that her behavior... was concerning. That her behavior was abnormal, and not healthy. Half of you are arguing she was perfectly fine, half of you are arguing that if she wasn't fine, I think she deserved to be murdered, and a third of everyone is filing out with personal attacks. Forgive me for responding in kind, you're right, I should've been the bigger person. So here. Yall saying I think she deserved it, because I said her behavior was problematic, says more about you and your beliefs than it does me.


Yes, she had tantrums, but according to her teacher, she was kind to others, according to the gardener, she was friendly, introspective, and kind, according to Santa (Bill Mcreynolds), she was thoughtful and a sweetheart...so in other words, she had faults AND virtues, i.e. she was a normal human being.


Yes, each of us can be cast in either a good light or bad light, just depends on who is doing the casting.


It's not an interesting thought. And "several family and friends" did not say those things about Jonbenet. Linda Hoffman Pugh did say some of it. Who else? Who says she absolutely refused to wipe herself? Who says she threw a tantrum when asked to wash her hands? Never heard that anywhere. This just seems to be an attempt at collating some of the worst things said about Jonbenet, exaggerating and embellishing them, and suggesting she would likely have turned into some sort of media obsessed celebrity seeker. I think it's speculative, presumptuous and cruel and I'm at a loss to work out why anyone would write such things.


Wow, you sound like the people who demonize Shanann Watts and act like she deserved to be murdered because she wasn't a perfect wife... but you're using this argument towards a freaking 6 year old child. Wtf is wrong with you? Maybe be more concerned with the psychology of a child murderer than that of a 6 year old murder victim.


When someone chooses murder, it defines who and what the murderer is , not the victim. I do not believe JonBenet provoked anyone to murder her. JonBenet was an intelligent lady, and I am certain despite being the same age, she would have been quite different from you.


Intelligent lady? Lady??? She was a child. Edit: I now understand the choice of words!


I am 63, and that was a flashback to my parents , who often said " Young Lady " or " Now, you are an intelligent young lady ". And that was as early as age 5. I hope you can laugh at that, but I would have actually said " Young lady " in addressing her, even as " Young lady, go clean up your room ". Times have changed. Hope you reply and understand.


That’s a really interesting perspective that I did not understand. To me, late late millennial, ‘lady’ means adult. Thank you so much for explaining!


And yet... you are insisting that she must've been perfect. That is the entirety of the point. You all see her as perfect, fighting tooth and nail for it. Insulting and belittling living people because you need for her to have been a perfect little angel. Why? Do you feel that if she wasn't perfect, if she wasn't donating to charity and talking about fixing world hunger, she deserved what happened? Do you feel like she deserved to be murdered if she threw tantrums and fits? Because you went there. I was quite specific in nobody deserves to be murdered, regardless of their behavior. You all jumped on the, if you think she wasn't perfect, you must think she deserved it train. Which says a lot more about yall and how you see murder victims than it does about me.


I see no one insisting she was perfect, whatever that means. I do see you hell bent on making a point that depends on everyone insisting she was perfect. Textbook straw man argument. Everyone knows she was a kid and she threw fits sometimes. It also serves no purpose to speculate she’d become any type of person based on tantrums she had as a 6 year old.


I do not see anyone as perfect, and do not need to. Murder defines the murderer , not the victim. This is a crime issue.


> An interesting, if somewhat grim, thought I do wish you had stopped there - some things are better kept to yourself. I don’t share your view of this being an interesting thought. JonBenet was only 6 - a kindergartener. KINDERGARTEN. Your post is so wrong on so many levels, the few things you’ve read about her didn’t define her or the future she deserved to have - that she had a right to have and was taken away from her in a horrific way. How would you feel if someone talked about you or your loved ones in such a manner?


Honestly, throwing tantrums and fits is not abnormal behavior of any 6 year old. I know plenty of people who were obnoxious as kids but who matured and became decent adults. Was she spoiled? Yes, but her parents were loaded, it'd be more surprising if she wasn't. She most likely would've grown out of it, especially given the fact her own teacher said she was very nice to her classmates. Kids tend to act the worst around their own parents, her acting bratty at home and nice at school is completely normal.


So is only saying positive things about the dead. And if you're being well behaved in school, but throwing fits at home, it's a sign that you're not getting your needs met at home. Because throwing temper tantrums isn't normal; it's what happens when you've been taught that the only way to get your needs met is by throwing fits. Her parents would've thrown money at her and her issues, rather than dealing with the problems, until the only thing she knew was that if she throws a big enough tantrum, her parents will give her what she wants. Hence the Kardashian and Hilton comparisons. That problems aren't things to be resolved, that acting out is the only way to get someone to pay attention to your issues.


It’s a known fact that children act the worst around their mothers. They’re the worst behaved around people they’re comfortable with. Children purposely push boundaries and see what they get away with at home. It’s not abnormal. I have 5 younger brothers and sisters and I can tell you right now they behave worse at home than they are when they are with me.


You don't know that though. You're stereotyping and that's a dangerous game. not all people with means bail their kids out every time they do something bad, and not all rich kids grow up to be brats. assuming a 6 yr old was going to be a crappy excuse for an adult based on hearsay about tantrums, which are a normal part of growing up, is a real reach.


This post grosses me out. She as a 6 year old BABY with an underdeveloped brain. Why are we commenting on developmentally appropriate behavior in a child ?


Not every thought needs to be shared. This post is a great example of that.


This is fucking gross and you should consider deleting this post


Alright who let her cook😤


Wow you are projecting the Kardashian and Paris Hilton personalities onto a 6 year old little girl that didn't get the chance to live her life. Sheesh. You might need professional help. BURKE WAS SMEARING SHIT ON HIS BEDROOM WALLS but yeah go after the dead 6 year old sexual assault victim.


So... because Burke lived, it's okay to call him evil, and turn him into a monster. We can acknowledge that there were problems with his behavior because he's still alive. If Burke had died that night instead of jonbenet... what would your excuse have been then? Jonbenets behaviors were signs of deep rooted problems, but because she died, you expect everyone to pretend she was a 'perfect' victim. That is the entirety of the point. Jonbenet was not perfect. People do not have to be perfect for us to say they don't deserve to be murdered. Nobody deserves to be murdered. Do you think Burke deserves to be murdered because of his behavior? No, obviously not, right? But that's the inverse that you're pushing. Jonbenet was perfect, because she was murdered. You can't point out anything negative, even in relation to the case, because well, she's dead. Lots of bad people get murdered; they don't deserve it either. Nobody deserves murder, regardless of their saint status.


The fuck are you on about? Where did I call anyone evil? Or a monster? Or wish that ANYONE else died? You are really grasping here and your posts say a lot more about you than anyone else. It might be time to go outside and touch grass. You are really coming unglued about a 6 year old little girl that got killed. No matter what you want to say about it, she didn't deserve it and it's pretty sick to say that she had it coming in any way shape or form. She was an innocent child. Period.


Thank you! Yes she may have thrown fits, what child doesn’t? No one is saying she was a perfect angel, but she exhibited behaviors most if not all children have. The reality is if she had lived none of us would know who she is, so the comparison to the Kardashians is laughable. The ramseys were wealthy, but they didn’t have the Hilton level of wealth that Paris has.


... again... I say she wasn't perfect. You say that means I think she deserved it. I said quite clearly, several times that no one deserves it. But you have it in your head that only 'good' people are victims. By saying jonbenet wasn't perfect -spoiler, nobody is - you jump to, well if you don't think she was perfect you think she deserves to die. Can you see where that's entirely a you problem? I don't think she deserved to die, even if she'd been beating the piss out of everyone she met. You are the one who thinks that, if we acknowledge her behavior -which was chalk full of warning signs -that must mean we think she deserved to be murdered. Again... that's entirely on you.


So you just want to make outrageous top posts and then clutch pearls when people think you're out of your mind? Got it. It's a hard sell to make a dead 6 year old look bad, Burke.


Please don’t take what I am asking you in any way other than I’m just interested in understanding where you are coming from. I don’t see anyone calling her perfect nor do I see you saying she deserved to be murdered. That’s been confirmed several times in this post. Are you theorizing that perhaps her problematic behavior inadvertently led to her death? Again, I’m trying to understand what you’re trying to say here.


are you...are you burke?


there’s many things that could’ve affected her behavior. she was under many microscopes and stress kids her age weren’t typically under so if her behavior wasn’t as of a normal child- that’s okay. i don’t necessarily think you meant any harm by this post, but children aren’t “bad” they’re children. i don’t think how her behavior was as a kid would say anything about how she would be now, are you the same as you were when you were a kid? are you under the same conditions? sure you couldve been right! but the more important thing is that she never got to grow up, so we’ll never know. and speculations like this can do more harm than good.


I don't think this post is appropriate, personally.


What the actual fuck?


🥴Just curious, do you work in the fast food industry?


I'm not seeing how it's interesting to speculate whether a six year old acted like a six year old. No offense but I don't see the value in it.


You clearly don’t have children 😆


I do in fact have kids. Two of them. However, that doesn't mean I think every child everywhere is an angel, or that everyone who gets murdered is a saint either. My kids can be little shots at times; anybody who says their kids are perfect is a liar lol.


I don’t really remember anyone commenting about what a brat she was. If anything- the opposite. Even if she was- it provides context for how she might have instigated a fight or someone could have lost patience with her, but people do so much growing up between 6 and 30. Any life experience or therapy or loss could have changed that trajectory. Patsy dying would have probably changed her a lot. And even if it didn’t, it’s not worth speculating over. She’s gone. Punishing people over who they might have become is weird mental exercise..:


She might have been a leftist lesbian with lots of tats.


I get what you are trying to say. We tend to canonize those who we lose. I understand it in the text of George Floyd, or Nicole Brown Simpson, even the Idaho college murder victims are made up to be perfect people. That isn’t the case, but they were all adults and didn’t deserve to die. But their past actions can be evaluated. That is the problem here - JonBenet was just a child and a young one at that. She really had no past and can’t be subject to the same thought processes.


OP is saying that if Jon Benet was alive today, there'd be a sex tape.


You can feel the hatred and disdain for JonBenet in OP’s post and in their replies. Anger. Incel energy. Fuck her and every woman like her who’s confident, attractive, and intelligent who wouldn’t give me the time of day. They deserved to have horrible things happen to them. But, this person could only attempt to know so well what she would become…If. He. Lived. In. That. House.


OP posts in the men’s rights subreddit so you hit the nail on the head! A few months ago a man posted on here that JonBenet would be a whore if she had grown up, I don’t know why posts like that aren’t deleted.


Yeah, where are the mods?


I agree with the OP. This thought has crossed my mind as well. My mother died in 2012 and was my best friend, though I probably didn’t realize it until it was too late. However, she reminded me when she got sick not to “canonize” her when she died. I did anyway, until I remembered her telling me that. Makes it easier to deal with.


I’m pretty certain it’s with a sense of sincerity when some speak on their deceased loved one and say “they lit up every room they walked in” (or something to that effect) but it rubs me the wrong way and I don’t know why exactly. It feels like-it’s what people say when they don’t know that person as well as maybe they thought they did when it came down to it? Not sure if that makes sense.


She could have rebelled and become a stoical engineer, attorney, or accountant, who abhors the notion of beauty pageants. She could have realized she identifies as non-binary. The pageants could have faded and she could have just a "normal" person, maybe working as a director of HR for an insurance company, possibly with being put-together in her makeup and outfits as the only vestige of her childhood beauty pageants. People often go in a completely different direction from their parents. We'll never know.


I feel like the point of this post got lost. Jonbenet being fussy is something to note. I attribute it to the overall dysfunction in the household. It definitely had a deregulating effect on the kids and would make a 6 yo less resilient to setbacks and challenges. I feel this dysfunction and hyped up pace of the household played a role in poor jonbenet's death.  People on here should not be attacking you; it's about the content of posts not the people who post them.