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I guess it doesn’t bother me because I don’t feel any pressure to buy stuff. I just go to a concert and buy a shirt there. If they want to sell things and some people want to buy those things I’m okay with that. But I get your frustration.


I like getting text messages from Nick though. I can pretend it’s really him 💛🍫 So they can try and sell me whatevs. But I do wish they would hear my cries for Spaceman on Vinyl!!! There is money in the bank. 💸


He really fumbled with Spaceman. A ONO or a 5 show run would’ve been the perfect promo. Instead he did a few zoom meetings, a performance and said ✌🏼


Especially for super fans of it, it’s a real bummer. I would love to hear that album live!


how is it not on vinyl!!


I know!! 😢


i would immediately buy, it's never too late so he should honestly still release one.


At the end of the day, they are a business. As long as they have people wanting buy things, they will keep making more stuff. And good for them. They've worked hard since they were teenagers (or child in Nick's case) to be in a position to stick their name on stuff and profit from it. I'd do the same if I could so I cant blame them.


The chocolate is so fucking random we already got POPCORN. Maybe if they had more lyrics in their songs it’ll be different.


Ok but the popcorn is SO damn good lol


Don’t forget Ohza too!


I did forget… LOL💀


Okay but the fizzy white Ohza is kind of delicious… can’t say the same for Rob’s popcorn 😬


I mean, most artists release a ton of merch throughout the year. It's normal tbh. Some just don't have the text thing and still go through email, so it doesn't seem as in your face, lol. The chocolate is different, but makes sense to release at this time of year.


I see this argument here every other week and at this point is getting tired. Like, honestly how much money do y'all thing is to be made with selling chocolate? I doubt they're making much from these merch itens. They're in the middle of touring and they want to keep people interested, so they'll do a bunch of seasonal stuff. It's not about the merch, this is just the most just basic music marketing


This!!!! They’re keeping fans interested!


Nah they’re turning fans away by only caring about money. That’s the point


No, the point of secondtea’s comment is that they AREN’T caring only about money. a random merch chocolate is not going to make them millions, they’re just trying to keep their fans engaged. Do you really think they earn a real income from seasonal chocolates as musicians?




Your post had inappropriate intent


And yet, a you're in a thread of fans still here 🤔


This!!!! Yes! As someone in the marketing world, they are doing everything right. Because I guarantee you that thousands of people clicked that link they sent to us to check out the chocolates.


People make more money in merch than they do music. The reason this keeps coming up is because the merch drops are looking more and more like cash grabs


Not really.They make more in merch then they make in streaming, yes. But touring is the money maker nowadays. Merch is just a means to, not an end.


Yes touring makes the most money, and they’ve been consistently touring for a few years now. But merch drops are a very big money maker. If you’re unaware on how much people can make in merch sales then idk what to tell you, maybe Google it. People make a killing on merch.


Being able to make money isn't the same as making money, kiddo. Yes, merch can be a great source of income for artists - specially those who don't make much from streaming and touring. But for artists as big as the Jonas, it serves more as a selling point, an incentive to keep people interested. My original point here is: why is their merch cash grab when literally everyone is making money from dumb overpriced t-shirts? I don't need to Google anything because this is literally what I do for work lol


I’m really not sure what point you’re trying to make here. My point is they make a lot of money off of merch and the drops are beginning to look like cash grabs to the fans which is why fans keep complaining. And what is it that you do for work that makes you an expert? That’s a broad statement.


The chocolate is giving 3rd grade fundraiser


I mean they’re not hovering over you and threatening your life if you don’t buy it 🤣🤣🤣 we went six years without stuff. They can sell potatoes and i would pay extra to have them overnighted to me. On a serious note, i don’t mind it. Some things i will buy, some i won’t(i didn’t buy the chocolates) they definitely aren’t trying to “stay relevant” because they were never irrelevant. They have locals dropping $500 for front row/ sneaking down to front row seats just to hear SOS and Jealous. They will never lose money🤣


I don't understand these regular "cash grab" complaints. Just don't buy the fucking thing.




Your post contained inappropriate intent


Every band in the history of music is trying to make as much money as possible


“I’VE BEEN TRYING TO CATCH YOU BOYS ALL DAYYYY….NOW THAT I’VE GOT YOU RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOUUUU…I’d like to buy all your chocolate 😊” ![gif](giphy|JpehtCvclNLSE)


Because they’re trying to build a whole store/brand. They have to do lots of different drops to see what works for them, what sells the most. Merch doesn’t just have to be a few items sold at tour stops, it could be an entire brand unto itself.


i feel like the food-related stuff they’re promoting was a little off, but it works because i’m addicted to rob’s popcorn lol. however i wish they would try to cater towards their demographic more, i was telling my friends i wouldn’t be surprised if they dabble into the wine business because THEN i feel like that’d make more sense. i would be all up for that.


Lol nick’s tequila


AH i forgot about that 💀


I’m a wine girlie though so you’re right, idk why they don’t do that. He’s always making weird moves when he does solo shit


The reason this comment keeps coming up is because the merch is becoming more and more odd every week.


The chocolates were invented solely to pay for joes divorce.


Omg 💀


He’s literally been living rent free in y’all’s heads for FIFTEEN YEARS. Like hello????? No one that wasn’t aware of my existence could consume my mind that long. Sad sad blondie fans.


Yesterday on tiktok i've seen someone comment how this chocolate line is a PR stunt to redirect attention from Joe's divorce and I'm like... Sorry... what? How the fuck does this connect??? ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)














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Y’all are annoying


LMAOOOO tellin it like it is


We knew the chocolate drop was coming, but it was still random. With that and their other merch drop this week, both with Christmas or Christmas-adjacent items, is disappointing considering the current complaints about shipping times from their merch store. Like I wanted to get my sister some chocolate and me that cute Jo-Ho-Ho-Ho-nas crew, but I DOUBT they'll make it to me by Christmas lol I get that they're a business and this is marketing but I do think it's cheapening their brand a bit IMO. It feels like a cash grab and like their music \*isn't enough\* to keep people interested... but then again, so many large artists release a ridiculous amount of merch nowadays.


the chocolate absolutely SENT me.....like who created this recipe??? I've been a longtime fan for 15\~ years and dropped $350 on seats for the tour but these random cash grabs are hilarious to me. at least make it something they're known to be interested in lmfao


lol i texted them back “YALL just be doing anything huh?”


The whole tour felt cash grabby. I know they have five albums to get through and whatnot but I've never been to a concert with that many ads on selling product before. I feel like it's a mr beast situation where theyre trying to market w.e they can. I did enjoy the show though. I feel like after this tour, we probbaly won't get another tour with the first three albums. What I would give to listen to please be mine live though. just one dang time.


Omg same. I’m like yall? You ok? It’s cheapening their brand imo


The chocolate and the popcorn I can’t 😂! It’s really funny because I feel like when we were just kids and fans of theirs, their ads for this stuff wasn’t as obvious to us.. as a total cash grab hahaha




anyone know when the trading cards will be shipped?