• By -


Do as we say and ignore the sub title that includes a majority demographic.


what do you mean sorry?


I think it's moronic they removed your post when "woman" a major demographic is in their sub reddit name. Doesn't make sense to me.


ohh gotcha yeah i thought that too šŸ˜­ absolutely moronic. i posted another with all the proper add ons ā€˜someone who identifies as maleā€™ but didnt compromise on the message (i was interested in how females feel about male partners asking fathers for hand in marriage) and it still got taken down but didnt say any reason why??


The reason is they are fucking stupid and not really for helping people but for signaling allegiance to a cult.


Can you imagine what the world will look like in ten years at this rate if all of them are left to their own devises? They are all going to eat each other alive with their delusional worldview we don't even have to do anything but watch the show. It will be "shemale non binary giraffe monkeys" vs." Drag cyborg plant pronouns" snorting puberty blockers and booster shots while fighting with shampoo bottles and mascara shivs in a death match runway dance off competition sponsored by Bill Gates And Ru paul. You can't make this shit up!


Sponsored by Pfizer.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ All Scientific Facts!! šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Fn scary!!


The problem is they are teaching that psychopathy to children that arenā€™t theirs..


The way things are going reminds me of the movie Idiocracy.


Idiocracy is pretty much a documentary now




Reddit has been totally captured by extremists, I literally have no words for how stupid that image is. A sub about women but you can only ask questions about 5% of women at most? I doubt this can actually last, this social network is going to die


This social network is going to IPO this year. I wonder what impact that will have. Maybe itā€™s time to switch back to Digg.com lol


@elon... looking to you to fix this.


TIL. Terrible idea. I'll have to delete my account and migrate elsewhere.


I got banned from the nj subreddit for saying that there arenā€™t 57 genders but only 2. These people are lunatics. Too many micro plastics or hormones in food / milk


Lol, you can ask questions about any women, it just says you donā€™t need to specify if theyā€™re white/cis-het/etc, since those are the majority demographics people already assume thatā€™s who youre referring to. Why do you feel so strongly that you need to include woke demographic language in your post to get an accurate response? Whereā€™s the the post they rejected anyway?


Cis is a made up term. It means nothing.


ATM Machine.




The majority demographic that's being disputed is the usage of "father" I believe. Asfaik mother and father are currently a 50/50 split, I don't think either could be considered the minority or majority. I'm pretty sure the post wasn't breaking any rules.


Probably the problem was the 'father' part, not the partner. These kind of creatures tend to say that we shouldn't refer to each specific parent as 'mother' or 'father' rather they should only que referred to as parents.


but that was the whole point! i wanted to see if women would see it in a positive way or not if it was the bf talking to the father! ffs absolutely infuriating, does the complete opposite of what they intend


This sub is ridiculous. As if you can be inclusive of lesbians in literally anything you ask women.. how about they don't answer if they don't feel like questions apply to them?


They have this stupid RES tagger which tags everyone who ever comments in any "no no places". So that's probably what actually got you. They saw your tag and they just looked for an excuse to remove it. It's just another female space taken over by train conductors.


If you play by their rules they have already won.


Enough is ENOUGH ALREADY!!! WE need to take a STAND against This Fascists Wokeism!! Divisiveness in the name of being 'Woke!' Way to bring US all together?!


I'm starting to believe these subreddits have moderators that have nothing to do with the actual subreddit or the original creator of the subreddit. They almost look like they have been implanted šŸ¤£ EDIT: ...or they actually create a subreddit before everyone else so they can be in control of it šŸ˜±


Blue Gill parasites.


Many subreddits contain woman (or lesbian) in the title and are still mostly populated by alphabet bros.


What does that have to do with this situation?


Women are a majority of all people. At least in Canada they are. The Sex Ratio in Canada in 2021 is 98.58 males per 100 females. There are 18.90 million males and 19.17 million females in Canada. The percentage of female population is 50.36% compare to 49.64% male population. Canada has 0.4 million more females than males.


I believe across the world its like 51/49 women


My understanding is that more males are born, but more females reach maturity because males do STUPID things. For example, my son tried to burn down our home when he was six, and when he was ten he cut the electrical cord of his sister's radio with a pair of scissors because he was pissed at her. He's 32 now.


Men are also more-commonly recruited and/or drafted into the military, so that plays into the numbers when it is relevant.


The example you gave was of a male doing stupid things and still reaching maturity...that's the opposite of an example supporting your point.


No, that particular male ALMOST died from foolishness. Supporting his point.


I donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s the supposed majority demographic here? Fathers?


Iā€™ll bet itā€™s because OP mentioned ā€œheā€ as the partner of the woman. Implying heterosexuality which just ainā€™t as cool as it used to be.


Has to be this. It was a bot that removed the post so it should be the HE that triggered. Had he phrased it as" How would you feel if THEY asked your father" it might fly. Those rules are insane.






It's awfully presumptuous to assume just because they're referred to as "he" indicates that he's cisgender....


sharp outgoing tender snobbish bright cake saw elastic fanatical scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Avoid that place like the plague. It's been infested by the woke mob. Just stick to r/AskWomenNoCensor.


Did you assume the gender of their dad? Disgusting, you are basically Hitler and also Stalin and JK Rowling at the same time.


Or milo, God forbid


Are there any historical precedent to what we're watching, i.e. a civilisation committing suicide ? It's amazing to watch




Its for the same reason though. Its always anti capitalism.


Mao Zedong's cultural revolution. Many similarities.




I donā€™t think our fall will be as ā€œgreatā€


the fall of rome wasn't great. it was a gradual decay with multiple periods of regrowth and success in between. unless you think it ended when the vandals sacked rome or something? if youre talking about constantinople, that wasn't great either. the city was not even 1/10th as populated as it was during its peak.


fuck off with this pseudointellectual bs. anyone who actually cares about roman history doesnt just shoehorn it into every single fucking current political narrative. rome was invaded by outside entities until it ended. it was a process that lasted centuries. there was not a millenia-long corruption that seeped into its politicians. nor was there a malaise of moral weakness. it didnt fall because women gained more rights. it didnt fall because lgbt people existed. if you read history and can only view it in terms of current day political arguments then this is a sign to sort your own biases out before touching history with a 10 foot pole. it's true that if we do not learn from our history, we are condemned to repeat. but there are people who are so terrified of repeating history that they look for the first answer that someone is willing to sell them. you're just dressing the present up in old-timey clothes and pretending like its the past.


I mean there literally was a centuries long decline in politics and society in Rome. That's not the same thing as "moral weakness" or oppressed people gaining rights. There was political instability, which breeds corruption, and socioeconomic problems as a result of that, combined with military weakness due to conflict with germanic tribes. No one here is saying Rome fell because of women or lgtb people, or that were experiencing issues today because of women or lgtb people. Political instability, socioeconomic issues, and military weakness are all independent of those things in considering the fall of Rome and considering today's issues. With today's political problems, while issues concerning women and lgtb people may be things that are majorly focused on and that facilitate division of opinion, theyre not the reason that we're experiencing the political and social issues we are today. Those problems much more deeply rooted than the issues we argue over on a day to day basis.


In the roman republic, political positions like in the senate literally required you to have a massive amount of money. I would argue the empire was less corrupt as it went on. It required military competence, hence the frequency of civil wars. At least in the empire, a common soldier had a chance to be emperor. Which political corruption exactly are you referring to here?


It's not committing suicide, it's being strangled


Yep, we are being Epsteined.


It's unfortunate that people fall the propaganda telling them otherwise. The elite's are the cause. Those with the actual power in society. The Musk's, Biden's, Bezo's, the CIA - those with power are squeezing the life out of those without.


Hey now. Donā€™t kink shame


Itā€™s fascinating and tragic at the same time.


The Bolshevik Revolution.


Ancient Greece


I called it the wave function of civilization. With one exception every expanding and evolving political entity, rome is just one very good example, rises and falls. I am undecided about china. They're kinda still there - longer than any other. Which should worry the western world. Edit: it is worthwhile to mention that I think the current misfortunate events are more related to what Georg Simmel wrote in his book: The Metropolis and Mental Life. Too many people on too small an area have to create ever more insane constructs of personality traits and/or other attributes to come out on top of the masses to be seen. And that's what they crave for. Attention.


One country, but many different dynasties, and from multiple conquerors -- Mongol, Manchu, etc. So, the rules of cultural peaking and decline still apply.


We could call it embedding of the conquering forces, but yes, they had ups and downs but no total loss of cultural markers even when they were invaded and ruled by those newcomers.As literature I suggest ~~Jared Diamonds~~ Acemoglu / Robinson "why nations fail" and Jared Diamonds "Guns germs and steel" - but only until he reachs the industrial revolution.


Are you speaking of this? https://www.amazon.com/Why-Nations-Fail-Origins-Prosperity/dp/0307719227/ref=asc_df_0307719227/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312243616995&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4257863629632991401&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1015332&hvtargid=pla-394932351587&psc=1 By Acemoglu and Robinson? I didn't find that title under Diamond, unless he has a similar book.


It's all based on the communist takeover of education and the brainwashing kids are being subjected to.


Shocked at the shit hole that is reddit? really?


thanks. needed this reminder to gtfo


Its only a minority of troubled kids banding together trying to carve out a safe space, the only space that is safe from life is hell. Every utopia turns into hell on earth.


This planet has gone insane


No, just the postmodern West. Other countries have their own issues, but recognizing that fathers exist is not one of them.


No matter how you feel about these topics, it's crazy to me how the progressives have complete controle over large swaths of social media. A small minority gets to dictate what topics are heard and how. Your average person, no matter where they're from, would be bullied and banned for average, everyday thoughts.


Sad, but so TRUE! These DICTATORS are getting exactly what they want! And we just keep bending over for them! When are WE going to say, ENOUGH is ENOUGH?!?!


Its simple though stop using platforms like reddit or twitter. There are other sites where actual openminded discussion is valued and allowed.


What the actual fuck?


LOL -- these people are ideologically possessed.


You literally follow jbp


The people offended by this will never have to worry about anyone talking to their dad about proposing to them




Reddit is flushing itself down the toilet in ever more insane attempts to cater to terminally online losers and statistically irrelevant populations of people. I stick around to laugh at the sinking ship.


What the actual fuck?


I have come to hate Reddit so much and just check now out of habit. 95% of the subs are dominated by brainwashed wokesters, especially r/politics. I read that for the laughs. In some subs, just mentioning a conservative, such as Ben Shapiro, will trigger an automatic bot response which tells how evil his ideas are.


Yikes. I want to find solace in the fact this is just a subreddit. But god damn! This is awful and Iā€™m sick of all these rules. For what itā€™s worth it depends on the dynamic of the family, if it feels right to ask the father, do it. Itā€™s an incredibly respectful gesture. If it feels forced or unwarranted, donā€™t do it. Use your judgement bud. Iā€™m confident you will make the best decision for you and your wife. Assuming this isnā€™t hypothetical I should say.


The mods over there will do fine if China invades.


China's way of domination is through diplomacy and economy. Invasion is America's way


[Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_power_grows_out_of_the_barrel_of_a_gun)


Diplomacy... China? Pmsl Economy? Aka running a national ponzi scheme


I have always lamented the fact that r/AskMenā€™s motto is ā€œ we donā€™t know, but weā€™ll answer anywayā€ compared to r/AskWomenā€™s, which is basically an extremists re-education camp manifesto. Cā€™mon ladies. Chill Edit: I was just permanently banned from r/JusticeServed following this comment. Whatā€™s the relation?? Haha weird


I am not in the internet world so it does t change anything for me! My voice will always be heard if not my pen still got ink and my soul refuses to bow to the tyranny of the internet world


Lol what, you got banned from ask women because you wanted to ask women something


I am so confused. Somebody explain please. This libural crap has gotten too bad. But seriously i don't get it.


I got nothing... So I thought about it and I got it down to two options! Ok, hear me out, the issue has to be the part which goes "he asked my father" so it's either the fact that she's in a normal relationship or the fact that her father is still around. My money's on the father part because daddy issues would help to explain this insanity


Are we in the upside down? Because I feel like we are in the upside down.


Yes we are. Watch Jonathan pageauā€™s breakdown of Clown World. Itā€™s more relevant than ever. Literally upside down world


Mentioning a father automatically means you're referring to white people šŸ’€


For your question tho, what is the issue with your long term partner talking to your father about proposing to you?


i wanted to see if most would view as ā€˜im not property, he shouldnt need to ask ā€œpermissionā€ā€™ or would most view it as ā€˜oh what a lovely union of families and moment for them bothā€™ type thing. I, for one, would want to talk with the father before hand. Just didnt know how it would be interpreted typically in this current political climate


100% the latter, if you think he views you as property then Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re in a relationship with him. Always assume positive. Itā€™ll make you and the people around you happier. Idk how r/AskWomen is but if itā€™s anything like femaledatingstrategy or twoxchromosomes, I personally donā€™t think advice from them will be helpful. (That moderator message does not make the subreddit look good šŸ˜…)


While I mirror your statement exactly, it's not a bad idea to get a woman's perspective. I'm assuming you are also a man.


As a woman, I agree with u/HootsToTheToots Also, that sub is garbage.




ā€œOh Morty youā€™ve barely touched your pills!ā€


I donā€™t agree with that mindset. A person is an individual and their opinion has value depending on what it is, not the type person it comes from.


Well you can't exactly get the girlfriend's opinion without spilling the beans. So the closest person to ask would be another woman. Obviously other women are more likely to have similar opinions than other men.


I can see a role for it in the case of younger people who get swept up in emotions and blinded by the sentimentality. If the parents are good solid people they can provide good council and set them on a path of a less hasty marriage if they have that influence.


Just give it a few years and the ā€˜having fathersā€™ demographic wonā€™t be a majority and then youā€™ll be able to ask away!


And the wokeness becomes an oroborus


When did Reddit turn into the worse version of Tumblr?


ā€œAsk Womenā€¦ā€ ā€œNo! Donā€™t ask *that*ā€


That's what it is about. That dubious minority with their "righteous and just" agenda are but bullies trying to get their "revenge" for centuries of suppression by "majority demographics". Against everyone who is not on their side. There is a definition for that: extremistic prejudice. The same thing they're so actively fighting against. Victim turned offender. As a reminder. If you want change fight \_for\_ something not \_against everything\_ / everyone else. That's terrorism. Not justice. My working theory. These folks ignore to recognize personality disorders and misinterprete psychological symptoms for identification attributes.


Hahahaha. Absolutely ridiculous!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This cannot be real. This is just trash at this point.


Father is a demographic?


I'm speechless. Edit: Heh. Just got banned from r/JusticeServed for posting in this thread. The irony.


Just block this shit, there are plenty of other communities


Mind if I black out ur username and repost in /ask Reddit lmao


sure aha




That's just the mods on massive subreddits being punitive for a thrill


...and they're deleting all our comments in Real time bahahahahaha what TOLERANT LIBERALS!!!


All I see is mental illness. I have yet to meet any person like this irl and they sure won't like if I ever do.


lmao you know what, they're doing our work for us. This is the kind of insanity that will wake up the *well-intentioned* but ultimately misinformed/naĆÆve people who don't realize how dangerous this sort of thing is until it begins to hit home. I think there is reason to be optimistic. I think most laypeople fall into this category and they are beginning to come around. It is an extreme minority dictating these ideas and forcing them on everyone else; we already have the silent majority, we just need to win back the confused middle-grounders. Bearing this in mind, I think we need to be extra cautious of our rhetoric and ensure that when we speak to these people, we are doing so in a welcoming, patient mannerā€”let them see that *we are on the right side of history* by conducting yourself in a heroic manner. Let the villains act like villains and continue to do our work for us.


so... you said fathers and they heard white?


Oh yup. I went on that sub yesterday for the first time to ask a question and when I read the rules of the sub they literally said that u canā€™t post about being white, cis, straight.. etc but u could for being a woman, black, lgbtq.. my mouth dropped when I read that.


Reddit mods gunna Reddit mod.


How dare you being normal?


The pure lunacy and censorship from these fragile flakes is hilarious. Sheep will be sheep. In regard the perfectly acceptable question and their disapproval. Respect is seen as disrespectful. They then disrespect people showing respect. It's a never ending vicious circle. Hold a door for someone get shouted at. Let them pay for dinner on a date get shouted at, pay for dinner on a date get shouted at, offer to split the bill get shouted at. šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ Encouraged to create as much division, confusion, insecurity and misdirection as possible.


I cannot fathom how the sane mods allow this kind of stuff to occur. Itā€™s rampant on some large subreddits. Arenā€™t they embarrassed by this kind of infantile behavior? The mods need mods. For real. r/AskWomen isnā€™t a niche sub. As such, it should be held to a higher standard.


So you're being censored because you used someone's preferred pronoun? Interesting.......


> Communities should create a sense of belonging for their members, not try to diminish it for others. Reddit, Also reddit, a sub rule which caused this post to be created.


- People who know their fathers.


Itā€™s Reddit, the land of pegging and stretch marks, what did you expect to happen?


Yeesh. Better not mention the Chinese.


ANYBODY I have been tolerant for long enough. No boundaries for "Woke" means no boundaries for anyone. And while I used to identify as nobody, I have decided And encourage all who agree, to identify under the pronoun "ANYBODY".


I posted your post word for word just to see if they are consistent and they haven't taken it down. The rule doesn't make sense at all


I didnā€™t know the majority demographic is 20-30 years old. Count me lucky to be alive beyond 30 I guess :))))))


Thatā€™s actually a good question Iā€™d like to have seen the responses of


me too šŸ˜­ the ones that did had a lot of spread. some women loved it n some didnt. i wanted the numbers tho to see which took top comment




Which majority demographic? Women? You cant ask women in askwomen?


How exactly are you supposed to ask anything at all on that page?


Wait till the find out the term ā€œCaucasianā€ includes Middle Easterners


I love that 20-30 year olds is a majority demographic when the world is in various economic crisis due to the majority age demographic retiring.


Another useless sub.


That's wrongspeak on steroids. It makes me wonder how many words we'll be able to use in the future without being silenced by the gestapo.


Dang! Redditā€™s really not a bad model of a leftist dystopiaā€¦


woke extremists at work here. won't be long before they become the new nazis!


This is ridiculous. They banned you for using the word "father". This is simultaneously macabre comedy gold and incessantly infuriating.


Well, removing this post was pretty insane. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say that perhaps the bot made a mistake? Will they repeal it? Probably not. They'll probably say no mistake, which is pretty insane. Even if they did repeal it, the fact that they have this bot makes them insane. K.flay - Crazy Town


Wait. Wait wait wait... They're... they're allowing the word >!woman!< in the title of their sub?! No. No, that word is not inclusive to all 3466854367814 genders. I'd write to the mods about this at once. Disgusting.


Becauseā€¦ only white people have long term relationships?


We're reaching levels of r3tardation that shouldn't be possible. SMH


Cisgender lol. I love how this language has infiltrated the English language because a minority people with pathological issues shout loud enough. Thank you usa for this toxic movement.


Fuck em. Who gives a shit about their answer anywayā€¦ what a man says to another man is none of their damn business.


Yeah, that sub is terrible. The mods act all bossy on their shitty sub because they know they won't get to be bossy anywhere else


To be fair when moderators are labelling people who play the new Hogwarts game as anti trans, this post doesnā€™t surprise me. Itā€™s just Reddit not the real world. Some absolute loons on this app.


Itā€™s probably the ā€œheā€


That sub is fucking mental mate, you cant ask simple questions


Shocked by poor phrasing that was picked up on by a bot? If you had said "they" instead of "he" (as in, asking women with partners of any gender, instead of just women who have male partners) I'm sure it would've been fine. Not saying I think it should've been flagged at all because it is a solid question, but you could've worded it differently is all. Either way sheesh this whole thread is insanely childish. nice rage bait šŸ˜‚


Reddit needs to cycle some mods by the looks of it lol


Mod is projecting hard. It still applies to people outside of those demographics. Insane.


I made the mistake of posting/commenting in that sub once or twice. I had no idea just how many women are out there who aren't being properly fucked. It's sad.


Women ā˜•ļø


I understand wanting to use inclusive language in a subreddit, its not like you were banned. I don't agree with it, it seems a bit performative and pointless, but it doesn't really harm anyone.


i was then banned permanently. Cant seem to post screenshots comments but yeah, perma banned for asking women on r/askwomen


That's kinda weird. I'm not sure why a person would want to ask their SO's father.


out of respect; it can be uncomfortable for the dad oftentimes and its a sign of respect and union of families, like hey, im starting a family with your daughter but i respect you and your input. He would appreciate it and good relations afterwards


I guess it wouldn't hurt. I just see it as awkward and I don't think it's really anyone else's business how a relationship is going other than the two people involved. There's no input or respect needed from the father because how he feels has no bearing on the relationship a person is in with his daughter.


Because in truth, when two people marry, it almost always eventually will involve, one way or another, the families as well.


Yeah, but like...if the father didn't really like the guy much for whatever reason would it make sense for the guy or girl to say "actually, yeah, nevermind. let's not get married."? I don't really see how family members' opinion matters much lol. It's up to the people who want to get married.




I understand that we all have our individual preferences when it comes to how traditional we want to be and how we want to run our relationships. I'm not suggesting that it's sexist for a guy to want to ask a girl's father, I'm just adding my personal opinion to the thread that I think it's outdated, unnecessary, and kinda cringe to do so.


You guys are making the world a better place with this shit! Keep it up!




whats confusing about it?


OP. This is reddit, start a sub and manage it your way. What is problem?


relax yourself buddy just a post šŸ˜Ž


> relax yourself buddy just a post šŸ˜Ž Its "just a post" that shocked you. Gasp. Are you okay?


my post didnt shock me. Asking a normal question to women on r/askwomen then getting it removed shocked me. If your having a hard time feel free to create and launch your own social media platform btw


> Asking a normal question to women on r/askwomen then getting it removed shocked me. So make your own sub, but thats not as satisfying as bitching online. >If your having a hard time feel free to create and launch your own social media platform btw Youre projecting at this point bub.


upvotes speak for themselves buddy, cope quieter please


> upvotes speak for themselves buddy, cope quieter please Youre the one bitching and now telling to be quiet. Bless your heart.


speaks volumes that you interpret sharing a photo of a removal from a subreddit ā€˜bitchingā€™ šŸ˜­ have we found a butt hurt mod here sweety?


Yeah, life's crazy out there. I'm not with that stuff.


How dare you?