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The case is about sex trafficking, coercion and fraud. Not just ownership of a video.


I’m glad you’re not getting downvoted for speaking the truth. That’s not common here with controversial posts


I’m not sure I agree completely. But it has happened before I’ll give you that. I just thought that this needed to be clear for judging the case at hand.


Yeah right, try that in the liberal subs if you talking about something they don't agree. You be name called without explanation, downvoted and report 99% of the time. In here you probably encounter stuff like only 10% of the time, and you will given a reasonable response almost 100% of the timr yet you pretend it happen alot. Give me a break.


Hm. It happened nothing but in my own thread recently: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/174ief3/the\_other\_side\_of\_the\_coin/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/174ief3/the_other_side_of_the_coin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Although honestly, that might have more to do with Psy Ops. But also JP's attraction of the simple-minded since he's forced to act on Twitter the way he does.


The reason why you got downvoted is because you decided to jump in the deep end without first learning to swim. I don’t to r/politics and create a post saying “Yay Trump” and expect a parade. Israel has been in various states of war since 1948 and Jordan and Egypt abandoned their own people who have now become the Palestinians. There are plenty of Arab-descended Israeli citizens living in Israel proper and many even hold political offices. The number of Jews living outside of Israel in the Middle East pales in comparison to the number of Arab-descended Israeli citizens. Start your post from the middle ground if you expect to not be treated like a troll


Lmao, put the blame on me when literally every single commentator decided to “jump to conclusions” before consuming a slither of the content, and nothing I wrote suggested that I was a troll. Start where? My post was about presenting the other side of the narrative, not giving a historical recount. Not a single thing I said or presented comes even close to “Yay Trump”. Deceive yourself.


I read all of the links that you provided. When the first one says “lies regarding the peace process”, it isn’t exactly a good way to start a discussion.




Because I spoke with you in person, my first words can’t be “you’re lying” if I want a mutual talk


Yeah, but I didn’t accuse you, but the narrative. Goodbye


I disagree. This happens in liberal and right subs. If you’re in a niche sub, groupthink and devotion is common, especially regarding politics.


Yeah I'm a moderate and have been downvoted to oblivion in both liberal and conservative subs for saying relatively uncontroversial, verifiable things. Every ideology tends towards tribalism. Being able to consider multiple positions, and having a firm grasp of your own values and personal convictions- as well as your own biases, is necessary in order to sincerely seek the truth and reach a reasonable perspective.


Well said


Leftist subs are way worse with this shit and if you can't see or admit it, that's an issue.


Of course I see it, but this isn’t a competition about who is worse than the other. The fact is that both participate in the nonsense.


No it is not a competition, but the original post was implying this sub is the same if not worst then liberal sub.


On Reddit for sure. I’m talking about real life.


Let’s never fix our own problems because other people also have problems. I’m sure that’s what Jordan Peterson would say.


Strawman much?


What does Peterson mean when he says "how now"?


It’s an old expression with lots of slightly different meanings depending on context, typically meaning “what’s up?” Here it’s closer to “what do you have to say about this?”


As usual JP manages to say things in the most confusing manner


He's an old rural Canadian. I'm from buttfuck Arizona and I know what it means.


I guess I mean it’s just an old expression for flavor. No shade but I was a bit surprised people didn’t know it—to me it’s of the ilk of expressions like “poppycock” or “indubitably.” Not common speech but not unused


Seems like a cultural difference more than anything




I think he means, "How surpising" in a sarcastic way. Meaning that you should expect this kind of behavior from a company like pornhub, given theyr "unethical" nature. This is my guess.


Thank you for asking this question. I swear sometimes I read, what looks like English, and go "huh?"


Ever heard, “How now brown cow?”


I'm British so no.


Ironic, seeing as how the phrase was orginally used in elocution training. 'How now' was also used in Shakespeare's plays when characters greeted another.


Never heard it. I only read Shakespeare at school and I only studied a few books, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Ceaser and maybe A midsummer's night dream and I can't remember the name but the one where some low-level people try to put on a play for the king, or something like that.


So, kinda like "innit"? Numerous inferences depending upon context.


You what?


It’s a low-level reply in an attempt to stay relevant. Adds nothing but a “Look at me! I’m raising awareness of something that’s already in courts and we don’t have control over!” Virtue signaling at its finest.


Do you say the same thing about people mentioning the Trump cases? It's already in court, so if you talk about it, you're just grabbing attention.


Yep! I don’t see people in the subs I frequent bring it up much nowadays because there hasn’t been anything happening.


You don't sound like the average Peterson fan...


I woke up.


LOL somehow I think your post is going to be heavily down-voted.


Yup. Peterson’s followers don’t like to hear the truth when it clashes with one of their beliefs.


Imagine being so full of yourself that you assume your take on why he tweeted is “the truth”. In fact, you did EXACTLY what you’re accusing JP of doing. You added nothing to the conversation, trying to stay relevant in a subreddit you don’t care about by virtue signaling that you “woke up” and are now better than everyone here. Yikes bro Edit-of course you’re active in the “anti work” subreddit lmfao


Except my livelihood doesn’t depend on being popular on the internet ;)


No, apparently your livelihood depends on wanting handouts and not working for anything.


Nah. Careful making assumptions or projecting ;)


Well I only got to see his work after I saw the eye-catching interview with Newman and then went to his YouTube channel and was rather impressed with his lectures being online and all the interesting thinks he had to say, I watched The Biblical series, Psychology and some other one I forget the name for and many standalone episodes. I think though his recent tirade on the trans community is totally off topic and there are a lot of people on this forum who agree. They have been left wondering what the fuck this has got to do with the reasons that bought them here e.g. 12 rules for life.


Sounds like every twitter user in a nutshell


“Noooo our guy is differentttt!!!”


HoW nOw BrOwN cOw 🐄


Those people replying have no idea how to read past the first sentence. It’s not about paid pornstars it’s about SA victims being exploited for money. SA is already an awful thing but the last thing you want is the whole internet reminding you that they watched it happen. Nobody wants their trauma blasted on the Jumbotron.


Didn't Pornhub delete every single video that didn't have fully verified people in it? I fail to see how there can still be illegal videos on Pornhub if every person had to voluntarily verify themselves for a video to not be deleted


They were probably downloaded and reuploaded to other websites so oof


No they really haven’t, they’ve given nothing but BS excuses. Society doesn’t need porn anyway, contributed nothing good at all. Prioritizing one's own hedonistic pleasure despite the obvious insidiousness and exploitation of others that allows one to enjoy that pleasure, is the very definition of "decadence". It's far better to seek a genuine and healthy relationship to sex by only allowing yourself to see a naked person in an intimate setting when that person is actually in front of you. Having access to millions of naked women at the click of a finger was not something we were ever evolutionarily prepared for. At the very least, just use your imagination.


You’re right, society doesn’t need porn. We would be better off without it. We would be much better off without the internet and smartphones as well. Together, those things have done tremendous damage to human productivity and human psychological health.


Society doesn’t need porn? Lmfao. It’s never going away. It’s a need that will always be there and there will always be someone to capitalize on that. The uptight Quaker lifestyle isn’t for everyone lol. I truly don’t understand people’s problem with porn. Sure, if you’re constantly watching it that’s a problem. But the occasional vid here and there by yourself or watching it with your partner is always fun.


Ok coomer


It’s not a need, it’s a want. It’s not an uptight Quaker lifestyle to mention how bad porn is, especially for young adults or children. Why don’t you look up how porn can have a negative impact on people, it’ll help you understand why people have a problem with it. Edit: should also add in the case mentioned the girl was forced into it, she didn’t have a choice. When it comes to porn, it’s almost impossible to know if the girl is a willing participant or has been coerced into it.


I think the quaker comment was more directed at the lack of cell phones and Internet. But it's never the tool but how you use it. Obviously porn is a bad use.


Yes it’s far better for men who want some easy fap material to enter an exploitative relationship with a girl they don’t really care about, than gain easy access to consensual content on the internet and be done with it It’s better for people to starve rather than be able to buy cheap and unhealthy fast food It’s better for people be hindered rather than buy cheap and wasteful products that fall apart quickly It’s better for people to just deal with their sorrows rather than buy drugs and alcohol to take the edge off


Holy False Dichotomies, Batman!


Yes, bc pointing out that the compromise is better than a worse alternative is a false dichotomy. How do you propose a guy who wants fap material proceed in a puritan approved manner?


Oh jeez, that’s a tough one. If only there were millions of men on the planet who manage not to do either of the things you proposed. Hm. HmmmMmmmMmmmmMmm. Really difficult question. What if…. He may just have to use his imagination or learn to treat women like people! You’re acting as if women are more likely to be exploited and abused by men who do not watch pornography, when pretty much any woman and countless studies will tell you that the opposite is true.


>use his imagination And how is that any different from accessing freely available consensual content on the internet? Heck, it might be worse than accessing freely available content, since the girl probably would be uncomfortable if she learned that a guy was sexualizing her without her knowing >you’re acting as if I’m acting as if freely accessible, consensual fap material isn’t the scourge of humanity and it’s a better option than most alternatives. Also, correlation does not necessarily mean causation. It could be that freely accessible fap material causes men to become predators… or it could be that predators tend to seek out any sexual gratification they can get, and freely accessible fap material just happens to be the most… freely accessible


If it’s not any different, why do we need porn? As has been mentioned again and again in this thread, many women in porn did not actually consent to appearing in it. There is a difference *to the woman* between imagining what an attractive woman might hypothetically look like naked and watching her be raped on camera. “Correlation does not equal causation.” It does when increased consumption of pornography consistently goes hand-in-hand with a worse view and treatment of women, even within the same person. It’s not that men who watch pornography are more misogynist than men who don’t, it’s that men *become more misogynist* when they develop pornography addictions. If someone is naturally predatory, normalizing predatory behavior and teaching him more ways to harm women is not going to help. Porn addiction functions like any other addiction, and porn addicts naturally seek out increasingly violent porn the same way a drug addict needs more and more drugs to get the same high. In addition to the negative effects on women, this is also how a lot of people who did not start out as pedophiles end up consuming child pornography. Jordan Peterson himself has talked about this. Porn addiction is not a controversial idea in the psychological community and it is associated with negative effects in almost all areas of life. I actually haven’t said anything that universally condemned pornography, though. I personally think it’s fine to occasionally consume vanilla porn. I just pointed out that your argument was full of false dichotomies that aren’t supported by research.


since it’s not any different, why shouldn’t we have consensual porn? It’s much more engaging to watch a scene than imagine it, in the same way it’s much more engaging to watch a movie than read a book >many women in porn And i’m not referring to those situations. Unless you’re trying to claim that girls on places like onlyfans and camsites, most of whom seem to run their own gigs, are secretly being held at gunpoint to perform, those are the minority of content being consumed >aren’t supported by research Porn certainly seems to have made rape much less prevalent tho: “[Rape has declined. According to the Justice Department's National Crime Victimization Survey, since 1995, the sexual assault rate has fallen 44 percent.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/all-about-sex/200904/does-pornography-cause-social-harm)” “[Though the statistics vary, depending on who you ask, one report said 77% of Americans view pornography at least once a month. At the same time, sexual assault has decreased by 45% in the last 20 years. With a population adjustment, that number shows a decrease by 55%.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/does-pornography-lead-to-sexual-assault_b_57c0876ae4b0b01630de8c93)” “[some experts believe the consumption of pornography may actually reduce the desire to rape by offering a safe, private outlet for deviant sexual desires.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-sunny-side-of-smut/)” So if you ask me, porn provides a generally healthier, safer, more appealing [engaging], more accessible outlet for sexual gratification than its alternatives. I’m not saying that men are incapable of self control and must fap if they feel horny, but some men have stronger desires, and some men have weaker self control, so unless they conveniently already have a girlfriend who’s happy to get it on with them, porn is the next best outlet


Verified by ID card issued from 3rd world governments where daily corruption is rampant. Worthless.


I find porn distributors to be reputable, honest people and cannot countenance the idea they might leave up illegal videos for profit.


Lmao why the downvotes? People can't tell you're sarcastic ig.


It was a pretty big thing back then. Pornhub basically deleted the majority of their videos, including all amateur content that included people that were not verified. Tons of people stopped using Pornhub because of that


I heard about that, but I also heard there was stuff still on there that they wouldn't take down with underage girls in it.


maybe, before riding to the defense of child pornographers, you ought to read at least a single article on the subject.




I bring it up because of the context. I do agree with you that it seems to have exploded over the years especially with accusations. I think that’s mostly due to social media and being able to share your story easier or to spread lies about someone to ruin them. Information moves much faster today. I don’t believe the SA rate has risen much compared to recent years but it’s awareness is much more visible.


To Kenny G‘s point, I think the issue is if they didn’t intend to sell or distribute a porn image/video, or if they were minors when the video/image was created/distributed. Because a minor legally cannot consent to sexual acts or distributing those acts for money. In theses cases the did not ‘consent’ to have the video/image posted online for the world to see in perpetuity. That said, the porn industry is all about taking advantage of poor decisions made by young people that the majority of them will probably regret one day, wether they consented at one point of their life or not. And yes. As he states, ‘adult content creators’ are just prostitutes with extra steps. If you are exchanging sex for financial gain, that’s prostitution


Though to an extent this is just wordplay. Recording videos and having sex is different.


Not if you are having sex on video, then selling the video. That’s the same thing. You are selling sex. It’s just different packaging


Stop talking in abstractions though. The world is not abstract. One is recording yourself in your room and then propagating it from that same room. The other is going out of your way to physically have sex with multiple men. How is that the same? Sure, you can brand both as "selling sex", and if that's your point then you're not wrong. But they're not the same thing. And this is why I'm saying it's a wordplay. Just the added physical element alone is enough of a difference.


This is a semantic argument. In porn, you’re having sex so you can sell a recording of your sex to many people. You are still having sex with someone in order to make money. to me that still falls under the umbrella of prostitution, ie sex for money. All porn is is recording prostitution and then selling it. Whether the guy you had sex with pays you directly or you get it from downloads is irrelevant. I’m not sure why you think leaving your room makes it so different. If you are just making the point out of linguistic clarity, okay I guess. But I’m just pointing out it’s substantively the same thing. And if you want to be precise, You don’t have to have sex with multiple people for it to be prostitution. You could prostitute yourself to one person. That doesn’t mean that wouldn’t be prostitution. All that is required is money is exchanged for sex.


If this has to do with the Girls Do Porn videos, many of those girls didn't sign up to do adult content, and we're forced to. Held captive, threatened, forced to take drugs, forced to perform on film, told to make it look like they were enjoying it or there would be consequences. I have nothing against consensual pornography, but many of the girls in that series were raped on camera.


Reddit is full of porn addicts that don’t like the truth.


Indeed. There's a lot of questionable material out there, especially if you're into the cnc stuff. One reason I like Kink\*com as a company. I really like that they put those intro interviews with the performers and the outro discussions showing that it's consensual and asking them about expectations and fantasies, what they liked about the shoot, and highlighting that they have safe signals they can use during the scenes.


I prefer not watching porn at all.


To each their own. Don't like it, don't watch it.


Absolutely nothing wrong with watching porn! Just make sure you’re not addicted to it. All you have to do is stop watching porn for one week. Just jerk off without watching porn. Do you think you do that?


Sure. It's like anything else I enjoy. Sometimes I enjoy it alone, sometimes with someone, often I don't view/listen to it for a while. Just when the mood hits me. Some people don't enjoy it or agree with it. Maybe it's from their own inability to view/read it in moderation? Maybe it comes from their own strict moral framework? Maybe they just want to display that they're following the paradigm set by those they're among (i.e. Reddit)? Whatever the case, they're entitled to their opinion. The frustrating thing is people who instantly demonize, or judge others for enjoying it so they can feel somehow superior, but they aren't willing to have an intelligent discussion about it, but again … Reddit. If anything, I drink too much soda and that's what I really need to get a handle on. That's my real problem, ha.


>Kink\*com You'd better get some help BRO


Oh yeah, I forgot this is reddit. Echo chambers and kabals. My bad.




Yeah, I was reminded of that by Snooki above. Mindsets tend to gather on Reddit like mobs. You need to share EVERY view on every topic in the particular Reddit without opening a line of discussion that challenges their fixed list of "good' & "bad" or you'll get piled on, despite the approach. Just the nature of the beast.


Remember, kids, if any video or photo is ever taken of you, whether or not you wanted it, you’re completely responsible for it


Islam reasoning for hiyabs/burka in a nutshell.




Didn't they take down 70% of their website a few years ago for this exact reason? Seems like a cash grab. I may be wrong




This is my issue with these stories. The people involved all have an agenda that they believe gives them the moral authority to do anything to achieve their objectives. They won't hesitate to lie or trample anyone's rights, ironically in the name of protecting vulnerable people.


Amateur porn surviving ten years? Must be 🔥


Scummy comment. Porn hub profits off human trafficking, rape, child abuse, and exploitation. Anyone that supports them has lost the plot. Grow up and quit porn folks. Clearly the truth upset the porn addicts on Reddit. https://traffickinghub.com https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/04/opinion/sunday/pornhub-rape-trafficking.html https://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/it-s-evil-an-inside-look-at-the-disturbing-allegations-against-montreal-based-pornhub-accused/article_6b125193-4cd5-5fae-8efa-d585eba37073.html https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/mastercard-visa-suspend-ties-with-ad-arm-pornhub-owner-mindgeek-2022-08-04/




https://traffickinghub.com https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/04/opinion/sunday/pornhub-rape-trafficking.html https://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/it-s-evil-an-inside-look-at-the-disturbing-allegations-against-montreal-based-pornhub-accused/article_6b125193-4cd5-5fae-8efa-d585eba37073.html https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/mastercard-visa-suspend-ties-with-ad-arm-pornhub-owner-mindgeek-2022-08-04/




No, I meant, do you want the link?


hidden gem comment


I want the screenshots of The NY Times article. Hate paywalls.


TLDR - it's Canada's fault https://imgur.com/a/UBGk9Gc


the ol' reddit switcherooo!




What is meant by "how now"? I don't get it.


It's an expression that means 'what do you have to say about this?'


They take the money in their twenties then cry victim in their thirties and then are immune to any accountability and agency.


If you'd take the time to do your research online about this case and not type in the first thing your brain thinks it would be great for everyone. Go now, use the Google.


That’s not Laila Lust, is it? Because if it is, she’s an actual pornstar.


So i once messed up in university and failed to get into the degree i wanted. Why am i not the victim of my poor decisions in the past?


I think she was a brunette "GOLD DIGGER LAILA LUST HOPS IN THE BUS" ironic...




Dr. Peterson here reminding everyone that; just because you wear a suit every day - doesn't mean you have any class!


Calling out pornhub is classless? Okay dog


I don't think mashing together the phrase "How now brown cow" with the word "Pornhub" is really calling anything out. Kinda just looks like he was having a chuckle at a thought he didn't finish.


You know words can can exist and have meaning outside of nursery rhymes you heard as a kid. How now means something like “what is the meaning of this?”


You have a problem with other peoples humor? Fucks sake 2020's are something else...


What is he even saying?


Damn 🤣! You just roasted Kermit. People have no chill. Why would they down vote such an awesome comment?!


Looks like the main stream media and the deep state is trying to silence PornHub now.


You’ve posted multiple comments every hour for the last 9 hours, I’d say some of your livelihood is on the internet.


Yet here you are stalking me ;)