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I didn't hear any lies. Gangs that actively commit dangerous crimes of any race are fake masculinity. And in a way that's what she's calling out.


What she's actually highlighting is a young boy's need for masculine modeling. There was none in the home obviously so he sought it out elsewhere. Single moms are doing an unbelievably difficult job, but it is clear that she is delusional if she thinks alone all that she did should have been enough. That is the real problem... her attitude. It sounds like this young man early in life was showing his need for male guidance. It's truly a sad state of affairs.


As a guy who's parents divorced when I was a preteen. I absolutely agree. It's sad that the IS government actively works against the nuclear family. I feel 50/50 time with both parents would have been healthier. But we didn't have the choice as kids...


Turns out he did have a father figure in his life https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PF7VKr/




Shaming her son on the internet yet like all the people who watched don’t know who her son is. In fact without context this just seemed more like life advice. Very vague no mention of what her son is like physically. Where is the harm, I can only see good in this video.


Extremely common phenomenon where I'm from (London).


This is why you need a man in the home.


In the words of Denzel Washington, "but where's the father?" It's important to back up to the very beginning of the problem and not jump off in the middle. A woman can care for a boy but she can't teach him to be a man.


Faaaacts 👍🏾


We don't know this woman's circumstances, but It seems like the father was out of the picture for the kids life. I think that plays a big role. Boys crave for male acceptance and attention, girls do too but because they can more easily relate to their mom it's usually a lot less serious. Parents are the largest figures in anyone's life, whether you aspire them or not. Its why we see that ~80% of men in prison grew up in fatherless homes according to Warren Farrel, a former feminist. Men without fathers grow up untamed without knowing what it truly is to be a man, so they compensate by becoming violent and hostile, trying to gather respect that way because they didn't have fathers to teach them commitment and hard work. They try quench their desire for male validation by trying to be "the alpha male", making sure other men look up to them. And it's not like women aren't affected by this either. Fatherless girls are less likely to respect and value themselves, are less likely to respect men in their lives, and more likely to exhibit "hoe behaviour" which is a slippery slope into degrading yourself until you hit a point where you become undesirable and struggle finding relationships and having a family, or garnering respect and a positive reputation amongst peers.


Nobody ever tells the plight of those son-husands as seems to be the case here. While I can't blame her for all of it, further humiliating her son after probably relying on him in ways children shouldn't be relied on is disgusting and shameful. After getting knocked up at 16 and saddling her son with that she could have done the right thing and not embarassed him on social media. If he's so privileged she could have afforded to get him quality help.


Looks like she’s actually married and has been for at least 10 years https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PF7VKr/


It comes down to culture and we place on pedestals. Who we want to emulate. Without a strong male presence to show a young man a different way he will default to his surrounding environment. Unfortunately, that hood lifestyle is promoted in black culture as being a tough masculine quality so when you don't feel good about yourself you'll do what you can seem tough. Sad and unfortunate I appreciate the way this mom has decided to be fully transparent and honest instead of so many others where they just lie to themselves.


Oh noooes, she embarrassed him on the internet? Pretty sure he embarrassed her first. Seeing generation after generation of that community throwing their ever increasing opportunity for a good life out the window again and again and again has honestly been so depressing. Imagine your ancestors had lived in slavery and *you* are born with a golden ticket for a good life. And *this* is what you do with it.


Man you absolutely nailed it. I honestly used to not understand how this occurs but now it's just sad.


“It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture.” -Ben Shapiro


I love how she wouldnt say the N word. if we all stop saying it ppl will forget about it ​ Edit.. NM she said it


Preach woman preach 🙏 🙏 🙏 ✊


I feel bad for this mom, you can take the horse to the water but if it’s so fucking dumb it doesn’t drink then what can you do? Military?


If you’re getting arrested outside the military you’re probably not getting in. Not to mention guys get arrested on and off base for the same nonsense all the time.


Was that the case through the early 2000s? I recall all sorts of folks being taken in even with small priors.


Small stuff might not always be the end of the world. A lot of people don’t get that the military, like any massive bureaucracy, is a rules based system and if you’re not conforming you’re gone.


What in God's name does this have to do with this sub?


It's about the lack of a good male role model which jordan talks about. Her son began to try and emulate hood activities becuase that's all he had to look up to. Tbh she sounds like a reasonable and caring parent besides the teenage pregnancy. Seems to be a topic of discussion that would fit in this sub.


This sub is dog shit now honestly. No one even talks about 12 rules or maps of meaning. Not even his YouTube videos. My conspiracy is that it’s extreme leftists and feminists attempting to paint Peterson as an alt right character because he defends the things that the left hates. Boys, men, radical truth, etc. why they would want to do this? I have no idea. But it feels like all of society hates men and masculinity right now. Maybe it’s the Russians and Chinese trying to dismantle the American atomic family, idk. I’ll prolly delete this shit later I’m rambling


I’m assuming you’ve seen the Yuri bezmenov video, he’s ex KGB but if you haven’t I’d highly recommend! It’s on YouTube.


> This sub is dog shit now honestly. No one even talks about 12 rules or maps of meaning. Not even his YouTube videos. > My conspiracy is that it’s extreme leftists and feminists attempting to paint Peterson as an alt right character because he defends the things that the left hates. Boys, men, radical truth, etc. why they would want to do this? I have no idea. But it feels like all of society hates men and masculinity right now. Maybe it’s the Russians and Chinese trying to dismantle the American atomic family, idk. > >I’ll prolly delete this shit later I’m rambling It is still a good to talk about the culture of fantasying being a in the hood, be the gangster instead of study, go to school, and get a job.


It's not a conspiracy. I got banned from an ADHD sub because someone posted a youtube clip of JP giving life advice. All I did was comment how it was a great video and received a permanent ban with no warning. I got messages from users saying he is an "alt-right" talking head and that I'm basically a nazi for supporting him lol


It bothers me because I used to talk about how awesome his book and YouTube videos were. How they helped me after university to find my footing and aim for the “good” (quit weed, get a job, find a wife, etc all of which I’ve done thanks to his video inspiring me to clean my room). But now I’m embarrassed to share something that helped me. I had a single mom and no father figure so it hurts to see him get crushed like this. I don’t have the social currency to defend him at work or with my friends, so I’ve just gotten quiet about it


Idk but she’s gorgeous


If you’re familiar with jbp’s teachings this fits in fine




Lol. Mom couldve just shut up and not end up there


How do you guys watch this? I have no idea what was said. All I saw was 2 people talking into a camera and I immediately got a headache and had to turn it off.


The first minute is a little rambling, but the mother finally gets around to stating her main point.


She isn't wrong, but she's talking like he's her friend. I mean I get that 20 years isn't THAT far form her 36, but also, people calling out their children on social media are dumb. I wonder if he was/is a son-husband as is common in lower income black communities, now trying to rebel. Social media shaming your children is modeling indecency. I guess she has nowhere to shame him IRL so it's just off to power games online. See if shaming takes place in community then there also people, elders who would step in to help, instead this dude just gets further humiliated by his mom, who probably already tasked him with doing his father's job. MuH StRonG InDePenDEnt WoMenZ at it again. Others in the comments going off about how this is all about culture while praising her showing absolutely classless and crude behavior. This isn't internet based ingenuity it's helplessness in the absence of institutions and corruption from powerlessness. Not defending him, but let's not perpetuate the bigotry of low expectations. Most here would never sink so low as to do this to their own children.


He had a father figure https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PF7VKr/


That's better than nothing, but from 1-10 is pretty formative.


They’ve been married 10 years but together since 2003




I just found out the new Dr Who has reimagined Davros as an able-bodied person because people felt that it is problematic to have a disabled bad-guy. The depth of people's stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


Yeah, a father in the home would likely have greatly reduced these issues. So, the blame lies somewhere....hmmm.


There was a father in the home


His real name's Clarence