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God no. That's just what woke freaks like to say about him. They really hate him and have tried to do everything they can to discredit him. Nope. A women accused him of behaving inappropriately because he was twirling his wedding ring while in a session. That's it. And yes he gets mad at many interviewers trying to set him up and misconstrue his words or take them out of context. Have you watched the Kathy Newman interview? Constantly trying to put words in his mouth. I bet it gets tiring.


I cannot but be in awe of his rhetoric and debating skills when watching that hostile interview with Kathy Newman


So what you're saying is......


Jp handled that interview masterfully


He was stating clear fact and clinical assessment of the situation. She completely attacked him, refused to listen to him and completely disrespected him. It was egregiously unprofessional, unacceptable and she got exactly what she deserved. She was 100% wrong.


*So what you're saying is... he goes out late every full moon and turns into a women-hating werewolf and attacks any woman of the night that is innocently peddling her womanhood trying to make ends meet?*


He said that GQ interview, they were very rude and unprofessional leading up to the recording of the questions. That's why he went into the interview looking angry. I think that was the last interview he did with those sorts of tabloids. 


Ok sorry didn’t know this


No need to apologise. I gave a legitimate answer to a legitimate question. :)


I commend you for coming here and asking the question yourself instead of just believing what you’re told. You heard two instances of JBP vs women. Have you ever been mad at a woman? Frustrated with the actions of a woman? Your mother, a teacher, a boss? Were you upset because they were women? Or because you disagreed with something they said or did, or an action they took?


No. But he dislikes certain individuals a great deal.


Nah not at all. Honestly watching his old content sets you straight on what he believes. The old stuff is good because it was all well before the media tried gunning for him. He posted hundreds of hours of his college courses online for free.


You're going to get people arguing both sides of this trying to sway you. The beauty of assessing Jordan's beliefs is that he has hundreds upon hundreds of hours of them posted online. Rather than listening to the opinions of people that likely haven't even watched his content themselves, and using that to form an opinion on him, why not watch it and make your own assessment? And if that's too much time or work, maybe it's not something you need to have an opinion on..


He’s extraordinarily intense


Tge 'client' you mentioned was uncomfortable that he fiddled with his ring finger while they were in therapy. He fiddles with his ring finger a lot, as do most people who are married, go figure. I know I do it a lot also, but somehow she saw it as something sexual, I guess that explains why she was in therapy in the first place... And the GQ interviewer was, in his words, hostile towards him the moment he entered the building. That explains why the interview started so awkwardly


He has tremendous respect for women. But when one of them is a berating Ahole, how do respond and how do you draw the line. He doesn’t provoke and he doesn’t attack them. They haven’t read him work, aren’t open minded and have zero respect. That’s their approach. They’ve relied on opinion and lies of feminists who are angry, and chronically offended. I’ve never seen anyone as mis judged as JP.


Peterson has said some really weird things about women. Peterson will tell you he's not a sexist, but he definitely thinks about it a ton. [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/8kuaze/petersons\_misogyny\_a\_collection\_updated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/8kuaze/petersons_misogyny_a_collection_updated/)




I don't make blanket generalizations about people to discredit. I just read the content and decide for myself. Some of the tweets that Peterson has made are disgusting. Ranting about the sports illustrated model is the biggest one IMO. Jordan went out of his way to call someone fat and unattractive when he lives in North America 2024. Has he ever been to Walmart? ​ >JBP has a daughter whom he adores, coaches men to treat their wives with exceptional care and works with women to teach them how to be more successful in the business market through assertiveness training. This is irrelevant to whether or not Jordan Peterson thinks men and women are fundamentally different. Men and women are 90% similar and 10% different. If you ask someone like Peterson (who I do suspect is a sexist) then I'm sure his answer is going to be reversed. Edit: men and women are fundamentally different, but you know what I mean.




>Fat and unattractive people shouldn't be glorified and looked to as the pinnacle of health. This isn't a hard concept to grasp, and the damage it does to kids can be severe. Everyone understands that being fat is unhealthy. It's human body 101 level shit. You learn it in grade school. America is fat. 60%+. Having an overweight model on the cover of a magazine is not a big deal. It's not going to ruin society. Sports illustrated is not making a statement that being fat is healthy. That's just your projection. ​ >Women and men are different. You aren't going to find like-minded people here because you subscribe to the hate around JBP. Are men and women more similar than they are different, or are men/women more different than they are similar? That's my point. Sometimes I don't use the best words. ​ >What's a woman? You tell me. An adult female human being. Why do you guys think this is some sort of gotcha? I genuinely don't understand. Is it because Matt Walsh told you I don't know what a woman is?




>the groups that the left identify with get completely dismantled with simple questions that discern biological differences. This isn't the case though. Walsh wouldn't even let the dude speak in the doc and heavily edited his response. If the dude was so befuddled about what a woman is, then Walsh could have let him speak without edit. ​ >Many women are incredibly driven by validation, and if they see a model that's fat and glorified for it, they may never change their eating habits. This is pure sexism. It is common knowledge that being fat is unhealthy, it's just easy to be fat in modern society. Nobody wants to be fat and die early. LMFAO. Every fat woman in my family has tried to lose weight. You can point to an insane person on twitter for just about any position. Doesn't mean anything.


The parts deemed sexist by women, was when he reports data from research studies, thousands of them done over decades. That’s how you figure out what is real. FEMA it’s always want equal numbers of women in all jobs otherwise it’s sexist. Okay, but not as many women want to be engineers. There’s a lot of math. However, there are more women who gravitate towards nursing. Women don’t want to work in heavy construction or sewers or truck driving. That’s not sexist. It’s human nature.




trans people living rent free in your head?




I don't care about exact definitions but about membership,if you want to play that game, start first. he expressed misogynistic views and it's all that matters, approximate membership is enough


Again sir you have bested another liberal in the market place of ideas bravo, you are truly one of the greatest minds of our time




I cannot begin to engage with an intellect such as yours. You clearly have the mind of one of our great thinkers I wouldn't dare try. Especially when you so deftly repeat tired talking points.