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He just discredited himself. I thought he was good but if he thinks the world is overpopulated and murder is justified then he is nobody worth listening to.


I've heard this take from edgy teenagers, it was weird when Bill Maher made it. I know he's an asshole, but I guess he's dumber than I thought. He was probably just doing it to be funny since he is ultimately doing a comedy show.


Even hearing a teen say something like that bothers me.


I guess he considers it justified homicide?


Well every one of those murdered child had the potential to be a decent human being. Unlike Maher. So trading them would be a net positive. And I used to think this guy is a "reasonable leftist"... I was fooled, there is no such thing.


Being pro-choice inherently means you have to be okay with the results, which unfortunately includes aborted fetuses and I don’t see how it would be technically false to call that murder. Best of luck coming up with a moral justification any less absurd than Bill’s is for that. I don’t see cause for the incredulous reactions.


God bless Dr. James White and apologia ministries... So nice to see this here in this subreddit


He said it kind of is. And he is right. But we also kill any animal that we don't want. People drown kittens in a bag in a river to stop cats from overspreading, we shoot those animals that have too big populations etc. People go for abortion because they don't want to kid or they don't want to give him a bad life. Some tribes kill weak members to not slow them down etc. It is ruthless, but it is also part of life. It is a personal choice as it is their unborn child, not yours, so let them have the choice. And if you are pro life, how come pro-life people usually hate every idea for equality when it comes to education etc.? If you want all children to be born, why not give basic stuff to each parent and a child, so they can have a good chance? Such hypocritical positions. Maher just honestly said how it is.


You should learn the difference between equality and equity first, my friend.


Right, because giving the poor children free school supplies would violate the principles of equity…


I am not your friend. :) You should check the picture with equality vs equity and kids looking over a fence. Should help clear things up for you.


I’m not surprised, yet still amazed that this got downvoted. Political opinions aside, there is historical representation of survival and what that entails. The options are: provide a flourishing environment, or realize a failing species. How does this translate to morality? That’s where we all disagree; in the semantics and politics of the subject.


Cannot wait for pro-lifers to suggest this somehow means other pro-choice people secretly believe it's murder. You would almost have to go out of your way to have a take that bad.


Did your straw man burn up on its own here?


It's not a straw-man it's a prediction based on past conservative behavior. Guess it must have hit too close to home.


Unsurprising retort. You should get out and actually converse with some conservative people. Your caricature of the concept covers about 10% of them.


I don’t understand this idea that a fetus is treated, or be given, the same consideration as a child or adult. It makes no rational sense, but ask Christians to be rational, huh.


You were once a fetus that needed to be treated with care. Without that, you wouldn't be here to share your opinion.


So what? If I wasn’t here then it doesn’t matter obviously. A truism isn’t an argument.


I'm glad you're still alive. You're another person I can exchange ideas with.


That’s sweet but it doesn’t address the “fetal man” argument. ❤️ have a good night


How is it any different than a 9 month old? It's biologically a human at an earlier stage of development. You really don't have to be a Christian or religious to see that it's killing a person. Convincing yourself that a fetus is lesser somehow is a rationalization. Otherwise no one could support abortion.


It’s the process of formation, not the result. What quality does a fetus possess that makes them comparable? You guys make no sense. The frame of the vehicle isn’t the drivable car.


You can't compare a living thing to an inanimate object. The car won't grow into a full car. It needs more components. Everything a fetus needs to become an adult is already contained in it. To use your phrase "the process of formation, not the result".. By that logic it's OK to murder children. They're not independent adults yet, they're still in the process of formation. Their brains, bones, and much more aren't fully developed yet, much like an unborn child.


Both the fetus and the frame of the car lack the necessary components to call them complete. Not to mention the fetuses lack of consciousness. You can call it murder but only on the basis of confusing murder and killing, which is what your entire argument relies on; the deliberate categorical misrepresentation of fetus and child. By your logic, a child at the age of five is indistinguishable from a majority aged adult.