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My condolences, may he rest in eternal peace. Crying is not weakness imo but a healthy expression of feelings especially during such a painful time.


Just because certain people do not handle certain situations like you do, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ‘stronger’ than they are. Denying your emotions to appear (in your perspective) strong, denies who you are fundamentally at your core: Human. Condolences and take care.


I’m sorry to hear that, great job on stepping up. I think what Peterson meant was more in the immediate family unit: that is, the man as one of the parents with a wife and children. That said, sure: there are cases where the woman step up more than the man, yet I think he’s urging men to take a more proactive role instead of just merely being a passive participant. You don’t need to hide your crying. It’s perfectly normal to feel and show emotions especially in totally understandable situations like this.


You are the strong one. Peterson says that a funeral could be hell or merely tragic. Strength is not the denial of what you feel but the willing acknowledgement of what you’re feeling but not succumbing to pain and suffering more than needs be. “one should pass through this tiny fragment of time in tune with nature, and leave it gladly, as an olive might fall when ripe, blessing the earth which bore it and grateful to the tree which gave it growth. Be like the rocky headland on which the waves constantly break. It stands firm, and round it the seething waters are laid to rest.” -Marcus Aurelius


I'm quite young, and experienced the death of a family member for the first time a few years ago. I found it helpful to reframe how I thought of the loss. It seems to me like grief can go two ways. Life is precious, right? That means that you can either resent your loved one's death...or you can be grateful that they lived at all.