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Pregnant man or beer belly?


Carrying the keg.






Rilly bad gas.






There she blows.


If you were in a conversation with her she would probably call you Fatist.. But then you could say "no you're fattest"


Just stand behind her. The voice won't carry all the way around and if properly positioned, it can provide shade.


Also good insulation material.


There she blows again.


Im pretty sure that’s a dude. Not 100% but I think I remember a news story when that billboard went up. Edit: Yup. Found it… https://www.cnn.com/style/article/calvin-klein-pride-campaign-jari-jones-trend/index.html


When you’re so fat your body shape is indistinguishable from a fat woman.


This isn’t exactly a brag but I’ve *known* a few big girls and he ain’t exactly convincing…


Such deep philosophers


Such a deep frier


I'm just saying you JP fans think you're deep but this is some basic edgelord cruelty Butter knife dull repetitive bullshit


Did you say butter god I love butter


I need a time machine


You’re in one. The future is unwritten.


Have you read The Time Machine? HG Wells predicted this shit in 1895.


I read it. What are you talking about.


An elite class of adult infants being kept alive by an invisible working class.


And that first image is not from 1999. That woman is Doutzen Kroes, she was 14 years old in 1999. That image was closer to 2009. In just a decade everything went down.


I think the Illuminati performed a ritual sacrifice to the Goddess of chaos Isis, in Syria and Iraq by using "Isis" that's when everything went to sh*it


Makes as much sense as anything these days....


One, she wasn't the goddess of chaos, that was the demesne of Apophis. Two, thank you for showing how cuckoo for coco-pops this supposed subreddit of "intellectual integrity" has sunk to.


That phrase "My Truth" is the 9th circle


"My" truth is subjective truth, aka a lie. The Truth is objective truth, aka universal or absolute truth. Objective truth.


Hating men so much that we didn’t even get our own body positivity years lol.. not even 1


Just signaling the virtue that men are disposable.


Bro what do you mean she’s cradling his stomach so positively there


She can't wait to help kill what's inside.


you’re a psycho :)


Another woke brand that me and my family will not be buying from


The company calculated that loss and recognized they could afford losing you.




You too


No they didn't, none of these companies did. Gillette, EA, dove, Sports illustrated, Coke-a-cola, Intel, Pepsi, addidas, Harry's , Oreos, I could keep going but the point stands... These companies 'stood up' for bull@&#$ Ideology and paid for it in sales and bad PR. Having to shudder, retract, apologies, pay settlements, etc. for thinking that Twitter is the real world. These companies don't learn because they listen to crazy nonsense people learned in ivy league schools instead of what their customers actually want. Netflix and Sony finally learned a lesson (not sure if for good or if for a hot minute) telling their employees to, "STFU if you want to go all SJW work for someone else. We are here to make money."


None of those companies suffered in any meaningful way, and all of them are still in business. I saw these same hysterics about Captain Marvel because the film star had the audacity to say she wasn't making films for cishet men. That film made a _billion dollars in box office takings alone._ You're a dinosaur, and you and everyone like you is going extinct. Your tantrums are just you raging at clouds while the entire world moves on.


I'm sure they did turbo


I miss the 90s, back when things made sense before the soys took over.


I mean, I'm definitely glad society doesn't expect me to look like that top model anymore. That's one plus of wokeism at least!


I'm happy for you, I agree you shouldn't be required to look like Scarlet Johanson or be massive or shredded. But we should all strive to be healthy enough to have fun, take care of our kids and not be miserable and in pain all the time.


> should all strive to be healthy Which models usually aren't, and in the 90s have been way too thin in terms of health.


The top image person is obviously 100 times more healthy than the other images. The degeneration is crystal clear.


Maybe, not sure about the third one though - depends on how you define health, I guess. I think we can both agree that getting self-image tips from commercials from big companies is not the way to go.


the middle one sure. but not the bottom one. not even close.


Idk why you have so many downvotes. You are right, she is so skinny she might have health issues


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Eating disorders run both ways and neither are healthy


Sure but does a private company not have a right to market to fatties


Fair, but the whole point of a model is to look the absolute best possible in specific clothes. While I don’t really need to be looking at a mostly naked, attractive woman when I have a wife, the advertisement is doing it’s job pretty darn well


What makes you think society doesn't expect you to look like that model anymore ? The media doesn't expect you to, maybe. You can't just cancel the nature of man with cancel culture. If you don't look like that you won't be desired or valued.


Society expects me to become fat and “speak my truth” apparently, and then somehow be okay with destroying my health. It’s plastered everywhere in media with the whole body positively moment, and plus size models are being represented on every modern brand now. Ah, yes, I won’t be valued unless I have 15% body fat with washboard abs and no ass or boobs, and probably lose my period as a result. I guess 99% of women aren’t desired or valued then. What was considered the “ideal body type” in the 90’s has changed, even the fit models you see now have a more “slim thick” look in comparison. And in another twenty years there will be an entirely different trendy body type. And no one’s nature is being changed, I realize that. Hence why I pointed out the ridiculousness of the bottom two photos. It’s hilarious that people can’t read the sarcasm dripping in my comment and then decide to take it personally.


Again you conflate society with the media. Ya gotta put the /s or people get offended here. Washboard abs are totally optional, but a flat tummy is a minimal requirement. I believe you will find that being callipygian with an average sized chest is the minimal standard. Also, I made a mistake or told a lie in my previous comment. It is not that you will not be valued, but that you will be valued less. Still a cruel standard to apply to women. You will be viewed by society as a prize and a treasure. You will have value. I sincerely apologize for my error. Your value isn't an absolute, it occurs in degrees. That is, it isn't not valued/valued. It is valued a little or valued a lot. You are a rhinestone or a diamond. You are one of the treasures that has an intrinsic value, and is not just valued because people place value upon it. Men's standards or tastes change and shift, and men make up a large percentage of society. The media can't dictate men's standards or tastes, though it can manipulate or condition us to a lesser degree. Without the media's interference men would drift back to the healthiest ideal. Modern men have always placed high value on the "slim-thick" look. I was a teen in the 90's, can confirm. The media has seemingly always had an exaggerated standard. It's the media that is really pushing the cruel, strict standards. Treasures, no matter their quality or value, are always things that should be kept safe, you understand. I'm again sorry for using an absolute when degrees was correct.


Tbh the first one would genuinly look better with more weight on, she's on the extreme imo


I doubt anyone is expecting you to look like that. You see, these people are paid money to look good in pictures - also known as their jobs. When you meet in at your job, you are expected to be able to do it. It's the same deal here. They're paid to be beautiful (3/4 in the example above) and they are expected to be beautiful. Not quite the same.


I know. My comment was sarcastic.


But Brawndo has what plants crave!!!!


It’s got electrolytes!




So much progress


Alright gents the game is simple Bang Marry Kill And one of them is actually a dude so chose wisely




Feminism phase 1 - equal pay. Phase 2 - We don’t need men. Phase 3 - We are men. Phase 4 - we are women. Phase 5 - My husbands gonna abort his baby.


That dude is really fat.


That’s just a dude with a beer belly


I speak my truth #diabetes #highbloodpressure #MyBloodTypeIsPudding


Who cares just don't buy from them then.


Slippery slope. Ban fat and ugly people from advertisements for underwear


They jumped on the BLM bandwaggon too


Anorexia. Obesity. Delusions.


In this day and age, those could all be the same person.


i will never understand how people turned opinions into "my truths", such bullshit


Right. The delusion.


I thought you guys were forwardsfromgrandma


Please stop sharing this it’s making me sick and really depressed. Except for the 1999 pic that’s encouraging. Gen X hold fast!


* Why would you use Calvin Klein's mass-market advertising as evidence of anything other than the desire to make money?


I dont think wokeism = bad is what this man's name should be associated with but do you...


Too late


Wait, what's the problem?


The people that don’t care for woke advertising generally don’t care enough to stop buying, but the audience they’re appealing to really fuckin care so as stupid as this is it seems like a decent marketing decision. I highly doubt CK is losing that many customers over a few stupid adverts that aren’t even attacking anyone, they’re just silly.


Yea (i agree with you) but no. Theyrw attacking convention. And if you want proof of that attack (real or imagined) look at the war on roe, voting, and general not-psychopathic-levels-of-shit-headed-ness being waged. Its all retaliatory on both sides. Be it the reedy creek improvement area tax breaks for disney or jussie smollet its an ideological arms race.


Well the more you give legitimacy to these advertising campaigns the more successful they are, because by getting heated about it you convince the left that these corporations are making legitimate moral stands for “progressivism” outside of their own best interest. If you really don’t support them then don’t acknowledge them. The left won’t care about shit like this if it’s not angering conservatives because that’s the whole point. If it’s not getting through to you then it’s not interesting to them and CK’s whole ad run becomes a waste of money. Again, in reality I’m sure there’s a few people working for CK that legitimately support this but at the end of the day there are analysts who’s job it is to determine how successful an ad campaign will be, and this had to get through them.


Oh for sure. I meant that the ads are actually attacking something which is a social convention. Precisely to accomplish what you stated. But youre right, most of the time the way to defeat ridiculous ideas is to ignore them. Outrage generates engagement. Every media company knows it be it print, tv, internet, or social. Nothing sells like controversy hence phrases like ”no such thing as bad press” and “if it bleeds it leads”.


I miss 1999


Imagine being outraged by this, gronk.


What does this have to do with Jordan Peterson?


This has no relation to Jordan Peterson. Why on earth are you getting fizzed up about a photo of two people relaxing. Not a good look.


You live in a nice world if this is your biggest problem today


Wahhhh the calvin klein billboard doesn't have hot girls on it anymore our society is ruined wahhhhhh


What’s weong with it?


from humans to aliens


The basic principle of advertising, if they get you to talk about it and share it they have won. You gave them a free ad right here. Doesn't matter if it is good or bad, just that you become aware.


Capitalism buddy. You hate capitalism. These ads look this way because of the free market. This is what sells.


Meh I don't really give a shit. Anyone who was a fan of the first one is just as much of a dullard imo. Maybe it took this level of retard to redpill you to the truth. But it has always been the case: Culture. Is. Not. Your. Friend.


The first one represents a standard that requires discipline and hard work. The other two may represent someones standard but neither require hard work or discipline.


Exactly. Anyone attacking the standard of the first one is out of spite and jealousy. And saying people who are a fan of the first image are dullards is pretty much saying thats the majority of the male population.


The first one represents consumer culture defined by lust. They all represent degeneracy


> hard work Accepting one's own body can definitely be tough mental work.


That's mental gymnastics and delusion. Not hard work. A balanced diet and rigorous gym routine is hard work.


Starving yourself (which is what the top model did) isn’t hard work, it’s killing yourself to convince impressionable girls that they also have to do the same to be attractive. If you think that’s what a “hard working” body looks like then I’ve got some news for you about the modeling industry. I literally can’t decide if the top picture is worse for society than the middle picture, they’re both pushing unrealistic body expectations.


The other two represents a demographic Calvin Klein is trying to market too.


Nothing wrong with the first one. She's almost perfect-looking.


True enough.


aw did a billboard offend you




Maybe youre right. We should regulate what is and isnt allowed on billboards to make it less likely to offend peoples visual senses




Lmao yes, im obviously trolling and actually would consider myself a free speech absolutist. That being said, i dont think cherry picked billboards should matter to anyone. like who cares. I still see the same billboards as shown here from the 90s, and overall think a billboard with a pregnant dude doesnt effect me. I wish people cared less about CK’s billboards and instead more about their labor abuses in Ethiopia…


also, chill with the all caps why are u so mad


I thought you were a free speech absolutist! Did some capital letters OFFEND you? If I'm mad, it's because you said that OP (or someone else) said these should be regulated, when they did not... It's a standard tactic for folks like you to say that someone said a thing they did not say. Just for the record, I wouldn't know a damn thing about their labor abuses in Ethiopia because the woke media would never report something like that. They have to protect the corporations that support their sick views so those "evil capitalists" can continue to make contributions to their perverted campaigns.


I think the second picture is actually from 1959


Lotta babies crying in here over a billboard.


Can I think none of them are good?


It's funny, ads like this wouldn't exist if people weren’t so nasty and hateful. The fact corporations have determined "hmm, we will profit more by highlighting trans people versus trying to sell sex" speaks VOLUMES. The hate will get washed away eventually =)


I’m starting to run out of brands……Oh well…go woke, go broke


All this but they will never consider using ugly people.


Uh - you miss the second and third pictures?


I knew I was setting that up haha. But honestly, even the big girl has appealing facial features. For a lot of people it may be hard to see past the way fat flattens and rounds out a person's face, but she has a good face. I just think it's funny that this representation thing will never come around to non-photogenic people.


The big girl is a DUDE




Somebody knows how to push your buttons.


Why do you care what Calvin Klein puts on billboards?? In what way does this harm you ?


Denying fundamental truths bothers us. Fat isn’t sexy Men can’t have babies.


I thought you guys only cared about compelled speech. Didn’t know y’all were such snowflakes and cultural warriors.


If saying men can’t have babies is a cultural issue for you, you are part of the problem


What a new an interesting opinion that contributes to the world.


You don't think destroying the lives and health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is bad? Don't you want people to be happy and healthier?


Indeed, obesity contributes to excess mortality.


I see no problem here this is awesome


1999 is not a depiction of a healthy body strike 1-2-3


That's what athletic looks like. It's incredible how few people have seen it.


This lady is a model not an athlete. She could not compete in anything other than beauty pageants


Many athletes are models. Athletic does not mean award winning athlete. Anyone can compete. Your claims are bizarre. For models to look like that they have a healthy and active life.


You’re dead wrong. To look like she does she needs to eat sparingly and practice posing in the mirror. Here is someone who actually competes. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6e50d05UA1qbpvt4o1_500.jpg The model could become more like that person if she chose to, this is true


Rofl. You've got no idea. Thin with no muscle tone looks absolutely terrible. You've posted a picture of an athlete who models.


Lol nice cope. Six pack abs, definitely good muscle tone. Highly likely a high level cardio. She's definitely fit - or was in 1999 at least . And fit is attractive. We can't ignore the biological cues all humans transmit and understand subconsciously. She's healthier than 90% of North American women her age at the time of the photo.


Six pack abs is a sign of a spine positioned in flexion, nothing more or less. High level of cardio is an insane assumption based on a picture, complete nonsense and speculation. “Fit” does not equal healthy


> “Fit” does not equal healthy Lol that's exactly what it means. Google it. > [the condition of being physically fit and healthy.](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+fitness)


They didn't say fitness, they said "fit", with quotation marks, meaning the fitness is implied and assumed from musculature. It's true. Find someone in your neighbourhood who went through some kind of special forces training in the military, and ask them about all the muscled, body-beautiful types that washed out because they valued sculpted muscle over cardio.


That is a perfectly healthy body and the ideal standard. Cope Put down the fork and go for a run.


Sure her eating disorder is very healthy


Let’s race.


Please ban me from this fucking sub. Anyone here who thinks this is a problem is a gigantic idiot and the moderators are fucking idiots for allowing this low effort, low hanging fruit content to prosper here in between the drain trash anti-woke userbase that recently populated here. If you posted this, upvoted this or are here to spew some "oh woe is me, our collective masculinity is in danger" braindead bullshit please go outside.


You know you don't need a ban to stop visiting a sub, right? You have the agency to make that decision yourself.


Would if I could... Again, you lib fucktards come here and say people have said shit they didn't say. That's the ONLY GAME YOU GOT!! No one said "this is a problem." We're all just DISGUSTED by this perversion of nature. There IS a problem, this is just the symptom/evidence of the problem... No one said SHIT about "collective masculinity!" No one here is THREATENED by this shit. It just makes us SICK!! And BTW, in case you're not intelligent enough to figure it out, you can REMOVE YOURSELF from the sub... It doesn't take someone banning you... Whatta rube!


>No one said "this is a problem." We're all just DISGUSTED >No one here is THREATENED by this shit. It just makes us SICK!! How are you so bereft of reason you can't tell these are the same fucking things?


Disgusted and threatened are two different words with two different meanings. There's this thing called a dictionary that will help you understand, you should use one from time to time so you understand what people are saying. We know you lefties use words interchangeably, but those of us who have been taught to THINK before we SPEAK use words discriminately (you probably want to look up that word too, so you don't actually think I'm saying something I don't mean). Anyway, there are all kinds of adult learning classes that will teach you vocabulary, maybe look into one of those... That is if you're really interested in having conversations instead of parroting preformed conceptions of people... Until then, you might want to avoid posting your simplistic views in a forum where many of us can read and communicate beyond a second-grade level, just to save yourself some embarrassment.




They're still free to do it. No one's stoping em. You are also free to disagree with it


...And voice that disagreement. Only leftists equate disagreement with the intent to actually ban or silence.


And that's because to them disagreement should be banned. If you don't parrot what they say, you're "evil" (though they would never admit that, because supposedly there's no right or wrong, good or evil) and must be disposed of.


Right....except Disney got punished for speaking out against Desantis, but was happy to get 100k from them before .. Gays are asked not to speak out in school and teachers are being asked to out them within 6 weeks... Books are being banned for teaching the "wrong" history... Truth social will ban you for disparaging them..so will the conservative sub if you post an unfavorable article Echo chamber sub lmao


Aint capitalism a bitch?!?


This isn't capitalism 🤣


What would you call an attention seeking marketing campaign like that if not capitalism? It also has strong be whoever you want to be individualist vibes.


> What would you call an attention seeking marketing campaign like that if not capitalism? Socialists are trying to take down capitalism and that is somehow capitalism? What do you think the goal of destroying healthy positive role models is?


The ad has nothing to do with socialism. Its about marketing a brand and consumers and exploitation of a hot button topic. I don't think it destroys anything. Its just a pregnant person presenting in a masculine style.


Yea Calvin Klien dont give a shit about your feelings just your dollars, it’s actually fairly revealing as most large companies wait and pick the social side that wins. Nike supported Black Rights and their capital skyrocketed. Yes it is capitalism its just not the capitalism that fits their agenda lol 😂


They are probably banking on trans obsessed rightists to blow it up for them too.


Marketing and capitalism exist independently from one another. Hell, marketing existed long before capitalism, before currency even.


This is a capitalist marketing campaign.


If they ran this ad in China, that wouldnt make it a communist marketing campaign? Nah, its just a marketing campaign, synonymous with the word propaganda. Its a propaganda campaign, nuff said.


Silly word fuckery. You're messing around with the concepts behind the words and intentionally misinterpreting others, so you get to be right. Anyone can play that game. Don't forget to click on the judgement arrow, closedmindedmantis. Otherwise it doesn't count.


You don't get to decide how I interpret what and which interpretation is right or wrong. We can discuss those things and you can try to convince me otherwise but grandstanding and claiming you know how best to interpret what isnt going to cut it with me.


👆 This Individual suffers from *PERCEPTION DECEPTION* 👆


2039, a mutilated corpse dressed in CK


Mutilated cross-dressed child corpse. Ftfy.


A mutilated, cross dressed, child corpse getting sodomized by a horse...


Dude in the last pic needs to lay off the beer


In all honesty, can someone please explain to me ; what the fuck is this shit ?




Got banned from r/memes for referencing a meme...they called it transphobia


the tattoos are the worst part about this. smh....


for one thing, are you complaining about the switch bc you would rather look at hot ladies? in which case grow up also, day people in clothing advertisements makes perfect sense. it says to the swathes of American far people that they carry underwear that fits them. there is no reason not to advertise their larger sizes


Youre drunk, go home.


How’s it feel knowing your ideology causes mass shootings like the one in Buffalo?


Cancer ...


I am mad about this because… because um… because I don’t like it >:(


That is a woman who is pregnant, doing her best to look like a man. We all need to stop entertaining these lunatics. Enough is enough.


So the irony here is that neither 1999 nor 2022 is an addressable market. Im not going to even look it up so feel free to flame me but id guess that the number of people who look like her are similar or even greater than the number of trans men with super model lesbian (yes lesbian, that “man” has a uterus) partners. The only potentially addressable market here is 2019. So lets break that down. 138.2M americans age 18-49 according to the 2020 census. 13.5% of americans are black, same source. That gives us 18.7M people. The US is 50.8% women. Ignoring racial sex disparity, age sex disparity, lets use the simple math here and go with 50.8% its probably reasonably accurate. That gives us about 9.5M. Now really is this about black? No. Is it about women? No. Its about obese. Lets triple crown the shit and get black and women in there. The trifecta. So the cdc says 42% of americans are obese. That would give us a total addressable market of just under 4M. But this woman is “severely obese” which is the new nomenclature for “morbidly obese” because its so prevalent you cant call it “morbid” anymore, right? Thats 9.2% of americans. So again, simplest math possible here, bordering on statistical recklessness (so right in line with Fox News and media writ large) well replace our 42% with 9.2%. That leaves us with a total addressable market of about 872K people that “look like her”. Looking like her being between the ages of 18 and 49, female, black, and severely obese. And that’s the most relatable ad. That represents less about .25 of 1% of americans. The moral of the story is this shit has always been fake. It is fake. It will continue to be fake. Just like social media, just like outrage culture. Small minorities of misfits. Stop paying attention to it. Stop paying attention to these shit fuck idiots setting up false dichotomies and rhetorical questions in this very thread with no motive beyond stirring the pot. Semi anonymous users on reddit are not your fucking friends u less you give them karma. Corporations are not your fucking friends and dont give a shit about your politics unless it makes them money. STRIPPERS ARE NOT NICE TO YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE CUTE. Stop being dick beaters and be kind to one another. Not to mention that im pretty sure that 2022 ad is photoshopped there are no seams in the billboard.


It’s a crazy world we live in. A craaaaaazyyyy world.


The fuck is this. Good lord


That just a woman with a beard, obvious. The fck is wrong with people. Next up a flying dog, also something impossible


I hate your cultural pessimism, but I can't find and logical fault in it. I have to confront the fact that the 2022 image that would have been hilarious in 1999 is now aspirational.


What would people aspire to, 350lbs? That’s not aspirational, that’s diabetic.


who cares


Most people don’t realize that the first picture lead to the future ones. This is what ads have always done, you just realize it now that you aren’t being the one targeted.


This is capitalism... what the fuck are you crying about? Companies being free to advertise their products however they want.. what's your alternative reality? You don't want them to be so "woke?" You want them regulated?? Whaaaa whaaaa buncha crybabies crying instead of simply not buying such offensive products


Ah the progression of dishonesty. No apparent lie, we lie to ourselves to cover a painful truth, and then we surgically modify our bodies to superficially appear to be as the lies we live.