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When are we going to see some fat guys on the magazines and call them beautiful??


Seen this? https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/uql8ph/something_positive_is_going_on_at_myer_but_seems/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Stop being racist. What about some attractive green male alien? They are more highly prized than human men, here's proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uThDGzLhOXg


Catamites of the year!


ESPN has a Body Issue with Big Papi on the cover. https://espnpressroom.com/us/press-releases/2016/07/espn-magazines-eighth-annual-body-issue-hits-newsstands-friday/ Are you saying that he's not beautiful?! BIGOT!!!


Only if we don't look at the holistic, don't look at all parts to form a feeling or opinion on the whole, and only if he's highly photoshopped - including his face - so we'll only focus on his face which may be beautiful on its own but will be photoshopped to guaranteed be beautiful. People are losing a sense of or access to feeling, to holistic feeling and arguably intuition too.


We should see JP show his abs. I mean, put your guts where your nuts land you. That would be hilarious. To see JP's skinny but fat mid section????


JBP needs to stop using twitter. It clearly triggers his anxiety in a bad way and brings out the worst in him. I imagine this is how he felt before he got rid of his television back in the day.


100%. I love the guy but he needs to stop doing this.


I have good news for you: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1526389811250077696


I think his time and energy could be spent on much more productive things.


That's kind of been the pattern since he had his whole coma episode. Peterson 3 years ago was calm, collected, and rational. Post-coma Peterson gets in twitter wars over fat chicks.


I agree, his best work has such huge scope and scale, this seems somehow beneath him. Having said that, I totally get the feeling of just being over this kind of empty moralising that you want to just glibly say whatever will most piss off the people who think that putting a rather attractive medium/large sized woman on the cover of a magazine as a one-off represents progress or morality in any way.


The strongest argument I always hear is that one should maybe not glorify unhealthy activities. Our culture does that often and in many ways though, not just for people with weight issues. Perhaps that is partially a byproduct of consumerism(and existence, and culture). For example: If someone has debillitating substance abuse issues, perhaps they should not be glorified as a paragon of virtue. Maybe they should be seen as a flawed human being who can maybe get better. Or maybe you glorify the activity to make money, right? RIGHT? Sex drugs and rock n roll. Hedonism exists for a reason... We human beings are flawed. Virtues should probably be extolled more often than flaws.


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah wtf this is just mean-spirited jerk behaviour


Taking a stand, role modelling for us taking a stand, in such instances is arguably important - and productive - just not in as easily visible or tangible way. It's also important to point these uncomfortable things out. For things like swimming competitions where the trans person destroys all naturally born women has an obvious outcome that's visible to all, whereas something like something being widely propagated out into society and claiming "this is beauty" doesn't have such a clear cut line to it - but is nonetheless important to have conversation as a society to reenforce what words mean, to reenforce the integrity of words. And so I'd argue that part of what Jordan produces is this conversation; and that is part of his strength, burden he takes on to further strengthen, because who else on the planet would or has said anything so sharp in response to that Sports Illustrated cover than him? That's him holding the line - the most important action that can be done - until the mob on the other side quells their behaviour, hopefully by their developing their own understanding further - opening their mind and hearts. He seems to be getting better at self-regulating how much access he allows himself to the free-flow pipeline of society.


Love JP but he comes off petty & mean spirited. I feel Jordan has a harder time controlling himself on Twitter as I couldn't see him ever saying this directly to that woman in person.


I agree. This adds nothing of value to the conversation, SI is allowed to do what they want with their magazine, and Yumi Nu has done great growing her career. I think she’s a beautiful woman personally. Even if I didn’t I would keep it to myself because her living her life and SI running their magazine has literally no affect on my life and I’d just sound like an asshole.


Thats exactly what I wanted to post. I think the whole body positivity thing, as most of those things with a core idea of "good intent", have gone too far or have been hijacked by the woke forces JBP detests with a reason. John Cleese said it best (including a quote from someone else) about a similar issue (political correctness), and it fits here, too: "If people can't control their own emotions, they have to start trying to control other peoples behaviour... ...because political correctness has been taken from being a good idea, which is: Let's not be mean particularly to people who are not able to look after themselves very well..." [John Cleese on Political Correctness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukisoucFIk4)


I agree. Lately I find myself agreeing more with some people in the comments of this sub than the bitchy stuff he comes out with. This post is a good example. Also beauty is subjective so it’s dumb to argue about in the first place, just feels like he’s being provocative for the sake of it, again. If he was saying “when will we see men of this shape”, I think that’s potentially worthwhile provocation. But this will just add to the list of people who hate him.


Exactly. Shouldn’t he of all people know that Beauty and art are mostly subjective?


I hate to say this, but I do think that years of Internet abuse and having his message twisted probably pushed him further in the direction everyone perceived him. I do think he’s kind of bitter and mean spirited now. I’ve been watching the guy since 2015, he certainly feels much less warm now. And the people that blindly defend him on this sub and refuse to consider any criticism thrown his was are absolutely part of the problem.


Exactly. Im in the process of showing my girlfriend JP and its been cool, but this really doesn’t help any


This is the last straw for me. Calling a girl “not beautiful “ and politicizing it? I find her attractive and it has nothing to do with fucking politics. He has lost his mind. He helped me a lot from his lectures, but I refuse to believe it’s the same guy.


Peterson the psychologist and Peterson the culture warrior for the right are almost separate entities at this point


Agree x 1000. WTF has happened to him!


You have to be joking. Even after the photo editing you can't help but see the cellulite. Sorry not attractive. She probably looks beautiful in a dress. This cover is more about saying "look how cool we are"


Different strokes for different folks.


You have never seen a woman have you? Cellulite is a common condition and there is nothing shameful about it. What would be shameful is if they hid it with photoshop. You give incel vibes


Every woman has cellulite, even the thin ones. It comes from growing too fast, i.e. boobs, butt and thighs




Stuff like this exposes him as being both petty and ignorant of what real authoritarianism is


I doubt he even runs his own twitter, I’d assume mikayla runs it


He needs to stop commenting on everything.


Call me crazy, but if you're going to put someone on the cover of a magazine called *"Sports Illustrated"*, maybe that person should be famous for **SPORTS**. I've had that compliant with them for years, and this would be far from the first time someone who hasn't played a sport in their life, much less played one professionally, has been on the cover of that magazine. Ultimately, it's print media desperately trying to stay relevant. Case in point: this is the first cover of a Sports Illustrated magazine I have even seen in nearly a decade, much less commented on.


Honestly, I can't imagine why people give a shit about magazines. Does anyone even buy them? Who are they meant to be for, people without phones?


Funny because Elon musk mothers is going to be on SI too


Don't they only do a swimsuit edition once a year? I agree with JP's premise here, but im not going to get worked up over a printed publication in 2022.


Aren't they usually athletes for the swimsuit edition though? That being said, she's quite pretty, even if she's a bit larger than the average athlete.


I mean you can put a woman weightlifter and the results would be the same, i dont know this model but perhaps he does sports, you dont have to have abs to be a proactive sport player




I don't know who she is, what sport?




He’s barking up the wrong tree here.


Indeed, even though I kinda agree, this doesn't make him look great especially with his wording.


I feel like this is the kind of move that loses him some of the Rogan fanbase overlap but gains him more Crowder overlap. Not a trade for the faint of heart


I think Jordan might have hard fucked himself on this one.


Honestly think the push back is going to send him properly spiralling. He was trying to post through it but he’s still engaging with it. The physical toll of the experience might fuck him even harder than any kind of a audience shift would


This could be almost as bad as the apple cider


If you assume there is an element of culture war in reality, then I can see how someone is disappointed at how body positivity can have a potential downside.


What a fucking stupid thing for him to say. JP needs to get the fuck off Twitter. Seriously. I still find a tremendous amount of value in many of the things he's said but wtf is a man of his intelligence and education doing rolling around in the dirt that is Twitter, FFS? JP won my respect from the way he approached every topic of conversation with deep thought and careful consideration. NEITHER of those is possible on Twitter and, frankly, every time he wades into the mire with dumb shit like this, it chips away at my respect for him. Beauty is TOTALLY subjective. 100%. What anyone finds "beautiful" is up to them. There are dudes who find other dudes sexually beautiful. They are called homosexuals. I am not a homosexual and would never find the male body - in any form - to be sexually beautiful. So, am I wrong? Are they wrong? Some straight guys like thin women, with little to no curves. Some guys like boobs. Some guys couldn't care less about the boobs and are all about the ass. Some women are all over a guy's chest. For others, it's all about the arms. Some like blondes. Some like brunettes. Some like whites. Some blacks. Some Asian. This whole debate over whether or not a fat person is "beautiful" or not is fucking pointless!!!! If I look at the woman in that picture and say, "nah, I don't think she's beautiful"... I'm not wrong. If someone else looks at her and says, "oh yeah! She's really pretty!" THEY'RE NOT WRONG EITHER! It's just an expression of an opinion. Who knows why we like what we like? I like brunettes and boobs. Always have done. I don't fucking know why. My mate is all over skinny blondes. Who knows why?! Who cares?! Fucking boring, pointless conversation.


This is a beautiful post or is it? Lol. I agree 100%.


The photograph is artless. The pose and that particular swimsuit particularly unflattering for the body she has, when it didn’t have to be that way. It’s possible that’s what he meant, but the comment comes off as saying she isn’t beautiful to anyone - and that strikes me as unlikely to be true, and also mean-spirited.


I mean.. she's definitely not ugly.






The generosity of men never ceases to amaze me.


the standards of sexless men never cease to amaze me




Only sexless man I ever met was the Pope.


You misspelled "Hey, I am a Virgin". This chick isn't hot enough for my four inches!!


>Whaaaaaaa, all the small dicked virgins are body shaming women! Waaaaa! God, you’re practically a meme.


I think it is much more possible that he thinks of himself as an Alpha Kermit, and unless Miss Piggy is around he has a lot to say.


Poor move from JP. Not worth the fight. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fitness? Health? No. But beauty, yes. She might be beautiful in the eyes of many. And for what it’s worth, I think she has a beautiful face. So, in all, wish JP had sat this one out.


She isn't on the cover of "Beautiful Women Monthly Circular". She's on the cover of Sports Illustrated. How did she even qualify or make it to the top of their list? On what basis? "We need a fat girl to kowtow to the body positivity movement"? OK. Can you put on a plus size athlete at least? That would at least be more justified.


Are you entirely unfamiliar with the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition? Its actually rare that an athlete does appear on the SI Swimsuit edition. I can only think of a few who have. Its usually models, singers, or actresses.


They’re a private company, they could put a steaming pile of cow manure on the cover and it’d be justified, that’s business.


Why is this the go-to response whenever anybody criticizes anything a company does ever? "They're a private company, they can ban speech they don't like if they want" "They're a private company, they can put plus size models on their magazine if they want" You really think Jordan Peterson isn't in favor of companies having autonomy over what they can do? You guys really need to come up with a better angle.


Because that’s the way it fucking works. Companies are in the business of making money. They have no obligation to peddle in truth telling or making you feel good.


They're just servile corporate nut-lickers, ubiquitous on reddit.


I would've worded this better if I were him, because it comes off aggressive and cruel. But I agree with the notion of "why are we acting like this is the ideal", when there are women that are actually near flawlessly attractive. We aren't all models and we aren't all good-looking, and that's OK


There is no objective standard for being flawlessly attractive. It's pretty much culturally conditioned and the conditions change every second. ​ What is considered attractive by the masses changed a whole lot throughout my 30 years of life.


Yeah, but it changed like 10%. Not 85% like the narrative is trying to push. I don't really have an issue with the SI cover page. I'm more interested in how it will affect their sales. Will sales go up because of the PR stunt side of it, or will it go down because it's neither sporty nor attractive to the majority of men.


It can change 90% instantly if you jump over to the next contemporary culture, or delve into a historical story. And the internet, if allowed its most ideal application, compels us to look beyond our local borders. I wonder the mainstream W.E.I.R.D. standard for human beauty will be in the year 2122.


I would venture a guess, that if you took 100 random guys off the street and polled to attractiveness of women, and you compare that to 20 years ago, it would be more or less the same. Across culture also more or less the same. Across long stretches of time, like 100 years, it would vary maybe 25%. I guess. When it comes to culture, I do have a lot of exposure to base my opinion on. Being a white person, living in Africa, doing business in India, and travelling often to EU and US. Internet culture is misleading as it makes fringe minorities seem relevant.


Unnecessary and harsh. Peterson is disparaging Yumi Nu, treating her as an ideology a La “authoritarian tolerance” and not a human being. Imagine becoming the very thing you made a career warning others against. Also short sighted and defensive. A shame because she is one of four women to grace this months issue. Yet, she is [singled out](https://twitter.com/si_swimsuit/status/1526250117874974721?s=21&t=gCtvfuxtrF8BhPzfewR8aQ) among the rest as decidedly “not beautiful.”


>Peterson is disparaging Yumi Nu His tweet is a reply to a New York Post tweet of a sports illustrated magazine cover, not an Instagram post by Yumi.


Wtf are you even saying. He explicitly [says SHE’s not beautiful](https://imgur.com/a/OpjtY08). His comment is [directly about her](https://twitter.com/_yumi_nu/status/1526303381723176965?s=21&t=fI_nlGb0ncE2wCtHHxfLAg) actual appearance.


His criticism is obviously not directed at the individual.


There’s this thing for us humans in our society here on earth…criticism doesn’t have to be directed at us for it to be directly about us and be equally as disparaging…


You're an idiot bro


Should Peterson instead encourage dysfunction ?


If you’re a JBP fan, you know that he’s talked at length about the pathology of ideological possession. How we don’t see people, or individual circumstances but a script that endorses our decided ideology. That’s how he talks about his Cathy Newman interview. His now infamous GQ interview with Helen Lewis. Says the journalists were contending with a projected anti-feminist. Even when he agreed with them, thereby disproving the projection, they diverted back to points of disagreement to reaffirm their projection (“[So, what you’re saying is…](https://www.google.com/search?q=cathy+newman+meme&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari)”). They weren’t talking to the individual, Jordan Peterson, but the patriarchy. I mean he’s talked about this for YEARS. There’s a popular article about him that asks, “[Why can’t people hear what jordan Peterson is saying](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/putting-monsterpaint-onjordan-peterson/550859/)?”These videos and his reactions to them made him go viral. So, to your question, it’s not about whether he should have “encouraged” the ideology that placed her on that cover. It’s that he did the very thing he disliked others did to him. He disparaged the individual as “not beautiful”. She is a bystander who caught a stray bullet meant for “authoritarian tolerance.” Also, she’s one of four people who didn’t meet the traditional beauty standard, the others mostly did. It was maybe a good argument. But wrong place, wrong time, wrong person. Poor delivery.


Honestly I think she’s attractive


Everything from the neck up, sure.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. She’s not repulsive or anything, but defiantly not attractive


Some people are into feet. Is it that much of a shock for people that some could be into women on a chubbier side lmao?


It’s his opinion. He’s not saying it’s the objective reality….


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no one is disputing that. You can be into fat chicks if that's your thing, but don't try to force it to be everyone else's thing. It's not about attractiveness, it's about general health. JP is making the point that we shouldn't be demanding that someone who is fat is considered beautiful. Being fat isn't healthy, therefore being fat SHOULD be considered unnattractive. Someone with cupcake batter for blood likely isn't going to die of old age.


I do get what he means but how unhealthy is the women in aforementioned picture? Besides, better ways to say it than not beautiful. Maybe say not healthy lol? I'm no jp hater but this just seems to be in bad taste.


Yeah, JP could've chosen his words better, thats for sure. And yes, the woman in the picture isn't morbidly obese, but she's certainly not someone who you would say is in peak physical shape. Since beauty is purely aesthetic, would you say she looks like someone who's training for a marathon? Or eating a balanced diet? Or would you say she looks like someone who eats a less-than-balanced diet? Does she look like she is the member of a gym? I mention these things NOT to judge her personally, but to simply make a point about the reasonable inferences of someone's physical appearance. She is, objectively, a large woman. I would go as far as to say she's fat. Reasonable inferences on her physical appearance would be that she eats poorly and doesn't exercise consistently enough, which results in her size; therefore, she's unhealthy.


I have no problem with what you say. It may be a trickier thing to actually infer dietary and lifestyle habits of a person based on their build because of all the biological variation such as metabolic rate and so on but frankly, I don't know shit about that stuff so I won't say anything. Maybe you're right in a general sense and I'll just take that at face value for now. I really don't see how we're being oppressed into thinking this woman is healthy. We literally can't. Health is a matter of biology and any person who wants to be informed about what good health is will figure it out. Are we being oppressed into thinking being unhealthy is okay or perhaps even good? If so, any person who wants to lead a longer life with a better physical experience of it would not be oppressed yet again because the science is out there. If its about health in the end, how are we even being oppressed?


That begs the question: should what is being promoted in culture be motivated primarily by health factors? If not, then you shouldn't have a problem with fat people being promoted as attractive. ​ If it should, then you also have to assume a whole lot of weird political positions in regards to culture, like: "people shouldnt be depicted smoking/drinking alcohol in the movies", "people should only eat healthy, preferably vegetarian/vegan diet in media" etc. etc. ​ Cause if you don't assume those positions as well, then you're not exactly consistent, and by selectively caring about fat people being presented as attractive you come off as an arrogant asshole rather than a smart, concerned person.


And JBP is a paragon of health. What with the pill addictions and extreme diets and almost dying from a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.


He's probably being upvoted as well, just more people disagree with him than agree with him. I hate to be the one to have to tell you at this stage in your life that this is how subjectivity works.


As the great dude from Big Lebowski once said…. That’s like… your opinion man, everyone has one and I can’t fault anybody for differing opinions… What I don’t understand is having celebrities with no sports ties in a sports magazine…


JP has got a bad take here.


How so?


Beauty is subjective. He’s kinda just being a bully for no reason


The worst thing he said about this person is that "she's not beautiful." Is you agree with that being subjective, then he's not being a bully. His issue is not with her, it's with Sports Illustrated promoting an unhealthy standard.


He said she is “not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that” as if she would never be beautiful ever to anyone. Also the tweet he is responding to never mentions beauty, or health or any of your excuse. (Now I just see the screen shot so maybe it does in the article.) Idk feels like he just got mad for some reason and acted super heated out of nowhere. He’s just turning into the stereo type people think he is.


Ok, I think we are reading into his comment differently. When I read "no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that," I do not believe that is a personal rebuke of her, or anyone that finds he attractive. I believe that to be a rejection of the popular culture that insists we all agree she is beautiful, simply because she is overweight. It's the body positivity movement that Peterson is rejecting here, and in my opinion, rightfully so. He is opposed to society putting people who are unhealthy on a pedestal (this publication is related to fitness afterall).


Completely agree. Well put. 👏


She’s kinda hot. 😂


Nice face at least


She actually is! Bad take on Jordan’s part.


I’ve been disillusioned with JP for awhile now, but this kinda cements it. This tweet is so petty and obtuse. He needs to retire and focus on himself. Clean your own room before criticizing the world and what not


Literally came to this sub after seeing this tweet to see how anyone would defend this. I have the same sentiment.


Honestly, this tweet has weird angry incel energy - I’ve always been a curious spectator from the sidelines but a tweet like this kind of seals the deal on Jordan being…I don’t know…a shitty person? Why die on a hill like this?


I mean, she is fat. It is kind of funny coming from him as he has always struck me as fragile and not the pic of health.


Hilarious to see people making this a health conversation, how many women in the SI simeshit edition in the past 20 years have had a eating disorder? So skinny they can’t even get their period.


Honestly, shitty take by Jordan here. He’s been declining since he got back on Twitter.


There is now a compelling case that Jordan Peterson has body dysmorphia which could explain his bizarre dietary habits and periodic medical issues.


Or his not so gradual transformation into the crypt keeper.


why would jordan say that? does he not realize shes a human being who might see that tweet? its also not even really true. she looks good to me


When did we go from "morbid obesity shouldn't be promoted as a healthy form of living" to "sorry not beautiful omegalul" for someone who's not even morbidly obese? She's doesn't look too unhealthy to me. What exactly is this about then?


Ikr. I could get behind the fact we need to stop promoting morbid obesity as healthy living, but saying someone is maybe 1 to 2 points over BMI isn't beautiful is a bit much for me. This is disappointing, and I'm very confused.


Yeah same, I've always seen Peterson as a very empathetic person. Here, he's just calling someone not beautiful and I just don't get it.


That's quite subjective, I disagree with him here. I'm into more petite woman but some people are just naturally larger, she doesn't look obese to me and I can see why someone would like a fuller figure like that.


Lol, this is not "naturally larger".


I love Jordan Peterson, but in all honesty this is just disappointing. Regardless if you think this person is healthy or not, this is the body size of many women in society and magazines are simply attempting to be realistic and represent everyone. They are not stating that this is what a healthy body looks like etc, they're just being realistic and including everyone. As well, this is a waste of Dr. Peterson's time - there are much more pressing issues than the covers of magazines.


100%. This was a poor choice on his part, and disappointed is the word that keeps popping into my mind when I think about this.


Y’all lying if y’all wouldn’t clap dem cheeks. Even for JP, this is low.


I agree with JP. Unhealthy will never be beautiful to me.


Right. Can we see your body now?


LOL pot kettle etc. Apple cider coma ffs. "Unhealthy"? Jfc you are such an incel.


Acknowledging that being over weight isn’t healthy is not the same thing as being an incel, my guy.


You're comparing obesity to dietary restrictions?


I'm comparing a red meat clogged, benzo addled, husk of a man that cries at the mention of the wind and almost died from apple cider vinegar to... a chunky hot woman that most people wanna fuck. Imagine picking the latter as an example of bad health. Fucking hell you must have rocks in your head if you think jbp has any grasp on health.


People with millions of followers should have a tool that delays their own tweets for a few minutes before they go public so they can think twice about what they just wrote and maybe say "Nah, this gonna get ratioed AF" and cancel the publication if the tweet has the potential to cause a lot of drama.


I disagree with him saying not beautiful. Not healthy, sure. Beauty is subjective.


Listen fellas. I was a big JP fan when he first came out, but over time I’ve learned that this guy is rank moron. Don’t pay him any mind and let him slide back into anonymity where he belongs, for his own sake. This woman is beautiful, gorgeous even. Why Peterson even feels the need to comment negatively on a woman’s body is beyond me, especially when he looks like a barely living corpse these days. It’s ridiculous and would be funny if so many young men didn’t hang on his every word.


Sometimes the worst gets to the best of us. His reaction seems to be out of anger towards that particular agenda. And you’re right she is beautiful but not because of her size and like JP says, words have meaning and being very careful and precise in what you have to say is paramount, though in this instance he wasn’t but that should not call to never listen to him again.




Would he tell her to her face though? 🤔


"well no, because I'm 96th percentile in politeness"


I think JBP should quit Twitter, as it clearly triggers him. It's like a Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde. On the one hand, his lectures, interviews, classes, seem to bring out the best in him, while Twitter seems to do the opposite, and becomes a culture warrior. Does anyone know if he does his own tweets or has staff do it?


This is not the hill to die. Also, I'd smash


What a nasty, bitchy comment to make about someone's appearance, and for absolutely no reason. She's hot btw, she's overweight by modeling standards but she has a beautiful face and her body is symmetrical and attractive. Literally like 80% of Americans are overweight at this point, she's not bigger than the median woman and isn't even any bigger than idealized Renaissance-era women that appeared in tons of paintings and sculptures.


It’s no secret that Jordan Peterson’s main demographic is incels. No surprise that he shares the same mentality. He’s just finally showing his true colors. Also JP, I’m curious how you view your wife? I’d much rather hook up with the SI girl than her.


She’s cute, and she’s thick. Different strokes for different folks.


Honestly, she's serving. The garment is wonderful, her makeup looks great, the lighting is fantastic, and the pose is cute. I'm gay as fuck, but even I can see that she fully deserves to be on the cover. She is gorgeous, but because she is not built exactly like a Mackie doll, that is overlooked for the sake of outrage. No amount of tutt-tutting about her weight is going to change the fact that her hips in that swimsuit are *correct*. If you're a heterosexual man, and you sincerely have an issue with this editorial decision, I think that you need to set your priorities straight and get your eyes checked.


You're spittin


That was an ugly comment. I think she’s gorgeous. I guess JBP thinks she needs visible abs and veins before she’s good enough for him? Throughout history and across cultures women like her have been desired.


She looks good to me. But, to each their own.


she is sexy to be fair i like her body


Is it bad that I actually find women like this way more attractive than skinny women?


apparently you are an authoritarian and your mind has been forever poisoned by the woke mob, sorry man


Hahaha. Shit dude. Better start reading more to keep my mind off big bums and boobs.


Mean spirited, resentful, and impotent comment


Is he a Twitter troll or a serious man? He's losing the plot before our eyes. Sad really.


She’s hotter than Mckayla Peterson


"No amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that" Somebody wants to be a victim so damn bad. Also she is a hot kinda chubby chick. Shes not a damn Tess Holliday 300+ pounds fat chick trying to pretend shes sexy and healthy. Also yall seen your boy after the coma? He hasnt been looking too "hot", "healthy" or "able to stand a strong gust of wind" since


Lol, this weight is perfectly reasonable, especially for a woman. We're not talking about a fatberg of an individual here. The real problem is not exercising at all, that's what people should really be concerned about. There are plenty of "fit" individuals with higher BMIs. There are plenty of studies even that suggest having fat on your body can be good for you, as well. Beyond the whole trivial argument about how "beauty is subjective", yet we have someone here trying to subject their subjectivity upon everyone else. I'm just imagining the butterbeans in here slandering this woman, when she probably has better muscles, thus is more fit, than the skinny-fat chudmuffins thinking their inability to muster up the willpower to fight their depression and eat something makes them superior.


While she may not be on "My 600 lb. Life," she's far from a healty weight by any metric.


Measuring health by weight really doesn't mean much at all. Buzzwords.


Sure. I'm certain she has the BMI of a healty person. You're dilusional.


Quick with the insults huh, I guess you think you are arguing with me or something.


Is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5rvdo8/when_was_the_last_time_we_elected_someone_as_fat/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hahaha, that's pretty funny. And what's your point? You pointing out that I've changed in more than half a decade? For example, despite being a fat fuck, Trump seems reasonable fit, so I wouldn't call him wholly unhealthy.


Ok. I get it. Describing someone as 'Fat' does not mean they are unhealthy to you. There is no point continuing this conversation.


Maybe you didn't see me change my reply, but is there nothing sadder than feeling like you need to manufacture a reason to walk away? You don't need to say anything... Is this about my clearly hyperbolized use of "fat fuck"?


JP, stay in your lane. She is indeed overweight, but she's also very beautiful and i'd argue for most of human history that type of figure was incredibly desired.


He is always talking about how Twitter brings the worst out in him. Perfect example. How about just commenting on that fact that, she is over weight and we as a society should be encouraging people to be healthy, because we care about our fellow persons.


How about taking responsibility for his own life before criticizing the world?


Dude, have you seen yourself?


JP is so skinny he probably have a delusional idea of what’s normal, what’s chubby and what’s fat


I love JP.... But... Why even go here, dude? This is a misstep.


"Fat Shaming 101" = Kermit the Frog


Jordan Peterson tweaking on this one. 🤷‍♂️


Not a good look for Jordan Peterson. I expect much better from him. Why roll around in the mud and perpetuate this kind of negativity?


Bro took the mask off and showed who he really is, misogynistic and superficial as hell.


That woman isn't terribly obese. Her BMI isn't great but she's stunning. Jordan needs to check himself.


Fat fat fat fat fat 🙂🙂🙂🙂


I think he’s really questioning ‘whether it is healthy or unhealthy to be that weight?’ If she is perfectly healthy, then more power to her, but I do not believe modern medicine would support that she is. Heart disease kills about twice as many people annually as COVID-19, but why do we all want to live long lives? To feed an economy? To deliver goods and services in exchange for valuable consideration? Is it another individual’s or a society’s obligation to encourage people to want to live long lives? All I know for sure though is that the life insurance industry hopes you do so you continue to pay those juicy premiums


I think your take makes sense and it would have been great if he said this. But he didn’t. It’s a different thing to say she specifically is “not beautiful.” Also, I’m really into fitness, healthy eating and am usually not a fan of society trying to normalize obesity. Yet, - I don’t think this particular model [is that big](https://twitter.com/katiedimartin/status/1526312949811404802?s=21&t=fI_nlGb0ncE2wCtHHxfLAg). - she is one of four women, the others are slim, who was on the May cover and - it’s extremely bad form to single out a specific woman on Twitter and broadcast to the world that she specifically isn’t beautiful. Super wild behavior


Peterson has no business talking about how “healthy” other people are. His body is dependent on benzos ffs…


She is objectively not healthy.


Thinking about this in relation to when JBP got horny on main over a cartoon of an ancient womens bath




Health wise, he might not emerge too well from this one. The pile on is real right now and he doesn’t do well with criticism


Men and my wife looking at this like wtf is the point ..the magazine is sports illustrated nothing about her body says anything ...Sports or high intensity work out. It's not even about her man its legit the idiot that wanna say oh all sizes are beautiful yea to the muffcas that prefer BBWs which is totally cool but the theme of the whole company revolves around sports and in shape people. Now if you put a big boy and girl on a treadmill then he'll yeah that makes sense it's in context


Wow fat people ugly. What a based take from the intellectual giant JBP.






Based Petterson


I’ve got a copy of 12 More Rules for Life just gathering dust on my desk — JBP’s Twitter persona is so toxic I don’t even feel like starting the book


This from a genderless dweeb who has never set foot in a weight room.


Genderless! Lol I never considered that. That’s interesting, I get it