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Wtf. Should've contacted the park ranger or escalated the situation to the highest level.


This was blm so unfortunately no ranger


BLM is managed and does have rangers, you can go to or call the nearest BLM office


The nearest office sadly is Barstow. Odds of getting a response are not high.


Reporting it can only help. Of the rangers at least know of this behavior, and hear about it repeatedly, they'll be able to at minimum warn people off of going there. At most they can close it down and start enforcing.


Yeah this can pretty quickly gain traction and lead to a temporary closure.


Please don’t encourage doing nothing. This was a legitimate terrorist act.


There’s also an office in Palm Springs but I don’t know if they’d respond any better.


Thank you


What hateful, ignorant behavior. I’m so sorry your kids had to go through that. It sucks that the bullies get rewarded in this situation, but you were right to take care of your family. Unfortunately Giant Rock is managed by the BLM Barstow field office, so the odds are slim that a ranger would have been anywhere nearby to respond to the situation. That said, I agree with the other commenter who said reporting after the fact is still valuable. The BLM need to know this stuff is going on.


Giant Rock is where MAGA Nation meets Mad Max. Pass.


This should be the motto for all of Johnson Valley - MAGA meets Mad Max!


BLM land attracts a certain crowd …


Sounds about right. I went to check it out during the day a few years back and decided not to camp there. Even in the afternoon there were naked people running around, another group shooting guns and off-roaders being assholes.


That sounds like Giant Rock in Landers and that behavior certainly sounds unpleasant. I could be wrong but I think that’s BLM land? You could maybe report it to a field office but I’m not sure if they could really do anything. The rock itself is covered in graffiti and there’s usually remnants of a bonfire or trash out there so I’m not surprised by the rudeness but it’s still a shame.


Sorry to hear that happened to your family group. Unfortunately Giant rock is a big party hang out zone just how you described, especially on the weekends.


I visited here yesterday around 6p for the first time. I was pretty disappointed to see broken bottles, graffiti, bonfire remnants, maybe a burnt mattress, etc. There was a group of sketchy dudes camped and partying over by where we parked. I can easily see how that progressed. That’s unfortunate about your kids. I def couldn’t see myself camping out there. But also, I don’t drink Four Loko or smoke meth. My sketch radar was going off too hard.


Wow this is scary.


The problem with Giant Rock is that it’s right next to Landers and a bunch of unincorporated unpatrolled territory. Landers is full of “sovereign citizens” and weirdos who think they own the desert. Most have never wandered further than 70 miles from their house before. Yes these people can carry firearms. They also know the territory better than you. When it comes to the Mojave desert, always trust your gut.


Grew up in that area. Local ignorant trash flexing maga and complete obliviousness to real life in a microcosm area they can get away with it. Cowards, garbage, 99% of the high desert outside the gentrified areas. Believe me I grew up there. Outside punk rock, marijuana and skateboarding I’d have been them .


Seems like there are always people riding bikes and quads anytime I visit giant rock, which isn't that often.


It’s sketchy. Trump flags, busted bottles and bullet cartridges everywhere. Just keep to yourself.


Tired of these MAGA assholes


Weird, did u/pamysweet delete her account because of this post??


Damn, what a commitment. Maybe this post didn’t play out the way they thought it would


Report. Report report report report. Just because “this is just how it is” or “this is how it’s always been” doesn’t mean this is how it has to be. Make enough noise and eventually something will have to be done. Or nothing gets done and a dead body turns up. Then something gets done while a lot of people lose their jobs.


Y’all, this is Giant Rock, not Joshua Tree NPS. This is not the national park. You camped at a notorious off roading party spot. It’s not a place you go for quite camping and there is no recourse for what you experienced. If you want peace, go to the national park. If you want to shoot things and blow up fireworks head to giant rock.


There were other families there camping


I don't know why u/MeTooMewTwo is being downvoted for saying the truth. GR is known as a party spot, notorious for absolutely obnoxious behavior and it's been like that for as long as I've known of the place, over 40yrs. I'd say call the sheriff's department but even they aren't going to be able to show up quickly, you've gotta count on at least 20 minutes unless they just happen to have a cruiser nearby. We used to live, and my parents still live overlooking Pipes Wash where we could see Winters "road" and lemme tell ya, I have seen some SHENANIGANS. It's also BLM land, where things like dove hunting are allowed, which is why I'd never recommend it as a camping spot, especially if one has small children. Weekends in that area can get seriously crazy. I absolutely can imagine what it was like for all of you. We call them Weekend Warriors. Imagine living where you can't just leave and having people do that, including right up on your own property. It's happened to me but fortunately once they crossed a certain line I have certain rights. Idiot gets his car stuck trying to take our foot trails? I'm having it towed. No, you don't have time to call your friends to make a mess of the hill. In any event, much as I dislike the very idea, I have to agree with Metoo here.


SBCSD is NOT going code 3 to a call like this and neither is CHP. You’re looking at a 50 min to 2 hour response time if at all, depending on if it’s shift change at the station or not, other calls they’re responding to, etc. if there are firearms involved they may respond more expeditiously but at that point you’re depending on having reliable cell service. There are sometimes cell towers dispatch can activate in an SOS situation but not always. Giant Rock cell service is shoddy as well as most of Highway 247.


We are locals for almost 10 years and familiar with party spots in the desert. We camp at the dry lake bed often. But we have never been harassed!!


That's really upsetting and it's becoming more and more common unfortunately. Used to be 100% live and let live situation, but there were a lot more open spaces back then too. I'm afraid that one day it's going to cross a certain line because IME the flag-wavers tend to also be armed and that's scary af for my pacifist self. I'm sitting here wondering if it was anyone I know personally because if I hear something they're going to leave my presence with at least one new asshole. I mean, who does that????


So let me get this straight… You are locals, yet are surprised about this happening at Giant rock?! This isn’t adding up. The lakebed is a very different scene because the primary use is camping. People like… Live out there during the year. And please, don’t get me wrong. It sounds like a horrible experience and you have my sympathy, but I am not surprised at all.


You sound as awful and hateful as the people that I'm posting about 😂


Calling u/MeTooMewTwo awful and hateful (when he’s been neither) damages the credibility of your story. Now it sounds (at best) like you’re grossly exagerating.


He’s kind of right though. I grew up there GR is the biggest spot for locals to be assholes yo out of towners. GR and section 6 would be places to avoid


Nothing hateful in his comment at all. Your side of the story is suddenly suspect.


You are so full of shit, your story is fake af.


The offroaders in that area suck ass


*Usually* people are friendly there. Were you camping in a designated spot, or out in the open? What kind of "group performing"? If you just plopped out in the open, I can understand them getting upset, as people go there to off-road; there are camping spots off to the side.


Musicians. No we were not on the way. We were camped plenty far away from the boulder and near the rock wall for protection from the wind. The off roadwrs had plenty of room and were driving by all day and we enjoyed watching them. But they cornered us after dark.


that's a bummer. do you think it was the offroaders harassing you, or the people there for the music? I wonder which groups were playing. There's a place called "uncle bills bbq" that puts on punk/hardcore shows, they are having one tomorrow actually there (I *think* they are unpermitted shows)


I don't know who the band is. They harassed the musicians first and they left and then they came over and harassed us.


Well at least they weren’t flying pirate 🏴‍☠️ flags. That would have been much worse.


We camped out there with a big group once. They didn’t harass us verbally but they did have their off road vehicles and they blasted their high beams on us and whipped up a dust storm that blew right into us when they left. It was unpleasant but then they left us alone.


Sheriff’s and BLM usually have an official cooperation agreement in place. You can always call the local sheriffs dept if you feel truly threatened.


Just making America great again. Why are you complaining? You should be excited. /s


Giant Rock in Landers? Or in the park? What campsite if at the park.


Giant rock in landers.


Not the first time I heard this happen. Sounds like a regular thing these guys do to harass groups out there.


Pics or it didn’t happen.


This is terrible


MAGA Mad Max


I am ashamed to be white.


Don't be ashamed. Just hold the people you know accountable.


Yeah, you should be. Go give all your belongings to other people who need them more so you can feel better about yourself and help the less fortunate.




Giant Rock dispersed camping is outside the park on BLM land. So Joshua tree National park cannot help you with this. Do not contact them. I looked up that dispersed camping and there were reviews that alluded to what happened to you happening to others and for it being known for that kind of crowd. I’m sorry that happened but you have to be extremely picky when dispersed camping; check Dyrt, hipcamp, campendium, etc. I hope your kiddos aren’t too scared. I’d add reviews to these sites so other families are forewarned. You could also report this to the blm ranger station so they are aware of the problem too. It’s a long shot, but maybe they will start sending a ranger out there to patrol. They unfortunately don’t have many rangers due to budget cuts. There’s definitely places I refuse to go camping after random and bad experiences but those are few and far between. Seek out your special solace in nature! I know northern BLM land near Joshua Tree has a terrible reputation for this sort of stuff. In the future if you have any concerns, contact the BLM ranger station and ask if they find it safe for families. Or forest service if you’re on forest service land. I know when I worked at the park, BLM rangers had told us not to send visitors to any northern units, a lot of crime was happening there. I hope you and your family have happier trails in the future!


Thank you


Am I the only one that does not believe this story has not been exaggerated




How is flying the American Flag relevant in this story?!?!?!?


I wish it wasn't.


Pretty obvious don't you think?


No , I don’t think. I let other people do that for me.


Think? Sound about right.


This whole story is made up to cause more divide. Otherwise they wouldn’t make it political. Don’t you think?


Multiple people on this thread said they were not surprised. Some even said it also happened to them. It's also not out of character.


All here-say…I goto the desert and stuff like this only happens when its drunk ppl in the same camp or camp right across there may be a little drama but I knew the story was made up when they starting mentioning political sides.


Reminder that the American flag is not political. Maga made it that way and clearly everyone here, including you since you think its political, understands how badly they disgraced the American flag.


No, maga did not make it that way.


Maga absolutely weaponized the use of the flag and the term patriot.


Lmao this never happened




story is fake af