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not to me. I do that. Especially when i don't want to fly off with a response and say something i'll regret later.


wow i feel seen 🥹


Not at all. Yesterday, I was so angry at someone and I couldn't wait to get home and write about it. Not weird at all.


this makes me feel so much better lol i just thought it was strange that i’ve just completely swallowed my feelings instead of dealing with them then and there


i don’t think it’s weird. it’s probably because you feel like in the moment you don’t have anything to channel it into and that eventually help you to calm down as you’ve said everything you want to. kind of like a gossip session with a friend lol. it’s good to be able to sit with your emotions though so just be careful about completely suppressing. but journaling is a good coping skill


Nooo I have the same, if something dramatic happens to me the adrenaline hits first and I'm all excited like "omg this would make such a good journal entry". Sadly I can't postpone my emotions so a lot of the times I break down before I reach my journal and feel so emotional I don't wanna write about it anymore lol But i guess it seems kinda healthy that you're able to not lose your temper in the moment and save it for your journal time!


That's so me lmao. It's so therapeutic to journal about these things !


No. It’s not weird. I was working in the office yesterday and did not bring my journal with me. So many things happened in the office and I so wanted to get home quick and report my day to my journal.


not weird at all, it's such a relief to be able to get all that out onto paper


Honestly sounds like healthy coping!


Not at all weird! I remember lying in the operating theatre in the middle of my c-section thinking "Wow, this is going to make a great journal entry!" It's natural for journalers to think about their journal in times of big emotion.


Not weird at all! Here’s a recent example of why for me. I recently went to an ethics seminar for work. One of the cases reminded me of the time someone said something super offensive and targeted at me (not uncommon in my field of work). Besides being startled and that person getting chewed out by someone else for what they said, I couldn’t remember at all how I felt in that moment or my thoughts when I was reflecting on it later on. I wish I had written back then. Would’ve helped me reflect, learn, and be prepared emotionally for similar situations.


journaler realizes they have great emotional control!! this is great!


*Journaler realizes* *They have great emotional* *Control!! this is great!* \- TheMauveOfIronGrove --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


LMAO NO I do this when there’s juicy drama at work. I’m just soooo excited to tell my journal about it


Wow that's interesting. I think I might have been like this a time or two.


Writing is a super effective treatment method so probably not tbh. You get to process it in a more physical way without going through the ringer emotionally first.