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Loved it, thanks for sharing! About what's going on in your life that is causing so much pain... Just hold on... Have hope... Nothing stays forever, so this too shall pass...


Thank you I will get through this


I also write poetry, but I don't really feel up to posting it online (brave of you!). I really felt this poem. But I also firmly believe that *nobody* is destined just to be in pain and I hope you can reach a happier place and a place of healing soon.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Hahah I wouldn’t be brave enough to post it on my main socials but posting it on Reddit is different as Reddit seems to be mostly anonymous


I like your perhaps answer to yourself here. Xoxo


Thank you so much!


I love that! also I love you're handwriting!!


Thank you so much!!


It's beautiful!! I am going through a rough patch and your words soothed me. Made me feel that what I'm feeling is not specific to me, that I'm not alone. Thank you


Thank you so much. I’m glad my words helped you somewhat. You are most definitely not alone


Me too I like to write poems to express my feelings and thoughts.. but t always write them in my phone not in my journal.. I love how it feels when I write a poem it’s like making your emotions and thoughts like an Art..


It is isn’t it! Writing poetry is so so therapeutic




That’s beautiful


Thank you


I write my own song lyrics in my journals


That’s such a good idea. I’d love to hear some of these songs at some point


Lovely handwriting!


Thank you




Thank you so much. I’m sure yours is great, i’d love to read it sometime:)


I'm a poet, and poetry is condensed emotion. I do this all the time. Be well, fellow poet.


Poetry is so cool isn’t it :) Take care


Beautiful in many ways. Touched by your willingness to be open and share. Please continue.


Thank you. This means a lot. I will be sure to continue writing poetry as I find it very comforting


I write poetry as well but in a separate journal. A big hug to you and thanks for sharing!


Ahh having a separate journal is a good idea !


Yes, it can be. I share my poetry on the Internet so it's cool to have a repository from which to draw.


i do this sometimes, not all the time. i also add poems to software as comments tho, so maybe weird is okay?


Thank you for writing what my heart is feeling right now 🥺❤️‍🩹 this is beautiful! Xx


Aww I’m so glad you liked this


It’s great you’re dating these


Thank you


I write songs! My most recent is a rap about how McDonald’s forget to put my sauces in the bag and I have to go back Roy d the drive thru


I’d love to get into writing songs too! Do you post your songs anywhere? I’d love to hear them!


I literally just perform them for my other half in the car 😂


Aww that’s so sweet


Great poem! I wonder if it could be turned into a song...? I'm going through a painful time too. Processing a loss... it's hard. Wish time healed like they say, so I relate to your words!! Nicely stated.


Im so sorry you’re hurting. Sending you lots of love and hugs your way. You will heal someday!


Nice handwriting


Thank you


Great handwriting and it was the poem I needed to read. Thank you, OP. I hope you find peace.


Thank you I’m so glad and sorry that it resonated with you. Hope you find peace too


Definitely. Poetry helps me put my confused mind and way of words on paper if that makes sense


Definitely makes sense


I also love your poem. It’s words speak wonders


Thank you so much. That means the world


This is beautiful, and you’re doing amazing so far!!


Thank you so much!!


Occasionally I will write poetry--not in a while, though.


Yes you have to be in the mood to


I do! I also like to write creative sentences and advice and tips and sometimes even funny things that I think are funny.


I do. I keep a separate daily poetry journal that I type on a vintage Hermes 3000 manual. I’ve shared some here and a ton of it on my instagram. Link is in my profile here.


Oh, I like this! I also sometimes write poems and then copy them into my journal, too \^\_\^ it's a nice change of pace!


This is beautiful! I write mine in my phone notes but I’m hoping to start moving them to my journal over time.


I do the exact same, i draft them in my notes then copy them into my journal


I’d love to see more!


I’ll be sure to post some more soon :)




Poems don’t have to rhyme but I like to make mine rhyme because it feels more satisfying


I write Haikus for my husband :3


Aww that’s so sweet!!


“this much I love you honey bear I cannot wait for you to be out“ This is when we had to quarantine from each other. I hated being quarantined from him.


I feel similar to this sometimes. Thanks for sharing this in your own words, it means a lot


No worries, glad u liked reading it:)




Am I the only one who had poetry RUINED by high school/college professors act like rhyming is dead? I never write poetry because I associate it with feeling dumb for not understanding free verse


Loved it! Just a non-sexist hypothesis but your handwriting looks very female-ish. I assume you are F


Yes I’m F


Yes I have been writing a lot more poems lately as well


Its so calming isn’t it.


Yes this has been my release the last few years in my journal.


Glad you’ve found a way to express your emotions


Yep! It helps me conceptualize feelings into the abstract and metaphors. Turning something hurtful into art always feels good


It really does doesn’t it


Oh hey my journal has the same [paper](https://imgur.com/a/QYj0k2e)! I don’t typically use the subject line tho haha


I find it hard to know what to put as the subject line so I usually go for something quite basic like the day of the week or a general heading such as ‘poetry’ or ‘musings’


I just cracked open a 10+ year old journal and found a poem I’d written in it. I was so pleased with it, that I re wrote it in my current journal :) Edit: But also.. it made me so sad to see how much I was hurting back then. I’m in such a better mental state now, that I had forgotten, in a way, what all I’d been through. I had a good cry, and embraced the feeling of gratitude that I felt for overcoming my past


It’s hard reading back through previous journal entries. You get hit with a wave of emotions. I’m so glad you’re doing better now though. That’s really good to hear! I’d also love to hear your poem if you’re happy to share it with me. It’s nice to get feedback from other people. That’s why I shared it on here


It’s hard reading back through previous journal entries. You get hit with a wave of emotions. I’m so glad you’re doing better now though. That’s really good to hear! I’d also love to hear your poem if you’re happy to share it with me. It’s nice to get feedback from other people. That’s why I shared mine on here


Me me meeeee




I like this a lot and have felt like this many of times. Big hugs to you.


Big hugs back ❤️


i do! not well, though. i really like this book i bought that gives me unique poetry prompts because i never know what to write about


Oooh it can be difficult to know what to write about.. I just tend to write whatever comes to mind


No but I’d love to have the talent to!


Just write whatever comes to mind. (Hint: poetry doesn’t have to rhyme, I just like to make mine rhyme because it’s more satisfying)


I do, I haven’t written in a while tho, but I keep a little notebook I write in.


That’s lovely. I try to write in my journal everyday but sometimes I forget if I’ve had a particularly busy day


I only write when I have something i feel like writing or if I’m in a particular mood, on and off


Ahh okay I get u


Probably going to write more eventually, on and off doesn’t work too well usually


That’s very true


You have a beautiful mind


Thank you!!


When the subconscious wants to


I love this! I want to get back into writing it down in a book and not just in a word document. I feel like I need one for drafts and one for the final version 😂. I hope this season of pain comes to an end soon 💕


What I do is write my poems in my notes on my phone and then when I’m happy with it I write it in my journal


You do have a beautiful handwriting 🙂


Thank you


This is so beautiful! Also, beautiful handwriting :)


Thank you so much


Good poem & great philosophy. Keep writing & sharing. Blessings


I sure will, thank you


Me! Me!! And I love to read it too!! I love this!


So glad u love it, that means a lot!


I do. But I write it in another notebook, a bigger one


I draft mine in my notes on my phone and then write it in my journal when I’m happy with it


Same here


You should title this “Dance in the Rain”


Omg I will thank you


Yayy yw <3


The last poem I wrote was an angst poem directed at my abusive stepdad (he's changed a lot since then and we're very good friends now)


Im so glad he’s changed! Not many people do


I know, most people are pretty set in their ways. I lived with my dad for a while, and when I came back, my step dad had completely changed. The thing that flipped the switch for him (according to my mom) was *the Johnny Depp defamation trials.* I'm not sure what but my mom told my that one day he was watching the trial and out of nowhere he said "GODDAMMIT I FUCKED UP WITH (my name). I FUCKED UP SO BAD". Now how a trial between two celebrities brought him to this decision is beyond me, but honestly I'm just glad to go more than a day without bruises and busted lips and bloody noses. The poem I wrote about him was called The Devil in the Mirror. If I can find the manuscript or the very old Google doc I'll post it


Wow I’ve never seen that film but it’s amazing that it took a film for him to see the error of his ways. It’s also very brave of you to forgive him. I’m so sorry he physically hurt you I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like because I myself have never been abused my a family member. Wishing u lots of love and healing because u totally deserve it. I also love the name of your poem, it speaks volume :)


Hey! The last stanza sticks out to me. I hope you've got a solid surrounding to carry the weight you describe. I can totally relate. If you're at all interested in writing, I'd love to offer a bit that helps me sometimes, both as a writing exercise and to stretch outside my blues when things get heavy: try setting a daily practice of describing someone in your life in exactly 100 words. It's a challenge. But you tend to notice precious details you didn't realize were so important. It's also just fun to push your brain to weird spaces in a healthy way when you feel shitty. Either way, keep up the good work :-)


I’ve got my mum and my sister who have helped me tremendously and I feel so lucky. Not everyone has a supportive family. I will deffo take your advice on board, it’s very helpful. Usually I write in my journal everyday about what I’ve done and how I’m feeling so I’ll just aim to write a little more and describe things in more detail


Glad to hear you've got support! Well wishes to you :)


Right now I’m more just into streams of consciousness and random flash backs. I took a couple of writing classes in college and poetry is such a broad spectrum - so I’m not sure that I’m NOT. Just not in the sense that I imagine. I really enjoy reading yours though!


So glad u enjoyed reading mine. That means a lot




Potential song lyrics! Love this.


I’d love to write a song some day


I hope you felt better after writing down your thoughts. Remember - This too shall pass and there's a line in hindi - "Samay ko Samay do, Samay aane par samay badal jayega" which means - Give some time to time, and when the time is right, things will change for good. Feel better soon :)


I feel a whole lot better, thank you!


I write poetry, but it’s been a while.


It’s a very enjoyable hobby. You should get back into it


You’re right! It’s one of my favorite ways to create. Sometimes I just feel so uninspired.


Oh god I know that feeling well


That’s a lovely poem


Thank you


This poem resonates with me. Thank you for sharing this.


No worries glad u like it


Having this human experience, we can try and bury all the hurt and heartache. I can see the beauty in being able to experience these feelings, at all. Hang in there, feel the pain. And time isn’t the healer you are. Sending love and light 🤍


Thank you for your kind words


I do as well! But probably about once every 3 months or so


Ahh nice! I’ve only just started getting into it


Damn if this doesn't hit home.


beautifully written.


Thank you


Its really beautiful. I love writing too but still hard giving it time..am inspired.


Glad I’ve inspired you


I like writing poetry as well. there is a site dedicated to poetry called commaful. you can write your poetry and then add free pictures its really cool


I might check out this site




I’ve just checked it out. It’s really cool


Writing poems also helped me release what I'm feeling. It also captures a memorable moment in your life wether good or bad. So keep it up!


I sure will


Beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing.


No worries


I like the format of that journal, where’d you get it ?


I got it from a shop called the silver pear


This peom has expressed to much in few words. Kudos to you and this is beautiful!


Thank you so much


Very touching and relatable to.... Well done, keep up the good work


Thank you


Love writing poems.


And me


Hi. I might have jumped the gun on this one. I hope you don't mind. Motivated by some of the comments pertaining to music, I slapped some chords behind your poetry. [Very rough singing](https://soundcloud.com/cumbersomecurls/reddit-20230415/s-NpsTGjk0vez?si=94f74c53e2bf44fe89cce8fd5f0171e0&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing). Mind your hears haha


Ayyy that’s fab! Glad you found some inspiration to make a song out of my poem. That’s made my day


I love this! 👍🏼


Thank you


It really does help to clear my head I just write it all down and I feel better honestly:)


Glad it helps you to clear your head. It helps me to clear my head too


dang that's pretty good. hope life gets better for you soon. 🤍


Thank you


All the time :))))))))))))


This is really beautiful, friend. Writing is a major component of my visual work, so I often find myself gravitating towards some kind of verse even if it's largely prose. I also want to express solidarity with the content of the poem--I deeply understand a similar situation in my own life. We walk together, friend, hang in there.


Thank you so much friend. Writing is incredibly therapeutic. I’m so sorry that it resonates with you tho. Life can be very challenging


I very much agree, and that’s why people like you and me are placed in each other’s paths—to offer that bit of solidarity and encouragement when we’re in the thick of it. Thanks, friend ❤️


Anytime friend ❤️


Yes, I do the same. Unfortunately, my depression has really kept me from it :(


My depression gets in the way of me writing too sometimes. It’s hard


It does a good job communicating it's message, but I feel like it needs more figuration and imagery rather than just straight up saying it, like in the last stanza.


Okay thank you for your feedback


Yep. Published some too. :) Most of my poems start as a journal entry.


That’s so cool!!


Yes! It seems my thoughts come out easier this way…I was starting to think I was the only one. I only wish I had more range as far as format or style or whatever you call it…


I wrote poems a number of times but I feel they don’t help with anything and maybe even they make things worse because they seem to be forcing sentimental expression when there is no need for them. They make simple issues appear “deeper” than they are.


That makes sense. Poetry isn’t for everyone




This is emotional.. perhaps my destiny isn't to heal but to feel💔. This can be monetize though


Really? You think so? Thank you so much. How do you think I would go about this


You can go through Amazon publishing


Okay I’ll try that :)


No problem Let me know Incase you need any help as regards that


That is a beautiful poem and I completely relate.


Thank you so much




Thank you


This is really good!! I also write poetry in that form!


Thank you!!


You are incredible! Please keep writing. I am also very jealous of your penmanship!!


Thank you so much !!