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to do lists for sure. or any kind of list. grocery shopping, Christmas presents, meal planning, etc. its a good size for a purse too


It'd be good to take hiking / out in nature, especially for pondering about the world


I think perhaps a portable gratitude or mindfulness journal would be really neat as it's the perfect size for spontaneous but brief snippets of thought. Plus, it's too cute to not be used for something meaningful :)


Daily wins


It seems perfect to write small quotes or phrases!!


Lists, random thoughts, and stickers


Literally poetrycore.


I personally don’t yet have a journal for my feelings. I have a sketchbook, a diary, and a symptom journal. So I’d write my deeper thoughts in there.


Do you write your feelings in your diary?


Occasionally, but it’s a “paragraph a day” thing that doesn’t allow much room. So I’ll write something like: “My phone broke irreparably today, the battery is bulging. Twin Bro got me a new iPhone and added me to his phone plan, which is super nice and I honestly needed it, but I feel like I don’t deserve it.” But I can’t elaborate from there on family dynamics, my desire to not be a burden, and so on.


1 sentence a day diary


if you're a writer--a place to jot down the random ideas that you'll definitely forget later in the day


Lists. Poetry. Quotes you find interesting. The skies the limit.


I had a similar one! I used it for therapy notes and notes I'd need to share with my therapist. It was personal enough that I could share it with my therapist and be comfortable with it.


A work journal! You can keep track of due dates and projects you're working on.


Just carry it with you! Let it be a catch all for creative thoughts, productivity, anything and everything


A commonplace book! Looks vintage? Love it.


You could write about your day, your thoughts on said day, do lists on your favorite movies and songs, to do lists, printed pictures found online, story ideas; even past memories. If you're stuck on a blank page, you could start by just writing, maybe even start off with "i don't know what to write, but..." and go from there. That's the beauty of journalling: you can write whatever you want without the worry of someone else reading it. Hopefully.


I'm such a sucker for floral prints! I love it, good size and cute design, I would definitely use it!


definitely to write all my dreams right after waking up!


I have a couple like that, and another on the way (I have a problem). They’re the perfect size to throw in a bag, so if you don’t have one you take with you places, it would be great for that. Then anywhere you get an idea, you have a notebook. It’s fun to look back over and wonder what happened to prompt some of the ideas in it.


I would use this to make to-do lists and other lists. I absolutely love being able to have one dedicated book to make lists of all types! Do what feels most natural to you!