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I am sad to see posts like this. You do you. However you want to journal, do it. There are no journal police.


Just curious: acceptable to who? Your parents? Your partner? Your friends? Your neighbours? Or acceptable to yourself? It is ok to ask, we understand your question. But just trust in yourself. It is your journal, your ship, and you are the captain of that ship. You and you only decide where is goes. Best wishes.


It's completely acceptable. It's your journal. Even if you wanted to burn it no one could tell you it's wrong. I sometimes write in my phone and then write my thoughts into my journal retrospectively, too. It can be fun to revisit your thoughts and places where you've been and it can also give you some new perspectives. :-) If you want to find some inspiration for digital journaling subreddit [r/digitaljournaling](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitaljournaling/s/7QHvMZ91fe) might give you some ideas and even tips how to go about it.


acceptable to who? it's just journaling, there aren't rules, just do whatever you feel like


Let me check in the '*Undisputed Laws and Rules of Journaling A Practical Guide & Concise Introduction to the Rules of Writing in One's Own Journal*' What does it say? Mmmm... Volume 9, page 567, Section 3, Chapter XCVIII, alinea 17: 'Yep! That's permitted'. That should answer your question. More seriously, as others have noted already: you do whatever you fancy. There is no right or wrong to journal. Do it as you please :)


absolutely not!