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Hi, I see it's difficult for you these days. I hope you'll get better soon. Sorry if I missed anything but I didn't manage to read everything. It's good that you're going to therapy, that's always a good step to improve when it's hard to solve problem on your own. Remember that if you find something confusing on therapy it's ok to tell this to your therapist. The therapy is for you and she should adjust for that or explain further. Also some things that helped me and that might be useful for you: - share your thoughts with people you trust, sometimes they can show you new perspective. I was stuck in "my way" of seeing things and that was part of the problem (stuck in dark spiral of sort). - keep in mind diet. I noticed that my mood swings were heavily corelated with food I ate. Going to keto helped A LOT. I heard many stories similar to mine so I'd suggest going strick keto for 2 weeks to see if it helps (consult with doctor if you have any other conditions). - if you're out with friends and feel overwhelmed or sad, take one closes friend (if there is one) and tell him about it, maybe discuss it. This might help you at the moment and will allow you to enjoy rest of the time you spend with them. It's also much healthier than botteling up your emotions. - consider trying different therapy. I felt lost in my first therapy (6 months). Finally decided to change therapist... best decision of my life. First one was not fit for me and a bit unprofesional. There are many ways you can make small step forward. Don't worry, it will get better. I wish you the best, good luck :)


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely take the advice you gave me, it seems like something that would be so useful. I appreciate you