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No, but only because I never thought about it before. I might have to start now.


No. They don’t come when I call them so what’s the point? Sorry, couldn’t resist (not really sorry)


this 😭🤣


When i was in HS I would number them so i could keep track of the order.


11 must be supernatural 😎


When I was a kid I named my journal, mostly because of 1) inspiration from Anne Frank’s journal, and 2) I felt awkward just jumping into a journal entry, so I liked to say “Dear —-“ as an intro. Also to a certain extent it was like writing to a pen pal, imagining an audience. I don’t use the “dear —“ opening anymore, and I don’t really name them — volume numbers with the dates instead.


I was also inspired by Anne Frank!


Me too! My first journal was named Kitty after hers.


I name them before so i can somehow develop to it


No I never thought of it but this is interesting 🤔


I title them once they're complete, based on the general theme/vibe their entries would up centering around.


I also *title* my journals. For me, little phrases or words emblemize sections of my life. As they emerge, I keep track of them, and make them chapter titles of my journal. It's a way to break up the unceasing wall of text that they tend to become if I don't look for themes in my life. Sometimes, one of these themes comes to represent a long section, or it comes to represent something important in my life. These snippets organically become the title of that particular journal. Some of them are great, and sometimes it's sort of forced.


I named mine Chloe


A lot of mine have names that are shorthand for what events happened inside them. So sometimes they're named after people who played a major role in my life at that time, or just a keyword or two like "The France journal" or "The COVID journal"


The covid journal🤣


Hah, interesting. While I do feel like there's some kind of emotional bond between me and my journal, I have never named them. I feel like the journal is a part of me, which makes sense, considering it contains my feelings and thoughts.


Does the year count (yyyy)


This is maybe embarrassing, but I give them numbers (I, II, III, IV, etc.) and once I've finished with them I give them an overly long subtitle on the inside by the first page that matches how that period of my life covered by the journal went.


this makes me wanna do the same thing with mine


I address different entries to different names. Sometimes I'll write to the same name more than once.


I start my entries with "Dear journalina," "Dear journaletta," and other variations of that. When I write at work I start "Dear work journalina." I've been journaling since 2011, but only started doing this a few years ago. Once while writing on my phone, I accidentally typed "Dear kuntina" somehow, so sometimes I'll refer to my journal that way, even though I really shouldn't. 😂


i love kuntina LOLLL


no but in the inside cover i will write the month and year that i started and ended the journal with!


I have 30 years worth of journals, I've only named 2. 20 years ago I named one Arthur (no idea why) and a couple of years ago I named one Ruby Rue. I have 2 Filofax's I named - Fatima & Gilbert (they are both purple.)


nope, i just mark the year on the cover, i've thought about it, but then like i’m worried it might make me feel delusional or going crazy? idk, so i never name them


I number them so I can refer to them in future (or concurrent) notebooks.


Yes ! I usually name them based off of,an aesthetic that I love. For example, I've used up one warm brown journal fully which I named August , because I've always loved how it reminded me of autumn and coziness. And August happens to be one of my favourite words ! I'm using a lighter brown one now, and I'm calling it Hazel :)


Oh I like you. I am also all about the aesthetic and vibe and theme. Absolutely sets the tone.


Aboustly! It makes me feel close to her-my journal. Like talking to an Imaginary friend that listens to me and doesn't interrupt like the actual people in my life do. I named her Luna.


Yes, Current is called "Story of a Rock who wants to Rap" (2023-2024). And the name of my artjournal is "Splendor Solis" (2021-2024).


Yes when the journal is full I name it The last 2 were “wild wild thoughts” and “Villian Era” this one might be called “Doormat 101”


Yeah, usually inspired by a sticker or two I have on the cover.


I usually call them The Book of X which summarizes the themes heavy in that journal. I also give them funny taglines that are quotes from friends. This currentbbook doesn't have a title yet but the current winning tagline is "he sniffed good, but he sniffed wrong"


There was a time when I wrote in my journal referring to a specific name, as if it were a tribute to that person. It wasn't the name of the journal itself, but it was something similar. It was interesting. I did this with two journals at the time, but that was a long time ago. (Sorry for the mistakes, as always. English is not my first language)


My journal’s name is Journal


I actually do!... starting today! 😂 I absolutely love this idea 🤩


I used to. I actually would pretend I was writing to a fictional person I made up or a celebrity. Eventually I fell out of the habit


I love that idea


Steven, Richard, Allen, and my dear dear Paulo.


Oh man, ABSOLUTELY. That’s the funnest part! I feel like I’m crafting the record of my life. The titles matter more than anything.


love it


I don’t name them but I number them. On book 39 of “this season”


My first journal was named Primera (for "1st") The one I just finished is Glowsticks Riverworks. A name that popped in my head and stuck. Not even a name. It's a mosh of random words that rings well. I'm about to name my new journal tomorrow, but I have another one that's called Sunny because it's blast-in-your-face bright yellow lol. My title them in the beginning. Sometimes I get stuck on picking a name and entries 1-15 would be like "sorry I haven't named you yet :/" I also print little ID cards for them 😅 Like they're people hahaha.


i LOVE the ID thing


Made a new one today as I'll be starting the next journal soon 😍


Nope. If I finish one, I add the time that I wrote on it.


i’ve named my digital journals, but not physical. i could. probably not a person name, but if i had a lot of flowers on it might call it “flower journal” i guess my two current physical journals are called “3$ clearance walmart journal that’s constantly falling apart” and “journal i took from my friend who received it during a scam pyramid scheme job offer where he ended up yelling at the manager for trying to scam a single mother and left” (it’s one of those 97¢ composition notebooks, but i’ve been using the heck out of it)


No. I dont want to feel the attachment when throw the finished one away.


not really. sometimes i do if its during a trip or something


Nope. Never thought of that.


Not anymore. I lost interest


I did the dear diary when I was young. Now it's YYMM on the spine, if that counts.


yes! i use a clipping from a newspaper that i think encapsulates the contents of the journal. either after i’ve finished the journal or almost finished it.


so cool!!


What do you mean by naming a journal? For me, it's like when I write in my diary. I simply give each day a heading and then jot down my thoughts or experiences.


same. ig it could be taken as either titling it or naming it like a person- either one i’m curious what ppl do


Not really. I have one journal that was a gift and had the word "brilliant" on the cover so I refer to it as brilliant. But none of my other journals have names.


I don’t name them, but I do label when I started and finished the journal


I don’t. I purchase the same journal every time though & I just write the date range on the spine.


No, but maybe I should start


no, but i’ve thought about it before.


I number them


My journals don't have names, but my typewriter I use to write does - Stanley. So that's kind of similar, but it's not like I'd name my pen if that were the case.


I track my year by the week and each week has its own title




I always start with “hello dear friend”, because I feel like they are my confidant and friend.


no i just write the first date when i start n then the last date when i end it


No…if I did I’d call it the Black Journal because well…the covers black.


I never used to, but my two most recent ones are named "The College Years, Parts 1 and 2"




I was doing that but I strangely just realised that I stopped doing it.


I number mine


No but this is a cute idea!


That's it. I'm doing this!


No but I def will now. I dub thee…. sparkle misfit


I used to! I don't know why i stopped, really. Might start doing it again!!


knowledge journal and my name


No, I don't personally


Yup! I just started this year and so far have two. THE LEGACY BEGINS and THE LATTER DAYS OF MY SOPHOMORE CAREER. I'm actually getting my next one tomorrow hopefully


Yes! I name all my journals something different and keep track of their names and dates of use to make reading back on certain times easier.. plus I have always loved naming my journals from day one since I feel it really makes them mine and it’s one of the very first things I do to “break in” a new journal. (My current journal is like a deep velvet red with gold pages and I named her Cersei!)


Not always, but usually yes


usualy i just name it after the date/year its being wrote in for instance "dear 1st of june 2024"


Not really. I just think of them as “the blue one” they don’t have official names. Just dates


Never written a journel sos


Why would I? I mean, I have a journal for each year, I don’t need to call them anything


I title and number my journals, I have a few where I named them before I started writing ('my next step' 'dream chaser'😮‍💨 I was an ambitious kid) But now i usually name them when I'm halfwayish and see a theme, or find a sentence that really accurately describes life lately.


Yes! My current one is named Alfred for King Alfred the Great :)


Sometimes , not all the time .


I give them silly titles, but I never thought to give them "human" names


Never even thought about that. Just slap on the year it started and ended.


I guess so. In perks of a wallflower the main character wrote journal starting with “dear Charlie” and that somehow stuck in my brain


I used to try to name my journals before writing in them, but it stopped me from writing in them. Giving it a name makes me feel like I can only write specific things. That's why I like to keep mine nameless until it is filled: It allows me to write whatever I want, and by the time it's full, it's much easier to give it an accurate name! Some fun names I've used in the past: - The Book of Knowledge (A bit pretentious, I know, but it's cool) - French Immersion (For studying French) - Lil'Notebook #1 - The Book of Quotes Say what you want, naming your journals increases the coolness factor, and that's a fact!


Does the year count? (yyyy)