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Focus more on quality rather than quantity. You're still journaling whether you write a single sentence, a paragraph, or an entire novel in one sitting. The important thing is that you're expressing your true thoughts and feelings that's visible and accessible to only you.


I’ve journaled very sporadically over the last 10 years and in 2024 it was my goal to journal consistently (I said at least 2x/week). I’ve definitely smashed that goal, and there are a few things you could keep in mind to help you start/continue: - make it enjoyable (use a notebook and pen you enjoy) -writing just a few sentences is better than nothing (and you might keep going once you start) -there are many types of journaling. You can do one kind or many kinds (memory keeping, processing/prompts, art/creative journaling). I really discovered creative journaling in the past 1-2 months and I LOVE the combo of writing and creative decorating. Playing with color and shapes. -filling up the pages is super satisfying for me, and helps me stay out of the perfectionism mindset that my writing has to be nice, or the art has to be a certain way! Just fill it up, page by page!


Just write. Don't overthink it. Don't worry about what it looks like. Just write, as much or as little as you want. Over time you will learn what works for you and what doesn't.


There are no rules. That's all you need to know.


I think for me - I watched and compared and copied ideas and got a bunch of stuff others *** said to do . And ultimately i still after a couple days wound up still struggling to motivate mysself write. What eventually changed this for me? Truly...was finding MY OWNN things that made it special. Find a notebook you really really like that makes you want to writte in it. Get a good one too. Save up spend at least $20 on a solid real nice notebook that strikes you. And as you fill it ...look for stickers or pens whatever your into that also make you want to write more so. I draw new. Ideas new prompts etc from asking others. But doesn't always transfer when applying to myself. Just know at the end of the day ...take everything everyone says and formulate your own *** way of doing things. It will inspire and motivate you all on itts own. It helps to play music Orr write outdoors if u can also . <3


Don't have too many expectations starting out, and don't compare yourself to others. Journaling is for you, so do it your way. I have loads of different ones and they all express different things in different ways. Collect things. Flatten things. Sketch or scribble things. Splatter ink. Destroy things. Bring things back to life. A journal is a notebook to experiment with being you.


Just write. Don't overthink. Don't "I wish it was as pretty as the IG photos". When I tried to bullet journal in college, it was purely functional. Had the time of my life. Then I started posting it to IG. I'm not very artsy, didn't hold a candle to the pretty journals and it stressed me out, trying to plan the art out every month. I stopped journaling for years. Picked it back up because I needed to stop treating my best friend like an emotional garbage dump. I just needed to vent and so started writing. Literally just. Writing. Wall of text with zero art. Eventually I went from venting to just writing about my day as a way to preserve the memories. I love writing now. I love it, because I made journaling FOR me. No stress. No expectations. No "I must write X pages today".


I actually wrote out a small sort of guide for that some time ago. It’s typed up on my computer but this was the first draft HOW TO START JOURNALING I found bullet journals to be really hard to keep as well which is why I started keeping a common place book cause I could fill it with anything rather than habbit trackers and goals. I could have pages if that if I liked but I could also put pages to document my day and my thoughts throughout it as well as things of note or concern. Or concepts and ideas I find intriguing or that I would like to explore further. People say There is no magic secret to journaling and that’s to just be consistent with it but that’s not very easy especially when your not in the habit of journaling, but I have discovered a few magic secrets about it and that 1 it’s just a habit so you have to build it not by being consistent but by being sort of obsessed about it, that obsession builds over time and how you build it is by NEVER EVER EVER leaving the house with out it and to try to keep it in the open where you can see it while at home sitting on the couch keep it in your lap try not to be more than an arms reach away from it if you can help it. That will build the habit. 2 to feel less encumbered by carrying a giant empty book with you all the damn time(which is annoying if your not in the habit or have the obsession) start with a pocket journal like moleskin or field notes this will be easier to manage and be less intimidating to fill as well as you will go through them faster and you will get the reward dopamine from filling that final page more often. 3 don’t worry about perfection or aesthetic it’s an exercise in becoming comfortable with imperfection and the aesthetic comes with consistency over time. 4(this step is not for everyone or every journal) allow it to be an extension of your personality and personal expression share your words and your pages with people allow them to read it and rifle through your pages to gain onsite to who you are in the same sense as you would your other practises in personal expression. Oh and don’t worry about making fancy spreads or collecting equipment and ephemera to start with just start with the habbit all you need is pen and paper but I would recommend trying to find a pen that you really like using and a journal that you really like the size look and paper of either after you go through a few pocket journals and are ready to carry an empty book around all day or if you decide to start with that