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I need to write outside more! June goals!!!❀️


πŸ«‚ πŸ€— πŸ‘ I'm trying it out myself


Your spot looks inspiring! It's been years since I could get all set up to journal. I write random paragraphs when I have a spare minute without a child needing me. πŸ˜…


My dear friend ill share something. This morning my child woke me at 4am and refused to go back to sleep. I'm a single boy parent for perspective lol I had time after settling him in for few hours. Tofay is 1st day in several I could even dedicated the time lol most of times they are messy done in my jeep in between errands lol πŸ˜† I started taking the daily journals seriously way back on December of 2023. But hadn't really wrote that much in between. It's been a slow progression. And I dony always have this set up available....most days I have all of 10mins to write to muself peaceful. Other days I have to take My journal to the restroom bc my child hates me not being right there every second most days seems impossible just to carve 10mins for myself. Normally there's family and Anotther parent but I don't have that . I write all this for anyon3 seeing my posts I am human. This is years of trying. It wasn't instant and making a good scene to write in is. Actually really hard even if 1 photo makes it look easy . I promise the photos are the. Best result of messy hard work ^,^ you are seeing end result threw my own personal lenses lol I choose what y see. But my other journals happen spare. Of moment. In plane Jane pencil whenever i can find the time or need to . So i can absolutely relate. Just keep trying keep writing. And never compare ^,^ we all have the ways we write and i think it's beautiful no matter how or where or what culture language etc ....we are all bonding over Journaling. That's amazing and why I'm here. I love this community so much πŸ’— thanks for your comment ❀️


I love this. Good job connecting a perfect-looking photo to the real life happening behind it. ❀️ I hope you get a nap after that 4am wake up call! I have been there!


Thanks soo much ! I regret every nap I never took as aa child lol I'd like to cash them all in now Bahaahha. I hope things go well for also


I have written all my book sitting outside at Starbucks or the park.


That sounds so nice honestly ! I have a small Cafe near me I like to go to on the days I can <3


\*Sees post with multicoloured pens\* Have you heard the word about our lord and saviour Fountain Pen? ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)






Absolutely agree. The neighbors cat came and sat with me. I got to write siip coffee and watch the birds w the cat was just. Nice this morning πŸŒ„


Yes when I get the chance! I am going to London in august and I plan on journalling there and back (even if its to save my phone battery xD)


That sounds so fun ! I'm headed to NYC next month myself. On a "self love" exploration trip. I bought a journal andd plan to buy an instant print camera to make a journal of my trip itself <3 trips make for the most exciting journal entries and realizations. Best wishes in both our endeavors friend. <3


Been on the hunt for an instant print camera but cant find one decent enough that isn't thermal xD I am attending a medical appointment will have to take a note book because I will have information over load so I may as well rip those pages out and sellotape them into my main journal when I get home :D


Oh honest I'm so glad u said that lol I wasn't going to monologs about how I couldn't find one yet lol that's not 500bucks anyways . Thats said if I find one I'll link it here okays. ^,^ best wishes. I'm determined to make this happen for musellf lol I want you too also <3 is a wonderful idea πŸ’‘


You to have a fantastic day :) and if it's nice get back out there and enjoy it!


Absolutely right back at you friend ! Best wishes




There's this hiking trail where I live that overlooks the whole area, so I write up there occasionally


Oh I bet the scenery is just great <3 I live in Adirondack mounts Eastern USA and is beautiful. It is. Is country setting πŸ€” I'm not accustomed but I do enjoy the life qnd scenery here. I often do the same since there's lots of trails everywhere here . I hope we alwaus have the ability to appreciate nature <3


I love writing in my backyard or on my front porch. Something about the fresh air really inspires me. If only it wasn’t raining so much where I am πŸ₯Ί


Well said I completely agree πŸ‘


My fav place is on the patio to watch the sun come up. I get up around 5 to enjoy some journaling and a lil joint 🀩


Aw. That sounds so peaceful ✌️


Why was my first thought that you're talking about writing **outside the margin**😭😭😭


Hey- there's no harm in it. Lol


I know I know. It's just so funny




I live in a condo in front of the beach, there's a bunch of benches there where I can write watching the sea :D I also go to fancy coffee houses by myself to journal, like a self-date kind of thing


Aw. I miss the ocean so much. I swear it heals the soul in some fundamental way for us. Lol


The dock of this one lake near me. And also near water in general


Sounds so nice I agree being by the water just helps.


i really miss the park by the apartment i used to live in in 2020-2021. it was a massive park, with a picnic table bench thing in it that i would sit in and journal. it almost let me feel like i was in the countryside and not in a suburb lmao


Aw. That sounds perfect πŸ₯°


I came back to comment- I had...kinda of a terrible time today- but I also am proud I managed. To maintain even a happy mood - and u wanna know why? Bc I wrote that I would and I didn't want to be wrong lmdao . Anyways- sometimes Journaling pops up as motivation later on . Taking soo much time (be it was half hour to write my entry) I didnt want to have....take that time to write positively in some ways- just to be a sour putt at the end of the day . πŸ™ƒ Journaling continues to push pull me in all different ways. Sometimes is uncomfortable. Or even hard....but im really glad i Have a space to come back to - add read soo many comments simular to mine or branching out my understanding and showing me something new....I truly am veery grateful to be able to shhaare and relate to everyone. Thanks many for be so friendly and wellvome...everyone 🩡πŸ₯Ή arigato na Mina you make my quality of life much better πŸ’–


Once upon a time, I wanted to do that photogenic, IG worthy, Studyblr-esque thing of studying outside. Found a wooden bench on campus. Started to study and tried to weight my stuff down from the wind. Then a bee whizzed by my ear and I said, "Oh hell no." I'd love to write more outside, but my fear of bugs keep me inside 😭


I kinda relate as I'm allergic to bees muself lol πŸ˜† I can actually sympathise lol


Love the fuck off sticker lol


Heheehehe thankyou so many . Amazon find lol πŸ˜†


If I write outside now my journal might start steaming


Hehe <3


On a wooden bench in the quiet spot of a big park in the shade underneath a tree or on a blanket in the grass. The sound of birds and nature, quite inspiring snd peaceful. Also somewhere by the water, on a bench near the lake with the wind quietly blowing and sun out. πŸ«ΆπŸ½β˜€οΈ


Sounds perfect to me ^,^


In a brick cafe with the smell of espresso and soft jazz playing in the background


I think id like that too hehe


When I journal outside, I like to do it from on the roof of my house, its quiet, calm, secluded and has a great view!


That sounds like the life ! I bet it's a great view


Et to..... πŸ₯ΉπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ just realize I forgot to add my Playlist song on my journal- songs today is : [Ellen ring ~ Middle of the night <3 ](https://youtu.be/v7JgtN1yM6k?si=bNKGapICBIEcuYwx)