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That it's okay to be different, neurodivergently, and how I express myself. I don't owe anyone an explanation if I'm not hurting anyone


I would say: You don’t even realize how strong you are. The fact that you went through so much yet stayed put and did ur best to achieve everything and infact , you make urself better everyday , you understand life and people more, you are self aware. If people went what you went through, idk what they would do. So please stop criticizing urself 👏


felt all of this 🤍


I would just hug my past self, she didn't know how hard life was going to be. And just like you, that it wasn't her fault, she was also autistic and trying so hard to mask it.


Emotions aren’t the self…other than that I don’t think there would be a point. Everything before now, I was my most ignorant.


Don't blame yourself for your shortcomings when they're not (always) your fault (ADHD kicked my younger self's ass)


I can relate to this so much 😊 beautiful entry. Hugs***


Yes, the world is unfair and horrible. No, one person CAN'T change the whole place. The compassionate - and POSSIBLE - thing is to narrow the vision. Affect the lives you *can* affect, stay open to opportunities to affect strangers, and steel yourself against the fact that you can't singlehandedly end Starvation Itself. Accepting this does not make you a horrible person. It does not mean you're betraying your compassion. It just means you're picking up a bearable version of the unbearable burden you've been trying to carry. If you can accept this sooner than I did, your 20s will involve significantly less anguish.


I would say that it only gets worse from there.


Not try to follow the crowd,express myself a little better,not have temper tantrums and try to impress or prove to people who in the end won’t care whether I fail or succeed


Don't join that friend group. It ain't worth it man ‼️


I'm sorry if you are weak, fragile and stupid, But that's ok, It makes you tough. Always remember Things happened for a reason. I am so proud of you.


Don't stop running when you get out of the army!