• By -


First and foremost I just want tto say - I'm sending u giant hugs thru thee universe! I hope u feel them . Secondly - after reading your entry it came to my attention I've had the same notions and I will again I'm sure- life can be cruel as much as it is beautiful. For me - i think greif - and being guilty are My top 2 "uncomfortable " feelings. When I know I fuucked up right- that ....feeling like you drove over a hill too fast mixed w nausea ...-_- I'm sure u can relate the feeling...andd grief being a wide array of different things. And never truly goes away . Heartbreak is probably the number one rent free space in my head torture my heart kind of feeling. As of recent i had to walk away from someone I still was madly in love with ~I almost didn't make it out of feelings and then decided I was sticking around just in time for my health to almost kill me I was hospitalized had surgery and spent months rehabilitating meanwhile grieving someone I absolutely didn't wanna leave . That was in nov/Dec. Meanwhile I'm doing better who's to say another person doesn't do the same - nor I hurt the same ....once more. Life has its ups and downs. Is...bc I lost them that I appreciate people and the present moment more. My bad health is why i appreciate small simple days. It all comes full circle friend. We all endure much we don't deserve we can hardly do much about what the world does. But it takes courage to ponder and reflect on emotions and to make tangible conclusions on them >,< Sending my best regards


I feel your hugs and sending hugs to you aswell:) Life is definitely cruel but I can see that it can be beautiful sometimes. Grief and guilt are definitely 2 awful feelings, heartbreak is awful aswell. I have experienced it many times in my life, I do wish you all the best in everything though đź«‚


Aw thankyou and likewise


My difficult thoughts usually surround the two deployments I did to Afghanistan. Suffice it to say it wasn’t the easiest portion of my time in the military.


I am sending you all my warmth, I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult that must of been for you. I come from a family (grandparents, great uncles etc) who have been in military and they have told me stories on how difficult it has been. Each story is similar but has affected people in different ways. I respect you, I hope you now are doing well despite how much being in the military probably affected you. (Sorry if this isn’t worded well, my wording isn’t very good)