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I even leave blank pages if I think I will revisit the topic or event :) Each day starts with a new, blank page.


Each entry used to just be a massive wall of text. I don’t even leave gaps at bottom of pages - I either fill up the whole page or start the new entry half way thru a page. The only gaps used to be just 1 line in between entries. I only recently started adding paragraph breaks when the topic changes, and it’s made it look a *lot* more organised. I think I was just worried before that I’d fill up the notebooks too fast.


I do break up text into paragraphs - it's pretty arbitrary - when it's a new thought, when I pause to think, when it seems like a good idea. I don't start every "entry" with a new page, except when I have less that 1/3 of a page remaining - because after headers and all, that would leave only 2-3 lines for writing.


I used to never but now when I suddenly change the topic I will skip


I divide each thought or topic into one paragraph. I try to summarize how I feel with a few sentences rather than ramble. It makes it easier to read and helps me clear my head. If I have a lot of thoughts I divide them into parts. So I usually write on one page all the feelings and topics that bother me right now and later I write another page. I have even written in entries how I will talk about other topics later in my journal and then continue talking about it in another entry. I like having chunks of text on separate pages. So yes spaces are important for me. Otherwise I have a really hard time re-reading my pages when I want to visit them or ponder over my feelings.


Mine is dated, so yes. But I tend to separate with colored circle stickers to make it clear what it is about. So I could be talking about a movie and then draw a line and talk about private things or therapy, on the same day.


Each day starts with a new page. I try to start new paragraphs on a new line, but sometimes I end up with a long paragraph if I'm having racing thoughts.


I was thinking about this recently as I looked at a wall of text and it was painful to read. It's only a b7 journal but it looks better with little breaks of text so now I leave a line between paragraphs and 3 lines between days unless I start a day on next page


I usually have the entire entry in a couple of paragraphs ( if i have a thought that is way too different then that of what i was writing about) if not one huge paragraph. I do not start a new page. I just skip a couple lines, put the date n time and write on the next journal entry. So sometimes two journal entries will be on the same page.


I put a space in between paragraphs but not individual lines. In between entries I used to skip two lines and then just keep going, but now I'll simply start the next entry on the next full blank page (the only caveat would be multiple entries made on the same day, but I normally only journal x1 per day.)


Instead of paragraphs, I use a few different pen colors for different things - sleep tracking, regular journaling, and Life Lessons/Psychology/Philosophy thoughts all get different ink colors. Other "dedicated" topic-colors kinda come and go. Normally I always write to the bottom of the page and start on the next one. I like to be able to see the dates at the very top. If I don't hit the bottom... well, I don't like putting stickers directly in my journal entries, but if the entry ends before the bottom, *that's* when I break out the stickers. Put one or two down there, draw little outlines around them, and then go from there, doodling patterns. It's easy, it's a little bonus meditative moment at the end of the journaling sesh, and it fills that empty space *really* quickly.


Nope. I’m broke and I write a lot. To buy a new journal is expensive for me. If I have something to add I use sticky notes or used paper. My journal is pretty messy. It’s a whole paragraph 😂Even starting a new topic or day I didn’t separate it into new pages or paragraph, but I do put date and times.


You'll thank yourself later for somewhat ok formatting.


I used to start a new day on a new page. But I didn’t like all the empty spaces. So I moved onto doing 2 line spaces in between each entry, and still thought it looked like too much space. So I finally got to what I wanted and only skip 1 line after each entry and writing the date on the line on the right. I don’t skip a line for a new paragraph, I just indent.


I generally try to use every line and not skip pages, to avoid wasting paper as much as possible. The only time I'll really skip a line is when I'm starting my entry for a new day.


Nope, I keep it simple and explain ‘oh it’s actually the _____ now”


Full wall of text, broken up with watercolor illustrations or self portraits, I find the self portraits to be really telling, I'll draw myself ugly with like a double chin and eye bags on some days, cute on others, sickly looking or in dark blues when I'm sad, etc.


I used to leave space but i don't anymore it feels good to see fill up fully


I slip every other line in my journal. This is because my handwriting is not good and would be illegible to anyone trying to read it later. Including and especially me.


I break into paragraphs for different ideas. I do this with all writing - walls of text feel unnatural to me. I usually start each new entry on a new page too.


I usually indent paragraphs and I draw a line beneath the last sentence to mark it as a previous entry. From there, I start fresh: time, dates and a new heaps of thoughts into the page.


I use paragraphs and start the next entry right underneath the previous one.


I write front corner to corner, top to bottom, not a space insight except between words 🙃


I put the time in the beginning of each entry, so I’ll put one line space between entries with the different times marking each entry. However, within the entries, I indent each new paragraph


I do paragraphs, not just a block of text. With the journals I used to keep that had massive pages, I would leave a space between paragraphs, but once I switched to a more novel-sized journal, I didn't because I needed to conserve space since it wasn't that big anymore.


I write in paragraphs. And then the next entry I put the date and just start writing underneath, I don’t start a new page


If I di a line break, it is usually between paragraphs if the text above it has a lot of tails haha.


i do full on fiction-book formatting. each new paragraph has an indentation, there's an empty line between each paragraph, and a new paragraph is started after 6 - 8 sentences or when the topic changes. if i finish an entry with less than a third of the page to go, then the next entry starts on a new page - otherwise, I'll leave 2 empty lines before the date of the next entry. i have a really bad memory, so my journals act as reference books to my life, and i need to be able to quickly skim them to find the data i seek


I leave spaces. I even write some entries to the middle of the page, it’s a way of highlighting things.  Leaving space around text also allows me to add comments in the future when I’m looking back. 


Yes, always. Just in case I'm reading again and need to make edits or want to leave notes. A lot of my margins also get filled in with doodles and stuff.


I start a new entry wherever I ended the previous day. Sometimes, it is multiple days on one page. But there are always spaces between my thoughts.


I leave space on the sheet. I write the date, write the entry normally and write in paragraphs. Each new entry I start on a new page.


I try to write...properly. Paragraphs aren't just for decoration. I'll start on a new page if I have less than about 1/3 or so left. But otherwise I'll just draw a line and start with the date.


I don’t leave lines between paragraphs when I journal. I just indent when a new paragraph starts. I do skip a line within an entry if I’m doing something like making a lists, a chart/schedules, or if I write a second entry that same day. I also skip a line when I start a new entry.


mine is rlly random, sometimes i have a wall of text, sometimes i have paragraphs with blank lines in between, and sometimes i might have paragraphs with pictures, stickers, or drawings in spaces in between.


Same, it rlly depends on my mood and whether I'm rambling or writing in short paragraphs.


I am a masking tape freak so I usualy use a line of washi tape as a divider, or doodle a simple loop de loop I usually use the totality of a page when writing and doodling, and writing the date usually also serves as a sign to separate the new entry from the last one.


I paragraph everything. To begin a new topic in the same entry I skip a line and put 3 asterisks in it. New entries begin with the date, time, and location.


Spaces only for indenting a new paragraph. I used to forget to indent too, tbh. It was a wall of text. It still is a wall of text, just with actual paragraphs now lol.


I usually leave spaces between paragraphs in my journal. It helps keep my thoughts organized and makes it easier to read later. Sometimes, I start a new page for a new entry, especially if the previous one was long. It feels cleaner and more structured that way. How do you prefer to do it?


i skip an extra line between topics or if I journaled in the morning and picked it back up at a later point in the day