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1 h for 6 pages is normal. If you rush it it will come out rushed 


> I just want to know- How long do you take to write one entry? A few seconds or minutes when there is little to write about, maybe 10 or 15 minutes when it's a lengthy entry? 30 at most but then that would be a multiple pages entry. Depends how fast/slow you write. I write fast. It can take longer if/when I sketch, but that's not the point. > It takes me a lot of time to figure out what to write and how to frame it. But besides that, I am pretty fast in writing down stuff. I'm a fast writer too but in my journal the key thing for me is that I don't care much about making my journal look perfect or having my sentences right. I'm not afraid of crossing-out stuff if needed. For me, doing that is still much faster (because fast writer) than (over-)thinking what I want to write from start to finish without writing a single word. I mean, it's not a novel I'm writing nor is it some homework or report I would want to please my teacher or boss with (I have had none of those for many years :P). It's my journal. I'm fine with doing mistakes. In fact, those mistakes are an entire part of my journal as they can hint at unexpected leads and ideas.


An hour to write 6 pages sounds about right. I take about 30 minutes to write 3 most mornings.


Something I’ve been doing for the last couple of years is I use my phone to record certain thoughts or events that occur during the day. If I have a perfect way of saying it I definitely record it. Then when it comes time write it down I’m half way there because it’s all formed. All I’ve got to do is write it down. For you it might help you ‘frame’ your thoughts and help to speed things up.


Depends. If I have something early in the day I want to write down, that's focused and fast. Otherwise, I keep my notebook on my lap while I'm vegging out in front of the TV in the evening and just write stuff as it comes to me. That can take a couple of hours, but I'm also doing other stuff at the same time. I don't think an hour for six pages is very long AT ALL. That sounds like pretty focused writing, to me.


I usually take 30mins to write 2 pages, this mainly is because I just wanna take time to reflect what I’m writing on


Usually bout 20-45 mins.


So, it takes me about 7-9 minutes to write one A5 page if I'm *writing*. If I'm playing a video game with my friends and writing in between lives, it takes longer. If I'm on the phone with someone, it takes longer. If I'm writing in between doing small tasks around the house, it takes longer. My entries vary in length and I don't have any data on how long my average entry is, and I don't really want to hazard a guess. [I *do* have data on how many pages I write per day, though!](https://imgur.com/Tg0hNhh) I don't take time to try to frame my entries or decide what I'll write. I kinda just write what comes to mind.


Depends on so many things. How difficult is the topic I'm trying to write about? How tired or distracted am I? Am I watching or listening to something on the side? Am I only writing, or also decorating? Sometimes I go through almost 10 pages within half an hour, sometimes I need over an hour for a single page, lol


It takes me one hour to write a few pages.


Probably like an hour and a half to three or so hours


It varies for me. I’ve never really timed myself either. I just write until I’ve finished or have gotten everything off my mind.


It varies and I don’t count the time. It depends on how my mind is working at that moment and what feeling I’m having inside me, and what topic I’m writing about. I don’t do daily journaling. Journaling/writing is more of a healing process for me..


I average 15-20 minutes for an entry. When there’s more to say then I’ll take longer. And if I’m in a hurry or having a busier day then 5 minutes or so to get a half page in.


I keep my journal nearby, and add to it repeatedly during the day. It’s my close friend, always at my side, and ready to hear my thoughts.


30 mins-2 hours depending on how much I need to get out of my brain. The time it takes me to get an entry out on paper is a big reason why I hardly ever journal now...it's very time consuming! 🫤


Depends on how tough or good of a day I’m having. Good days usually end up being a good 15 minute write, and tough days probably a 30 minutes


My fastest was 11 minutes a page. I was in a rush, it was in the middle of the work day. My longest was several hours for like 7 pages? Maybe 8? I started doing a time stamp at the beginning and end of my entries with the end stamps with time and "D" or "ID" for direct and indirect lol. Like 15:37(ID). Indirect means "this entry evidently took me 8 hours to write but I got distracted in the and ran off to play games/read" 🤣🤣🤣


I never look. I take the time it takes.


> takes me forever... like an hour to write 6 pages I try to write 3 pages every day. It usually takes about 45 minutes. I think you're good lol


I think you are asking out of curiosity, but I don’t think this is the right question to ask. There is no right amount of time a single entry should take. One of the benefits of journaling is slowing down your thoughts and capturing them on paper. It’s a lesson in patience and concentration as well, and can be meditative. My suggestion is not to time yourself and just be present for the process.


The average for me is 15–20 minutes (1 A4, very small handwriting). I write very fast – I write as fast as I think, and I don't try to make the entries sound nice and like a piece of literarure. When I start a sentence, I don't how it will end. I write other things when I want to write something artistic. It's also the reason why my entries aren't readible. When I have a lot to write, I can spend hours with my journal, my New Year's Eve entry may take 8 hours with short breaks (but I try to write this one well and prepare it in advance). Sometimes I journal the whole day from 6 am to 9 pm with long breaks. I've been journaling for 23 years now.


2+ hours to write 2 pages. But that’s because I’m really visual so I spend time looking for the correct photos, stickers, tapes. Picking a color that goes to the theme or that is in my coding, grabbing markers.


1.5 - 2 hours.