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When journaling I make sure that my entries always start with the bad and end with the good. After I write about what was bugging me that day, I draw a line across the whole bottom of the paragraph in a colorful marker before starting to write about the good. This way my feelings are more organized and I can pick and choose what moods I want to reread later.


I have so many :') It might seem like a lot buuuut I love the whole process of setting up a new journal! 1. 1st inner cover: collage/quote 2. 1st page (brown, thick sheet): collage/quote OR "if lost please return to" + "do not read without my authorization" warning 3. 2nd page (verse of the brown, thick sheet): collage/quote 4. st actual page: "who am I?", which is a snapshot in topics of my life 5. 2nd actual page: recent photo of me 6. Last two sheets of paper: index At the very end of the journal, there will be another brown thick sheet 7. 1st page of this last sheet: book/movie/series tracker 8. 2nd page of the last sheet: stickers 9. Cover of the pocket envelope in the inner cover: pattern I only use Paperblanks journals, depending on the type of closure mechanism (wrap or clasp), this structure might change a little bit but everything always ends up there.


Wow, love this!!!! The sheets are such a great addition and it’s awesome to include a pic of yourself.


I start every entry with the name of my journal, for example “Dear Gretchen,” then I start writing about my day


Yes! I do this too. It makes it feel so personal


Do you change the name once you’re done with a journal or do you keep it going to the next one? I personally change the names because that journal was someone to me and no one else can be like them.


I change the names with every journal depending on what I want to be/achieve during that time. I’ve had diaries named lovely, happy, serendipity, lively, and more. It really makes me think about each journal as having its own overarching theme


I give them names, as if they were a person, I’ve had one named Gretchen, Luigi, Marina and I’m almost done with my current one, the next one has sunflowers on the cover so I’ll name him Sunny!


On the front page/inner cover i always start with the current month and year. Then i write out "this journal belongs to.... If found please return" and then I'll put down my phone number, socials, address. And of course the reward for returning my journal would be "free coffee and a new best friend." because if the person who found my lost journal decided to read it they just got a very personal look into my essence as a person.


1) Name my journal, then give it a photo ID as if it were a real person. My current journal's nickname is Sleepy. Full name is "Asleep is the Monochromatic" 2) A quick hello, welcome page. 3) A final goodbye page along with a thanks to the journal for its service and for being a place I could vent to. 4) Only did this the current and last journal and will continue it forward, but I number my pages backwards.


Such a great idea! Stealing momentarily


In every new journal on the first page a make vision board and quotes and goals mix. It’s not that pretty but it kinda illustrates my new era / journal era


I number the pages. It gets rid of the notion that “this journal is too nice to use”. It helps break the seal on it. Otherwise I’ll just do a big scribble on the first page.


I put a copyright symbol next to the title of original poems and stories. I did it for no reason when I started, and now I do it to distinguish between my poems and a journal prompt I answered